al-Mafhūm al-siyāsī lil-Yahūd ʻabra al-tārīkh, min al-ʻahd al-qadīm ilá mufāwaḍāt al-salām al-Sharq Awsaṭīyah, 1900 Q.M-1995 M /
4 volume : illustrations (some color), maps : 25 cm :
Includes bibliographical references. :
977014557 (volume 3)
977014570X (volume 2)
9770147443 (volume 4)
9772354179 (volume 1)
9789770145708 (volume 2)
9789772354177 (volume 1)
Alexandria and Qumran : back to the beginning /
The Dead Sea Scrolls are one of the most well-known archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. This book addresses the proto-history and the roots of the Qumran community and of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the light of contemporary scholarship in Alexandria, Egypt.
Previously issued in print: 2017. :
1 online resource (xxvi, 586 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781784917296 (ebook) :
The archaeology of Anglo-Jewry in England and Wales 1656-c.1880 /
'The Archaeology of Anglo-Jewry in England and Wales 1656-c.1880' is a comprehensive study of the urban topography of Anglo-Jewry in the period before the mass immigration of 1881. The book brings together the evidence for the physical presence of at least 80% of the Jewish community. London and 35 provincial cities and towns are discussed.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781905739912 (PDF ebook) :
Alt-palästinensischer Bauernglaube : in religionsvergleichender Beleuchtung /
: "In dieser vorliegenden Arbeit soll nur der auf altpalästinensischem Boden noch in den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung belegte jüdische Volksglaube, wie er besonders für das Landvolk charakteristisch ist, in religionsgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung behandelt werden." -- Vorwort. : VIII-181 pages ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index.