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Published 1978
Tārīkh al-Rūmān /

: 2 volumes : maps ; 24 cm

Published 2020
Die Römische Armee auf dem Oceanus : a Zur römischen Seekriegsgeschichte in Nordwesteuropa /

: Während sich Rom schon in der späten Republik zur wichtigsten Seemacht des Mittelmeers entwickelte, läßt sich erstmals im frühen Prinzipat in den Gewässern Nordwesteuropas beobachten, daß Rom das gesamte Spektrum der Operationen zur See beherrschte und Operationen unternahm, an denen hunderte von Schiffen und tausende von Männern beteiligt sein konnten. Trotz ihrer Bedeutung ist die Geschichte dieser Operationen bislang nicht systematisch aufgearbeitet worden. Die römische Armee auf dem Oceanus bietet daher zum ersten Mal einen Überblick über die Geschichte römischer Operationen zur See in Nordwesteuropa sowie eine eingehende Analyse von zwei wichtigen Operationstypen - Transportoperationen und amphibischen Angriffsunternehmungen. Rome became the Mediterranean's premier sea power already during the late Republic, but it only established a permanent naval presence in North-Western Europe during the early Principate. In that period it mastered the full spectrum of naval warfare, undertaking large-scale naval operations that involved hundreds of ships and thousands of men. Despite the impact of these operations, their history has never been systematically investigated. Die römische Armee auf dem Oceanus offers for the first time an operational history of Roman naval forces in North-Western Europe and provides an in-depth analysis of two important large-scale naval operation types - transport operations and amphibious assaults.
: 1 online resource : 9789004414426

Published 2020
Cassius Dio: The Impact of Violence, War, and Civil War /

: Cassius Dio: The Impact of Violence, War, and Civil War is part of a renewed interest in the Roman historian Cassius Dio. This volume focuses on Dio's approaches to foreign war and stasis as well as civil war. The impact of war on Rome as well as on the history of Rome has long be recognised by scholars, and adding to that, recent years have seen an increasing interest in the impact of civil war on Roman society. Dio's views on violence, war, and civil war are an inter-related part of his overall project, which sought to understand Roman history on its own historical and historiographical terms and within a long-range view of the Roman past that investigated the realities of power.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004434431

Published 2002
The Transformation of Economic Life under the Roman Empire : a Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 47...

: Did a Roman imperial economy exist under the Late Republic, the Roman Principate and the Later Roman Empire? And if so, what type of economy was it? Another equally important question is: did the Roman Empire, by specific actions, the creation of infrastructures, or its very existence, trigger a transformation of economic life in the regions which it dominated? Or was the Empire a marginal affair in the regions that belonged to it, and did economic developments take their own course, independently of the Empire? Questions like these, which are of great consequence to any student of Roman history, archaeology, and Roman law, are treated in this volume, which in its successive parts focuses on: 1. The character of the Roman economy. 2. Economic life in particular regions of the Roman Empire. 3. The economy of the Later Roman Empire.
: 1 online resource : 9789004401624

Published 2022
Politics in the Roman Republic: Perspectives from Niebuhr to Gelzer /

: B. G. Niebuhr, the founder of 'modern history', exerts an enduring influence; even in death, Goethe once claimed, '[Niebuhr] still walks around and works'. Today, Niebuhr is a humbler phantom, rarely invoked and largely forgotten. Similar fates await the shades of Theodor Mommsen, Friedrich Münzer, and Matthias Gelzer. Yet, each demands reconsideration and revitalization. Their texts remain foundational, constituting the conceptual and methodological core of Republican political studies. Politics in the Roman Republic (re)presents the first critical, comprehensive, Anglophone survey of these scholars' influence. Its innovative reassessments dispel deep-seated misconceptions and emphasize relevance. The work's unique (re)interpretations render it essential reading for any student of Rome: specialist and non-specialist alike.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004530003