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Published 2023
Arqueología de las sociedades locales en la Alta Edad Media : San Julián de Aistra y las residencias de las élites rurales /

: This volume brings together a large number of specialized studies and provides an interpretation of the site of San Julián de Aistra (Zalduondo-Araia, Alava) in terms of socio-political practices that define the main characteristics of early medieval local societies in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
: Also issued in print: 2023. : 1 online resource (xxviii, 547 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803274928 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2023
Agrarian archaeology in northwestern Iberia : local societies : the off-site record /

: Devoted to the archaeological study of the societies and agrarian landscapes of Northwestern Iberia in the longue durée, this book brings together the results of some of the main projects carried out in recent decades from off-site records, providing a fresh perspective for the understanding of historical landscapes.
: Also issued in print: 2023. : 1 online resource (xi, 150 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803274362 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2016
Estudios antracológicos en los espacios de combustión del Alero Deodoro Roca - Ongamira (Córdoba) /

: This paper deals with the study of the archaeological remains of charcoal to further understand the usage and handling of fire by human hunter-gatherer groups who inhabited, over time, the Ongamira valley, located in the Ischilin and Totoral provinces of Cordoba, Argentina.
: Previously issued in print: 2016. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784913441 (ebook) :

Published 2016
Un estudio de tecnología lítica desde la antropología de las técnicas : el caso del Alero Deodoro Roca ca. 3000 AP, Ongamira, Ischilín, Córdoba /

: As part of a series of research projects on the archaeology of hunter-gatherers societies in the Southern Pampean Hills this presents, among other things, the study of various aspects of the organization of lithic technology and strategies for the use of lithic resources by prehistoric populations. This is in order to understand the social aspects that allow us to recognize and describe habitus or ways of doing things. In this book we studied lithic assemblages, in the manner described above from stratigraphic levels of the Alero Deodoro Roca (Deodoro Roca Rockshelter) comprising chronologies between ca. 3000 years BP to ca. 3600 years BP.
: Previously issued in print: 2016. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour), map (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784913502 (ebook) :

Published 2021
La industria lítica del núcleo urbano Maya De La Blanca, Petén, Guatemala : tecnología y tipología /

: The ancient Maya used mainly stone tools, made of either ground stone and chipped stone, to achieve their extraordinary development. This book presents the techno-typological analysis of lithic materials from La Blanca, located in the heart of the Southern Lowlands, which was mainly inhabited during the Late Classic and Terminal Classic periods.
: Also issued in print: 2021. : 1 online resource (ix, 174 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803270296 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2016
Disponibilidad y explotación de materias primas líticas en la Costa de Norpatagonia (Argentina) : un enfoque regional /

: This work studies the use of lithic raw materials on the coast of the San Matías gulf (Río Negro, Argentina) during the middle and late Holocene.
: Previously issued in print: 2016. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784914813 (ebook) :

Published 2018
Paisajes de la campaña pampeana (siglos XIX y XX) : abordajes desde la Arqueología rural en Argentina /

: This volume presents a series of papers designed to offer a summary of ongoing research across Argentina that can come under the broad heading of Rural Archaeology.
: Previously issued in print: 2018. : 1 online resource (244 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : 9781789690163 (ebook) :

Published 2021
Toniná, una ciudad maya de Chiapas : vida y muerte en las postrimerías del colapso Maya /

: Toniná was a Mayan city, located between two cultural areas near the Chiapas Highlands. It has been widely proposed that the Maya collapse implied the disappearance and depopulation of many cities; this research addresses the survival of Toniná towards the threshold of the Postclassic. For this purpose, 15,956 human bones found in Structure 15 of the fifth platform in the Acropolis of Toniná were analysed. The analysis of anthropological osteology allowed us to know the biological profile and to document the cultural taphonomy, through which the practice of human sacrifice and the posthumous treatment of the victims was evidenced. The application of stable isotope and strontium analyses also allowed us to determine the dietary profile of those sacrificed, their geographical origin and mobility throughout their lives.
: Also issued in print: 2021.
"Available in both print and Open Access"--Homepage. : 1 online resource (322 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789699296 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2017
Arqueología urbana en el área central de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina : excavaciones en la sede Corporativa del Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba (2014-2016) /

: This work is part of a line of action proposed by the Institute of Anthropology of Córdoba (IDACOR), doubly dependent executing unit of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and the National University of Cordoba (UNC). This action requires the intervention of professional archaeologists in order to evaluate the impact produced by subsurface excavation in cases related to the development of real estate projects.
: Previously issued in print: 2017. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784916091 (ebook) :

Published 2017
Aportes del enfoque tecnólogico a la arqueología preColombina : pasado y presente de la alfarería en el Valle del Río Cuyes y su región (Andes sur-orientales del Ecuador) /

: Located in the Northwest of South America (Ecuador), the Cuyes River Valley acts as a transition corridor between the Andean and Amazon regions. This research attempts to determine the ethnic origin of the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Cuyes valley through the application of a method of ceramic analysis completely new in the region: the technological approach.
: Previously issued in print: 2017. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : 9781784916114 (ebook) :

Published 2020
El Palacio : historiography and new perspectives on a pre-Tarascan city of northern Michoacán, Mexico /

: 11 contributions consider legacy and archive data (1896-1995) and results derived from recent archaeological investigations (2012-2017) to present a review and analysis of the chrono-stratigraphy, material culture, urbanism, and economic and ritual practices at El Palacio, northern Michoacán, Mexico, between A.D. 850 and 1521.
: Also issued in print: 2020. : 1 online resource (xii, 297 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789697971 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2022
K'awiil : el dios Maya del rayo, la abundancia y los gobernantes /

: This study of K'awiil analyses one of the most important deities of the Maya pantheon, and allows us to approach the religious thought of this people, since it is through the myths, rituals and other religious and cultural activities in which a deity participates, that we can try to understand how the Maya conceived their universe.
: Also issued in print: 2022. : 1 online resource. : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803272382 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2022
El renacer de los Reyes : imagen, contexto y significado del friso de Balamkú, Campeche, México /

: The frieze of Structure 1-A Sub of Balamk,͠ Campeche, is one of the most complex Maya artistic expressions of the Classic period (250-900 AD). This study places the frieze within its historical framework so the monument may be better understood and the significance of its message revealed.
: Also issued in print: 2022. : 1 online resource (181 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803273518 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2016
Patrones de asentamiento del Malpaís de Zacapu (Michoacán, México) y de sus alrededores en el Posclásico /

: This volume presents the results of the archaeological studies relative to the settlement pattern, realised within the framework of the Michoacán Projects I and III, studying of all the perceptible demonstrations of the prehispanic occupations in the region.
: Previously issued in print: 2016. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784913885 (ebook) :

Published 2016
Entre reyes y campesinos : investigaciones arqueológicas en la antigua capital Maya de Tamarindito /

: The Watery Scroll rulers selected the ancient Maya site of Tamarindito as their capital. First settled around 300 BC, the site served as their seat from the fifth through the eighth century AD. After the collapse, people continued to live at Tamarindito for several generations. Archaeological investigations provide a comprehensive perspective on social dynamics and change in an ancient Maya capital.
: Previously issued in print: 2016. : 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784913861 (ebook) :

Published 2018
Aprovechamiento de vertebrados terrestres por las poblaciones humanas que habitaron la costa del Golfo San Matías (Río Negro, Argentina) durante el Holoceno tardío /

: This text presents the results and discussion of archaeofaunal studies which took place in the northern San Matías Gulf (Río Negro Province) during the last six years, focusing on terrestrial mammals and birds.
: Previously issued in print: 2018. : 1 online resource (284 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789690125 (ebook) :

Published 2018
Quebrando rocas, una aproximación metodológica para el estudio del cuarzo en contextos arqueológicos de Córdoba (Argentina) /

: This text offers a valuable contribution to the development of a methodology to address the study of archaeological quartz artifacts, combining various analytical tools to study these objects so that we might better understand the technological strategies of hunting societies who made use of this raw material.
: Previously issued in print: 2018. : 1 online resource (vi, 214 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789690101 (ebook) :

Published 2023
Filiaciones culturales y contactos entre las poblaciones Virú-Gallinazo y Mochica (200 AC-600 DC, costa norte del Perú) /

: This volume documents the pottery traditions to understand both their origins, filiations, and contacts, studying the modes of manufacture of archaeological ceramics discovered at more than nine sites in the region, preserved at the Ministry of Culture of Peru and various Peruvian, French and American museums.
: Also issued in print: 2023. : 1 online resource (xxxviii, 430 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803273983 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2022
Historia Antigua en diálogo ; Humanidades Digitales e innovaciones metodológicas /

: This volume discusses the implications of the adoption of new tools used in the humanities, specifically archaeology, epigraphy and ancient history, without ceasing to respect traditional scientific methods.
: Also issued in print: 2022. : 1 online resource (vi, 275 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803273716 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2018
Etnicidad vs. aculturación : las necrṕolis castellanas de los siglos V-VI d.C. y el asentamiento visigodo en la Península Ibérica : una mirada desde la meseta sur /

: A study of the political and archaeological controversies surrounding the Castilian Necropoleis of the V-VI Centuries AD and the Visigoth Settlement in the Iberian Peninsula. The author attempts to deconstruct the various controversies and presents fresh analysis based on the archaeological data and literary evidence.
: Previously issued in print: 2018. : 1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781789690804 (ebook) :