Vergil's Aeneid : a poem of grief and love /
For more than a century, critics of the Aeneid have assumed that all or most of its episodes must propound something about Aeneas and his mission to found the Roman people, and through them about Rome and Augustus; whether that is their positive aspects, or their brutality and destructiveness, or the contrast between the public "voice" of their achievements and the private "voice" of the suffering they cause. This book argues that this assumption is wrong; the Aeneid 's main purpose was to present a series of emotionally moving episodes, especially pathetic ones. This book shows that the Aeneid makes more sense when regarded primarily as a series of emotion-arousing episodes than as expressing a pro-Aeneas, anti-Aeneas or two voices message. That is how it was regarded into the nineteenth century and that is what the ancient Greeks and Romans assumed was the main purpose of literature.
1 online resource (xii, 174 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-171) and index. :
9789004329188 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 3 : a commentary /
This is the first detailed commentary on Aeneid 3, being some three times the size of that by R.D.Williams(1962), and aimed at the scholarly public. It treats fully the thorny problem of book 3's place in the growth of the poem, matters of linguistic and textual interpretation, metre, prosody, grammar, lexicon and idiom, as well as Virgil's sources and the literary tradition in which he writes. Full attention is given to matters geographical and nautical. New critical approaches and recent developments in Virgilian studies have been taken into account, with more attention to their spirit than to their language. A text, with translation, and three indices are included.
1 online resource (liv, 513 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xliii-liv) and indexes. :
9789047418245 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 5 : text, translation and commentary /
Virgil's Aeneid 5 has long been among the more neglected sections of the poet's epic of Augustan Rome. Book 5 opens the second movement of the poem, the middle section of the Aeneid that sees the Trojans poised between the old world of Phrygia and the new destiny in Italy. The present volume fills a significant gap in Virgilian studies by offering the first full-scale commentary in any language on this key book in the explication of the poet's grand consideration of the meaning of Trojan versus Roman identity. A new critical text (based on first hand examination of the manuscripts) is accompanied by a prose translation and detailed commentary. The notes provide in depth analysis of literary, historical, and lexical matters; the introduction situates Book 5 both in the context of the epic and the larger tradition of heroic poetry.
1 online resource (x, 762 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004301283 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 8 : text, translation, and commentary /
This volume provides the first full-scale commentary on the eighth book of Virgil's Aeneid, the book in which the poet presents the unforgettable tour of the site of the future Rome that the Arcadian Evander provides for his Trojan guest Aeneas, as well as the glorious apparition and bestowal of the mystical, magical shield of Vulcan on which the great events of the future Roman history are presented - culminating in the Battle of Actium and the victory of Octavian over the forces of Antony and Cleopatra. A critical text based on a fresh examination of the manuscript tradition is accompanied by a prose translation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004367388 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 11 : a commentary /
This is the first comprehensive commentary on Aeneid 11. The commentary treats fully matters of linguistic and textual interpretation, metre and prosody, grammar, lexicon and idiom, of Roman behaviour, social and ritual, as well as Virgil's sources and the literary tradition. New critical approaches and developments in Virgilian studies have been taken into account with economy and fairness. The Latin text is presented with a facing English translation. The commentary is followed by an appendix on Penthesilea and the Epic Cycle and a second appendix which discusses the weaknesses of Aeneid 11. The book concludes with English and Latin indices. In approach and learning, this commentary continues Nicholas Horsfall's impressive work as a commentator and will advance our understanding of the Aeneid and the poet Virgil.
1 online resource (xxvii, 505 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004349971 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 4 : Text, Translation, Commentary /
This volume provides a new critical text, translation, and exhaustive commentary on one of Virgil's most famous books.
The fourth book of Virgil's Aeneid is the shortest of his epic, and yet it has had an inestimable influence. The tragedy of Dido is replete with allusions to the Medeas of Euripides, Apollonius, and Ennius, as well as to Catullus' Ariadne and the historical Cleopatra of Virgil's Augustan Age. The book has intratextual connections to the poet's own fourth Georgic (as he revisits the topic of apian regeneration and the loss of Eurydice), even as it confronts the reality of Rome's bloody history with Carthage. The present volume offers the first full-scale commentary on the book in over eighty years, together with a new critical text that reflects recent scholarship on significant difficulties.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Virgil, Aeneid 2 : a commentary /
This is Nicholas Horsfall's fourth commentary on a book of the Aeneid and in scale and approach follows closely the earlier volumes.It is aimed at the scholarly public and is not intended as a replacement for Austin's admirable school and undergraduate commentary of 1964. But so splendid an ancient text requires fresh scholarly instruments and this commentary discusses fully the acutely controversial Helen-episode (spurious), matters of linguistic and textual interpretation,, metre, prosody, grammar, lexicon and idiom, as well as Virgil's sources and the literary tradition in which he writes. Full attention is given to matters military and historiographical. New critical approaches and recent developments have been taken into account, with more attention to their spirit than to their language. A text, with translation, and three indices are included.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxiii-xl) and indexes. :
9789047442158 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Tenses in Vergil's Aeneid : narrative style and structure /
The narrative style of the Aeneid suggests immediacy and involves the reader, while at the same time both narrator and reader know what the outcomes of the story will be. In 'Tenses in Vergil's Aeneid: Narrative Style and Structure' , Suzanne Adema investigates the role of the Latin tenses in this presentational style. Adema presents a framework to analyze and describe the use of tenses in Latin narrative texts from a linguistic and narratological point of view. The framework concerns the temporal relations between a narrator and the states of affairs in his story on the sentence level, discourse modes on the global text level and narrative progression on the level of narrative and descriptive sequences.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Virgil, Aeneid 7 : a commentary /
This commentary was begun in 1967, but most of the period from 1971 to 1996 was spent on work that was in some sense an essential preliminary to a detailed study of Aeneid 7. The work will serve as a guide to recent (and future) work on Virgilian language, grammar, syntax and style. Recent approaches to the text have been, where possible, taken into account, with sympathy but without jargon. Virgil's sources, in verse and prose, have been studied with special care and the commentary presents a coherent approach to Virgil's view of Italian religion, antiquities and topography. Unusually full indexing is intended to further the book's use as a guide to many aspects of Augustan poetic idiom. There is a text independent of recent editions and a precise, prose translation.
1 online resource (xliv, 567 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxix-xliv) and indexes. :
9789004351233 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virgil, Aeneid 4 : Text, Translation, Commentary /
This volume provides a new critical text, translation, and exhaustive commentary on one of Virgil's most famous books.
The fourth book of Virgil's Aeneid is the shortest of his epic, and yet it has had an inestimable influence. The tragedy of Dido is replete with allusions to the Medeas of Euripides, Apollonius, and Ennius, as well as to Catullus' Ariadne and the historical Cleopatra of Virgil's Augustan Age. The book has intratextual connections to the poet's own fourth Georgic (as he revisits the topic of apian regeneration and the loss of Eurydice), even as it confronts the reality of Rome's bloody history with Carthage. The present volume offers the first full-scale commentary on the book in over eighty years, together with a new critical text that reflects recent scholarship on significant difficulties.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Narrative and simile from the Georgics in the Aeneid /
Excerpts from original texts in Greek or Latin.
Based on the author's thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. :
1 online resource (109 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 105-107) and index. :
9789004327757 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The living universe : gods and men in Virgil's Aeneid /
Also published Dunedin : University of Otago Press, 1976.
New Zealand author.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (xiii, 223 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-216). :
9789004327634 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Chaonian dove : studies in the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid of Virgil /
This is the first book-length critical study of the three Virgilian works to be published in English for twenty years. It examines in detail the thematic design and intent of the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid , and documents the development of their political, moral and poetic pessimism. It presents the interrelationship of the three texts, their intertextuality, as integral to their meaning. The book is in three main parts - 'Pastoral Meditation', 'Didactic Paradox', 'Epic Vision' - corresponding to the three Virgilian works. A brief introductory chapter is concerned with questions of method and the problem of Virgil misread. A chief focus of the book is Virgil's preoccupation with the relationship between poetry, art - art's values, perceptions, visions - and the political/historical world, and the changing nature of Virgil's attitude to the socio-moral responsibilities of Rome. The evolution of Vergil's presentation both of Roman imperium and of man's place in nature and history is carefully delineated. With close scrutiny of the language, imagery, structures and design of the three texts and of their verbal and thematic interrelationship, the book offers a substantial reassessment of the major political, psychological and moral ideas of Virgil's poetic oeuvre . An intricate and persuasive picture emerges of Virgil's intellectual and poetic development and a radically new conception of Virgil's image of himself as poet. The provision of translations makes the book accessible to the Latinless reader.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (x, 196 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-183). :
9789004328297 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to the study of Virgil /
This book is not yet another introduction to Virgil's poetry. The editor and three contributors offer a guide to the key problems and to the most intelligent discussions. They do not hesitate to point out what we do not know, and where more work needs to be done. Apart from ample discussion of the poems and the main issues they raise, the book offers chapters on the life of Virgil, his style, and his influence on late Latin epic.
1 online resource (xiv, 330 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004217591 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Clio and the poets : Augustan poetry and the traditions of ancient historiography /
The Augustan age was one in which writers were constantly reworking the Roman past, and which was marked by a profound engagement of poets with the historians and historical techniques which were the main vehicle for the transmission of the image of the past to their day. In this book seventeen leading scholars from Europe and America examine the fascinating interaction between such apparently diverse genres: how the Augustan poets drew on - or reacted against - the historians' presentation of the world, and how, conversely, historians picked up and transformed poetic themes for their own ends. With essays on poems from Horace's Odes to Ovid's Metamorphoses , on authors from Virgil to Valerius Maximus, it forms the most important topic so central to such a particulary relevant period of literary history.
Selected papers given at a conference at the University of Durham in 1999. :
1 online resource (xv, 396 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 363-379) and index. :
9789047400493 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Textual strategies in ancient war narrative : Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond /
In this collected volume fourteen experts in the fields of Classics and Ancient History study the textual strategies used by Herodotus and Livy when recounting the disastrous battles at Thermopylae and Cannae. Literary, linguistic and historical approaches are used (often in combination) in order to enhance and enrich the interpretation of the accounts, which for obvious reasons confronted the authors with a special challenge. Chapters drawing a comparison with other battle narratives and with other genres help to establish genre-specific elements in ancient historiography, and draw attention to the particular techniques employed by Herodotus and Livy in their war narratives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :