Showing 1 - 13 results of 13 for search 'islamic philosophy, theology and (science. OR sciences.) (texts or text) and studies', query time: 0.14s Refine Results
Published 2012
Islamic philosophy, science, culture, and religion : studies in honor of Dimitri Gutas /

: Islamic intellectual thought is at the center of this collection of articles honoring Dimitri Gutas by friends, colleagues, and former students. The essays cover three main areas: the classical heritage and Islamic culture; classical Arabic science and philosophy; and Muslim traditional sciences. They show the interconnectedness between the Islamic intellectual tradition and its historical predecessors of Greek and Persian provenance, ranging from poetry to science and philosophy. Yet, at the same time, the authors demonstrate the independence of Muslim scholarship and the rich inner-Muslim debates that brought forth a flourishing scholastic culture in the sciences, philosophy, literature, and religious sciences. This collection also reflects the breadth of contemporary research on the intellectual traditions of Islamic civilization. Contributors include: Amos Bertolacci, Kevin van Bladel, Gideon Bohak, Sonja Brentjes, Charles Burnett, Hans Daiber, Gerhard Endress, William Fortenbaugh, Beatrice Gruendler, Jules Janssens, David King, Yahya Michot, Suleiman Mourad, Racha Omari, Felicitas Opwis, David Reisman, Heinrich von Staden, Tony Street, Hidemi Takahashi, Alexander Treiger, and Robert Wisnovsky.
: 1 online resource (xii, 493 pages) : illustrations, portrait. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004217768 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
O ye gentlemen : Arabic studies on science and literary culture in honour of Remke Kruk /

: O ye Gentlemen explores two vital strands in Arabic culture: the Greek tradition in science and philosophy and the literary tradition. They are permanent and, though drawing on Islam as a dominant religion, they are by no means dependent on it. That the strands freely interweave within the broader scope of Schrifttum is shown by more than thirty essays on subjects as varied as the social organisation of bees, spontaneous generation in the Shiʿite tradition, astronomy in the Arabian nights, the benefits of sex, precious stones in a literary text, the virtue of women in Judaeo-Arabic stories, animals in Middle Eastern music and the transmission of Arabic science and philosophy to the medieval West.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047422051 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Theologie in der jemenitischen Zaydiyya : die Naturphilosophischen Überlegungen des al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ /

: Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (d. 1188 C.E.) was one of the most prominent representatives of the emerging reception of Basran Muʿtazilism in 12th century Yemen. He composed highly sophisticated works on ontology, causality and the specific theory of attributes that has become known as the theory of "states" ( aḥwāl ). He is therefore a rare case of a Muʿtazilī thinker who left a comprehensive and systematised account of his natural philosophy. Jan Thiele's study makes extensive use of hitherto unexplored manuscripts, thereby providing new insight into a largely unknown chapter of Zaydī and Muslim doctrinal history. Focusing on the later Muʿtazila, this book conveys a nuanced understanding of diachronic developments in the school's teachings in order to refine a rather static perception that prevails in modern scholarship. Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (st. 1188) war einer der einflussreichsten Vertreter der im 12. Jahrhundert einsetzenden Rezeption der Basraer Muʿtazila im Jemen. Er verfasste ausgefeilte Werke zur Ontologie, Kausalität und zu jener Attributenlehre, die als Theorie der "Zustände" ( aḥwāl ) bekannt ist. Somit ist er einer der seltenen muʿtazilitischen Denker, der eine umfassende Systematisierung seiner Naturphilosophie hinterlassen hat. Jan Thieles Studie beruht weitestgehend auf unerforschten Handschriften und gibt dadurch neue Einsichten in ein nahezu unbekanntes Kapitel zayditischer und muslimischer Geistesgeschichte. Durch den Schwerpunkt auf die spätere Muʿtazila vermittelt das Buch ein differenziertes Verständnis für diachrone Entwicklungen und revidiert dadurch eine in der Forschung verbreitete statische Wahrnehmung ihrer Schullehre.
: 1 online resource (xii, 225 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004251274 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Neo-Muʻtazilismus? : Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des Islam /

: This book examines the modern Arab rediscovery of the Muʿtazila through a critical assessment of the concept of \'Neo-Muʿtazilism\' and by concentrating on the various intentions and contexts of the use of Muʿtazilite ideas. The main part of the book analyzes five ways of understanding Mu'tazilite ideas - liberal, historic-materialist, political-Islamic, literary-exegetical and through comparison with the philosophie des valeurs - as well as one way of dealing with the school historically: the treatment of the miḥna . The book discusses a wide range of authors of whom many, such as Aḥmad Amīn, Ḥusain Murūwa, Ḥasan Ḥanafī, Muḥammad ʿAmāra, Naṣr Abū Zaid und Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Ğābirī, have had an important impact on modern Arab-Islamic thought. By also presenting authors such as Zuhdī Ğārallāh, Chikh Bouamrane, Rašīd al-Ḫayyūn, Amīn Nāyif Ḏiyāb, Samīḥ Duġaim, ʿĀdil al-ʿAwwā und Fahmī Ğadʿān, additional light is shed on a number of lesser known figures.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [524]-544) and index. : 9789047419624 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition.

: In Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition stellt Fedor Benevich einen Kerngedanken der Metaphysik und der Epistemologie Avicennas (gest. 1037) vor: seine Theorie der Essenz und der wissenschaftlichen Bestimmung essentieller und notwendiger Attribute. Die Studie untersucht zentrale Begriffe der avicennischen Philosophie wie Essentialität, Notwendigkeit, Universalität, Unmittelbarkeit, Primärheit und Spezifizität. Zudem wird erstmals dargelegt, wie Avicenna seine Position in Bezug auf diese Thematik im Laufe seiner Karriere entwickelte und so seinen revolutionären "konzeptionellen Essentialismus" ausarbeitete. Es wird weiterhin gezeigt, dass Avicennas Position der aristotelischen Tradition zu Teilen folgt, von dieser jedoch am zentralen Stellen abweicht, insbesondere dort, wo sich Avicenna kritisch mit den Interpretationen der "Bagdader Peripatetiker" auseinandersetzte. In Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition Fedor Benevich presents the key doctrine of Avicenna's (d. 1037) metaphysics and epistemology: his theory of essence and the scientific determination of essential and necessary attributes. The book studies central notions of Avicenna's philosophy such as essentiality, necessity, universality, immediacy, primacy, and specificity. It also provides an unprecedented account of how Avicenna's views on these issues changed throughout his career, in arguing for his revolutionary "conceptual essentialism". Avicenna's position partially follows the Aristotelian tradition yet also departs from it, especially when Avicenna argues against the Baghdad Peripatetic School.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004380028

Published 2009
Das Transzendentale bei Ibn Sīnā : zur Metaphysik als Wissenschaft erster Begriffs- und Urteilsprinzipien /

: Following al-Fārābī's approach, Ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037) undertakes a new foundation of the First Philosophy based on his own critical systematisation of the Aristotelian theory of science, yielding the result that metaphysics is only possible as a transcendental science, id est that not only the subject-matter of metaphysics and its properties but also the arguments by which the first principles of knowledge are defended must be transcendental. This book provides the first systematic reconstruction of Ibn Sīnā's concept of metaphysics, and, given the considerable influence his achievement had on the Islamic tradition as well as on scholastic philosophers, it is relevant to the study of the history of metaphysics, Islamic theology (kalām), and Arabic philosophy.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047424543 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie : Zur avicennischen Klassifikation der Bezeichnung bei Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210) /

: In Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie untersucht Nora Kalbarczyk das bedeutende rechtstheoretische Werk al-Maḥṣūl fī ʿilm uṣūl al-fiqh von Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210). Anhand einer detaillierten Analyse der sprachtheoretischen Abhandlung dieses Werks beleuchtet sie den Einfluss der philosophischen Tradition auf die islamische Rechtstheorie ( uṣūl al-fiqh ) in der sogenannten post-avicennischen Ära (11.-14 Jh.). Im Zentrum steht dabei eine Klassifikation der Bezeichnung ( dalāla ), die sich auf Ibn Sīnā (lat. Avicenna, gest. 1037) zurückführen lässt: Ein Wort kann eine Bedeutung auf dem Wege der Kongruenz ( muṭābaqa ), der Inklusion ( taḍammun ) oder der Implikation ( iltizām ) bezeichnen. Die Autorin zeigt auf, wie Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī auf der Grundlage der avicennischen Bezeichnungstheorie ein hermeneutisches Instrumentarium entwickelt, das nicht nur für die arabische Philosophie selbst relevant ist, sondern auch für verschiedene Fragestellungen der islamischen Rechtstheorie fruchtbar gemacht wird. In Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie Nora Kalbarczyk examines the influential jurisprudential work al-Maḥṣūl fī ʿilm uṣūl al-fiqh (d. 1210). By means of a detailed analysis of the linguistic treatise of this work she highlights the impact of the philosophical tradition on Islamic legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh) in the so-called post-Avicennian era (11th-14th c.). Her main focus lies on a classification of signification ( dalāla ) that can be traced back to Ibn Sīnā (lat. Avicenna, d. 1037): a word may signify a meaning by way of congruence ( muṭābaqa ), containment ( taḍammun ) or implication ( iltizām ). The author shows how Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī develops - on the basis of the Avicennian theory of signification - a hermeneutic toolbox which is not only relevant in the context of Arabic philosophy but also useful for different questions of Islamic legal theory.
: 1 online resource (250 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004366336 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2006
Feder, Tafel, Mensch : Al-ʿĀmirīs Kitāb al-Fuṣūl fī l-Maʿālim al-ilāhīya und die arabische Proklos-Rezeption im 10. Jh. /

: This volume deals with the philosopher Abū l-Ḥasan al-ʽĀmirī (died 992) and his reception of Neoplatonism, focusing on his Kitāb al-Fuṣūl fī l-maʽālim al-ilāhīya , the Chapters on Metaphysical Topics (Arabic text with German translation). The Chapters on Metaphysical Topics paraphrase sections of the Elements of Theology by the Neoplatonist Proclus (died 485) and are therefore part of the Arabic Procliana. The commentary analyses al-ʽĀmirī's combination of Greek philosophy with Islamic theology, especially the harmonization of philosophical and Qur'anic terminology (universal Intellect is the Pen, universal Soul the Tablet) and man's position between the two worlds. On the basis of a textual comparison between al-ʽĀmirī's work, the Greek text of Proclus and the Arabic writings of the Liber de Causis -tradition, the book argues for the existence of a "Ur- Liber de causis ".
: A revision of the editor's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2004. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047410300

Published 2007
Volkstümliche Astronomie im islamischen Mittelalter : zur Bestimmung der Gebetszeiten und der Qibla bei al-Aṣbaḥī, Ibn Raḥīq und al-Fārisī /

: This volume deals with the determination of the times of Muslim prayer and the direction towards the Kaaba in Mecca (Arabic qibla ) in a little known astronomical tradition of the Islamic Middle Ages. It presents an edition, translation, and explanation of selected chapters from three of the most important folk astronomical treatises, written by al-Aṣbaḥī (Yemen, 13th c.), Ibn Raḥīq (Hejaz, 11th c.), and al-Fārisī (Yemen, 13th c.). The first part introduces the authors and their works and describes the relevant religious and astronomical background. The second part comprises the edition of the selected - and now for the first time published - chapters of the three works and a German translation. The third part contains a lexicographical survey with basic astronomical, religious, and related information, and a commentary on each chapter. The fourth part gives an overview of the topics dicussed.
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (Doctoral)--Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 2005. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [731]-765) and index. : 9789047420507 : 0169-8729 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
Frühe Šaiḫī- und Bābī-Theologie : Die Darlegung der Beweise für Muḥammads besonderes Prophetentum (Ar-Risāla fī Iṯbāt an-Nubūwa al-Ḫāṣṣa) /

: This book is an introduction to the literature and thought of the founders of the Shaykhiyya and the Bābiyyah, two important religious movements in nineteenth-century Iran. The first part is an overview of the thought of Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī and Kāẓim ar-Rashtī, the progenitors of the Shaykhiyya, with a focus on their religious and philosophical teachings. The second part is an analysis of the early writings of ʿAlī-Muḥammad Shīrāzī (the Bāb), the initiator of the Bābiyyah. It contains a survey of major concepts found in his works and addresses issues that have generated debate in the past, particularly the exact nature of his religious claim and its reception by his contemporaries. Finally, the book contains an edition of the Bāb's Treatise on Specific Prophethood. This is the first scholarly edition of a work by the Bāb to be published in the original language.
: Originally presented as A. Eschraghi's thesis (doctoral)--Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2003. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047406112

Published 2017
Nahrungsmittel in der Arabischen Medizin : das Kitāb al-Aġd̲iya wa-l-ašriba des Naǧib ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī /

: Naǧīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandīs (st. 619/1222) Buch der Nahrungsmittel und Getränke ( Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba ) ist ein umfassendes medizinisches Lexikon mit Informationen zu über 500 verschiedenen Nahrungsmitteln, Speisen, Getränken und Duftstoffen. Es kann als letzte große arabische Monografie zur Diätetik im islamischen Osten angesehen werden und stellt vermutlich eines der am weitesten verbreiteten vormodernen arabischen Bücher zum Thema Ernährung dar. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin bietet Juliane Müller eine textkritische Edition des Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba mit deutscher Übersetzung. Anschließend verorten Kapitel zur Textgenese und Rezeption des Werks sowie zu seinen ernährungsmedizinischen Inhalten as-Samarqandīs Nahrungsmittellexikon in seinem Kontext innerhalb der arabischen Medizinliteratur. Najīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī's (d. 619/1222) Book on Foods and Drinks ( Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba ) is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia with information on more than 500 different food items, dishes, drinks and fragrances. It can be considered to be the last major Arabic monograph on dietetics in the Islamic East and it probably rates among the most widespread premodern Arabic books on the subject of nutrition science. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin , Juliane Müller presents a critical edition of the Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba along with a German translation of the text. An extensive contextual study locates the book and its dietetic contents within Arabic medical literature and examines the sources and the reception of as-Samarqandī's food encyclopedia.
: This book is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Freie Universität Berlin in 2015. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004345096 : 0169-8729 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Kausalität in der Muʻtazilitischen Kosmologie : das Kitab al-muʼaththirāt wa-miftaḥ al-muşkilāt des Zayditen al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ. (st. 584/1188) /

: The importance of Zaydī sources for historical research on Muʿtazilī theology is generally acknowledged since the spectacular discoveries of unique manuscripts in Yemen in the 1950s. Yet the knowledge transfer and adoption of Muʿtazilī thought by the Yemeni Zaydiyya still remain an understudied field. Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (d. 1188) was one of the main promoters of Muʿtazilism in 6th/12th century Yemen. His works mainly focus on natural philosophy and include a systematic treatise on causality which is comprehensively examined and critically edited in this volume. The present study gives insight into a fascinating chapter of Islamic intellectual history and offers the first analysis of a Muʿtazilī theory of causality. Die Bedeutung zayditischer Quellen für die Erforschung muʿtazilitischer Theologie ist spätestens seit der spektakulären Wiederentdeckung einzigartiger Handschriften im Jemen der 1950er Jahre allgemein anerkannt. Dennoch sind der Wissenstransfer und die Adaption muʿtazilitischen Denkens durch die jemenitische Zaydiyya bislang kaum erforscht. Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (st. 1188) war einer der wichtigsten Protagonisten dieses Prozesses im Jemen des 6./12. Jahrhunderts. Unter seinen zahlreichen Schriften zu naturphilosophischen Fragen findet sich auch ein systematisches Traktat zur Kausalität, welches im vorliegenden Buch umfassend untersucht und kritisch ediert wird. Die Studie gewährt Einblick in ein faszinierendes Kapitel islamischer Geistesgeschichte und analysiert erstmals eine muʿtazilitische Systematik zur Kausalität.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004212053 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
The European image of God and man : a contribution to the debate on human rights /

: The present volumes unites papers which explore the European image of god and man as the unquestioned basis of the concept which determines what western society defines as human rights and puts it in an intercultural context by comparative essays on chinese, islamic and buddhist thinking. The volume covers issues which range from classical antiquity until contemporary philosophy and science.
: Proceedings of a conference held in July 2009 at the Accademia di studi italodeschi, Meran, Italy. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004193789 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.