From Nicopolis to Mohács, A History of Ottoman-Hungarian Warfare, 1389-1526.
In From Nicopolis to Mohács , Tamás Pálosfalvi offers an account of Ottoman-Hungarian warfare from its start in the late fourteenth century to the battle of Mohács in 1526. During this period of one century and a half, the Kingdom of Hungary was the most constant and strongest rival of the expanding Ottoman Empire in Europe, and as such waged constant warfare in defence of its borders. Based on the extensive use of hitherto unexplored source material, Pálosfalvi not only offers a sound chronology of military events, but also a description of Hungarian military structures and their transformation under constant Ottoman pressure, as well as an analysis of the reasons that lay behind the military breakdown of Hungary in the third decade of the sixteenth century.
1 online resource. :
A Decade of Mozambique : Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2013 /
This chronology for 2004 to 2013 compiles the chapters on Mozambique previously published in the Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara . The country has over the years remained one of the poorest, and poverty is not declining. But the discovery of huge gas fields could bring changes by the mid 2020s. During the period under review, the sheen began to fade from Mozambique's status as a donor darling, as donors increasingly objected to corruption while government was angered by donor impositions and took an increasingly autonomous line. The former liberation movement Frelimo remains the predominant party and has won all national elections, while two presidents have stepped down after two terms. The main opposition party Renamo retains an armed wing launching small military actions. A second opposition party gained control of four cities. A younger and better-educated generation that remembers neither the liberation struggle nor the 1982-92 civil war is beginning to challenge the established leadership.
"The chapters in this book were previously published in Brill's Africa Yearbook." :
1 online resource (143 pages) : map. :
9789004311053 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revolt and resistance in the ancient Classical world and the Near East : in the crucible of empire /
This collection of essays contains a state of the field discussion about the nature of revolt and resistance in the ancient world. While it does not cover the entire ancient world, it does focus in on the key revolts of the pre-Roman imperial world. Regardless of the exact sequence, it was an undeniable fact that the area we now call the Middle East witnessed a sequence of extensive empires in the second half of the last millennium BCE. At first, these spread from East to West (Assyria, Babylon, Persia). Then after the campaigns of Alexander, the direction of conquest was reversed. Despite the sense of inevitability, or of divinely ordained destiny, that one might get from the passages that speak of a sequence of world-empires, imperial rule was always contested. The essays in this volume consider some of the ways in which imperial rule was resisted and challenged, in the Assyrian, Persian, and Hellenistic (Seleucid and Ptolemaic) empires. Not every uprising considered in this volume would qualify as a revolution by this definition. Revolution indeed was on the far end of a spectrum of social responses to empire building, from resistance to unrest, to grain riots and peasant rebellions. The editors offer the volume as a means of furthering discussions on the nature and the drivers of resistance and revolution, the motivations for them as well as a summary of the events that have left their mark on our historical sources long after the dust had settled.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004330184 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dynastic Lycia : a political history of the Lycians and their relations with foreign powers, C. 545-362 B.C. /
This volume deals with the history of Lycia in the Achaemenid period, the time of its most famous monuments, discussing all the evidence that can be used in the reconstruction. It is the first book-length treatment in English of Lycia that focuses on historical matters. The first four synchronic chapters deal with general aspects of the Lycian political set-up. The remaining nine chapters take the reader through a detailed examination of the history of the period. Because of the Lycians strategically important location between the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean, this work is important for understanding the wider interaction of the Achaemenid Persian empire and the Greek world.
Based on the author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Manchester, 1992). :
1 online resource (xii, 268 pages) : map. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-261) and index. :
9789004351523 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La politique africaine du Maroc : Identité de role et projection de puissance /
"Since Mohammed VI's accession to the throne in 1999, Morocco has pursued a continental foreign policy. The Kingdom aspires to be recognized as an emerging African power both in its identity and in its space of projection. In order to satisfy these ambitions, the diplomatic apparatus is developing and modernising, while a singular role identity is emerging around the notion of the "golden mean", supported by a system of discursive legitimisation as well as by the conduct of an "indirect strategy". This study presents, on an empirical level, the conditions of the elaboration and conduct of this African policy, and analyses, on a theoretical level, the evolution of the identity of the Moroccan power with regard to this African policy. Depuis l'avènement du règne de Mohammed VI en 1999, le Maroc déploie une politique étrangère continentale. Le Royaume ambitionne d'être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions l'appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu'une identité de rôle singulière émerge autour de la notion de " juste milieu ", soutenue par un cadre de légitimation discursif ainsi que par la conduite d'une " stratégie indirecte ". Cette étude présente, sur le plan empirique, les conditions de l'élaboration et de la conduite de cette politique africaine, et analyse, sur le plan théorique, l'évolution de l'identité de la puissance marocaine au regard de cette politique africaine"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Qїrghїz Baatïr and the Russian Empire : A Portrait of a Local Intermediary in Russian Central Asia /
In The Qїrghїz Baatïr and the Russian Empire Tetsu Akiyama gives a vivid description of the dynamism and dilemmas of empire-building in nomadic Central Asia from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth century, through reconstructing the biography of Shabdan Jantay uulu (ca. 1839-1912), a chieftain from the northern Qїrghїz (Kirghiz, Kyrgyz) tribes. Based on the comprehensive study of primary sources stored in the archives of Central Asian countries and Russia, Akiyama explores Shabdan's intermediary role in the Russian Empire's military advance and rule in southern Semirech'e and its surrounding regions. Beyond the commonly held stereotype as a "faithful collaborator" to Russia, he appears here as a flexible and tough leader who strategically faced and dealt with Russian dominance.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :