De Romanis, Federico, 3 McLaughlin, Raoul, 3 Sidebotham, Steven E., 3 Breccia, Alessandro, 2 Cahen, Claude 2 Casson, Lionel, 1914-2009 2 Clément, R. 2 Copeland, Penny 2 Konestra, Ana, 2 Köster, August, 1873-1935, 2 Leemans, W. F., 2 Lewis, Archibald R. 1914-1990, 2 Lund, John, 1951- 2 Madkūr, Ibrāhīm 2 Makhzūmī, Abū al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn ʻUthmān, 1118-1189, 2 Meloy, John Lash, 2 Muʼtamar Majmaʿ al-Lughah al-ʿArabīyah (Cairo, Egypt) Cairo, Egypt), 2 Parry, J. H. 1914-1982, 2 Prinz, Hugo, 1883-1934, 2 Rāġib, Yūsuf, 2 Villing, Alexandra, 2 Abū al-Najā, al-Sayyid Ṣādiq 1 Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip Isaac, 1970- 1 Adelson, Howard L., 1 Alexandridou, Alexandra-Fani, 1980- 1 American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt 1 American academy in Rome 1 Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History University of Barcelona, Spain), 1 Archibald, Zosia H., 1954- 1 Arnaud, Jean-Luc 1 Arnaud, Pascal, 1958- 1 Arrian, 1 Aubet, María Eugenia, 1 Baroni, Anne-Florence 1 Behrens-Abouseif, Doris 1 Belfiore, Stefano, 1 Beltrán Lloris, Miguel, 1 Bernal-Casasola, Darío, 1 Besse, Marie, 1 Blue, Lucy Katherine 1 Boissière, Tierry 1 Bonifay, Michel, 1957- 1 Borzić, Anamarija Eterović, 1 Borzić, Igor, 1 Bovill, E.W., 1 Boyar, Ebru, 1 British Museum 1 COBB, MATTHEW A. 1 Cappers, Réne T.J., 1 Centre d'études Préhistoire-Antiquité-Moyen Age 1 Ceramics and Atlantic Connections (Conference) Univeristy of Newcastle), 1 Charlesworth, M.P. 1895-1950, 1 Chen, Beichen, 1985- 1 Chicago. University. Haskell Oriental Museum 1 Chiera, Edward, 1885-1933 1 Cirelli, Enrico, 1 Columbia university. Library 1 Cox, Alison, 1977- 1 Crone, Patricia, 1945-2015 1 Culican, William, 1 Cunningham, W.‪ 1849-1919, 1 David, Jean-Claude, 1 De Caso Bernal, Mercedes, 1 De Romanis, Federico 1 Demetriou, Denise, 1976- 1 Denoix, Sylvie 1 Depaule, Jean-Charles 1 Devesa, Arnau Lario, 1 Dixneuf, Delphine, 1 Douin, Georges, 1 Duggan, Maria 1 Early Maritime Cultures in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean (Conference) University of Wisconsin-Madison), 1 Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey 1 Egypt. Wizārat al-Maʿārif al-ʿUmūmīyah 1 Empereur, J.-Y. 1 Europarat. Study Group on Physical, Chemical, Biological and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology 1 Evans, J. A. S. 1931- 1 Fernández García, Ma. Isabel 1 Fleet, Kate, 1 France. Consulat. Alexandria 1 Franzmeier, Henning, 1 François, Véronique, 1 Gassend, Jean-Marie 1 Gelb, Ignace J. 1907-1985, 1 Gharipour, Mohammad, 1 Ghurbāl, Muḥammad Shafīq, 1894-1961 1 Glazier, Darren 1 Goitein, Shelomo Dov,‏ 1900-1985, 1 Golvin, Jean-Claude 1 Grimal, Nicolas-Christophe 1 Grimal, Nicolas-Christophe, 1 Gronlund Evers, Kasper, 1 Grønlund Evers, Kasper, 1 Guilaine, Jean, 1 Guo, Li, 1 Guo, Li, 1956- 1 Hackens, Tony, 1939- 1 Hanna, Nelly, 1 Hannī, Muṣṭafá, 1 Hardy, Malcolm Scott, 1