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Published 2022
Al-Maqrīzī's al-Ḫabar ʿan al-bašar: Volume IV, Section 2: The Idols of the Arabs /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499867

Published 2022
حلب الشهباء في عيون الشعراء، المجلد الأول: حلب في الشعر القديم (بين القرن السابع للميلاد ومطلع القرن العشرين) : [Aleppo through Poets' Eyes, Volume 1: Aleppo in Classical Poetry (7...

: حلب في الشعر القديم (المجلد الأول من موسوعة حلب الشهباء في عيون الشعراء ) وثيقةٌ تاريخيّة وأدبيّة تستعرض أكثر من 009 قصيدة كُتبتْ عن مدينة حلب أو ذكرَتْها، بين القرن السابع للميلاد ومطلع القرن العشرين، معبرةً عن الأوجُه الحضارية المتعددة للمدينة العريقة، بتاريخها المديد وتراثها الغنّي وطبيعتها الكوسموبوليتية. يتضمن الكتاب 21 فصلاً، يهدف فيها المؤلّفان حسن قجّـة ومحمد قجّـة، إلى استقصاء القيمة الفعليّة والرمزيّة لمدينة حلب في عيون الشعراء ومدى انعكاس ذلك في حضورها بقصائدهم، ودلالات ذلك الحضور، كما يهدفان إلى التأكيد على المساهمة التي قام بها الشعر عبر عصوره، في التعرّف على تاريخ المدن العربية والإسلامية، وعلى قيمة تلك المدن من النواحي الموضوعية (كعمرانها وصفات سكانها ودورها الوطني) ومن النواحي المعنوية (كسمعتها وقيمتها الحضارية وفخر أبنائها بها وشوقهم إليها).
: حلب في الشعر القديم يستعرض أكثر من 009 قصيدة من الشعر العربي والعالمي كُتبت عن مدينة حلب أو ذكرَتها بين القرن السابع ومطلع القرن العشرين، راصداً قيمتها الفعليّة والرمزيّة في عيون الشعراء وانعكاس ذلك في قصائدهم، سواء من النواحي الموضوعية أو من النواحي الوجدانية.Aleppo in Classical Poetry brings together more than 900 poems that have been written about Aleppo or mentioned it, from 7th century to the early 20th century, reflecting the various civilizational dimensions of the ancient city, in both its tangible and emotional aspects. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004504844

Published 2022
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī: The Indian Books : A new edition of the Arabic text and first-time English translation /

: ʿAlī ibn Sahl aṭ-Ṭabarī's Indian Books, completed in Samarra in 850 CE, offer a unique, interpretative summary of Ayurvedic medicine, as he understood it on the basis of now lost Arabic translations from Sanskrit.
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī's Indian Books , completed in the year 850 CE as an appendix to his medico-philosophical chef-d'œuvre "Paradise of Wisdom", belong to the most remarkable texts in Arabic scientific literature. The Indian Books offer a unique, interpretative summary of the main tenets of Ayurvedic medicine, as understood by Arabic-speaking scholars on the basis of now lost translations from Sanskrit. The present book centres around a critical edition and annotated translation of this crucial text, framed by a detailed introduction and extensive glossaries of terms. Ṭabarī's learned exposé of Ayurveda also throws a more nuanced light on the allegedly uncontested supremacy of Greek humoralism in 9th-century Arabic medicine.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004523302

Published 2022
Doing Justice to a Wronged Literature: Essays on Arabic Literature and Rhetoric of the 12th-18th Centuries in Honour of Thomas Bauer /

: Doing Justice to a Wronged Literature, a Festschrift for the Arabist and Islamicist Thomas Bauer, includes 17 essays by established academics on various themes and aspects of Arabic literature and rhetoric of the Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman periods (12th-18th centuries).
Doing Justice to a Wronged Literature is a Festschrift for the Arabist and Islamicist Thomas Bauer. It includes 17 essays by established academics on various themes and aspects of Arabic literature and rhetoric of the Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman periods (12th-18th centuries). Notoriously neglected and maligned by earlier scholarship, Arabic literature and rhetoric of the 12th-18th centuries is an understudied area of Arabic studies that Thomas Bauer has over the last two decades succeeded in developing and promoting. A tribute to his pioneering work on this field, the contributions highlight the wealth, complexity and importance of Arabic literature and rhetoric of the said period by offering close readings of paradigmatic texts or examining specific topics and trends in larger corpora.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521780

Published 1981
Islam and Political Development in Turkey /

: Rev. version of thesis (Ph.D.)--City University of New York. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004492141

Published 1978
The Public Diary of President Sadat, Volume 1: Road to War (October 1970-October 1973) /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004491052

Published 2021
Wortatlas der arabischen Dialekte : Band IV: Funktionswörter, Adverbien, Phraseologisches: eine Auswahl /

: The Wortatlas der arabischen Dialekte / Word Atlas of Arabic Dialects (WAD) intends to provide an unprecedented survey of the lexical richness and diversity of the Arabic dialects as spoken from Uzbekistan to Mauretania and Nigeria, from Malta to Sudan, and including the Ki-Nubi Creole as spoken in Uganda and Kenya. The multilingual word atlas consists of four volumes in total with some 500 onomasiological maps in full colour. Each map presents a topic or notion and its equivalents in Arabic as collected from the dialectological literature (dictionaries, grammars, text collections, ethnographic reports, etc.), from the editors' own field work, from questionnaires filled out by native speakers or by experts for a certain dialect region, and also from the internet. Polyglot legends in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian accompany the maps to facilitate further access. Each map is followed by a commentary in German, providing more details about the sources and the individual forms, and discussing semantic and etymological issues. All quotations are in their original language. The maps mainly show lexical types, detailed and concrete forms are given in the commentaries. An introduction is provided in Volume 1 in both German and English. Indices of all lexemes in the atlas will be available for each volume. The first volume Band I: Mensch, Natur, Fauna und Flora / Volume 1: Mankind, Nature, Fauna and Flora contains subjects such as 'family members', 'professions', 'human qualities'. The second volume, Band II: Materielle Kultur , deals with material culture ('house', 'utensils', 'food', 'clothing', 'vehicles', etc.). The third volume Band III: Verben, Adjektive, Zeit und Zahlen focuses on verbs, and adjectives. The forth volume Band IV: Funktionswörter und Phraseologisches contains functionwords and some phraseological items. The atlas is indispensable for everyone interested in the modern spoken Arabic language, as well as for dialectologists and for semanticists.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004462656

Published 1926
Een hypermodern geluid in de wereld van den Islām /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600843

Published 1892
Catalogue de livres orientaux imprimés par la maison E. J. Brill à Leide /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004601130

Published 1849
Historia chalifatus Al-Motacimi /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600416

Published 1852
Pars reliqua As-Sojutii de nominibus relativis, inscripti ..., quam auspice ... legati Warneriani interperprete ex tribus codicibus manuscriptis, cum annotatione critica edidit /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600348

Published 1878
Egyptische gemengde vonnissen /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004601376

Published 1861
Specimen e literis Orientalibus, exhibens Kiẗābo·l-boldān /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600317

Published 2025
Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Mental Health : Challenges and Culturally Sensitive Practice /

: This innovative book provides a thorough and compassionate examination of the lives of Syrian refugees in Jordan, as well as their families. It will equip mental health professionals with the necessary skills to effectively intervene when working with this vulnerable population. What distinguishes this book is its emphasis on the unique challenges that arise from the relationship between Jordanian locals and Syrian refugees, as well as how mental health practitioners can navigate these complexities. It sheds light on the obstacles that such practitioners face in their work and offers valuable insights into how to overcome them.
: 1 online resource (298 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703025

Published 1908
Selected business documents of the neo-Babylonian period /

: 9789004663732

Published 1954
Analecta Orientalia /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004619074

Published 2024
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3 : Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry /

: The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3: Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry , focuses on the study of material culture (pottery and glass), as well as on the archaeoscience activities that took place during the archaeological mission MAFOUB (2009-2023). The topics in this third, concluding volume concern environmental aspects, preliminary results on archaeozoology, the reconstruction of the evolution of the fauna over nineteen centuries, and politico-territorial aspects. It completes the urban and demographic framework that was presented in the previous two volumes. Contributors: Anne Bouquillon, Jacopo Bruno, Yvan Coquinot, Delphine Decruyenaere, Christel Doublet, Ayano Endo, Nathalie Gandolfo, Takako Hosokawa, Marjan Mashkour, Djamal Mirzaakhmedov, Andrey Omelchenko, Elisa Porto, Silvia Pozzi, Gabriele Puschnigg, Rocco Rante, Pascale Richardin, Yoko Shindo, Toshiyasu Shinmen, Tamako Takeda, Manon Vuillien, Antoine Zink The volume is co-published by Brill, Leiden, and the Louvre Museum, Paris.
: 1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004693999

Published 1879
Jus shafiiticum at-Tanbîh /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004601369

Published 1894
Ein türkisch-arabisches Glossar /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004601192

Published 1885
Verdeeling van den arbeid in betrekking tot wetenschap en onderwijs /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004599949