God and the world of signs Trinity, evolution, and the metaphysical semiotics of C.S. Peirce /
Christianity has been described as "a religion seeking a metaphysic". Drawing on the philosophy of C. S. Peirce, Robinson develops a metaphysical framework centred around a 'semiotic model' of the Trinity. The model invites a fresh approach to the claim that Jesus was the incarnate Word of God and suggests a new way of understanding how nature may bear the imprint of the Triune Creator in the form of 'vestiges of the Trinity in creation'. Scientific spin-offs include a new perspective on the problem of the origin of life and a novel hypothesis about the evolution of human distinctiveness. The result is an original contribution to Trinitarian theology and a bold new way of integrating philosophy, science and religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [355]-367) and indexes. :
9789004195899 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
How to make our signs clear : C.S. Peirce and semiotics /
How to Make Our Signs Clear is the result of an international cooperation between European and Brazilian Peircean scholars (I. A. Ibri, E. Višňovský, C. Paolucci and others) and strives to dispel simplifications of Peirce´s semiotic as well as to collect various insights into it and into its consequences for philosophy, especially philosophy of language, pragmatism and epistemology. The central theme of this book is the notion of the sign as a specific triadic relational unit, treated from various perspectives and applied to various fields of philosophy: semeiotic knowledge grows up from the discussions, common interests and possible conflicts between the readers of Peirce´s works. This book does not offer a general overview of Peirce´s theory of signs, but rather various analyses of consequences of some capacities of his semiotic.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004347786 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rhétorique et image : Textes en Hommage à Á. Kibédi Varga /
Ce livre est centré sur une problématique exclusive, fascinante autant que complexe, celle des rapports entre texte et image. Les auteurs, venus d'horizons très divers - théoriciens et historiens de la littérature et de l'art, philosophes, poètes - invitent le lecteur à lire un tableau de Chardin avec Proust, à interpréter Wilde à travers Whistler, ou à commenter Diderot avec Goethe. Poésie et roman, critique et commentaire, peinture et architecture, typographie et photographie sont convoqués concurremment pour comprendre les textes littéraires et les arts plastiques à partir du dialogue qu'ils n'ont cessé d'entretenir. Les contributions savantes, richement illustrées, sont encadrées par deux poèmes inédits. Ainsi l'inspiration précède et dépasse l'érudition. Ce recueil s'adresse au cœur, à l'œil et à l'esprit de lecteurs prêts à passer allègrement les frontières convenues entre texte et image, théorie et histoire, savoir et création.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :