Esprit civique et organisation citadine dans l'Empire ottoman.
This book proposes a study of the old regime forms of Ottoman municipal urban governance that were progressively built between the 15th and the 18th c. on the basis of various heritages (Byzantine, Medieval Islamic, Seljukid, Sassanid, medieval Ottoman) as well as an interpretation of the reforms of the Tanzimat era under the light of this re-evaluation of the previous system. This allows the author to propose innovative ideas on the very nature of civic life, social organization and modernity in the Islamic world. The research is based on original archives from Istanbul (BOA) and various cities of the Empire, from Aleppo to Tunis, Thessaloniki to Alexandria or Damascus and Cairo to Tripoli. Cet ouvrage est consacré à l'étude des racines et des caractéristiques de la gouvernance urbaine dans l'empire ottoman. Il démontre comment s'est développée sur la base de différents héritages (Byzantin, Islamique médiéval, Seljukide, Sassanide et Ottoman médiéval) à partir du XVe siècle une forme municipale d'ancien régime et étudie sa transformation durant les réformes de l'ère des Tanzimat au XIXe siècle. L'auteure propose ainsi des interprétations innovantes quant à la dimension civique de la vie urbaine, l'organisation sociale et l'impact ambigu avec la modernité dans un contexte islamique. L'étude s'appuie sur des archives inédites trouvées à Istanbul (BOA) et dans des villes comme Alep, Tunis, Thessalonique, Alexandrie, Damas, Le Caire et Tripoli
1 online resource. :
The Wahhabis seen through European eyes (1772-1830) : deists and Puritans of Islam /
In The Wahhabis seen through European Eyes (1772-1830) Giovanni Bonacina offers an account of the early reactions in Europe to the rise of the Wahhabi movement in Arabia. Commonly pictured nowadays as a form of Muslim fundamentalism, the Wahhabis appeared to many European witnesses as the creators of a deistic revolution with serious political consequences for the Ottoman ancien regime. They were seen either in the light of contemporary events in France, or as Islamic theological reformers in the mould of Calvin, opposing an established church and devotional traditions. These audacious but fascinating attempts to interpret the unknown by way of the better known are illustrated in Bonacina's book.
1 online resource (x, 232 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-225) and index. :
9789004293281 :
2405-4488 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
IXe Congrès international des sciences historiques, Paris, 1950. : IXth International Congress of Historical Sciences, Paris 1950.
: The problem of constitutional thought in France, from the end of the Middle Ages to the Revolution, by W. F. Church.--Les Assemblées d'états dans les principautés roumaines, par G. I. Bratianu.--Les ordres d'ancien régime n'étaient pas des castes, par E. Lousse. : 279 pages ; 24 cm.
Empires of the Sea : a Maritime Power Networks in World History /
Empires of the Sea brings together studies of maritime empires from the Bronze Age to the Eighteenth Century. The volume aims to establish maritime empires as a category for the (comparative) study of premodern empires, and from a partly 'non-western' perspective. The book includes contributions on Mycenaean sea power, Classical Athens, the ancient Thebans, Ptolemaic Egypt, The Genoese Empire, power networks of the Vikings, the medieval Danish Empire, the Baltic empire of Ancien Régime Sweden, the early modern Indian Ocean, the Melaka Empire, the (non-European aspects of the) Portuguese Empire and Dutch East India Company, and the Pirates of Caribbean.
1 online resource :