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Published 2011
Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrew s

: Scholars often explain Hebrews' relative silence regarding Jesus' resurrection by emphasizing the author's appeal to Yom Kippur's two key moments-the sacrificial slaughter and the high priest's presentation of blood in the holy of holies-in his distinctive portrayal of Jesus' death and heavenly exaltation. The writer's depiction of Jesus as the high priest whose blood effected ultimate atonement appears to be modeled upon these two moments. Such a typology discourages discrete reflection on Jesus' resurrection. Drawing on contemporary studies of Jewish sacrifice (which note that blood represents life, not death), parallels in Jewish apocalyptic literature, and fresh exegetical insights, this volume demonstrates that Jesus' embodied, resurrected life is crucial for the high-priestly Christology and sacrificial soteriology developed in Hebrews.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004206915 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2023
Paul and the Rhetoric of Resurrection : 1 Corinthians 15 as Insinuatio /

: Have you ever wondered why Paul leaves the resurrection discussion in 1 Corinthians 15 for the end of the letter? Have you pondered how 1 Corinthians 15 functions as the climax to 1 Corinthians? This book answers those questions by exploring insinuatio , the Greco-Roman rhetorical convention used to address prejudiced or controversial topics-like resurrection-at the end of a discourse. This is the most thorough treatment of insinuatio in Biblical and Classical studies to date. It examines the Greco-Roman rhetorical handbooks and speeches on insinuatio , compares them to what Paul does in 1 Corinthians 15, and finds that this was precisely Paul's rhetorical strategy in 1 Corinthians.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004527904

Published 2015
Ps-Athenagoras De Resurrectione : Datierung und Kontextualisierung der dem Apologeten Athenagoras zugeschriebenen Auferstehungsschrift /

: The authorship of De Resurrectione traditionally ascribed to the apologist Athenagoras, and its dating are controversial to this day. Nikolai Kiel proves in this study that the resurrection treatise is pseudonymous. By positioning the text within the intellectual-historical context of early resurrection debates, its origin can be dated to the first half of the Third century. The discourse horizon of the discussed tractate has been determined more precisely by means of a reconstruction of the constituent opposing position. Through his interpretative survey of De Resurrectione , the author has advanced the study of apologetic literature from the early patristic Era. Die Verfasserschaft der traditionell dem Apologeten Athenagoras zugeschriebenen Schrift De Resurrectione und ihre Datierung sind bis heute umstritten. Nikolai Kiel weist in dieser Studie nach, dass der Auferstehungstraktat ein Pseudonym darstellt. Durch eine Verortung des Textes im ideengeschichtlichen Kontext der altkirchlichen Auferstehungsdebatten kann seine Entstehung auf die erste Hälfte des dritten Jahrhunderts datiert werden. Hierzu wird auch der Diskurshorizont des untersuchten Traktats mittels einer Rekonstruktion der in der Leugnung der Totenauferstehung bestehenden gegnerischen Position näher bestimmt. Ausgehend von einem interpretierenden Durchgang durch De Resurrectione leistet der Verfasser einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur patristischen Forschung des apologetischen Zeitalters.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004305373 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1990
Heilsverlangen und Heilsverwirklichung : Studien zur Erwartung des Heils in der apokalyptischen Literatur des antiken Judentums und im ältesten Christentum /

: Ernst Baasland, Synthetischer Dualismus in der Bibel . Zur wissenschaftlichen Lebensarbeit Sverre Aalens (1909 - 1980) Sverre Aalen, Heilsverlangen und Heilsverwirklichung 1. Apokalyptische Texte im Alten Testament 2. Das Buch Daniel 3. Zur Abgrenzung des Materials 4. Das Buch der Jubiläen 5. Traktate des äthiopischen Henoch-Buchs 6. Die Psalmen Salomos 7. Die Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen 8. Die Texte von Qumran 9. Die Himmelfahrt Moses - Das Testament des Mose 10. Die Bilderreden des äthiopischen Henoch-Buchs und der Rabbinismus des 1.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. 11. Die Esra-Apokalypse 12. Die syrische Baruch-Apokalypse 13. Die slavische Henoch-Apokalypse und die Abraham Apokalypse sowie weitere verwandte Schriften
: Originally presented during a lecture series at the Universität Münster in 1974. : 1 online resource (xxi, 70 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-70). : 9789004332041 : 0169-7390 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2000
Athenagorae qui fertur De resurrectione mortuorum /

: This monograph comprises a new critical edition of Ps.-Athenagoras De Resurrectione Mortuorum , a complete edition of Arethas' Scholia on the treatise, and (in the Appendix) a critical edition of the extant fragments of De Resurrectione attributed to Justin Martyr. Athenagoras was a Christian apologist, who flourished in the second half of the second century CE (ca. 180). Traditionally two extant Greek works have been attributed to him: a Plea on Behalf of the Christians , probably addressed to the Roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, and the On the Resurrection of the Dead . The attribution of the latter treatise to Athenagoras has been a matter of dispute. In his Introduction, the editor sides with those scholars denying Athenagoras' authorship, but ascribes its date to the end of the second century. This important edition by one of the most esteemed scholars in the field complements Prof. Marcovich's edition of Athenagoras Legatio pro Christianis (Berlin, 1989).
: 1 online resource (76 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 13-15). : 9789004313194 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1996
Resurrection and Parousia : a traditio-historical study of Paul's eschatology in I Corinthians 15 /

: This is a traditio-historical study of three ideas concerning the eschatological resurrection which Paul brings forward in 1 Corinthians 15:20-23: (a) Jesus' resurrection forms the beginning of the eschatological resurrection; (b) the eschatological resurrection will take place through participation in Jesus' resurrection; (c) the eschatological resurrection will take place at the time of Jesus' parousia. The three ideas are investigated in the following way. Firstly, their occurrence and function in Paul is set out, subsequently their origin is reconstructed, and, finally, analogous Jewish concepts are compared. A critical review of earlier research on these ideas and a literary and historical exegesis of the relevant sections of 1 Corinthians 15 precede the investigations.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 233 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-223) and index. : 9789004267305 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.