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Published 2000
Die Relativität der Grenzen : Studien zur Philosophie Wittgensteins /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004458338

Published 1994
Kunst und Ontologie : Für Roman Ingarden zum 100. Geburtstag /

: This collection of 12 essays at the 100th anniversary of Roman Ingarden is to show the actuality of the outstanding Polish representative of twentieth century philosophy. The authors take up Ingarden's main philosophical topics and, accordingly, deal with phenomenological and ontological problems on the various modes of givenness and existence in the wide range of real and intentional being, true and fictional existence, and they devote particular interest to Ingarden's conception of reality as well as to his aesthetics and theory of arts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004455740

Published 2006
Freiheit und Prädetermination unter dem Auspiz der prästabilierten Harmonie : Leibniz und Fichte in der Perspektive /

: Dieses Werk stellt das Denken zweier Geistesgrößen, Leibnizens und Fichtes sich gegenüber und vergleicht es. Fichte sieht in Leibniz einen Vorläufer und erwähnt ihn mit liebevoller Bewunderung. Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1801/02 wird Leibnizens "Monadologie" aufgreifen und Leibnizens Gedanken einer prästabilierten Harmonie. Beide Philosophen verstehen sich als Freiheitsapostel, wobei bei Leibniz Gott eine genaue Notion jedes Individuums hat, die Freiheit ein mentaler Akt ist, bei Fichte jedes Individuum ein je bestimmtes Soll hat, das es, Freiheit verwirklichend, im Leben zu erfüllen gilt. Fichte erkennt in Leibniz einen Vorläufer der eigenen Transzendentalphilosophie. Ein Unterschied zwischen den beiden Denkern besteht darin, dass Leibniz stets die Individualität im Auge hat, wo Fichte vom reinen Vernunftwesen ausgeht, dessen individuelle Pathologien ihn nicht interessieren. Beide Philosophen supponieren, dass die Welt ein Ende habe, Leibniz, auf dass das Weltgericht stattfinden könne, Fichte, auf dass in einer neuen Welt nur noch die sittlichen Individuen wiedergeboren werden. Der vorliegende Text versucht auch, den Bogen zu schlagen von der philosophischen Tradition des Abendlandes, und insbesondere von Leibniz, Kant und Fichte zu einer Gotteslehre auf Grund der modernen Physik. Die hochenergetische Urmaße wird gefasst als psychophysische Energeia, die sich - im Leibnizschen Sinne Wissen, Macht und Wollen - aus dem Nichts kontrahiert hat und nun ins All explodiert. In der Kontraktion aus dem ursprünglich Verwobenen hat das Absolute sich vom Nichts, das Gute sich vom Bösen geschieden, entsteht das Übel als privatio boni.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789401203562

Published 2023
The Aesthetics of Taste: Eating within the Realm of Art /

: When does eating become art? The Aesthetics of Taste answers this question by exploring the position of taste in contemporary culture and the manner in which taste meanders its way into the realm of art. The argument identifies aesthetic values not only in artistic practices, where they are naturally expected, but also in the spaces of everydayness that seem far removed from the domain of fine arts. As such, it seeks to grasp what artists - who offer aesthetic as well as culinary experiences - actually try to communicate, while also pondering whether a cook can be an artist.
: 1 online resource : 9789004534926

Published 2023
Recalling Masaryk's The Czech Question : Humanity and Politics on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century /

: This book presents T. G. Masaryk's efforts to shape the identity of a small nation in late the 19th and early 20th century. It features contributions from leading Czech scholars who analyse Masaryk's efforts 120 years later. Masaryk is considered the most important figure in modern Czech history. Drawing on the ideas of his ideological predecessors and humanists, he wanted to integrate the Czech nation into the family of advanced world nations in line with international intellectual trends. Masaryk was the first in world history to fulfil the Platonic ideal of a philosopher who founded a state.
: 1 online resource : 9789004534902

Published 2023
First Nature. The Problem of Nature in the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty /

: This book explores a radically integrative phenomenology of nature through the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. By revisiting novel empirical findings in the sciences and advances in scientific methods and concepts, Merleau-Ponty leads us to rediscover a first nature right at the heart of the subject. Alessio Rotundo traces and documents the presence of a double meaning of nature affecting Merleau-Ponty's analyses across foundational aspects of human experience: sense perception, organic development and behavior, cognition, language, and history. Physical, biological, and psychological processes in nature are not merely scientific data; they provide the evidence for another, more primordial sense of nature.
: 1 online resource (258 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004548947

