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Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 69 (APRIL 1969)

: The officers and the Board of Directors of the American Research Center in Egypt once more have the sad duty of announcing to the members the death of one of the founders of the Center, its first President, Edward Waldo Forbes, who died on March 11, 1969, in his ninety-sixth year. Few men have had as long or as distinguished a career in the fine arts as had Mr. Forbes. He was, as is generally known, Director of the William Hayes Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University for thirty-five years. Under his leadership that museum became internationally known, not only for its collections but as a training school for young men and women who intended to devote their lives to research, teaching, and museum work. He and Professor Paul D. Sachs probably did more than any other two persons in the United States towards raising museum careers from an amateur to a professional basis.

Published 2021
Newsletter,14 january 1953

: The Annual Meeting of the Center was duly held on November 18و 19,2, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, One hundred and six members were present or represented by proxy and Mr. Forbes presided.

Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 32 (December, 1958)

: This Newsletter contains the report of the Annual Meeting. Following a custom inaugurated last year, it will begin with the report of the President, Mr. Edward W. Forbes. This will be followed by letters from the Fellows of the Center at present in Cairo and by other archaeological notes, and these, in turn, will be followed by the detailed reports made to members present at the Annual Meeting of November 18.

Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 50 (December, 1963)

: The Annual Meeting of Members of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., was called to order in the Trustees1 Room of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, on November 16, 1963, at 3:10 P.M., with Dr. William Stevenson Snith, President, in the chair and lf>h members present in person or by proxy. It was particularly gratifying to the President and the members participating in the meeting to have the Honorary President, Mr. Edward W. Forbes, in active attendance.

Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 36 (December, 1959)

: Appended to this Newsletter are the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on November 17. Members who were not present at the meeting are urged to read them with care. It may not be amiss, however, before presenting the communications received from this year's Fellows in Egypt, to draw attention to some of the points raised by the President of the Center, Mr. Edward W. Forbes, in his report to the meeting.

Published 2021
Newsletter,20 nobamber 1951

: The Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., was held this day at four o’clock p٠m. in the Trustees Room of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mr. Forbes, President, ئ the chair and present also twenty-one members. Total membership being -60و there being present 22 members and represented by proxy 70 members, a majority was present and represented at the meeting. It was VOTED to dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting.

Published 2021
Newsletter,11 december 1953

: The meeting was called to order at 2:35 P٠M٠ by the President, Mr. Edward w. Forbes. One hundred and thirty-four members were represented at the meeting by proxy or in person. It was VOTED to dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting and to accept them as printed. At the invitation of the President, the Treasurer, Mr. Keller, read his Report which was accepted by VOTE. It was placed on file* here follows a summary of the Boston account (the report on the Cairo account having been delayed in the mail)

Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 44 (December, 1961)

: The Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., held at the Museum of Fine Arts on Wednesday, November 15, 1961, was attended in person by forty-four members, with an additional 89 represented by proxy, bringing the total to 133» The open sessions, at which papers were presented, were attended by an estimated 15>0 persons, some of whom expressed their interest by joining the Center. The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by the President, Edward W. Forbes, to whose long leadership and wise counsel the Center has been greatly indebted from the time of its foundation. He presented the following report:

Published 2021
Newsletter,4 Septemper 1953

: The following is quoted from Professor Jeffery’s letter of June 23rd to Edward w٠ Forbes, announcing his arrival in Cairo: «It was a most uneventful journey across, with not a single day that had more than a ripple on the water، The boat was comfortably full, but not crowded• Seme twenty-five passengers were taking the cruise,—that Is, returning to New York on the same ship• The majority of passengers, however, seemed to be disembarking at Beirut• For same of them Beirut was only a landing point from which they would continue their journey، Several were going on from there to Baghdad, and we had one Afghan physician, who had been for a course in