Showing 1 - 20 results of 22 for search '"Ancient Near East and Egypt."', query time: 0.14s Refine Results
Published 1947
Kernmomenten der antieke beschaving en haar moderne beleving /

: 9789004666948

Published 1978
Ugaritica VII /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004669468

Published 1960
Foreign trade in the old Babylonian period as revealed by texts from southern Mesopotamia /

: 9789004668768

Published 1969
Halachic Sources : From the beginning to the ninth century /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004660540

Published 1961
Chaos en beheersing : Documenten uit aeneolitisch Egypte /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004670938

Published 2025
Kizzuwatna. History of Cilicia in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1200 BC) /

: In Kizzuwatna , Andrea Trameri presents a history of the kingdom of Kizzuwatna, located in Cilicia (southern Anatolia), from its origins to the fall of the Hittite Empire. Encompassing both philological and archaeological evidence in the discussion, this book is the first comprehensive historical study of interdisciplinary scope dedicated to Kizzuwatna and the region of Cilicia in the second millennium BC. The book presents and re-analyses a diverse array of sources and data, providing an updated overview of various topics of interest beyond political history - including historical geography, culture and religion, population and language. Some new findings and proposals further contribute to an improved understanding of the history of the Hittite kingdom and other neighboring regions in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1200 BC).
: 1 online resource (585 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004704312

Published 2025
Understanding Power in Ancient Egypt and the Near East, Volume 1 : Approaches /

: This volume offers new theoretical approaches to the study of concepts and manifestations of power in the ancient world. Bringing together scholars from Egyptology and ancient Near Eastern studies, this volume aims to synchronize our understanding of the complex mechanics of Power across our fields. Broad in theoretical, geographical, and temporal scope, it presents theoretical models in an approachable manner, showcasing ways in which they can be employed by all scholars of the ancient world.
: 1 online resource (306 pages) : illustrations. : 9789004712485

Published 2025
The Historical Landscape of Ancient Kalabría : Balkan and Aegean Linguistic Influences /

: This book focuses on Kalabría as an ancient land of Italy from its origin to the early Middle Ages. The place name referred to the Salento peninsula, also called Messapia, as part of present-day Puglia and later to the land of the Bruttii , now the region of Calabria. This work is the first to carefully evaluate linguistic and historical studies in a comprehensive and monographic form. Following an interdisciplinary approach, the systematic combination of Linguistics and Landscape History guides the research step by step. The sample represents a new significant methodological instance that merges Toponymy, History, Archaeology, Topography, and Philology. See Less
: 1 online resource (200 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004711822

Published 2022
Door of the Wilderness: The Greek, Coptic, and Copto-Arabic Sayings of St. Antony of Egypt : An English Translation, with Introductions and Notes /

: Saint Antony of Egypt (c. 251-356), often called "the father of monasticism," has numerous representations: the Antony of the Life of Antony and the Letters , but also the Antony of around 120 sayings or apophthegmata. This volume presents fresh English translations of the Greek and Coptic sayings, as well as the first English translation of the Copto-Arabic sayings that are based on unpublished manuscripts. The volume thus opens the door to a richer image of Saint Antony's many identities across various languages and traditions.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004471870

Published 2022
Judges 19-21 and the "Othering" of Benjamin : A Golah Polemic against the Autochthonous Inhabitants of the Land? /

: Of all the tribes of Israel, why is Benjamin cast in the role of the villainous "other" in Judges 19-21? Krisel argues that the anti-Benjamin Tendenz in the narrative reflects economic, political and ideological tensions between the Golah community, the deportees who returned from Babylon during the early Persian period, and the people who had not gone into exile, who lived primarily in the Benjamin region. The hypothesis is supported by archaeological and survey data largely overlooked by biblical scholars and by a careful redaction history of the text. Krisel engages critically with the predominant scholarly view that Judges 19-21 uses "irony" to cast the explicit heroes in the narrative, the sons of Israel, as the implicit villains.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499355

Published 2025
The Verbal Systems of Aramaic /

: In The Verbal Systems of Aramaic , Bruweleit analyses the Aramaic verbal systems from Old Aramaic to the modern dialects. He examines whether the verb forms are to be analysed as aspectual, temporal or modal and decides whether the verbal systems are to be regarded as aspect-, tense- or mood-prominent. On a diachronic level, the study investigates which conclusions the verbal systems allow regarding the classification and history of Aramaic. The work offers a hypothesis that explains the intricate use of the participle in Biblical Aramaic and shows that the North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic (NENA) dialects can be traced back to a common proto-dialect that split into at least four branches from which in turn the modern NENA dialects emerged.
: 1 online resource (750 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004714168

Published 2025
Rethinking Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honor of Ann Macy Roth /

: Throughout her career, Ann Macy Roth has regularly returned to well-known ancient Egyptian material and visual culture and shed new light on it by employing different approaches and methodologies. In this way, her research has led to new interpretations and readings of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices while illustrating the importance of and need for continual questioning and re-examination within Egyptology. This volume brings together papers from around the world that follow her tradition of rethinking, reassessing, and innovating. It is intended to honour Roth's significant career as a scholar, mentor, and teacher and to celebrate and continue her dedication to analyzing ancient Egypt from novel perspectives.
: 1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004708402

Published 2022
The Manasseh Hill Country Survey Volume 7 : The South-Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Wadi Rashash to Wadi 'Aujah /

: The book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the eastern region of Samaria, mainly the South-Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Wadi Rashash to Wadi 'Aujah within the territory of Israel/Palestine. This project, in progress since 1978, and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history, tourism, and other aspects of the Holy Land.
: The book presents the results of a complete detailed archaeological survey of parts of Eastern Samaria. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Archaeological, Biblical and other points of view, and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history, tourism, and other aspects of the Holy Land. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004513044

Published 2022
The Septuagint South of Alexandria : Essays on the Greek Translations and Other Ancient Versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA) /

: This volume presents original research on the historical context, narrative and wisdom books, anthropology, theology, language, and reception of the Septuagint, as well as comparisons of the Greek translations with other ancient versions and texts.
This volume tackles topics relevant to the study of the Septuagint and related fields of research, such as the historical context of the Greek translations and texts, their anthropology, theology, language, and reception, as well as the comparison of the Septuagint with other ancient translations and texts of its intellectual environment. The authors make contributions to the study of the texts themselves, their themes, and theories in modern research on the ancient artefacts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521384

Published 2022
Old Babylonian Grammar : Volume One /

: The book contains a descriptive grammar of Old Babylonian, the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Volume 1 describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
Akkadian, written in the cuneiform script, is the most important language of the Ancient Near East and one of the most important members of the Semitic language family. Old Babylonian is the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Old Babylonian was written all over Mesopotamia (modern Iraq, Syria) and some neigboring regions during the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE. The book describes the language of middle Old Babylonian from the kings Sin-muballit to Samsu-iluna. Volume 1 extensively describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004498990

Published 2022
Old Babylonian Grammar : Volume One /

: The book contains a descriptive grammar of Old Babylonian, the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Volume 1 describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
Akkadian, written in the cuneiform script, is the most important language of the Ancient Near East and one of the most important members of the Semitic language family. Old Babylonian is the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Old Babylonian was written all over Mesopotamia (modern Iraq, Syria) and some neigboring regions during the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE. The book describes the language of middle Old Babylonian from the kings Sin-muballit to Samsu-iluna. Volume 1 extensively describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004498990

Published 2022
Old Babylonian Grammar : Volume One /

: The book contains a descriptive grammar of Old Babylonian, the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Volume 1 describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
Akkadian, written in the cuneiform script, is the most important language of the Ancient Near East and one of the most important members of the Semitic language family. Old Babylonian is the best attested period and dialect of Akkadian. Old Babylonian was written all over Mesopotamia (modern Iraq, Syria) and some neigboring regions during the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE. The book describes the language of middle Old Babylonian from the kings Sin-muballit to Samsu-iluna. Volume 1 extensively describes the orthography, phonology, nouns, pronouns and numbers of Old Babylonian.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004498990

Published 2022
Demons in Early Judaism and Christianity : Characters and Characteristics /

: This volume sheds light on how Jews and Christians in Antiquity understood the nature and characteristics of demons. The contributions cover a wide range of corpora and explore aspects of continuity and change as ideas flowed between groups and cultures.
For Jews and Christians in Antiquity beliefs about demons were integral to their reflections on fundamental theological questions, but what kind of 'being' did they consider demons to be? To what extent were they thought to be embodied? Were demons thought of as physical entities or merely as metaphors for social and psychological realities? What is the relation between demons and the hypostatization of abstract concepts (fear, impurity, etc) and baleful phenomenon such as disease? These are some of the questions that this volume addresses by focussing on the nature and characteristics of demons - what one might call 'demonic ontology'.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518148

Published 2022
The Septuagint South of Alexandria : Essays on the Greek Translations and Other Ancient Versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA) /

: This volume presents original research on the historical context, narrative and wisdom books, anthropology, theology, language, and reception of the Septuagint, as well as comparisons of the Greek translations with other ancient versions and texts.
This volume tackles topics relevant to the study of the Septuagint and related fields of research, such as the historical context of the Greek translations and texts, their anthropology, theology, language, and reception, as well as the comparison of the Septuagint with other ancient translations and texts of its intellectual environment. The authors make contributions to the study of the texts themselves, their themes, and theories in modern research on the ancient artefacts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004521384

Published 2022
Sonnengrüße: Die sumerischen Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen /

: Dieses Buch ist eine umfassende Diskussion der mesopotamischen Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen, das viele bisher nicht übersetzte Texte enthält und zum ersten Mal die literarische Typologie genau definiert und den rituellen Kontext beschreibt, in dem sie verwendet wurde.This book is a comprehensive discussion of the Mesopotamian Kiutu incantation-prayers, containing many previously untranslated texts as well as for the first time precisely defining the literary typology and describing the ritual context in which it was used.
Was sind die Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen? Was sind ihre besonderen Merkmale im Vergleich zu anderen Arten von Gebetsbeschwörungen? Unter Verwendung vieler bisher unveröffentlichter Texte bietet dieses Buch die erste vollständige philologische Edition eines Korpus der sumerischen Literatur, der in der Wissenschaft oft unterrepräsentiert ist. Das Buch untersucht diese speziell an den Sonnengott gerichtete Texttypologie und ordnet sie in die breitere Geschichte der mesopotamischen Literatur und Religion ein. Einzigartig ist, dass diese Typologie von Gebetsbeschwörungen die Bewegung der Sonne am Himmel mit der Tageszeit verbindet, zu der sie vorgetragen wurde, was uns einen seltenen Einblick in die praktische Realität der mesopotamischen religiösen Praxis gewährt. What are the Kiutu incantation-prayers? What are their distinctive features in comparison to other types of incantation-prayers? Making use of many previously unpublished texts, this book offers the first complete philological edition of a corpus of Sumerian literature often underrepresented in scholarship. The book examines this textual typology specifically addressed to the Sun god finding its place within the broader history of Mesopotamian literature and religion. Uniquely, this typology of incantation-prayers connects the movement of the sun in the sky to the time of day when it was performed, giving us a rare glimpse into the practical realities of Mesopotamian religious practice.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004503724