The Hero's Life-Choice - Studies on Heracles at the Crossroads, the Judgement of Paris, and Their Reception : 'Verbalising the Visual and Visualising the Verbal' /
Two allegorical ancient Greek stories about a young hero's career- defining choice are shown in this book to have later been appropriated to radically differing effects. E.g. a male's choice between female personifications can morph into a female's choice between the same, or between various male personifications. Never before have so many instances of this process from art, literature, music, even landscape gardening, been culled. Illustrations, mainly colour, many brought into this context for the first time, are conveniently incorporated into the text, thus mimetically mirroring a central theme of the book, the process of 'visualising the verbal, verbalising the visual.'
1 online resource (292 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Les périples de Kalila et Dimna: Itinéraires de fables dans les arts et la littérature du monde islamique : The Journeys of Kalila and Dimna: Itineraries of Fables in the Arts and...
Kalīla wa-Dimna is one of the best-known texts of medieval Arabic literature and counts among the most illustrated works in the Islamic world. The extent of the corpus and its journey through the ages make it the ideal material for a reflection on the evolution of iconography in Islamic art. The studies gathered in this volume edited by Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Aïda El Khiari and Annie Vernay-Nouri, showcase a wide diversity of approaches that convincingly crosses textual investigation, codicology, iconographical study, and physico-chemical analyses. They explore new tracks, either by devoting themselves to the examination of unknown or rarely studied manuscripts, or by proposing innovative readings of this extremely rich work that is Kalīla wa-Dimna. Kalīla wa-Dimna est l'un des textes les plus célèbres de la littérature arabe médiévale et compte parmi les œuvres les plus illustrées du monde islamique. L'étendue du corpus et son parcours à travers les âges en font un extraordinaire matériau pour mener une réflexion sur l'image dans l'histoire des arts islamiques. Les études rassemblées dans ce volume dirigé par Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Aïda El Khiari et Annie Vernay-Nouri, mettent en œuvre une grande diversité d'approches croisant investigation textuelle, codicologique, iconographique et analyses physico-chimiques. Elles explorent toutes des pistes nouvelles, soit en se consacrant à l'examen de manuscrits inédits ou très rarement étudiés, soit en proposant des lectures innovantes de cette œuvre extrêmement riche qu'est Kalīla wa-Dimna. Contributors: Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Nathalie Buisson, Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya, Frantz Chaigne, Anna Contadini, Jean-Charles Coulon, Françoise Cuisance, Aïda El Khiari, Rajana Fatima Amalarajah, Béatrice Gruendler, Mika Natif, Bernard O'Kane, Hoa Perriguey, Yves Porter, Francis Richard, Valérie Saurel, Christine Van Ruymbeke, Annie Vernay-Nouri.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Platonism and Christianity in Late Ancient Cosmology : God, Soul, Matter /
The book breaks new ground by examining ideas about the cosmos, its shape, and its origin in late antiquity. Leading international experts discuss key texts and situate them in their historical environment.Les articles innovants de ce volume examinent les idées sur le cosmos, sa forme et son origine dans l'Antiquité tardive. Des spécialistes internationaux de premier plan présentent des éditions inédites de nouveaux fragments, en approfondissant les textes clés, les situant dans leur cadre historique complexe. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Religious Narratives in Contemporary Culture : Between Cultural Memory and Transmediality /
Religious Narratives in Contemporary Culture: Between Cultural Memory and Transmediality analyses the meaning and role of religion in western cultural practices in the twenty-first century. This inquiry situates itself at the intersection between cultural memory studies and the transmedial study of narrative and art. Contributors focus on genres which have yet to receive significant critical attention within the field, including speculative fiction films and television series, autobiographical prose and poetry, action-adventure video games and heavy metal music. In this time of crisis, where traces of religious thinking still persist in the presence or absence of religious faith, this volume's collective look into some of their cultural embodiments is necessary and timely. The volume is addressed primarily to scholars and students interested in intersections between religious and cultural studies, revisions of traditional religious narratives, literature as a space of reflection on today's world, contemporary media studies and remediation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Four Central Asian Shrines : A Socio-Political History of Architecture /
In Central Asia, Muslim shrines have served as community centers for centuries, particularly the large urban shrines that seem, in many cases, to have served as the inspiration as well for a city's architectural development. In Four Central Asian Shrines: A Socio-Political History of Architecture R. D. McChesney documents the histories of four such long-standing shrines-Gur-i Mir at Samarqand, Khwajah Abu Nasr Parsa Mazar at Balkh, the Noble Rawzah at Mazar-i Sharif, and the Khirqat al-Nabi at Qandahar. In all four cases the creation and evolution of the architecture of these shrines is traced through narratives about their social and political histories and in the past century and a half, through the photographic record.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Platonism and Christianity in Late Ancient Cosmology : God, Soul, Matter /
The book breaks new ground by examining ideas about the cosmos, its shape, and its origin in late antiquity. Leading international experts discuss key texts and situate them in their historical environment.Les articles innovants de ce volume examinent les idées sur le cosmos, sa forme et son origine dans l'Antiquité tardive. Des spécialistes internationaux de premier plan présentent des éditions inédites de nouveaux fragments, en approfondissant les textes clés, les situant dans leur cadre historique complexe. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds : Studies in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd /
"Dedicated to Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds offers new perspectives on the Christian and Muslim communities of the east Mediterranean from medieval to contemporary times. The contributors examine how people from diverse religious backgrounds adapted to their changing political landscapes and show that artistic patronage, consumption, and practices are interwoven with constructed narratives. The essays consider material and textual evidence for painted media, architecture, and the creative process in Byzantium, Crusader-era polities, the Ottoman empire, and the modern Middle East, thus demonstrating the importance of the past in understanding the present"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :