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The last pagan : Julian the Apostate and the death of the ancient world /

: xvi, 255 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0750932953

La " Bonne Nouvelle" : la nouvelle de l'avenement d'un empereur et de la mort de son predecesseur en Egypte /

: Includes bibiographical references and indexes. : 108 pages : maps ; 24 cm. : 9782960083439

Published 2008
Hadrian : empire and conflict /

: Published to accompany the exhibition at the British Museum 24 July-26 October 2008.
Statement of reponsibility taken from cover. : 256 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps, plans, portraits ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliography (pages 245-250) and index. : 9780714150697 : .alaa-sweed

Published 1989
Les titulatures des empereurs romains dans les documents en langue égyptienne /

: 122 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Les voyages des empereurs dans l'Orient romain : époques antonine et sévérienne /

: 303 p.ages : illustrations (some color), color map ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782877725156

Constantine : dynasty, religion and power in the later Roman empire /

: 1 online resource (290 pages) : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781118782750

Constantine the Emperor /

: xv, 368 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 347-359) and index. : 9780199755868

Published 1984
Etudes sur le portrait impérial romain en Egypte /

: Title on added title page : Studia nad rzymskim portretem cesarksim w Egipcie. : 204 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 8301036214

Published 2003
Following Hadrian : a second-century journey through the Roman Empire /

: Originally published : London : Review, 2002. : xx, 328 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 303-317) and index. : 0195165764

Published 1998
The Emperor Constantine /

: Originally published : London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1993. : xii, 267 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0753805286

Published 1935
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina /

: At head of title : By Robert Graves. : 583 pages : illustrations, map, tables ; 22 cm.

Published 1959
Memoirs of Hadrian /

: Translation of : Mémoires d'Hadrien. : 252 pges : maps ; 19 cm. : Bibliography : page 241-253.

Published 1935
I, Claudius : from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Emperor of the Romans, born B.C. 10, murdered and deified A.D. 54 /

: 494 pages : tables ; 22 cm.

Published 2007
Ammianus after Julian : the reign of Valentinian and Valens in Books 26-31 of the Res Gestae /

: In Books 26-31 Ammianus Marcellinus deals with the period of the emperors Valentinian and Valens. The representatives of the new dynasty differ greatly from their predecessor Julian, both personally and in their style of government. The Empire is divided between the two rulers, and suffers increasingly from barbarian invasions. Faced with these changes, Ammianus adapts his historical method. His treatment of the events becomes less detailed and more critical. The years following on the death of Julian are painted in dark colours, as the disaster at Hadrianople casts its shadow before. The papers in this volume, on History and Historiography, Literary Composition and Crisis of Empire, were presented during the conference \'Ammianus after Julian\' held in 2005.
: "This book is the result of an international conference held at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) from 2-5 June 2005"--P. [vii]. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047421511 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
Dialogangebote. Die Anrede des Kaisers jenseits der offiziellen Titulatur /

: Der Kaiser war der Bevölkerung im Römischen Reich auf vielfältige Weise präsent, durch Statuen auf öffentlichen Plätzen, sein Bildnis auf Münzen oder seinen Namen in Inschriften. Dabei waren seine Untertanen nicht nur Rezipienten kaiserlicher Selbstdarstellung, sondern beteiligten sich auch aktiv an der Ausgestaltung der kaiserlichen Repräsentation mit ihren eigenen Vorstellungen und Erwartungen. Dieses Thema wird in Dialogangebote. Die Anrede des Kaisers jenseits der offiziellen Titulatur erstmals am Beispiel der sog. inoffiziellen Titulaturen auf breiter Quellenbasis untersucht. Dabei werden diese ehrenden Epitheta in ihrer diachronen Entwicklung von Augustus bis Severus Alexander (27 v. Chr. - 235 n. Chr.) und ihren thematischen, medialen, funktionalen und sozialen Kontexten analysiert. Die Untersuchung arbeitet die wichtige Rolle der Untertanen für die Herrscherrepräsentation heraus und bietet neue Einblicke in die Bedeutung dieses Phänomens für die reziproke Kommunikation zwischen Kaiser und Untertanen. The people of the Roman Empire encountered the emperor in many different ways, such as through statues in public places, his portrait on coins or his name in inscriptions. In these encounters, his subjects were not merely recipients of imperial self-expression, but also expressed their own ideas and expectations. Dialogangebote. Die Anrede des Kaisers jenseits der offiziellen Titulatur is the first study of this dynamic to make use of the rich Latin and Greek source material for the so-called unofficial titulature. These honorific epithets are analysed in their diachronic development from Augustus to Severus Alexander (27 BCE - 235 CE) and discussed in their thematic, media, functional and social contexts. The study fleshes out the important role played by the subjects in the representation of rulers and offers new insights into the importance of this phenomenon for the reciprocal communication between emperors and subjects.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443747

Published 2020
Gaining and losing imperial favour in late antiquity : representation and reality /

: The collective volume Gaining and Losing Imperial Favour in Late Antiquity: Representation and Reality, edited by Kamil Cyprian Choda, Maurits Sterk de Leeuw and Fabian Schulz, offers new insights into the political culture of the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D., where the emperor's favour was paramount. The articles examine how people gained, maintained, or lost imperial favour. The contributors approach this theme by studying processes of interpersonal infl uence and competition through the lens of modern sociological models. Taking into account both political reality and literary representation, this volume will have much to offer students of late-antique history and/or literature as well as those interested in the politics of pre-modern monarchical states.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004411791

Published 2012
The Julio-Claudian succession : reality and perception of the "Augustan model" /

: This collection of essays considers the challenging questions around the formation, establishment and continuation of the Julio-Claudian principate from the coming to power of Augustus. Augustus laid down the ground rules for a princeps , and the essays explore the subsequent transition of power, and how the succession and subsequent rule manifested itself, even though there was no formal mechanism for such a transfer. These essays fully utilize the extant literary, epigraphic, numismatic and visual record to evaluate Augustus' "political legacy". The representation, and retention, of power was a critical issue for the princeps and his subjects, and the contributors provide fresh political and literary analysis of aspects of the principates of Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius and Nero.
: 1 online resource (188 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004235847 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syrienne s représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.) /

: This book focuses on the role of the emperor and the image of the Roman Empire as a whole during the time period from Augustus to Constantine. It analyses this image by taking into account the epigraphic, literary, numismatic and archaeological sources from Phoenicia to Osrhoene and from Commagene to Arabia. While discussing Graeco-Roman cities and rural settlements among desert areas, it addresses celebrations as well as the organization and promotion of the imperial cult in the Near East. This includes the imperial cult's forms of expression of symbolic, political, and various other social or religious functions. This approach, therefore, explores the real and imaginary relationships that existed between the Roman Empire and the populations of the Syrian provinces.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [325]-250) and indexes. : 9789004203624 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVII /

: Book 27 deals with events between 365 and 370. Military operations in the western and eastern half of the Empire take up a large part of the available space. Apart from military matters Ammianus deals with internal affairs. He discusses the terms of office of four Roman urban prefects and paints a picture of Petronius Probus, the mightiest civil official of the period. The most striking part of the book contains a portrait of the emperor Valentinian. This passage forms the centre of the book, which therefore has the structure of a triptych: of the two outer parts each contains military affairs in the West and the East and reports on some notable non-military events, whilst in the central panel Valentinian takes pride of place.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [295]-315) and indexes. : 9789004188389 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Emperors and historiography : collected essays on the literature of the Roman Empire by Daniël den Hengst /

: In this collection of essays Roman historical and biographical texts are studied from a literary point of view. The main interest of the author, Daniël den Hengst, professor emeritus of Latin at the University of Amsterdam, concerns the development of Roman historiography, the ways in which Roman historians present their work and the intertextual relations between these works and other literary genres. Special attention is given to the Historia Augusta and Ammianus Marcellinus, but also authors from the classical period, such as Cicero, Livy and Suetonius and their ideas about historiography are discussed. The articles demonstrate that a detailed interpretation of these texts in the original language is indispensable to understanding the aims and methods of ancient historians and biographers.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 5-11, 333-344) and indexes. : 9789004193222 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.