"A Prophet like Moses" (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession /
This book provides a comprehensive study of the interpretation of Deuteronomy's concept of the prophet like Moses. It traces the origin, history, and influence of the Mosaic prophetic succession in the Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, and the New Testament.
In this book, DeJong explores Deuteronomy's redefinition of prophecy in Mosaic terms. He traces the history of Deuteronomy's concept of the prophet like Moses from the seventh century BCE to the first century CE, and demonstrates the ways in which Jewish and Christian texts were influenced by and responded to Deuteronomy's creation of a Mosaic norm for prophetic claims. This wide-ranging discussion illuminates the development of normative discourses in Judaism and Christianity, and illustrates the far-reaching impact of Deuteronomy's thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Septuagint South of Alexandria : Essays on the Greek Translations and Other Ancient Versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA) /
This volume presents original research on the historical context, narrative and wisdom books, anthropology, theology, language, and reception of the Septuagint, as well as comparisons of the Greek translations with other ancient versions and texts.
This volume tackles topics relevant to the study of the Septuagint and related fields of research, such as the historical context of the Greek translations and texts, their anthropology, theology, language, and reception, as well as the comparison of the Septuagint with other ancient translations and texts of its intellectual environment. The authors make contributions to the study of the texts themselves, their themes, and theories in modern research on the ancient artefacts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Septuagint South of Alexandria : Essays on the Greek Translations and Other Ancient Versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA) /
This volume presents original research on the historical context, narrative and wisdom books, anthropology, theology, language, and reception of the Septuagint, as well as comparisons of the Greek translations with other ancient versions and texts.
This volume tackles topics relevant to the study of the Septuagint and related fields of research, such as the historical context of the Greek translations and texts, their anthropology, theology, language, and reception, as well as the comparison of the Septuagint with other ancient translations and texts of its intellectual environment. The authors make contributions to the study of the texts themselves, their themes, and theories in modern research on the ancient artefacts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
From the Battlefield of Books: Essays Celebrating 50 Years of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit : Cambridge Genizah Studies Series, Volume 16 /
This collection of essays celebrates 50 years since the founding of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library. Three generations of scholars contributed their research and memories from their time at the GRU, stretching back to 1974. Their work comprises 18 articles on medieval Jewish History, Hebrew and Arabic manuscripts, archival history, and the story of the Cairo Genizah collections at the University of Cambridge. Together, they demonstrate the achievements of GRU alumni in advancing the field of Genizah Studies for more than five decades. See Less
1 online resource (288 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Holocaust, Zeit und Erzählung : Traumatische Zeiterfahrung in H. G. Adlers Roman "Eine Reise" /
This book examines the interrelationships between trauma, time, and narrative in the novel "The Journey" (1962) by the scholar, novelist, poet, and Holocaust survivor H. G. Adler. Drawing on Paul Ricœur's philosophy of time and studies of time in literature, Julia Menzel analyzes how Adler's novel depicts the experience of time as a dimension of Holocaust victims' trauma. She explores the aesthetic temporality of "The Journey" and presents a new interpretation of the literary text, which she conceives of as a modern "Zeit-Roman" (time novel). Die Studie untersucht die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Trauma, Zeit und Erzählung in dem Roman "Eine Reise" (1962) des Wissenschaftlers, Schriftstellers, Dichters und Holocaust-Überlebenden H. G. Adler. Unter Bezugnahme auf Paul Ricœurs Zeitphilosophie und die literaturwissenschaftliche Zeitforschung analysiert Julia Menzel, wie Adlers Roman traumatische Zeiterfahrungen der Opfer des Holocaust zur Darstellung bringt. Sie erkundet die ästhetische Eigenzeit von "Eine Reise" und eröffnet eine neue Lesart des literarischen Texts, den sie als modernen Zeit-Roman begreift.
1 online resource (300 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Prose and Poetry through Time : Hebrew Verb Form Semantics in Zechariah /
This is the first major study of the Biblical Hebrew verbal system of a prophetic book. It is also the first book-length study in over 60 years to focus on how genre affects the Hebrew verbal system. It advances a data-driven argument that Biblical Hebrew verb forms do not function one way in prose and another way in poetry. Lastly, the author addresses the diachronic development of Hebrew between the destruction of the First Temple and the writing of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
1 online resource (320 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women Writers' Philosophy of Love in German Romanticism : Dialogical Life in Letters /
This monograph spotlights women writers' contributions to the philosophy of German Romanticism. Dorothea Mendelssohn Veit Schlegel, Rahel Levin Varnhagen, Karoline von Günderrode, and Bettina Brentano von Arnim suggested a new vision for an ema
1 online resource (234 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: Mapping the Second Century /
The second century is a crucial period for the formation of both Judaism and Christianity, but remains in important ways terra incognita. This volume brings together specialists in Jewish studies and Christian studies, two closely related disciplines that nonetheless continue to operate in relative isolation. Taking into consideration the full panoply of Jewish and Christian identities, the volume proposes fresh ways to map the interrelated histories of Jews and Christians. Contributions by leading scholars offer new insights into this period informed by a rich variety of perspectives, including theoretical, literary, thematic and material approaches.
1 online resource (352 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Euclid's Elements in Hebrew Garb : Critical Editions of the Translation by Moses Ibn Tibbon and the Translation Ascribed to Rabbi Jacob, with an Introduction and Glossary, Volume T...
Euclid's Elements is one of the canonical texts that shaped our cultural heritage. It was translated from Greek to Arabic and from Arabic into Hebrew and Latin. There is little agreement about the textual history of the Arabic translations. The present book offers for the first time a critical edition of two Hebrew translations of Books III-VI, by Moses Ibn Tibbon and by "Rabbi Jacob". A serious attempt is made to learn from the Hebrew translations also on the history of the Arabic text. The edition of Ibn Tibbon's translation is accompanied by an Arabic text which was probably its source. Rabbi Jacob's translation is compared to an Arabic preserved in ms. BULAC Ara. 606, and very close to one of the translation's primary sources.
1 online resource (358 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :