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Tajribat Misṛ al-lībarālīyah, 1922-1936 /

: Translation of : Egypt's liberal experiment, 1922-1936. : 399 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 97773321703

Taǧrubaẗ Miṣr al-lībirāliyyaẗ : 1922-1936 /

: Translation of : Egypt's liberal experiment, 1922-1936. : 399 pages : illustrations ; 19 : Bibliography : pages 379-398.

Published 2014
Democracy, emergency, and arbitrary coercion : a liberal Republican view /

: States of emergency are declared by governments with alarming frequency. When they are declared, it is taken for granted that their nature is understood. This book argues against this established view. Instead, the view advanced here analyzes what makes emergencies different from other types of similar events. Defending a hybrid liberal/republican approach, the book proposes that states of emergency are in fact poorly understood and therefore needlessly mismanaged when they occur. This mismanagement leads to a troubling derogation of established liberal democratic rights in the name of an unattainable form of hollow security. Further, the book argues that the existing rights of citizens ought to be defended (and not simply derogated) during states of emergency. Failure to do so is failure to comply with the formal values of liberal democracy itself.
: 1 online resource (vi, 230 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004282575 : 2211-2014 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Orthodoxy, liberalism, and adaptation : essays on ways of worldmaking in times of change from biblical, historical, and systematic perspectives /

: How does religion cope with changing situations? Are orthodoxy and liberalism really competing strategies? The essays in this volume argue three views. (1)Orthodoxy is not to be seen as the real and original form of a given religion, but as an idealized original form that should be construed as a construction in reaction to changes in time. (2) Over the ages, liberalism - despite its laudable strive for adaptation - has been less successful than generally assumed. This lesson from history can be quite important in view of the adaptation processes for Muslims in Western Europe. (3) Of great importance for the survival of religion seems to be a clear definition of the boundaries of religiously informed practices and ethics. Their recognisability and authenticity shall - when combined with a due lack of obtrusion - be of great influence for the ongoing acceptance of religion(s) in the public domain.
: Proceedings of a symposium held in Feb. 2008 at the Conference Centre "Bovendonck" in southern Netherlands. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. : 9789004209848 : 1566-208X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Eine Kritik der kommunitaristischen Moralphilosophie : offene Gesellschaft - geschlossene Gemeinschaft /

: \'Gegenstand dieses Buches ist die Analyse und Kritik der Moralphilosophie des Kommunitarismus, deren grundlegende Fragestellungen nach wie vor von hoher Aktualität sind. Führt das liberalistische Verständnis von Mensch und Gesellschaft zur Auflösung sozialer Bindungen? Benötigen wir eine Revitalisierung der Gemeinschaften mit ihren jeweiligen Werten? Muss das Ideal der Neutralität des Staates aufgegeben werden? Der Autor zeigt in umfassender Weise, dass einige Annahmen des Kommunitarismus durchaus plausibel sind, dass sich seine zentralen Thesen aber nicht aufrechterhalten lassen. Der Kommunitarismus unterschätzt die potentiellen Gefahren zu enger Gemeinschaftsbindungen. Die ihm zugrunde liegende Philosophie erweist sich als relativistisch und darüber hinaus als widersprüchlich. In der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Kommunitarismus entwickelt der Autor eine Theorie der Normbegründung, die auf dem Verfahren des Überlegungsgleichgewichts sowie dem Fallibilismus beruht. Damit leistet er nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Liberalismus-Kommunitarismus-Debatte, sondern darüber hinaus zur Weiterentwicklung einer problemlösungsorientieren Ethik, die in ihren Grundlagen auf die Politische Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie Karl Poppers verweist.\' Volker Gadenne, University of Linz In Eine Kritik der kommunitaristischen Moralphilosophie. Offene Gesellschaft - Geschlossene Gemeinschaft analysiert Harald Stelzer die grundlegenden Aspekte der normativen Theorien von kommunitaristischen Autoren wie MacIntryre, Sandel, Taylor und Walzer. Basierend auf einer Rekonstruktion ihrer Kritik am Liberalismus und ihrer Sehnsucht nach der Gemeinschaft geht Stelzer auf die staatliche Neutralität ebenso ein wie auf die Reichweite der gemeinschaftlichen Einbettung des Individuums. Weiter diskutiert der Autor den Nah- und Fernhorizont der Ethik wie auch die relativistischen Konsequenzen eines auf der Annahme der Inkommensurabilität von Moralsystemen beruhenden kommunitaristischen Partikularismus. Das Buch endet mit einem Aufriss von Stelzers eigener Position, die beruhend auf dem Fallibilismus von Karl Popper und dem weiten Überlegungsgleichgewicht von John Rawls Moral als Problemlösungsprozess auffasst. In A Critique of the Moral Philosophy of Communitarianism. Open Society - Closed Community Harald Stelzer challenges communitarian authors like MacIntryre, Sandel, Taylor, and Walzer by analysing main aspects of their moral theories. Based on the reconstruction of their critique of liberalism and alternative communitarian accounts, Stelzer looks on state neutrality as well as on the scope of the social embeddedness of the individual. He then proceeds to discuss the far and near horizon of ethics as well as the relativistic consequences of a communitarian particularism based on the underlying assumption of incommensurability. In the last chapter, Stelzer provides his own account of a problem solving ethics by combining Karl Popper's fallibilism with the wide reflective equilibrium of John Rawls.
: Revised post-doctoral thesis (Habilitationsschrift). : 1 online resource (305 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-296) and index. : 9789004319356 : 0925-2657 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean : late 19th century until the 1960s /

: This volume analyzes liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean since the late nineteenth century, highlighting its long-term and ongoing influence, and challenging the conventional wisdom that liberalism has no legitimate place in the region's intellectual discourse. By investigating the activities of diverse institutions, media, and personalities, the authors in this volume examine the liberal ideas and values that emerged during eras of both peace and political turmoil, while recognizing the factors contributing to their decline. Seen from these many perspectives, liberal thought developed not merely from "Westernization," but from the interaction between indigenous intellectual critique and political ideology, political experiences and literary imagination, and a mixture of admiration for and resistance to European ideas and political domination.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047442240 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.