Published 2023
L'ontologie de Nicolas d'Autrécourt /

: Nicolas d'Autrécourt (c. 1298-1369) est l'un des penseurs les plus audacieux de l'histoire de la philosophie, et Zénon Kaluza, qui lui a consacré près de trente ans d'études, nous le fait découvrir par ses sources, ses doctrines et ses manuscrits. Ce livre propose notamment des analyses sur des thèmes importants (tels que la perception, la causalité finale, les catégories ou l'éternité du monde) ainsi qu'une nouvelle édition des Prologues de l'Exigit ordo, enrichie d'un commentaire suivi. Les études-dont certaines sont parues mais difficiles d'accès et d'autres sont inédites-dévoilent la figure d'un philosophe désirant de libérer la philosophie des contraintes institutionnelles et de critiquer la métaphysique d'Aristote, au risque de bouleverser les traditions, de contredire les dogmes de la foi et se voir condamner par les autorités théologiques de son temps. Nicolas d'Autrécourt (c. 1298-1369) is one of the most daring thinkers in the history of philosophy, and Zénon Kaluza, who has devoted to him nearly thirty years of study, presents him to us through his sources, his doctrines and his manuscripts. The reader will find studies on some of the most relevant philosophical doctrines (such as perception, the final causality, the categories and the eternity of the world) as well as a new edition of the Prologues of the Exigit ordo , enriched with a running commentary. The texts gathered here-some of which have been published previously but are difficult to access and others which have been unpublished until now-reveal a philosopher who wished to free philosophy from institutional constraints and dared to criticize Aristotle's metaphysics, at the risk of upsetting traditions and contradicting the dogmas of the faith, and who was condemned by the theological authorities of his time.
: 1 online resource (348 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004545779

Published 2022
L'Intrigue dénouée. Mythe, littérature et communauté dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy /

: Cet ouvrage est la première étude systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe. Traversant l'œuvre de Nancy dans son intégralité, elle démontre de façon incomparable comment s'articulent les questions centrales de la communauté et de la littérature. De plus, en faisant ce lien en termes de « mythe », ce livre situe l'œuvre de Nancy dans une tradition plus large, allant du romantisme allemand aux théories contemporaines de la pertinence sociale de la littérature. This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. It develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. Traversing the entirety of Nancy's vast oeuvre, the author offers an incomparable account of the ways in which Nancy's central questions of community and literature are linked together. Moreover, by putting this linkage in terms of 'myth', this book situates Nancy's work within a larger tradition, leading from German Romanticism to contemporary theories of the social relevance of literature.
: Cet ouvrage est le premier à proposer une recherche systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe.This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. The author develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518674

Published 2022
Hasdai Crescas on Codification, Cosmology and Creation : The Infinite God and the Expanding Torah /

: This work focuses on the conception of God of the medieval Jewish philosopher and legal scholar, Hasdai Crescas (1340-1410/11). It demonstrates that Crescas' God is infinitely creative and good and explores the parallel that Crescas implicitly draws between God as creator and legislator, which is rooted in his understanding of the Deity as continuously involved in generative activity through the outpouring of goodness and love as manifest by multiple, simultaneous and successive worlds and a perpetually expanding Torah. It also reviews the Maimonidean background for Crescas' position and suggests that Crescas is countering Maimonides' stance that creation is limited to a single moment and Maimonides' notion of the Torah as perfect and immutable.
: This work focuses on the conception of God of the medieval Jewish philosopher and legal scholar, Hasdai Crescas (1340-1410/11). It demonstrates that Crescas' God is infinitely creative and good and explores the parallel that Crescas implicitly draws between God as creator and legislator. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518650

Published 2022
Mixed Messages: Using the Bible and Qur'ān in Swahili Tracts /

: The present volume sets Swahili religious tracts available in Kenya and Tanzania in their context. The book starts with an overview of tracts in Swahili from the 19th century to the present day, an examination of Swahili as a religious language, and an introduction to Swahili versions of the Bible and Qurʾān. Chesworth then introduces the range of tracts currently available, examining eight in detail. In particular he considers how they present scripture in order to promote their own faith, Islam or Christianity, whilst denigrating the 'other'. Finally, the volume discusses the impact from modern media on these tracts.
: The present volume sets Swahili religious tracts found in Kenya and Tanzania in their context. It examines how they present scripture in order to promote Islam or Christianity whilst denigrating the 'other'. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004519664

Published 2022
Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration /

: Parasite presents the ethico-biological problem of parasitism in a metaphorical and artistic fashion. In this book, philosophers explore the film using sources such as the ancient satirist Lucian's De Parasito, Nietzsche's "the vengeance of the weak," Dostoyevsky's "Underground," or Marxism, among others.
Parasite is a philosophically interesting film because it presents the ethico-biological problem of parasitism in a metaphorical and artistic fashion. Michel Serres, in his book called The Parasite , holds that parasites are not in fact useless, but that they establish communications between different spheres and are thus able to transform large-scale organisms. Parasites import coincidences, activate defence systems, and establish new links with the host. In this book, philosophers explore the film from various angles: using the ancient satirist Lucian's De Parasito , Nietzsche's concept of "the vengeance of the weak," Dostoyevsky's "underground," Marxism, and many more.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521513

Published 2022
Women and the Female in Neoplatonism /

: Sosipatra, Hypatia, Macrina: some of the most famous female philosophers of antiquity were connected to Neoplatonism. But what does it mean to be a woman philosopher in late antiquity? How is the inclusive nature of the Neoplatonic schools connected to their ethical, political, and metaphysical ideas? What role does the religious dimension of late Neoplatonism and the role of women as priestesses play in understanding Neoplatonic women philosophers? This book offers thirteen essays that examine women and the female in Neoplatonism from a variety of perspectives, paying particular attention to the interactions between the metaphysics, psychology, and ethics.
: This book explores the various ways, ranging over psychology, political philosophy and metaphysics, that both historical women and various conceptualizations of the female help shape Neoplatonism, one of the most influential philosophical schools of late antiquity, at various levels. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004517646

Published 2023
Exploring the Mind of God: An Introduction to Shiʿite Legal Epistemology /

: This book introduces readers to the legal epistemology that is advocated within Twelver Shiʿite uṣūl al-fiqh (legal theory). It critically surveys the epistemological underpinnings upheld by post-19th century Uṣūlī clerics that impel them to mainly deduce and interpret Sharia using scripture and literalist hermeneutical methods. An evaluation of these underpinnings uncovers the important juxtaposition that exists between the seminarian discourses of uṣūl al-fiqh and philosophy. The book hypothesises that uṣūl al-fiqh has both space and historical precedence to accept alternative epistemological theories that may enable orthodox Shiʿite clerics to display greater dynamism in deducing and interpreting Sharia.
: 1 online resource (180 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004536814

Published 2023
A Meaningful Life amidst a Pluralism of Cultures and Values : John Lachs's Stoic Pragmatism as a Philosophical and Cultural Project /

: There is a growing concern about living a meaningful life among those living in different contexts of cultural diversity, be it the American melting pot, the union of European nations, the multiculturally globalized, the multiformity of tribalism of various stripes, and the fashionable cyber bubbles of opinion and commentary that drive the outlooks of millions of uninformed consumers. This book argues for a wisdom that incorporates a reference for both knowledge and self-knowledge, as well as life experience and cultural traditions that have stood the test of time, all contributing to a framework in which we can navigate our lives.
: 1 online resource (266 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004680050

Published 2024
Italian Witchcraft and Shamanism : The Tradition of Segnature, Indigenous and Trans-cultural Shamanic Traditions in Italy /

: Shamanism is thriving as an exotic import and a hidden native tradition in Italy today. This ethnographical work uncovers two faces of Italian shamanism. The first is trans-cultural shamans who creatively adapt rituals and beliefs from indigenous cultures worldwide. Second, extensive fieldwork shows how regional folk magic practices of segnatori and segnatrici constitute a little-known but enduring form of native Italian shamanism. By documenting these parallel worlds, contemporary magic workers appear to be the heirs of ancient local healing traditions. Offering rare insights into vernacular religion, this book vividly portrays shamans' past and present on the Italian peninsula.
: 1 online resource (220 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004694187

Published 2024
Art, Philosophy, and Ideology : Writings on Aesthetics and Visual Culture from the Avantgarde to Postsocialism /

: This volume presents a selection of aesthetic and art theoretical writings by the internationally renowned philosopher Aleš Erjavec from the 1990s to the present. Erjavec was an active participant in the artistic revolt in Slovenia throughout the 1980 and became one of the most notable international theorists of late- and post-socialist developments in art. His work also extended to new, emergent forms of contemporary art and visual culture in global art and culture networks. The diverse contexts and artists with which he has engaged gives him a unique critical perspective on major debates in philosophical aesthetics and art theory.
: 1 online resource (408 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004697515

Published 2024
A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark, Tome II : The Martensen Period: 1837-1841, 2nd Revised and Augmented Edition /

: This is the second volume in a three-volume work dedicated to exploring the influence of G.W.F. Hegel's philosophical thinking in Golden Age Denmark. The work demonstrates that the largely overlooked tradition of Danish Hegelianism played a profound and indeed constitutive role in many spheres of the Golden Age culture. This second tome treats the most intensive period in the history of the Danish Hegel reception, namely, the years from 1837 to 1841. The main figure in this period is the theologian Hans Martensen who made Hegel's philosophy a sensation among the students at the University of Copenhagen in the late 1830s. This period also includes the publication of Johan Ludvig Heiberg's Hegelian journal, Perseus , and Frederik Christian Sibbern's monumental review of it, which represented the most extensive treatment of Hegel's philosophy in the Danish language at the time. During this period Hegel's philosophy flourished in unlikely genres such as drama and lyric poetry. During these years Hegelianism enjoyed an unprecedented success in Denmark until it gradually began to be perceived as a dangerous trend.
: 1 online resource (767 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004534841

Published 1965
Die sogenannte Theologie des Aristoteles aus arabischen Handschriften zum ersten mal heratisgegehen /

: 1 online resource (192 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004657458

Published 1970
The Kierkegaard Indices /

: 1 online resource (133 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004621749

Published 1938
De zielkunde van Aristoteles /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004609105