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La passion de l'imam Hosseyn : drame persan /

: Title on added title page : Shahādat-i Ha̤zrat-i Imām Ḥusayn. : 45, [3], 60 pages ; 24 cm.

The Mathnawí of Jalálu'ddín Rúmí /

: Translation of : Mas̲navī. : volumes ; 26 cm. : wafaa.lib.

Published 1934
Kitāb Tatimmat al-Yatīmah /

: 2 volumes ; 22 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Published 1960
Rāḥat al-ṣudūr wa-āyat al-surūr : fī tārīkh al-dawlah al-Saljūqīyah /

: Translation of: Rāḥat al-ṣudūr va āyat al-surūr. : 680 Pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1945
Ḥadāʼiq al-siḥr fī daqāʼiq al-shiʻr /

: Translated from Persian into Arabic by Ibrāhīm Amīn al-Shawāribī. : 208 pages ; 27 cm.

Published 2019
Mathnawi-yi maʿnawī. Volume 2 : mujallad-i duvum daftar-i sivum u chahārum /

: The founder of the Mawlawiyya order of dervishes, Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (d. 672/1273) is the most celebrated and widely quoted mystical poet of the Persianate world. Born in Balkh in 604/1207, he was still a child when his father, a preacher, emigrated westwards with his family, moving to Malaṭya, Sivas, Akshehir, Larende and, finally, Konya. It was in Konya that Rūmī, who had also received a regular education, met the people who would give his life a decisive turn towards mysticism: first, his father's former pupil Sayyid Burhān al-Dīn Muḥaqqiq (d. 637/1239-40) and then, most of all, the celebrated mystic Shams al-Dīn Tabrīzī (d. 645/1247). Rūmī's Mathnawi-yi maʿnawī is a didactic poem inspired by his favourite student Ḥusām al-Dīn Čelebi (d. 683/1284). Composed in six fascicles ( daftar ), it took several years to complete. The edition printed here is an enhanced version of the one by Nicholson, with Nicholson's introductory essays and notes translated into Persian. 4 vols; volume 2.
: Ākhirīn taṣḥīḥ-i Raynūld A. Nīkulsūn va muqābalah-ʼi mujaddad bā nuskhah-i Qūnīyah. : 1 online resource. : 9789004406322

Published 2019
Dīwān-i Imāmī Hirawī /

: Abdallāh Imāmī Hirawī was born Herat where he grew up and received his education. Besides being a poet he possessed a wide knowledge in the sciences of his time and was respected for his learning. Like so many intellectuals and literary figures of his day, Imāmī led an itinerant life, moving from court to court, from patron to patron. Leaving Herat before 627/1229-30, we find him praise the Qarākhitāy rulers of Kirman, religious dignitaries and members of the Atabak court of Yazd, and also Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad (d. 678/1279), the governor of Isfahan, ʿIrāq-i ʿAjam and Yazd. In between literary patrons, Imāmī was also a judge in his hometown of Herat, dying in Isfahan in 686/1287. Praised by the poet laureate of the Atabak rulers of Fārs, Majd al-Dīn Hamgar (d. 686/1287), as being even better than Saʿdī (d. 691/1292), Imāmī's work shows the influence of the Khurāsānī and ʿIrāqī traditions in Persian poetry.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004406520

Published 2019
Arj nama-yi Malik al-Shuʿarāʾ Bahār /

: Muḥammad Taqī "Malik al-shuʿarāʾ" Bahār (d. 1951) was a poet, a philologist and editor of ancient Persian texts, a publicist, and also a political activist. Born in Mashhad in 1856 and writing poetry since he was seven, he inherited the honorific title of poet laureate of Āstān-i Quds from his father, Malik al-shuʿarāʾ Ṣabūrī, in 1903. Malik al-shuʿarāʾ Bahār was active in the constitutional movement at the beginning of the twentieth century. He published activist poetry, was involved in various reformist newspapers and magazines, and saw the inside of a prison more than once, both in Qajar times and under Reza Shah. The present work is a collection of articles and documents in honour of Malik al-shuʿarāʾ Bahār with a focus on his significance as a philologist. Includes the first edition of his autobiography (in two versions), a bibliography, and a series of articles by various scholars in appreciation of his work as a philologist.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404830

Published 2019
Jangnāma-yi Kishm wa Jarūnnāma /

: For over a hundred years, between 1507 and 1622, the island of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf was in the hands of the Portuguese. It was only under Shāh ʿAbbās I that the Safavids were able to recapture Hormuz and the neighbouring island of Qishm, under the leadership of general Imām Qulī Khān and with the unexpected help of some forces of the British East India Company that happened to be in the area at the time. The two epic poems from the 11th/17th century published in this volume, one by an otherwise unknown 'Qadrī' and the other by an anonymous author, deal with the recapture of Qishm and Hormuz under Imām Qulī Khān. While not of high literary quality, the poems show some interesting local and historical features, especially the longer one on Hormuz whose author had a great admiration of Imām Qulī Khān, whom he appears to have known personally.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404663

Published 2019
Rustam nāma : Dāstān-i manẓūm-i Musalmān shudan-i Rustam bih dast-i Imām ʿAlī ('alayhi al-salām) bih inḍimām-i Muʿjiz-nāma-yi Mawlā-yi muttaqiyān /

: In his Meccan days Muḥammad's message was rejected by many as a threat to the values and interests of the community. Among his opponents, there was a merchant called Naḍr b. Ḥārith. From his visits to the city of Ḥīra in Mesopotamia, a cultural melting-pot of Iranian, Christian, and pagan Arab beliefs and traditions, he had brought back stories from Iranian folklore, especially about Rustam and Isfandyār, with which he tried to attract the attention of those listening to Muḥammad's speeches, away from the latter's revolutionary message. This explains why the religious elite of the Persianate world rejected Iranian epic folklore as contrary to the message of Shīʿī Islam, Rustam in particular being viewed as incompatibele with the person of Imam ʿAlī. But folklore being difficult to eradicate, Rustam was often depicted as a Muslim convert and enemy-turned-friend of ʿAlī, like in this poem from Safavid times. A miracle story involving ʿAlī accompanies it.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004405042

Published 2019
Tarwīḥ al-arwāḥ fī tahdhīb al-Ṣiḥāḥ : Muʿjam muhadhdhab al-Ṣiḥāḥ u al-Mujallad al-awwal wal-thānī /

: The history of Arabic lexicography is long and extremely varied. But no matter what dictionary one is looking at, it is always organized in a certain way and always has a certain level of detail. Thus, some of the early dictionaries centered around one or more particular themes, such as insects or weapons. Other dictionaries - the majority - brought together any word material, irrespective of subject or theme. Some dictionaries offered a lot of material in explanation of some term while others offered less. Abū Naṣr al-Jawharī's (d. 393/1003) famous Tāj al-lugha wa-ṣiḥāḥ al-ʿArabiyya is an example of an early dictionary which offered a lot of detailed explanations. The earliest abbreviation of it and indeed the earliest abbreviation of any medieval Arabic dictionary, was the work by Shihāb al-Dīn Zanjānī (d. 656/1258) contained in this volume. Long believed to have been lost, it is published here for the very first time.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004405660

Published 2019
Maḥakk-i Khusrawī /

: When the founder of the Qajar dynasty of Iran, Āqā Muḥammad Khān Qājār (r. 1789-97), conquered the capital of Georgia Tiflis in 1795, two infant sons of the defeated king Heraclius II were captured. Of these, the eldest died on the way. The other, Khusraw Khān, the later Mīrzā Khusraw Bayg Gurjī (d. 1277/1860), was taken back to Tehran by the commander of the Persian forces, Ḥājjī Ibrāhīm, who treated him as if he were his own child, calling him Mīrzā. When Ḥājjī Ibrāhīm was executed in 1803 on the orders of Fatḥ ʿAlī Shāh (d. 1249/1834), Mīrzā Khusraw first lived with a family in Shiraz and then, in 1805, he was adopted by the childless Talpur ruler of Sind, Mīr Karam ʿAlī Khān (r. 1227-44/1812-28). It is there at the court in Hyderabad that he developed into a refined man of letters and where he compiled this poetical anthology, then only 27 years old.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004405776

Published 2019
Sharḥ-i Naẓm al-durr : Sharḥ-i qaṣīda-yi tāʾiyya-yi kubrā-yi Ibn-i Fāriḍ /

: Ibn al-Fāriḍ (d. 632/1235) is arguably the greatest mystical poet in the history of Arabic literature. Born in Cairo and a student of Shāfiʿī law and ḥadīth in his younger years, he turned to mysticism, living a solitary existence on Cairo's Muqaṭṭam hills, in the desert, and in the Hijaz. After his return to Cairo, people worshipped him as a saint, and even today admirers still visit his tomb. Ibn Turka Iṣfahānī (d. 835/1432) stemmed from a well-educated family in Isfahan. A survivor of Tīmūr Lang's (d. 807/1405) massacre of the population of Isfahan in 789/1387, he first studied the Islamic sciences with his elder brother in Samarqand, after which he went on a study tour which took him to such great scholars as Shams al-Dīn Fanārī (d. 834/1451) and Sirāj al-Dīn al-Bulqīnī (d. 805/1403). A specialist of mysticism in its relation to philosophy and Islam, this is his commentary on Ibn al-Fāriḍ's al-Tāʾiyya al-kubrā.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404632

Published 2019
Sullam al-samawāt /

: In the Persianate world, encyclopaedias have a long history. Arabic works by Persian authors aside (like Ibn Farīghūn's Jāmiʿ al-ʿulūm , 4th/10th century), the earliest encyclopaedia in Persian is Avicenna's (d. 428/1037) philosophical Dānishnāma-yi ʿAlāʾī . Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī's (d. 606/1210) Jāmiʿ al-'ulūm on the other hand, is an encyclopaedia on everything there was to know at the time. Philosophical encyclopaedias would usually divide into logic, physics and metaphysics, more general encyclopaedias into the pre-Islamic and Islamic sciences, also called the rational ( ʿaqlī ) and traditional ( naqlī ) sciences, even if a strict separation was not always maintained. In addition, there were also specialized encyclopaedias like Ibn Ḥusayn Jurjānī's medical Dhākhira-yi Khwārazmshāhī (early 6th/12th century). The content of encyclopaedias often being dependent on the author's interests and intellectual horizon, no universal format exists. The present work by Abū Qāsim Kāzarūnī (fl. early 11th/17th century) is an example of a very personal encyclopaedia, treating of religion, philosophy, and literature.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404939

Published 2019
Naqd wa bar rasī-yi Āthār u sharḥ-i aḥwāl-i Jāmī /

: Regarded by many as the last great mystical poet of medieval Persia, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī (d. 898/1492) spent the greater part of his life in Herat. As a student, he excelled in every subject he engaged in and appeared destined for an academic career. But then, in his early thirties, he went through a spiritual crisis that ended in him joining the Herat branch of the mystical Naqshbandiyya order, led by the charismatic Saʿd al-Dīn Kāshgharī (d. 860/1456). A protégé of three successive Timurid rulers in Herat, Jāmī's wide network of friendships and relations extended from spiritual and literary circles through the political to the academic. With 39.000 lines of verse and over 30 prose works to his name, Jāmī's literary production is quite overwhelming. The present volume by Aʿlākhān Afṣaḥzād contains an in-depth study of his life, work and significance, concluded by a two hundred-page analysis of his famous Laylī u Majnūn.
: Series taken from jacket. : 1 online resource. : 9789004402478

Published 2019
Sharḥ-i akhbār u abyāt u amthāl-i ʿArabi-yi Kalīla wa Dimna : Dū sharḥ az Faḍlallāh ʿUthmān b. Muḥammad al-Isfizārī wa muʾallifī nā shinākhta /

: Throughout history, Indian culture has had the interest of the Persians. At the time of the Sasanids (3rd-7th cent. CE) for instance, Sanskrit works on astronomy were translated into Pehlavi. Centuries later, in the early ʿAbbāsid period, a number of astronomers with a Persian background used information from these very same sources in writing their own books in Arabic. Besides scientific works, spiritual and ethical texts were also translated. An example is the famous collection of animal fables called Kalila and Dimna , which go back to the lost Sanskrit Pañcatantra . An equally lost Middle Persian translation of this work was rendered into Arabic several times, but the translation by Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ (d. ca. 139/757) proved most influential and formed the basis of the famous Persian translation by Naṣrallāh Munshī (6th/12th cent.). On this latter translation, two Persian commentaries from the 7th/13th century survive. A critical edition of both is offered in this volume.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004402751

Published 2019
Khulāṣat al-ashʿār wa-zubdat al-afkār. Volume 6.2 : Bakhsh-i Iṣfahān /

: In Persian literature, tadhkira ('note', 'memorandum') works are for the most part collections of biographies of poets, combined with selections from their writings. The earliest such work is Dawlatshāh Samarqandī's Tadhkirat al-shuʿarāʾ (completed in 892/1487), which set a standard for posterity. The tadhkira genre was especially popular in the 10th/16th century and following. The work by Mīr Taqī al-Dīn Kāshānī (alive in 1016/1607) published here is an important example of this. It consists of an introduction, four divisions, and an epilogue ( khātima ), six volumes in all. From among these volumes, the epilogue listing some 394 poets from specific cities and regions in the Persianate world, many of whom were contemporaries of the author, is of special interest. Having met with many of them on his literary travels, their biographies contain a lot of information on the social and cultural climate of the time, besides new poets and poems. This volume: 6.2, Isfahan.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404694

Published 2019
Farhang-i Jāmiʿ al-lughāt : Farhang-i manẓūm /

: The history of Arabic and Persian lexicography is long and extremely varied. But no matter what dictionary one is looking at, it is always organized in a certain way and always has a certain level of detail. Thus, some of the early Arabic dictionaries centered around one or more particular themes, such as insects or weapons. Other dictionaries, and this the majority, brought together any word material, irrespective of subject or theme. Besides, some dictionaries offered a lot of material in explanation of some term while others offered less. And then, some dictionaries contained explanations or samples in verse rather than prose. Examples of the latter in Persian are Ibrāhīm Qawām Fārūqī's Sharafnāma-yi Manyarī (877/1472) and the Lughat-i Furs by the poet Abū Naṣr Asadī Ṭūsī (d. 465/1072). The dictionary edited here for the very first time stands in this same tradition. Composed in the 10th/16th century, in contains 1600 entries in Persian and Arabic.
: Versified dictionary (in Persian) containing Persian terms and their Arabic equivalents. : 1 online resource. : 9789004405820

Published 2019
Mathnawi-yi maʿnawī. Volume 4 : mujallad-i chahārum kashf al-abyāt va namāyahā /

: The founder of the Mawlawiyya order of dervishes, Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (d. 672/1273) is the most celebrated and widely quoted mystical poet of the Persianate world. Born in Balkh in 604/1207, he was still a child when his father, a preacher, emigrated westwards with his family, moving to Malaṭya, Sivas, Akshehir, Larende and, finally, Konya. It was in Konya that Rūmī, who had also received a regular education, met the people who would give his life a decisive turn towards mysticism: first, his father's former pupil Sayyid Burhān al-Dīn Muḥaqqiq (d. 637/1239-40) and then, most of all, the celebrated mystic Shams al-Dīn Tabrīzī (d. 645/1247). Rūmī's Mathnawi-yi maʿnawī is a didactic poem inspired by his favourite student Ḥusām al-Dīn Čelebi (d. 683/1284). Composed in six fascicles ( daftar ), it took several years to complete. The edition printed here is an enhanced version of the one by Nicholson, with Nicholson's introductory essays and notes translated into Persian. 4 vols; volume 4.
: Ākhirīn taṣḥīḥ-i Raynūld A. Nīkulsūn va muqābalah-ʼi mujaddad bā nuskhah-i Qūnīyah. : 1 online resource. : 9789004406346

Published 2019
Sām-nāma /

: In Persian literary history, Firdawsī's (d. 411/1020) Shāh-nāma , the famous masnavi composed in celebration of the history of the kings and dynasties of Persia, is the archetypal epic poem. After the Shāh-nāma , many other epic poems saw the light, among them Asadī Ṭūsī's Garshāsp-nāma (dated 458/1066) and Īrānshāh b. Abi ʼl-Khayr's Bahman-nāma (dated 501/1107-08), but also Shīʿī adaptations celebrating the wondrous exploits of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib and the beginnings of Shīʿism, such as Rabīʿ's ʿAlī-nāma (dated 482/1089) or Ibn Ḥusām's Khawarān-nāma (completed in 830/1427). The present masnavi is an example of an epic poem in the form of a romance, turning around the love of Sām, the grandfather of Rustam, for the daughter of the emperor of China. Previously ascribed to the 8th/14th-century poet Khwāju-yi Kirmānī, it has now been established that it is a product of later Persian folklore, blending parts of Kirmānī's Humāy u Humāyūn with elements from other tales and romances.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004406247