The Spirit of Liberation : Jürgen Moltmann's Trinitarian Pneumatology /
With this study on Moltmann's pneumoatology the author recently obtained the doctor's degree from the Faculty of Theology of the Free University in Amsterdam. First of all, the book provides us with a thorough evaluation of the role the Holy Spirit plays in the theology of Jürgen Moltmann in its subsequent phases. The author's conclusion is that despite all differences there is one contstant factor: the Spirit is always connected with freedom. The Holy Spirit, according to Moltmann, is a liberating power. Because the author is eager to place Moltmann's pneumatology repeatedly in the context of his theology as a whole and of its developments, this book offers - and that is a second quality - an outstanding insight in the whole of Moltmann's theology and its development throughout the years.
1 online resource :
The spirit is moving : new pathways in pneumatology : studies presented to Professor Cornelis van der Kooi on the occasion of his retirement /
The work of the Spirit of God is a vibrant and much discussed topic in many contemporary Christian communities worldwide. Apparently, the Spirit is moving. Theological reflection on this phenomenon has even given rise to what is often called a 'pneumatological renaissance'. This volume not only takes stock of these remarkable developments, but also probes some of their hidden aspects and highlights avenues for future exploration. It contains a wide-ranging but coherent assortment of essays, covering the five relations of the Holy Ghost distinguished already in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed: how does the Spirit of God relate to the Bible, to the Christ, to the human person, to the church and to the world? These essays are written as a tribute to the many inspiring theological contributions of prof. Cornelis van der Kooi on the occasion of his retirement as Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Religion and Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he taught from 1992 until 2018. Contributors are: Henk A. Bakker, Abraham van de Beek, Erik A. de Boer, Carl J. Bosma, Gijsbert van den Brink, Martien E. Brinkman, Gerard C. den Hertog, Arnold Huijgen, Gerrit C. van de Kamp, Miranda Klaver, Akke van der Kooi, Margriet van der Kooi-Dijkstra, Bruce L. McCormack, Richard J. Mouw, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman, Eep Talstra, Benno van den Toren, Jan Veenhof, Willem van Vlastuin, Pieter Vos, Michael Welker, Cory Willson, Maarten Wisse.
1 online resource. :
9789004391741 :
1571-4799 ;
The Trinitarian testimony of the spirit : prosopological exegesis and the development of pre-Nicene pneumatology /
In The Trinitarian Testimony of the Spirit , Kyle R. Hughes offers a new approach to the development of early Christian pneumatology by focusing on how Justin, Irenaeus, and Tertullian linked the Holy Spirit with testimony to the deity and lordship of the Father and the Son. Drawing extensively on recent studies of prosopological exegesis and divine testimony in the ancient world, Hughes demonstrates how these three pre-Nicene Christian writers utilized Scripture and the conventions of ancient rhetoric and exegesis to formulate a highly innovative approach to the Holy Spirit that would contribute to the identification of the Spirit as the third person of the Trinity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004369894 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Spirit of the New Testament /
The essays in this volume on the one hand together form an exploration of the Spirit in the New Testament, and on the other hand a demonstration of the spirit of the NT. The focus is largely on the Johannine literature, but there are also exegetical studies in Matthew and Luke. The studies are either entirely new or have already been influential among Pentecostal theologians; this publication makes them deservedly and conveniently available to a wider readership. Essays include: The Kingdom of God in Matthew; Discipleship in Mark; The Ending of Mark; The Composition of the Fourth Gospel; The Fourth Gospel and Rabbinic Judaism; The Spirit in the Fourth Gospel; Healing in the Atonement; The Structure of Acts; Footwashing; Women, Pentecostals, and the Bible; The Literary Structure of 1 John; Pentecostal Theology in the 21st Century.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
La perte de l'Esprit Saint et son recouvrement dans l'Église ancienne : la réconciliation des hérétiques et des pénitents en occident du IIIe siècle jusqu'à Grégoire le Grand /...
Quand Dieu fait don de l'Esprit aux croyants, comment l'Esprit est-il conféré ? L'Esprit peut-il être perdu ? Laurence Decousu s'attache à répondre à ces questions en étudiant comment l'Église ancienne réconciliait les pénitents et ceux qui s'étaient séparés d'elle. Depuis le Moyen-Âge, la théologie catholique pense que l'Esprit est donné à travers des rites célébrés une fois pour toutes : baptême, confirmation, ordre. Or l'Église des Pères n'a pas vu ces rites comme transmettant l'Esprit et ses effets. Pour eux, recevoir l'Esprit dépendait d'une initiative divine, à la fois directe, libre et souveraine. Cette étude représente une contribution importante pour renouveler la pneumatologie, la pastorale, et les relations œcuméniques. When God gives the Spirit to believers, how is the Spirit conferred ? Can the Spirit be lost ? Laurence Decousu answers these questions by studying the reconciliation of penitents and those who have separated themselves from the Church. Ever since the Middle Ages, theology has held that the Spirit is given through rites celebrated once for all : Baptism, Confirmation, Order. The Church Fathers did not see these rites as transmitting the Spirit and the effects of the Spirit. For them, reception of the Spirit depended on a divine initiative that was direct, free and sovereign. This study is an important contribution to the renewal of pneumatology, pastoral practice and ecumenical relations.
1 online resource (xiii, 545 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004291683 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Glory of the Spirit in Gregory of Nyssa's Adversus Macedonianos : Commentary and Systematic-Theological Synthesis /
In his commentary on Gregory of Nyssa's Adversus Macedonianos , Piet Hein Hupsch highlights the carefully composed structure of this work and the important connection between its theological, rhetorical and stylistic elements. In his capacity of arbiter fidei , which was bestowed upon him by the Council of Constantinople in 381, Bishop Gregory wrote this circular letter in the form of a counteraccusation against the Pneumatomachi, developing his Trinitarian theology of adoration in which the Spirit occupies a central role. In a systematic-theological synthesis of this work, Hupsch shows how the Spirit draws baptised human beings and human language into the relatio of the three divine persons, the dynamic circle of divine glory of which the Spirit is the personification.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist dialogue : does the Spirit blow through the middle way? /
Recent thinking in Christian theology of religions has taken a "pneumatological turn" which asks how the doctrine of the Holy Spirit can contribute to the interreligious dialogue and to the emerging discourse of comparative theology. Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue. Does the Spirit Blow through the Middle Way? tests the viability of this approach as applied to the Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Various Christian and Buddhist traditions are compared and contrasted within a pneumatological framework. Is the Holy Spirit to be found along the Buddha's middle way? Some Christians say yes, while others demur. The thesis of this volume is that such a pneumatological perspective opens up possibilities for the deepening and transformation of Christian theology in the religiously plural world of the twenty-first century.
1 online resource (xx, 301 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004231245 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Angelomorphic pneumatology : Clement of Alexandria and other early Christian witnesses /
This book discusses the occurrence of angelic imagery in early Christian discourse about the Holy Spirit. Taking as its entry-point Clement of Alexandria's less explored writings, Excerpta ex Theodoto, Eclogae propheticae, and Adumbrationes, it shows that Clement's angelomorphic pneumatology occurs in tandem with spirit christology, within a theological framework still characterized by a binitarian orientation. This complex theological articulation, supported by the exegesis of specific biblical passages (Zech 4: 10; Isa 11 : 2-3; Matt 18:10), reworks Jewish and Christian traditions about the seven first-created angels, and constitutes a relatively widespread phenomenon in early Christianity. Evidence to support this claim is presented in the course of separate studies of Revelation, the Shepherd of Hermas, Justin Martyr, and Aphrahat.
1 online resource (xxix, 232 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 195-215) and indexes. :
9789047444480 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Passover, Pentecost and Parousia : Studies in Celebration of the Life and Ministry of R. Hollis Gause /
Dr. R. Hollis Gause has been Professor of Theological and New Testament Studies at Lee University and the Church of God Theological Seminary in Cleveland, Tennessee, for many years, and his huge contribution to Pentecostal scholarship is held in high regard internationally. His influential life and ministry, as well as his teaching and scholarship, are here celebrated in his 85th year by many of his colleagues and former students. Contributors are: Contributions: K.E. Alexander, L.R. Martin, R.D. Moore, J.M. Beaty, J.A. Adewuya, J.C. Thomas, K.J. Archer, S.-E. Han, T.L. Johns, D.G. Roebuck, J.P. Bowers, C. Bridges Johns, C.R. Cason, M.O. McMahan, D.W. Slocumb, R.E. Waldrup.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Isaak von Ninive und seine Kephalaia Gnostika : die Pneumatologie und ihr Kontext /
Isaac of Nineveh (7th century AD), or Isaac the Syrian, was, among all the Syriac writers, the one to exert the greatest influence outside the Syriac-speaking world, becoming a highly venerated Father of Byzantine Orthodox spirituality and theology. In Isaak von Nineve und seine Kephalaia Gnostika , Nestor Kavvadas first draws out the frictions between East Syrian episcopacy and the anchorite mystical movement as represented by Isaac, in search of the historical context of Isaac's teaching on the working of the Holy Spirit on the monk. Then, he draws out of Isaac's writings, and especially the Kephalaia Gnostika , the underlying structure of Isaac's thought on the working of the Holy Spirit, with the tension here between the here and now and the 'New World' that can be momentarily anticipated in the present world. Isaak von Ninive (7. Jh. n.Chr.), oder Isaak der Syrer, war unter allen Syrischen Autoren derjenige, der den größten Einfluss außerhalb der syrischsprachigen Welt ausübte, indem er ein besonders verehrter Vater der byzantinischen orthodoxen Spiritualität und Theologie wurde. In Isaak von Ninive und seine Kephalaia Gnostika zeichnet Nestor Kavvadas zuerst die Reibungen zwischen dem ostsyrischen Episkopat und der volumea. durch Isaak vertretenen, anachoretischen mystischen Strömung nach, auf der Suche nach dem historischen Kontext der Lehre Isaaks vom Wirken des Heiligen Geistes auf den Mönch. Dann rekonstruiert er aus den Schriften Isaaks, insbesondere aus den Kephalaia Gnostika , die Isaaks Denken vom Wirken des Heiligen Geistes zugrundeliegende Struktur; leitend ist hier die Spannung zwischen dem "hier und jetzt" und der "Neuen Welt", die in dieser Welt augenblicklich antizipiert werden kann.
1 online resource (xvi, 189 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004284838 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Spirit as Gift in Acts : The Spirit's Empowerment of the Early Jesus Community /
"What does Luke mean when he describes the Spirit as gift (Acts 2:38)? This study explores the social implications of gift-giving in the Greco-Roman world, arguing that gifts initiate and sustain relationships. Therefore, the description of the Spirit as gift is inherently social, which is shown in the Spirit's empowerment of the teaching, unity, meals, sharing of possessions and worship of the early Jesus community. The Spirit as gift then leads us to see that the early Jesus community is 'the community of the Holy Spirit'"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The spirit of God : the exegesis of 1 and 2 Corinthians in the Pneumatomachian controversy of the fourth century /
The Spirit of God examines the use of 1 and 2 Corinthians by two fourth-century Greek Christian authors, Athanasius and Basil of Caesarea, especially as it relates to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The controversy over the nature and status of the Spirit during the latter half of the fourth century is detailed in order to place in context the examination of the way in which the theological concerns of Athanasius and Basil shaped their pneumatological interpretation of the Corinthian correspondence. This examination will be of value to patristic scholars interested in the way that Scripture was employed in the fourth century to hammer out doctrine.
1 online resource (xxiv, 253 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-244) and indexes. :
9789004312944 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.