Storm and stress along the northern frontiers of the ʻAbbāsid Caliphate /
Translation of extracts from : Tārīkh al-rusul wa-al-mulūk. :
xix, 239 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [217]-229) and index. :
0791404935 (alk. paper)
0791404943 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Baghdād : From Its Beginnings to the 14th Century /
Baghdād: From its Beginnings to the 14th Century offers an exhaustive handbook that covers all possible themes connected to the history of this urban complex in Iraq, from its origins rooted in late antique Mesopotamia up to the aftermath of the Mongol invasion in 1258. Against the common perception of a city founded 762 in a vacuum, which, after experiencing a heyday in a mythical "golden age" under the early ʿAbbāsids, entered since 900 a long period of decline that ended with a complete collapse by savage people from the East in 1258, the volume emphasizes the continuity of Baghdād's urban life, and shows how it was marked by its destiny as caliphal seat and cultural hub. Contributors Mehmetcan Akpınar, Nuha Alshaar, Pavel Basharin, David Bennett, Michal Biran, Richard W. Bulliet, Kirill Dmitriev, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Hend Gilli-Elewy, Beatrice Gruendler, Sebastian Günther, Olof Heilo, Damien Janos, Christopher Melchert, Michael Morony, Bernard O'Kane, Klaus Oschema, Letizia Osti, Parvaneh Pourshariati, Vanessa van Renterghem, Jens Scheiner, Angela Schottenhammer, Y. Zvi Stampfer, Johannes Thomann, Isabel Toral.
Baghdād: From Its Beginnings to the 14th Century offers an exhaustive handbook that covers all possible themes connected to the history of this urban complex from its beginnings up to the 14th century. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Between Memory and Power : The Syrian space under the late Umayyads and early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809) /
Between Memory and Power intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this book aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of meanings of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750.
1 online resource (450 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Al-Jāḥiẓ : in praise of books /
Al-Jahiz was a bibliomaniac, theologian, and spokesman for the political and cultural elite, a writer who lived, counselled and wrote in Iraq during the first century of the 'Abbasid caliphate. 'In Praise of Books' explores the centrality of books to Al-Jahiz's work and to the society he lived in.
vi, 586 pages ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 534-570) and index. :
The Buwayhid Dynasty in Iraq 334H./945 to 403H./1012 : Shaping Institutions for the Future /
A study of the development of political and social institutions in Baghdad, center of the Abbasid Caliphate, in that neglected period between Abbasid collapse and the coming of the Seljuk Turks. Three brothers, Daylemite mercenaries from the southern Caspian succeeded in establishing a dynasty that lasted nearly a century, controlling Iraq, a good part of Iran and the Gulf. The period has been labled the "Iranian intermezzo" but careful examination shows that the dynasty shaped the basic institutions to which the Seljuks would fall heir: the chief amirate, the system of army fiefs and the bureaucracy. It was a period of profound change and dislocation which fostered an open and creative cultural atmosphere. The Caliphate, bereft of power, was re-established as the center of authority and legitimation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Aristotle's Rhetoric in the East : the Syriac and Arabic translation and commentary tradition /
The two centuries following the rise of the Abbasid caliphate in 750 witnessed a wave of translations from Greek into Syriac and Arabic. The translation and reception of Aristotle's Rhetoric is a prime example for the resulting transformation of antique learning in the Islamic world and beyond. On the basis of a close textual analysis of the Rhetoric, this study develops elements of a comparative "translation grammar" of Greek-Arabic translations. Contextualizing the analysis with an account of the textual history and the Syriac and Arabic philosophical tradition drawing on the Rhetoric , it throws new light on the inner workings of the "translation movement" and its impact on Islamic culture.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [328]-341) and index. :
9789047433422 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The cosmic script : sacred geometry and the science of Arabic penmanship /
"A fully illustrated, landmark study of Islamic calligraphy traced back to its deepest historical and cultural roots Explores the sacred geometry of each letter form of the Arabic alphabet as attributed to renowned 10th-century scribe Ibn Muqla Traces Ibn Muqla's system to the cross-cultural encounter between Greek learning and the scientific, artistic, and philosophical pursuits of classical Islam A richly illustrated, two-volume presentation of decades of research with more than 430 full-color illustrations Calligraphy is the central visual art of Islam. At its core resides a perennial challenge: What letter shapes traced by human hands are rightful bearers of the divine message? The answer lies in the "Proportioned Script" of Ibn Muqla, renowned scribe, man of letters, and minister under the great Abbasid Caliphate in 10th-century Baghdad. Emphasizing harmony and geometry, Ibn Muqla's system has governed the practice of Arabic scribal art up to the present day. In this two-volume, richly illustrated study, Ahmed Moustafa and Stefan Sperl analyze each letter form of Ibn Muqla's perfected penmanship and share their decades of research on Islamic letter shapes, revealing the history, linguistics, philosophy, theology, and sacred geometry that underlie this spiritual art form. In volume one the authors reveal the trilogy of prophecy, penmanship, and geometry at the foundation of Ibn Muqla's Proportioned Script. Providing a fully illustrated analysis of Islamic calligraphy's geometrical principles as transmitted in surviving writings and key manuscript sources, they examine the geometric grid of square, circle, and hexagon that informs the pen strokes of each letter shape and explore how the golden ratio appears within the matrix of the grid. They examine the development of Ibn Muqla's system in the context of the sciences, arts, and penmanship of 10th-century Baghdad and trace its origins to the cross-cultural encounter between Greek learning and the scientific, artistic, and philosophical pursuits of classical Islam. In volume two the authors analyze the calligraphic forms of each letter of the Arabic alphabet. They decode the sacred geometry of each form as it appears within the geometric grid, providing letter samples from ancient sources. Unearthing the theoretical and scientific foundations of Arabic calligraphy, this landmark study examines the aesthetic implications of Ibn Muqla's theory for the visual, verbal, and aural arts of Islam as well as the Islamic mystical tradition"--
""A fully illustrated, landmark study of Islamic calligraphy traced back to its deepest historical and cultural roots"--Provided by publisher"--
2 volumes : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 x 34 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781620553961 (hardback : set)
The historical topography of Samarra /
The Historical Topography of Samarra sets out to explain the second capital of the Abbasid caliphs at Samarra, on the Tigris above Baghdad, in the period 836 to 892 AD, by an analysis of the archaeological site and the medieval Arabic texts which describe it. The volume defines for the first time the nature of city construction by the Abbasid caliphs, one of the world powers of the time, and the foundation of modern Iraq. It is the first of a series of Samarra Studies." -- BOOK JACKET.
"1st published in 2005"--T.p. verso. :
375 pages, [48] pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ibāḍī texts from the 2nd/8th century.
In Ibāḍī Texts from the 2nd/8th Century Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Wilferd Madelung present an edition of fourteen Ibāḍī religious texts and explain their contents and extraordinary source value for the early history of Islam. The Ibāḍīs constitutes the moderate wing of the Kharijite opposition movement to the Umayyad and 'Abbasid caliphates. The texts edited are mostly polemical letters to opponents or exhortatory to followers by 'Abd Allah born Ibad , Abu l-'Ubayda Muslim born Abi Karima and other Ibadi leaders in Basra, Oman and Hadramawt. An epistle detailing the offences of the caliph 'Uthman is by the early Kufan historiographer al-Haytham born 'Adi. By their early date and independence of the mainstream historical tradition these txts offer the modern historian of Islam an invaluable complement to the well-known literary sources.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004330658 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī's Health Regimen or "Book of the Pearl" : Arabic Text, English Translation, Introduction and Indices /
"The Arabic treatise edited and translated here was written in the middle of the 9th century CE by ʻAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī, a Christian convert to Islam and one of the most remarkable thinkers of his time. The text can be described as a manual towards the preservation of health, addressed directly to the ʻAbbāsid caliph al-Mutawakkil and his household. It represents not only the oldest extant specimen of its kind, but is also distinguished by its largely non-technical language, as well as by a narrative style that creates an unusual interface with classical Arabic prose literature. The Greek and Indian sources upon which aṭ-Ṭabarīrelied testify to the synthetic and inclusive character of early Islamic medicine"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The rebellion of Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya in 145/762 : Ṭālibīs and early ʻAbbāsids in conflict /
This book presents a detailed in-depth study, primarily based on primary Arabic sources, of the background, history and the consequences of the rebellion of Muhammad born ʿAbdallah born al-Hasan born al-Hasan born ʿAli born Abi Talib, better known as al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, in 145/762, during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph, Abu Jaʿfar al-Mansur. It focuses on the relations between the early Abbasid and the different Talibi-(Shiʿi) families - mainly the Hasanis and the Husaynis - and the internal struggles between these factions for the legitimacy of authority.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004296220 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.