Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre : Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité /
Les 203 dédicaces votives en araméen de Palmyre de la période entre IIe et IIIe siècle de n.è. intriguent par 3 dénominations divines : « Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité », « Maître de l'Univers » et « le Miséricordieux ». Des études précédentes ont postulé univoquement l'anonymat divin. En étant déçu par cette explication du phénomène des inscriptions palmyréniennes, le livre Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre : Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité a pris pour le point de départ les concepts de remerciement et de louange, en découvrant l'existence d'un hymne rituel comme origine de la formule « Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité ». Qui sont donc des dieux, des récepteurs des dédicaces de Palmyre ? Peut-on combiner un nom propre d'un dieu avec ces trois formules ? Ce livre répond à ces questions flagrantes. 203 Palmyrene-Aramaic votive inscriptions from the period between the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE contain three intriguing designations of the gods: "Blessed (be) his name forever", "Master of the Universe" and "the Merciful". Previous studies have claimed that the god to whom these inscriptions are addressed is anonymous. Not satisfied with this explanation, Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre: Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité addresses the phenomenon through the lens of thanksgiving and praise, revealing the existence of a contemporary ritual hymn, the origin of the Palmyrene formula "Blessed his name forever". Who, then, were these gods, the recipients of the dedications? Can we find a match between the formulae and a proper name? This book provides answers to these fascinating questions.
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Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Reaching for the sky : religious education from Christian and Islamic perspectives /
Young people have to make their own way in the world; they have to give meaning to and find meaning in their lives. This is the field of religious education, which is provided by parents, religious leaders, or teachers of religion and worldviews. One of the most important challenges is to educate children in their own religion, emphasizing that religion's tolerant and peaceful side and to teach children about the beliefs of other traditions. An even more important challenge is to teach them to live together in peace and justice. This volume deals with religious education in Christianity and Islam in specific countries. Scholars in religious education need to know more about the ways in which Muslims and Christians perceive and practice their respective forms of religious education and explore methods that help young people develop their religious identity in accordance with their tradition-and also meet with comrades from other traditions, as the two young Gambian and Dutch women shown on the cover do. This volume explores the field of Christian and Islamic education. Muslim and Christian scholars from Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands describe various aspects of religious education at school, at home, in the mosque and church, via the media and in peer groups. The papers were presented and discussed at an authors' conference at VU University Amsterdam, organized in close collaboration between the staff of its Centre of Islamic Theology and other scholars in religious education, and the Islamic Universities League in Cairo. The authors describe actual processes of education, reflect on religious identity formation and respect for other people and the influences from home, school, mosque, and church, the media and "the street."
1 online resource (281 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401207584 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religious education in pre-modern Europe /
Although religious education is a much-debated topic in present-day History of Religions, its study focuses almost exclusively on contemporary phenomena. Furthermore, this field of study still lacks a comprehensive theoretical framework to structure research. The volume presented here explores religious education from a historical perspective, focusing on source material from pre-modern Europe. Scholars from the History of Religions, Theology, Classical Philology, Medieval Studies and Byzantine Studies contribute their expertise to analyse selected aspects of religious education in Antiquity, Byzantium and the Middle Ages, highlighting the diverse concepts of education, educational contents, actors, media, methods, ideals and intentions at play, and anchoring their case studies in the broader panorama of European history. Based on this material, the editors propose a systematic framework to map the research field.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (254 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004232143 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Rephaim : Sons of the Gods /
In The Rephaim: Sons of the Gods , Jonathan Yogev provides a new theory regarding the mysterious characters, known as "Rephaim," in Biblical and ancient Near Eastern literature. The Rephaim are associated with concepts such as death and the afterlife, divinity, healing, giants and monarchy among others. They appear in Ugaritic, Phoenician and Biblical texts, yet it is difficult to pinpoint their exact function and meaning. This study offers a different perspective, along with full texts, detailed epigraphic analysis and commentary for all of the texts that mention the Rephaim, in order to determine their specific importance in societies of the ancient Levant.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Participatory Learning : Religious Education in a Globalizing Society /
