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Published 2022
A Targumist Interprets the Thora: Contradictions and Coherence in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan /

: This book conducts a focused study of contradictions and coherence in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. The first section of this study examines the apparent disruption of congruity with regard to the vertical dimension of the Targum, that is, between the Torah (the Hebrew Vorlage ) and the Targum (the Aramaic translation). The second section addresses the apparent disruption of congruity with regard to the horizontal dimension of the Targum, that is, within the boundaries of the TgPsJ corpus. Ultimately, this work suggests that the contradictions are given to resolution, once the greater context of biblical and Jewish tradition is taken into consideration.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004503830

Published 2022
A Targumist Interprets the Thora: Contradictions and Coherence in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan /

: This book conducts a focused study of contradictions and coherence in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. The first section of this study examines the apparent disruption of congruity with regard to the vertical dimension of the Targum, that is, between the Torah (the Hebrew Vorlage ) and the Targum (the Aramaic translation). The second section addresses the apparent disruption of congruity with regard to the horizontal dimension of the Targum, that is, within the boundaries of the TgPsJ corpus. Ultimately, this work suggests that the contradictions are given to resolution, once the greater context of biblical and Jewish tradition is taken into consideration.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004503830

Published 2022
L'Hexaemeron d'Anastase le Sinaïte : Son authenticité, ses sources et son exégèse allégorisante /

: The Hexaemeron of Anastasius of Sinai (late 7th-early 8th c.) expounds the creation account and the Adam and Eve story as foreshadowing the mystery of Christ and the Church, an idea that goes back to Origen and beyond. The commentary remained unpublished in Greek until 2007, received only scattered attention, and has been often considered as apocryphal. In this book, the first of its kind in any language, Dimitrios Zaganas firmly establishes its authenticity, investigates its genesis and date, offers detailed analysis of its numerous sources, and studies its distinctly allegorical approach to Genesis 1-3. Several emendations of the Greek text are suggested in the appendix. L' Hexaemeron d'Anastase le Sinaïte (fin VIIe-début VIIIe s.) traite du récit de la création et de l'histoire d'Adam et Ève comme préfigurant le mystère du Christ et de l'Église, une idée qui remonte à Origène et au-delà. Le commentaire est resté inédit en grec jusqu'en 2007, n'a reçu qu'une attention distraite et a été souvent considéré comme apocryphe. Dans cet ouvrage, le premier consacré à l'Hexaemeron, Dimitrios Zaganas établit fermement son authenticité, examine sa genèse et sa datation, propose une analyse détaillée de ses nombreuses sources et étudie son approche clairement allégorique de Genèse 1-3. Dans un appendice sont proposées plusieurs corrections au texte grec.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004472457

Published 2022
Chrysostom as Exegete : Scholarly Traditions and Rhetorical Aims in the Homilies on Genesis /

: To what extent and to what purposes did John Chrysostom engage previous models of Biblical exegesis? In this systematic study of his Homilies on Genesis , new light is shed on the precision of his adaption of works by Basil, Origen, Eusebius of Emesa, and Eusebius of Caesarea, findings set against a wider 'web' of parallels with various other exegetes (e.g. Ephrem, Diodore, Didymus). The cumulative picture is a network of shared knowledge across geographical and ecclesial boundaries which served as creative cache for Chrysostom's discourses. With the metaphors of textual obscurity and word-depth, he prioritized name and word interpretations as a means of producing multiple layers of ethical evaluation.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004469235

Published 2022
Konstruktion sozialer Identität: Studien zum Reinheitsverständnis im antiken Judentum und im Neuen Testament : Studien zum Reinheitsverständnis im antiken Judentum und im Neuen Tes...

: Questions of purity are dealt with in a variety of ways in ancient texts. A key to understanding lies in the significance purity has for the construction, description and maintenance of social identity and how this affects representations of purity.Reinheitsfragen werden in antiken Texten vielfältig verhandelt. Ein Schlüssel zum Verständnis liegt dabei in der Frage, welche Bedeutung Reinheit für die Konstruktion, Beschreibung und den Erhalt sozialer Identität hat und wie sich dies auf Reinheitsdarstellungen auswirkt.
Why do questions of purity play a minor role in the New Testament when the majority of the texts are of Jewish origin and character? To answer this question, the present study analyses the forming of identity as a central function to purity in ancient Jewish sources. Using the theory of social identity according to Henri Taijfel and John Turner, Milena Hasselmann examined the importance of purity texts in the New Testament and in other ancient Jewish sources for the construction of social identity. On a broad basis of sources and with the help of Hebrew-language literature, which is little received in the German and English-language scientific context, it becomes a meaningful picture that places the purity texts of the New Testament in its wider environment. In doing so, she shows that the New Testament's handling of questions of purity is to be seen in continuity rather than discontinuity with other ancient traditions. Warum nehmen Reinheitsfragen einen verhältnismäßig geringen Stellenwert im Neuen Testament ein, wenn die Texte mehrheitlich jüdischen Ursprungs und jüdischer Prägung sind? Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende Studie nach und setzt zu ihrer Beantwortung bei einer zentralen Funktion, die Reinheit in anderen antiken jüdischen Quellen zukommt, ein: Reinheitsbestimmungen sind identitätsstiftend. Mit der Theorie der Sozialen Identität nach Henri Tajfel und John Turner untersucht Milena Hasselmann, welche Bedeutung Reinheitstexte im Neuen Testament und in anderen antikjüdischen Quellen für die Konstruktion sozialer Identität haben. Auf einer breiten Quellenbasis und unter Hinzuziehung hebräischsprachiger Literatur, die im deutsch- und englischsprachigem Wissenschaftskontext wenig rezipiert wird, entwirft sie ein aussagekräftiges Bild, das die Reinheitstexte des Neuen Testament in dessen weitere Umwelt einordnet. Sie zeigt damit, dass der neutestamentliche Umgang mit Reinheitsfragen in Kontinuität zu anderen antiken Traditionen zu sehen ist.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524651

Published 2022
Discovering the Religious Dimension of Trauma : Trauma Literature and the Joseph Story /

: This book reads the Joseph novella alongside contemporary trauma novels in order to analyze the loss of the assumptive world of the writer and readers of the Joseph novella. In turn, it re-thinks trauma theory in light of the "religious," understood as the belief in and relationship to a God who orders the universe. Thus, this book argues that when we read the Joseph novella alongside contemporary trauma novels, we see a story written by people trying to reconstruct their assumptive world after the shattering of their old one, highlighting the significance of the religious dimension in trauma theory.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004523609

Published 2022
Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : Die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten /

: Die Untersuchung zeichnet die Entstehung des Levitismus nach. Dieser kommt erst in der spätvorexilischen Zeit als judäische Innovation des Stammeskonzeptes auf. Überlieferungen über den Jakobsohn Levi werden nach 722 in Juda zur Formung einer Gruppenidentität der Beamten und literalen Eliten genutzt. Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israel werden Protagonisten dieser Gruppierung, weswegen man auch das Priestertum am Zentralheiligtum als Teil der Beamtenschaft integrierte, sodass u.a. im Deuteronomium von levitischen Priestern gesprochen wird. In der nachexilischen Zeit wurden eine Reihe von Berufen und Gruppen unter der Bezeichnung "Leviten" als eine Art Tempelbeamtentum der Priesterschaft unterstellt. Dabei wurde eine Professionalisierung des Kultbetriebes und eine radikale Trennung von kultischen und nichtkultischen Bereichen und Tätigkeiten vollzogen. Darin agierten die Leviten für das Volk und repräsentierten es in den nichtkultischen Bereichen des Tempels. The study tracks the origins of the Biblical Levitism. It only emerged in the late pre-exilic period as a Judean innovation of the tribal concept. After 722, traditions about Jacob's son Levi were used in Judah to form a group identity of officials and literal elites. Moses and Aaron, as officials of the God of Israel, became protagonists of this group. Therefore, the priests at the central shrine were also integrated as part of the officials, so that Deuteronomy, for example, speaks of Levitical priests. In the post-exilic period, a number of professions and groups were subordinated to the priesthood under the designation "Levites" as a kind of temple office. In the process, a professionalisation of the cultic sector and a radical separation of cultic and non-cultic areas and activities took place. In this, the Levites acted on behalf of the people and represented them in the non-cultic areas of the temple.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499379

Published 2022
Sociolinguistic Analysis of the New Testament : Theories and Applications /

: This book introduces sociolinguistic criticism to New Testament studies. The individual essays cover a wide range of sociolinguistic theories (multilingualism, speech communities and individuals, language and social domains, diglossia, digraphia, codeswitching, language maintenance and shift, communication accommodation theory, social identity theory, linguistic politeness theory, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, register analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, etc.) that treat topics and issues pertaining to the language and sociolinguistic contexts of the New Testament, social memory, orality and literacy, and the oral traditions of the Gospels, and various texts and genres in the New Testament.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499744

Published 2022
The "Exodus" in Jerusalem (Luke 9:31) : A Lukan Form of Israel's Restoration Hope /

: This study is a search for the specific form of Israel's restoration hope that underlies Luke's unique portrait of the transfiguration account and his framing of Heilsgeschichte, which reveals via a method of internarrativity a model of new exodus based on the Song of the Sea (Exod 15).
This book addresses the dearth of study in Lukan scholarship on the transfiguration account and provides a model of new exodus based on the Song of the Sea (Exod 15) beyond the two major-Deuteronomi(sti)c and Isaianic-models. The proposed Exodus 15 pattern explicates the enigmatic phrase "his 'exodus' in Jerusalem" in the transfiguration account. It also elucidates how the seemingly discordant motifs of Moses and David are conjoined within a larger drama of the (new) exodus and the subsequent establishment of Israel's (eschatological) worship space. This shows how Luke deals with the issues of temple (Acts 7), circumcision (Acts 15), and the ambivalent nature of Jerusalem.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524279

Published 2022
Judges 19-21 and Ruth : Canon as a Voice of Answerability /

: Judges 19-21 is filled with sexual violence, silent victims, and the lack of an ethical response. Utilizing a Bakhtinian-canonical perspective, this book seeks alternative canonical voices of answerability and non-violence through dialogue with the book of Ruth.
Previous scholarship hints at the connection between Judges 19-21 and Ruth (as set in dialogue), but there has yet to be a study to articulate this relationship. Through a Bakhtinian-canonical perspective, a comparative analysis of these texts unveils intertextual correlations. Lexical and thematic connections include shared idioms, contrasting themes of חרם ("ban") andחסד ("loving-kindness," "covenant-faithfulness"), silence and speech, abuse and potential for abuse, gendered violence and feminine agency. This case-study reveals that Ruth, as a text and as a woman, embodies a voice of answerability to the silenced and abused women in Judges 19-21.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521711

Published 2022
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /

: Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522237

Published 2022
Early Christianity in Athens, Attica, and Adjacent Areas : From Paul to Justinian I (1st-6th cent. AD) /

: This volume focuses on the rise and expansion of Christianity in Athens, Attica, and adjacent areas, from the Pauline mission until the closing of the philosophical schools under Justinian I. It takes into account all relevant literary, epigraphical, and archaeological evidence.
This volume focuses on Christianity in Attica and its metropolis, Athens, from Paul's initial visit in the first century up to the closing of the philosophical schools under the reign of Justinian I in the sixth century. Underscoring the relevance of epigraphic resources and the importance of methodological sophistication in analysing especially archaeological evidence, it readdresses many questions on the basis of a larger body of evidence and aims to combine literary, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence in order to create the outlines of a narrative of the rise and development of Christianity in the area. It is the first interdisciplinary study on the local history of Christianity in the area.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524590

Published 2022
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol II : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /

: A detailed comparative analysis of speaker-audience interactions in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts that examines historians' use of speeches as a means of instructing/persuading their readers and highlights Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators.
Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524057

Published 2022
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol.I : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524033

Published 2022
All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul's Letters /

: This work is both a critical response to the abuse and misuse of Paul's words on unity and a proposal to read them as a way to care about "others."
In this work, Jeehei Park proposes Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as a constructive category through which to navigate a reading of human diversity and communal unity in Paul's letters. Park takes a thorough look at the cosmopolitan ideas of Diogenes of Sinope, Philo, Plutarch, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius to establish Paul as an interlocutor who critically participated in the discourse of cosmopolitanism. Park characterizes Paul's understanding of unity with the distinctive phrase "heterogeneous unity," in which human differences are respected and embraced rather than being universalized or homogenized. This book offers a novel analysis of Paul's rhetoric about citizenship in Philippians and its adoption of Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as an interpretive contour.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522084

Published 2022
Judges 19-21 and Ruth : Canon as a Voice of Answerability /

: Judges 19-21 is filled with sexual violence, silent victims, and the lack of an ethical response. Utilizing a Bakhtinian-canonical perspective, this book seeks alternative canonical voices of answerability and non-violence through dialogue with the book of Ruth.
Previous scholarship hints at the connection between Judges 19-21 and Ruth (as set in dialogue), but there has yet to be a study to articulate this relationship. Through a Bakhtinian-canonical perspective, a comparative analysis of these texts unveils intertextual correlations. Lexical and thematic connections include shared idioms, contrasting themes of חרם ("ban") andחסד ("loving-kindness," "covenant-faithfulness"), silence and speech, abuse and potential for abuse, gendered violence and feminine agency. This case-study reveals that Ruth, as a text and as a woman, embodies a voice of answerability to the silenced and abused women in Judges 19-21.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521711

Published 2022
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /

: Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522237