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Published 2020
Free Will, Causality, and Neuroscience /

: Neuroscientists often consider free will to be an illusion. Contrary to this hypothesis, the contributions to this volume show that recent developments in neuroscience can also support the existence of free will. Firstly, the possibility of intentional consciousness is studied. Secondly, Libet's experiments are discussed from this new perspective. Thirdly, the relationship between free will, causality and language is analyzed. This approach suggests that language grants the human brain a possibility to articulate a meaningful personal life. Therefore, human beings can escape strict biological determinism.
: 1 online resource : 9789004409965

Published 2010
Interpreting Aristotle's Posterior analytics in late antiquity and beyond

: This collection of essays highlights Ancient, Byzantine and Medieval developments in the discussion of scientific method and argument in the comment(arie)s on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics and related methodological passages in the Aristotelian corpus. Despite the importance of these discussions, the larger part of the commentary tradition on the Posterior Analytics still remains uncharted. The contributors to this volume identify and explore three important strands of interpretation, viz. (1) the reception of Aristotle's logic of inquiry and theory of concept formation in Posterior Analytics II 19; (2) the influence of the Posterior Analytics on the evaluation of metaphysics as a science; and (3) the reception of Aristotle's theory of demonstration, definition, and causation in Posterior Analytics book II.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-254) and indexes. : 9789004201828 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Zufall und Gesetz : Drei Dissertationen unter Schlick: H. Feigl - M. Natkin - Tscha Hung /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004458291

Published 2020
The First Principle in Late Neoplatonism : A Study of the One's Causality in Proclus and Damascius /

: In The First Principle , Jonathan Greig examines the philosophical theology of the two Neoplatonists, Proclus and Damascius (5th-6th centuries A.D.), on the One as the first cause. Both philosophers address a tension in the Neoplatonic tradition: namely that the One was seen as absolutely transcendent, yet it was also seen as intimately related to other things as the source of their unity and being. Proclus' solution is to posit intermediate causes after the One, while Damascius posits a distinct principle, the 'Ineffable', above the One. This book provides a new, thorough study of the theories of causation that lead each to their respective position and reveals crucial insights involved in a rigorous negative theology employed in metaphysics.
: Revision of author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität München, 2017. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004439092

Published 2011
Kausalität in der Muʻtazilitischen Kosmologie : das Kitab al-muʼaththirāt wa-miftaḥ al-muşkilāt des Zayditen al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ. (st. 584/1188) /

: The importance of Zaydī sources for historical research on Muʿtazilī theology is generally acknowledged since the spectacular discoveries of unique manuscripts in Yemen in the 1950s. Yet the knowledge transfer and adoption of Muʿtazilī thought by the Yemeni Zaydiyya still remain an understudied field. Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (d. 1188) was one of the main promoters of Muʿtazilism in 6th/12th century Yemen. His works mainly focus on natural philosophy and include a systematic treatise on causality which is comprehensively examined and critically edited in this volume. The present study gives insight into a fascinating chapter of Islamic intellectual history and offers the first analysis of a Muʿtazilī theory of causality. Die Bedeutung zayditischer Quellen für die Erforschung muʿtazilitischer Theologie ist spätestens seit der spektakulären Wiederentdeckung einzigartiger Handschriften im Jemen der 1950er Jahre allgemein anerkannt. Dennoch sind der Wissenstransfer und die Adaption muʿtazilitischen Denkens durch die jemenitische Zaydiyya bislang kaum erforscht. Al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (st. 1188) war einer der wichtigsten Protagonisten dieses Prozesses im Jemen des 6./12. Jahrhunderts. Unter seinen zahlreichen Schriften zu naturphilosophischen Fragen findet sich auch ein systematisches Traktat zur Kausalität, welches im vorliegenden Buch umfassend untersucht und kritisch ediert wird. Die Studie gewährt Einblick in ein faszinierendes Kapitel islamischer Geistesgeschichte und analysiert erstmals eine muʿtazilitische Systematik zur Kausalität.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004212053 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.