In many respects children and youths receiving religious instruction in our culture resemble extraterrestrial beings doing an orientation course. Religion and religiosity are unknown quantities which they have hardly encountered at home. Religion seems something else, something greater. This book is a study of the foundations of religious education, centered around six concepts: religion in a globalizing society, religious tradition, religion, the religious self, learning through participation and interreligious learning.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Unorganized Religion: Pentecostalism and Secularization in Denmark, 1907-1924 /
Two phenomena profoundly changed the shape of Christendom in the twentieth century: the rise of secularism in Europe, and the rise of Pentecostalism elsewhere. This book investigates the impact of an emerging secular culture on the early Pentecostal movement, using previously unpublished data to build its case study on Denmark. The first Pentecostals were idealists who sought to influence the existing churches from within, but eventually this approach gave way to the more successful strategy of forming separate Pentecostal churches. The insights found herein apply to all religious minorities who seek to adapt to an inhospitable context.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Shape of Anglican Theology : Faith Seeking Wisdom /
There are numerous books that offer an historical account of Anglican theology or that detail the lives and work of particular Anglican theologians. Books that focus on the nature and character of Anglican theology itself, however, are hard to find. This volume fills that gap. In The Shape of Anglican Theology, Scott MacDougall examines what it is that makes Anglican theology Anglican. Beginning with a treatment of the ways in which Anglican theology is and is not distinct from other types of Christian theology, he describes the theological features that mark the general boundaries of Anglican theologizing before turning to consider a set of eight interconnected characteristics that provide Anglican theology with its distinctive profile. MacDougall argues that, by setting its boundaries as widely as possible and requiring subscription to specific theological propositions as little as possible, Anglican theology is in essence a wisdom theology that seeks to build the capacity for faithful Christian discernment in belief and practice.
This book reveals the distinctiveness of Anglican theology, describing its boundaries and naming its particular characteristics, finally concluding that Anglican theology is a wisdom theology that seeks to build the capacity for faithful Christian discernment in belief and practice. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor /
In Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor , Christina G. Williamson examines the phenomenon of monumental sanctuaries in the countryside of Asia Minor that accompanied the second rise of the Greek city-state in the Hellenistic period. Moving beyond monolithic categories, Williamson provides a transdisciplinary frame of analysis that takes into account the complex local histories, landscapes, material culture, and social and political dynamics of such shrines in their transition towards becoming prestigious civic sanctuaries. This frame of analysis is applied to four case studies: the sanctuaries of Zeus Labraundos, Sinuri, Hekate at Lagina, and Zeus Panamaros. All in Karia, these well-documented shrines offer valuable insights for understanding religious strategies adopted by emerging cities as they sought to establish their position in the expanding world.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Religions and education in antiquity : studies in honour of Michel Desjardins /
Religions and Education in Antiquity gathers ten essays on teaching and learning in the contexts of ancient Western religions, including Judaism, early Christianity and Gnostic Christian traditions. Beginning with an overview of religious education in the ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean worlds, editor Alex Damm and the contributors together demonstrate the mutual influence of religion and education on each other; the relevance of educational traditions in addressing (for instance) historical or exegetical issues; and the thoroughgoing importance of education to religious life across time and space in antiquity. Highly useful to scholars of religion, theology, classics and education, this volume affords a state of the art study on pedagogy and learning in ancient religious contexts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004384613 :
0169-8834 ;
The Myth of Lycurgus in Aeschylus, Naevius, and beyond /
Lycurgus, the king of the Thracian tribe of the Edonians, is the hero of the first attested Greek myth about the resistance against the god Dionysus. According to many scholars, Lycurgus was worshipped as a god among the Thracians, Phrygians, and Syrians. His myth might have been used as a hieros logos in the initiations into the 'Bacchic' and 'Orphic' mysteries in Greece and Rome. This book focuses on Aeschylus' tragic tetralogy Lycurgeia and Naevius' tragedy Lycurgus , the two most important texts that shaped the tradition of the Lycurgus myth, and offers a new and, at times, radically different interpretation of these fragmentary plays and related cultural texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :