Cantos and strophes in biblical Hebrew poetry II : Psalms 42-89 /
This volume deals with the poetic framework and material content of the Second and Third Books of the Psalter (Psalms 42-72 and 73-89). It is a continuation of the Psalms Project started in OTS 53 (2006). Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that the psalms are composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices include quantitative balance on the level of cantos in terms of the number of verselines, verbal repetitions and transition markers. A quantitative structural approach also helps to identify the focal message of the poems. Introductions to the design of biblical poetry and the rhetorical centre of the psalms conclude this massive study. The third volume, dealing with the Fourth and Fifth Books of the Psalter (Psalms 90-106 and 107-151), is in preparation.
Sequel to: Cantos and strophes in biblical Hebrew poetry, with special reference to the first book of the Psalter (Oudtestamentische studiën ; d. 53). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [561]-566) and index. :
9789004182332 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A people tall and smooth-skinned : the rhetoric of Isaiah 18 /
This volume delivers an analysis of the persuasive artistry of Isaiah 18, id est how Isa 18 is designed in order to persuade an ancient audience. The analysis is pursued from four angles: the textual design, the motifs, the rhetoric of the text and finally, it is shown how the various strophes within each stanza of Isa 18 relate to one another. The present analysis demonstrates that Isa 18 is an example of Hebrew rhetoric, and that the text can be read as a coherent whole - even though the majority of scholars analysing Isa 18 have found this chapter confusing. In this volume, it is argued that Isa 18 is shaped in a confusing way in order to make the audience believe that someone else is judged (the Cushites, 18:1-2.7), and not themselves. This volume sheds new light on the understanding of and old text, and the volume is important for exegetes interested in the persuasive artistry of Isa 18.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-256 ) and index. :
9789047411222 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The rhetoric of the book of Judges /
This volume describes how the rhetorical devices used in Judges inspire its readers to support a divinely appointed Judahite king who endorses the deuteronomic agenda to rid the land of foreigners, to maintain inter-tribal loyalty to YHWH's cult, and to uphold social justice. Matters of rhetorical concern interpreted here include the superimposed cycle-motif and tribal-political schemata, concerns reflected in the plot-layers of each hero story, the force of narrative analogy for characterization, the strategy of entrapment which foreshadows portrayals of Saul and David in 1 Samuel, and the relation between Judges' implied situation of composition and its compiler's intention. In addition to offering new insights into the rhetorical strategy of the Judges compiler, this book illustrates a new method for understanding how plot-layered stories work.
1 online resource (xix, 541 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 486-504) and indexes. :
9789004275874 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Compositional strategy of the book of Judges : an inductive, rhetorical study /
This volume represents an inductive, literary/rhetorical analysis of the book of Judges to determine whether recent synchronic approaches that read the book as an integrated whole are indeed justified. As possible rhetorical links connecting Judges' prologue (1:1-2:5), epilogue (17:1-21:25), and central section (2:6-16:31) are examined in detail and the implications of such links carefully considered, the author concludes that, contrary to the consensus view that sees the central section of Judges as a part of Deuteronomistic History and the prologue and epilogue as later additions, the book in its current form may have been a unified composition of a single creative author. If so, not only does this have significant implications for the validity of the Deuteronomistic History Hypothesis, a new possibility also emerges which sees the interpretive key to the book as residing in the prologue and epilogue rather than the central section.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [259]-270) and indexes. :
9789047409410 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cantos and strophes in biblical Hebrew poetry III : Psalms 90-150 and Psalm 1 /
This volume deals with the rhetoric, the formal and thematic framework, of Psalms 90-150 (the Fourth and Fifth Book of the Psalter). It is the conclusion of the Psalms Project started with Psalms 1-41, OTS 53 (2006) , and continued with Psalms 42-89, OTS 57 (2010). Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that the psalms are composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices especially include quantitative balance on the level of the cantos in terms of verselines, verbal repetitions, and (on the level of the strophes) transition markers. The quantitative approach to a psalm in terms of verselines, cola and/or words in most cases clearly discloses a focal message. This massive study is rounded off by an updated introduction to the canto design of biblical poetry (including the book of Job, Lamentations, the Songs of Songs, Deutero-Isaiah and other major poems of the Hebrew Bible).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004262799 :
0169-7226 ;
The Rhetoric of the New Testament : A Bibliographic Survey /
A new, comprehensive bibliography of books and articles on the rhetoric of the New Testament published since AD 1500. The bibliography is arranged by categories, which include Jewish heritage, invention, arrangement, style, hermeneutics, with specific listings for each book of the NT. It is prefaced with a select bibliography of primary and secondary sources on classical and modern rhetoric. An invaluable research tool.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Cantos and Strophes in Biblical Hebrew Poetry : with Special Reference to the First Book of the Psalter /
This volume deals with the poetic framework and material content of the book of Psalms. The rhetorical analyses of Psalms 1-41 are preceded by a broad survey of the history of strophic investigation into Hebrew poetry, starting from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that the psalms are composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices include quantitative balance on the level of cantos in terms of the number of verselines, verbal repetitions and transition markers. A quantitative structural approach also helps to identify the focal message of the poems. An introduction to the design of biblical poetry, describing the fundamentals that determine the macrostructure of individual compositions, concludes this massive study.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Treatise on biblical rhetoric /
The specific laws of composition of biblical texts, which were first discovered from the mid-eighteenth century, are becoming increasingly well-known. This Treaty represents the sum of Biblical and Semitic rhetoric, in an abridged translation of the French original. The first chapter traces the history of the discovery of biblical rhetoric, the last chapter opens future prospects. The main text of the book is organized into three sections covering the three major fields of research: 1. Composition: The Levels of Composition, The Figures of Composition, Rewriting. 2. Context: Intratext, Intertext, The Center of concentric constructions. 3. Interpretation: Editing and translating, Composition and Interpretation, Intertext and Interpretation, The gift of interpretation. Numerous examples illustrate this methodical and rigorous exposition.
1 online resource (476 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004224223 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sensing Salvation in the Gospel of John : The Embodied, Sensory Qualities of Participation in the I Am Sayings /
Recent scholarship focused on the role of embodiment within cognition and communication reminds us that part of how we "know" is through our physical senses. We only know the softness of a kitten by touching its fur, or the tastiness of bread by eating. How might this influence our understanding of biblical texts, such as Jesus's claim, "I am the bread of life," and the invitation to eat? This study explores the I am sayings of John's Gospel, their sensory elements providing an imaginative entry into the narrative and contributing tangible value to the participatory theology of the Fourth Gospel.
1 online resource (230 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :