Wildung, Dietrich 11 Schoske, Sylvia 8 Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst (Bavaria, Germany) 8 Matḥaf al-Miṣrī 7 Brooklyn Museum, 6 Wildung, Dietrich, 6 Ziegler, Christiane 6 Liepe, Jürgen 5 Museo egizio di Torino 5 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 5 Tiradritti, Francesco 5 Aldred, Cyril, 4 Bianchi, Robert Steven, 1943- 4 Fischer, Henry George, 4 Grimm, Alfred, 1953- 4 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 4 Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Āthār (Egypt) 4 Matḥaf al-Uqṣur lil-Fann al-Miṣrī al-Qadīm 4 Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) 4 Musée du Louvre 4 Ny Carlsberg glyptotek 4 Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 4 Robins, Gay, 4 Schäfer, Heinrich, 1868-1957, 4 Smith, William Stevenson 4 Tiradritti, Francesco, 4 Ziegler, Christiane, 4 Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Berlin, Germany) 4 British Museum 3 Brooklyn Museum 3 Brunner-Traut, Emma, 3 Curto, Silvio, 3 Eggebrecht, Arne 3 Fazzini, Richard A., 3 Hawass, Zahi A. 3 Hawass, Zahi A., 3 James, T. G. H. 3 Kestner-Museum 3 Manniche, Lise, 3 Michael C. Carlos Museum 3 Michałowski, Kazimierz, 3 Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités égyptiennes 3 Prisse d'Avennes, 1807-1879, 3 Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum 3 Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène 3 Saleh, Mohamed, 3 Schoske, Sylvia, 3 Simpson, William Kelly 3 Simpson, William Kelly, 3 Sourouzian, Hourig 3 Van Siclen, Charles Cornell, 3 Wenig, Steffen, 3 Wiese, André, 1963- 3 Ägyptisches Museum Berlin (Germany : West) 3 Aldred, Cyril 2 Andreu, Guillemette 2 Arnold, Dorothea, 2 Assmann, Jan, 2 Atiya, Farid S. 2 Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe 2 Baines, John, 1946- 2 Barbotin, Christophe 2 Beaux, Nathalie, editor. Grimal, Nicolas-Christophe, editor. Schiff Giorgini, Michela, 1923-1978 2 Beck, Herbert, 1941- 2 Blottière, Alain, 1954- 2 Boeser, Pieter Adriaan Aart, 1858-1935 2 Bol, Peter 2 Boreux, Charles, 2 Bothmer, Bernard V., 1912-1993, 2 British Museum. Department of Egyptian Antiquities 2 CAA-Komitee 2 Capart, Jean, 1877-1947 2 D'Amicone, Elvira, 2 D'Auria, Sue 2 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Abteilung Kairo 2 Dewachter, Michel, 2 Dziewanowski, Andrzej 2 Eggebrecht, Arne, 2 El-Shahawy, Abeer, 2 Farsen, Patrick, 2 Fiechter, Jean-Jacques, 2 Fondation égyptologique reine Elisabeth 2 Freed, Rita E, 2 Freed, Rita E. 2 Gharīb, Samīr, 2 Gubel, E. 2 Hirmer, Max, 1893- 2 Houston Museum of Natural Science 2 Hudáková, Lubica, 2 Hölzl, Regina 2 Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 2 Jørgensen, Mogens, 2 Kiser-Go, Deanna, 2 Klebs, L. 1865-1931, 2 Köhler, E. Christiana, 2 La Farge, Henry Adams, 1902- 2 Lange, Kurt, 1919- 2 Leclant, Jean 2 Leospo, Enrica, 2 Liptay, Éva 2