Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity : Images and Narratives /
"What are the interrelationships between the language of rhetoric and the code of imperial images, from Constantine to Theodosius? How are imperial images shaped by the fact that they were produced and promoted at the behest of the emperor? Nine contributors from Spain, Italy, the U.K. and the Netherlands will guide the reader about these issues by analyzing how imperial power was articulated and manipulated by means of literary strategies and iconographic programmes. The authors scrutinize representations from Constantine to Julian and from the Valentinians to Theodosius by considering material culture and texts as interconnected sources that engaged with and reacted to each other"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Siger de Brabant et l'averroïsme latin au XIIIme siècle : étude critique et documents inédits /
: Appendices : Ægidii Romani tractatus de erroribus philosophorum (extrait). -- Alberti Magni De quindecim problematibus. -- Siger de Brabant: Sigeri de Brabantia quæstiones logicales. Quæstio utrum hæc sit vera: Homo est animal, nullo homine existente. Quæstiones naturales. De æternitate mundi. Quæstiones de anima intellectiva. : 3 primary leaves, [v]-cccxx, 127 pages ; 30 cm.
Petrus de Alvernia, Sententia super librum 'De vegetabilibus et plantis' /
This volume is the first edition of Petrus de Alvernia's Sententia super librum 'De vegetabilibus et plantis' . The treatise 'De vegetabilibus et plantis', which goes back to the Peripatetic Nicolaus of Damascus and has an interesting tradition (from Greek into Syrian, from Syrian into Arabic, from Arabic into Latin), was considered to be a work of Aristotle's and was among the subjects prescribed for study in the Facultas Artium in Paris. Petrus de Alvernia's Sententia should primarily be regarded as an exposition of this often problematic work for the students of this faculty. The Introduction discusses the tradition of 'De vegetabilibus et plantis', the authenticity of the ascription of the commentary to Petrus de Alvernia, the characteristiscs of the commentary, and its relation to the commentary by Albertus Magnus.The Text is followed by indices nominum, locorum, plantarum, and verborum potiorum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The commentary of al-Nayrizi on Books II-IV of Euclid's Elements of Geometry : with a translation of that portion of Book I missing from ms Leiden or. 399.1 but present in the new...
The Commentary of al-Nayrizi (circa 920) on Euclid's Elements of Geometry occupies an important place both in the history of mathematics and of philosophy, particularly Islamic philosophy. It is a compilation of original work by al-Nayrizi and of translations and commentaries made by others, such as Heron. It is the most influential Arabic mathematical manuscript in existence and a principle vehicle whereby mathematics was reborn in the Latin West. Furthermore, the Commentary on Euclid by the Platonic philosopher Simplicius, entirely reproduced by al-Nayrizi, and nowhere else extant, is essential to the study of the attempt to prove Euclid's Fifth Postulate from the preceding four. Al-Nayrizi was one of the two main sources from which Albertus Magnus (1193-1280), the Doctor Universalis, learned mathematics. This work presents an annotated English translation of Books II-IV and of a hitherto lost portion of Book I.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [209]-212) and index. :
9789047444411 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The letter before the spirit : the importance of text editions for the study of the reception of Aristotle /
The Letter before the Spirit contains original articles based on the papers given at the Huygens ING (The Hague, 2009) on the importance of text editions for the study of the transmission of Aristotle's works in the Semitico-Latin translations and their commentary tradition in the medieval world. Authors underline this importance in general overviews and theoretical outlines and present their own work on various text editions, ranging from Syriac and Arabic to Hebrew and (Graeco) Latin, and from Aristotle, Avicenna and Averroes to Plotinus, Michael Scot, William of Moerbeke, Judah ha-Kohen, Barhebraeus and Albertus Magnus. Editors are further encouraged to cross boundaries between disciplines and study the translation tradition of Aristotle's works in its entirety.
1 online resource (xxi, 516 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004235083 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.