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Deconstructing imperial representation : Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius on Nero and Domitian /
What literary strategies do Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius apply in portraying Nero and Domitian? This book argues that the three authors respond to and deconstruct the positive accounts of imperial representation that were prevalent during the lifetimes of the two controversial emperors. They take up motifs from these earlier accounts, which they re-interpret to construct their own negative portraits. Although Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius discuss the same historical figures and events of early imperial Rome, they are rarely examined together in one volume. Verena Schulz offers the first combined reading of their works from a philological viewpoint, analysing the various rhetorical techniques and narratological devices that they display, and the different literary and historical discourses in which they are embedded.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Constructive engagement of analytic and continental approaches in philosophy : from the vantage point of comparative philosophy /
From the vantage point of comparative philosophy and with the goal of cross-tradition constructive engagement, this anthology explores how analytic and \'Continental\' approaches in philosophy, as understood broadly and presented in the Western and other traditions, can learn from each other and jointly contribute to the contemporary development of philosophy on a range of issues. The volume includes 14 essays which are organized into two parts respectively on analytic and \'Continental\' approaches in and beyond the Western tradition. The anthology also includes the volume editors' specific introductions to the two parts as well as a general introduction to the whole volume.
1 online resource (xvi, 329 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004248861 :
0922-6001 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion and the Body : modern science and the construction of religious meaning /
This book reflects on the implications of neurobiology and the scientific worldview on aspects of religious experience, belief, and practice. Just as interest in the neurosciences and related fields has burgeoned in contemporary society, interest in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive studies is also growing within the religious studies academy, and reflection on these shifts is well overdue. How do religious practitioners negotiate the interconnection of science and religion? What can the neurosciences add to scholars' understanding of religion and to how humans construct religious meaning? Chapters address these questions by investigating religious experience and authority, the cultural construction and deconstruction of the body, and cross-cultural appropriations of the body.
1 online resource (285 pages) :
9789004225343 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Exegesis in the makin g postcolonialism and New Testament studies /
The last thirty years have witnessed increasing diversity in methodology and perspectives within biblical studies. One of the most dynamic and continually expanding contributions to this development is that of postcolonial studies, known for its fresh approaches as well as for its complex theoretical foundations. The present book aims at introducing both student and scholar to this emerging field. Part One discusses in a structured and pedagogical way the theoretical location of postcolonial biblical studies as well as its critique of and contributions to New Testament exegesis more specifically. Part Two presents five articles by scholars from Africa, Asia, and North America, illustrating the diversity of current postcolonial studies as applied to individual New Testament texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-248) and index. :
9789004190344 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Omnium annalium monumenta : historical writing and historical evidence in Republican Rome /
This edited volume brings a variety of approaches to the problem of how the Romans conceived of their history, what were the mechanisms for their preservation of the past, and how did the Romans come to write about their past. Building on important recent work in historiography, and the recent memory turn, the authors consider the practicalities of transmission, literary and generic influences, and the role of the city of Rome in preserving and transmitting memories of the past. The result is a major contribution to our understanding of the role history played in Roman life, and the kinds of evidence which could be deployed in constructing Roman history.
1 online resource (XVIII, 535 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004355552 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The critical analysis of religious diversity /
Drawing on international and thematic case studies, The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity asks its readers to pay attention to the assumptions and processes by which scholars, religious practitioners and states construct religious diversity. The study has three foci: theoretical and methodological issues; religious diversity in non-Western contexts; and religious diversity in social contexts. Together, these trans-contextual studies are utilised to develop a critical analysis exploring how agency, power and language construct understandings of religious diversity. As a result, the book argues that reflexive scholarship needs to consider that the dynamics of diversification and homogenisation are fundamental to understanding social and religious life, that religious diversity is a Western concept, and that definitions of 'religious diversity' are often entangled by and within dynamic empirical realities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004367111 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The messiah of Shiraz : studies in early and middle Babism /
The 19th century saw an enormous shift in the authority structure of Iranian and Iraqi Twelver Shiʿism, with the victory of a theological school (Usulism) that stressed the power of the clergy. This is well known. What is less well known is that there was a parallel development of authority in the Shaykhi school and its offshoot, the Babi sect. Here, especially in later forms of Babism, the Shiʿite claim to charismatic authority reached its limits in hyperbolic attestations of divinity. The present text is in two parts: a study of how Shaykhism bifurcated into a form close to orthodoxy next to the highly unorthodox Babi movement. Part two examines how Babism changed after the death in 1850 of its founder, the Bāb.
Based on author's 1979 thesis. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [705]-732) and index. :
9789047443070 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dar al-Islam -- Dar al-ḥarb : territories, people, identities /
This is the first collection of studies entirely devoted to the terminological pair dār al-islām / dar al-ḥarb , "the abode of Islam" and "the abode of war", apparently widely known as representative of "the Islamic vision" of the world, but in fact almost unexplored. A team of specialists in different fields of Islamic studies investigates the issue in its historical and conceptual origins as well as in its reception within the different genres of Muslim written production. In contrast to the fixed and permanent categories they are currently identified with, the multifaceted character of these two notions and their shifting meanings is set out through the analysis of a wide range of contexts and sources, from the middle ages up to modern times. Contributors are Francisco Apellániz, Michel Balivet, Giovanna Calasso, Alessandro Cancian, Éric Chaumont, Roberta Denaro, Maribel Fierro, Chiara Formichi, Yohanan Friedmann, Giuliano Lancioni, Yaacov Lev, Nicola Melis, Luis Molina, Antonino Pellitteri, Camille Rhoné-Quer, Francesca Romana Romani, Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti, Roberto Tottoli, Raoul Villano, Eleonora Di Vincenzo and Francesco Zappa.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004331037 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Manières de penser dans l'antiquité mediterranéenne et orientale : mélanges offerts à Francis Schmidt par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis /
Francis Schmidt's works in various fields of religious studies (mainly ancient Judaism), can be characterized by three words: historiography, anthropological history, and comparatism. In that respect he placed himself in the continuation of previous French scholars, such as Maurice Halbwachs or Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Francis Schmidt also played an essential role in transmitting to a new generation of scholars the complex issues and debates concerning the Dead Sea scrolls and Qumranic research. The papers offered in this volume share all the same interest in ancient religions and the methodological devices previously mentioned. They offer a rare example of a large comparatism between Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Christian approaches of some essential social or intellectual issues, by some of the most competent specialists in each field.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047428633 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Contested Spaces, Common Ground : Space and Power Structures in Contemporary Multireligious Societies.
Spaces are produced and shaped by discourses and, in turn, produce and shape discourses themselves. 'Space' is becoming a significant and complex concept for the encounter between people, cultures, religions, ideologies, politics, between histories and memories, the advantaged and the disadvantaged, the powerful and the weak. As a result, it provides a rich hermeneutical and methodological inventory for mapping interculturality and interreligiosity. This volume looks at space as a critical theory and epistemological tool within cultural studies that fosters the analysis of power structures and the deconstruction of representations of identities within our societies that are shaped by power.
24 The Festival as Heterotopia in the City as Shared Religious Space. :
1 online resource (404 pages) :
9789004325807 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A philosophy of the possible : modalities in thought and culture /
In this book, Mikhail Epstein offers a systematic theory of modalities (the actual, possible, and necessary), as applied to the discourse of philosophy in its post-Kantian and especially post-Derridean perspectives. He relies on his own experience of living in the USSR and the US, dominated respectively by imperative and possibilist modalities. Possibilism assumes that a thing or event acquires meaning only in the context of its multiple possibilities, inviting counterfactual and conditional modes of description. The author focuses on the creative potentials of possibilistic thinking and its heuristic value. The book demonstrates the range of modal approaches to society, culture, ethics, and language, and outlines potentiology as a new philosophical discipline interacting with ontology and epistemology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004398344 :
0929-8436 ;
New Testament Semiotics : Linguistic Signs, the Process of Signification, and the Hermeneutics of Discursive Resistance /
Focusing on linguistic signs, New Testament Semiotics navigates through different realist and nominalist traditions. From this perspective, Saussure's and Peirce's traditions exhibit similarities. Questioning Derrida's and Eco's semiotics based on their misuse of Peirce's innovations, Dr. Privatdozent Timo Eskola rehabilitates Benveniste and Ricoeur. A sign is about conditions and functions. Sign as a role is a manifestation of participation. Serving as a sign entails participation in a web of relations, participation in a network of meanings, and adoption of a set of rules. We should focus on sentences and networks, not primitive reference or binary oppositions. Enunciations are postulations producing evanescent meanings. Finally, the study suggests a linguistic approach to metatheology that is based on hermeneutics of discursive resistance.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Erzählte Welten im Richterbuch : narratologische Aspekte eines polyfonen Diskurses /
Das Richterbuch präsentiert einen Rückblick in die Geschichte des Volkes Israel, der eine große Vergangenheit (re)konstruiert und zugleich einen äußerst kritischen Blick auf diese Zeit wirft. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, wie die Erzählzyklen des Richterbuchs das zentrale Thema, die Suche nach einer verbindlichen und lebensförderlichen Ordnung, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln darstellen und reflektieren. Die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven treten dabei miteinander in einen kontroversen Dialog, der keine eindeutige oder einseitige Einordnung dieser Epoche erlaubt. Eine detaillierte narratologische Analyse der erzählten Welten der Texte und ihrer Figuren zeigt, dass die Komposition und Zusammenstellung der einzelnen Erzählungen zwar Systematisierungen der Epoche andeuten, diese jedoch stets wieder dekonstruieren. So bleibt das Richterbuch ein Rückblick zwischen Bewunderung und Befremden. The Book of Judges presents a (re)construction of Israel's history that recalls a splendid past but simultaneously offers a very critical view. This study focuses on the narrated worlds of the stories and the way they contribute to the central theme: the search for obligatory and beneficial guidelines for the people. A detailed narratological analysis of the narrated worlds shows how the different perspectives presented in the texts engage in a controversial dialogue. Although the composition of the stories indicates a systematisation, these attempts are repeatedly deconstructed. Thus the Book of Judges eludes any one-sided interpretation and remains a retrospection between admiration and disconcertment.
1 online resource (vii, 313 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004244184 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Grace, reconciliation, concor d the death of Christ in Graeco-Roman metaphors /
How did the first Christians interpret the death of Christ? The answer lies within the earliest Christian documents, primarily within the Pauline letters. Before the users of a modern language could hope to come near an adequate description of what was expressed in these Greek texts of the first Christians, they have to deconstruct layers of later dogmatic interpretation. They need to keep to descriptive terminology reflecting the Greek of the sources and to trace the origin of the metaphoric language early Christians like Paul used. This volume sets out to construct some of the Jewish and Greco-Roman patterns of thought which were initially utilised to express the meaning of the death of Christ.
Collection of previously published essays, with revisions. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004188044 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.