An index to periodical literature on the Apostle Paul /
The volume updates an important earlier work by Bruce M. Metzger, Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul first published in 1960, which undertook to list periodical materials available before 1960. This volume was the first book in the New Testament Tools and Studies series published by Brill. As with Metzger's volume, this new work lists periodicals in a wide spectrum of languages, including English and Russian. This volume adds considerably to the 3,013 entries of Metzger's original work. To facilitate use, the original classification and numbering scheme developed by Metzger is retained in the new references (as well as in a few from a second edition by Metzger, 1970). They are inserted in their proper classification (by subject and date) and are indicated by the original number with an alpha extension. In a few instances, new classifications are offered, e.g. 'structuralism'.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004379862 :
Faith and freedom in Galatia and Senegal : the Apostle Paul, colonists and sending gods /
Faith and Freedom in Galatia and Senegal reads Galatians 2:11-15 and 3:26-29 through the lens of the 19th-20th century experiences of French colonialism by the Diola people in Senegal, West Africa, and portrays the Apostle Paul as a \''sociopostcolonial hermeneut who acted on his self-understanding as God's messenger to create, through faith in the cross of Christ, free communities' -- a self-definition that is critical of ancient Graeco-Roman and modern colonial lore that justify colonization as a divine mandate.\' Aliou C. Niang ingeniously compares the colonial objectification of his own people by French colonists to the Graeco-Roman colonial objectifications of the ancient Celts/Gauls/Galatians, and Paul's role in bringing about a different portrayal.
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Brite Divinity School, 2007. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [139]-164) and indexes. :
9789047428671 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Arab Christians and the Qurʼan from the origins of Islam to the medieval period /
Arab Christians and the Qurʾan from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period is a collection of essays on the use and interpretation of the Qur'an by Christians writing in Arabic in the period of Islamic rule in the Middle East up to the end of the thirteenth century. These essays originated in the seventh Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity held in Birmingham, UK, in 2013, and are edited by Mark Beaumont. Contributors are: David Bertaina, Sidney Griffith, Sandra Keating, Michael Kuhn, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Gordon Nickel, Emilio Platti and David Thomas
"These essays originated in the seventh Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity held in Birmingham, UK, in 2013"--ECIP data view. :
1 online resource (xiv, 216 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004360747 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Light from the Gentiles : Hellenistic philosophy and early Christianity : collected essays, 1959-2012 /
Rather than viewing the Graeco-Roman world as the "background" against which early Christian texts should be read, Abraham J. Malherbe saw the ancient Mediterranean world as a rich ecology of diverse intellectual traditions that interacted within specific social contexts. These essays, spanning over fifty years, illustrate Malherbe's appreciation of the complexities of this ecology and what is required to explore philological and conceptual connections between early Christian writers, especially Paul and Athenagoras, and their literary counterparts who participated in the religious and philosophical discourse of the wider culture. Malherbe's essays laid the groundwork for his magisterial commentary on the Thessalonian correspondence and launched the contemporary study of Hellenistic moral philosophy and early Christianity.
"Volume 1 / 2." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Earliest Christianity within the boundaries of Judaism : essays in honor of Bruce Chilton /
Twenty-two essays, written by top scholars in the fields of early Christianity and Judaism, focus on methodological issues, earliest Christianity in its Judaic setting, Gospel studies, and history and meaning in later Christianity. These essays honor Bruce Chilton, recognizing his seminal contribution to the study of earliest Christianity in its Judaic setting. Chilton's scholarship has established innovative approaches to reconstructing the life of Jesus, a Jew whose religious ideology developed and therefore must be understood within the Judaism of the first centuries. Following upon Chilton's approaches and insights, the essays collected here illustrate the centrality of the literatures of early Judaism to the critical exegesis of the New Testament and other writings of early Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004310339 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Facsimile Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices : Codex I /
Contains the following tractates : The Prayer of the Apostle Paul (+ colophon); The Apocryphon of James: The Gospel of Truth; The Treatise on Resurrection; The Tripartite Tractate.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Christianity in Macedonia : From Paul to the Late Sixth Century /
In this volume Julien M. Ogereau investigates the origins and development of Christianity in the Roman province of Macedonia in the first six centuries CE. Drawing from the oldest literary sources, Ogereau reconstructs the earliest history of the first Christian communities in the region and explores the legacy of the apostle Paul in the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Beroea. Turning to the epigraphic and archaeological evidence, Ogereau then examines Christianity's dissemination throughout the province and its impact on Macedonian society in late antiquity, especially on its epigraphic habits and material culture.
1 online resource (390 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jews and Christians in the Roman World : From Historical Method to Cases /
Roman Judaea, Christian origins, and Roman-Judaean-Christian relations are flourishing fields of endless fascination. Amid the flurry of new research, however, which uses ever new methods in the humanities and social sciences, basic questions about what happened and how people then understood events are easily obscured. This book argues that a simple but consistent historical method can throw new light - and challenge entrenched views - on such familiar topics as Roman provincial governance, the Jewish War, Flavian politics, Judaea after King Herod, Jewish and Christian historiography, Pharisees and Essenes, John the Baptist, the apostle Paul, and Luke-Acts.
1 online resource (670 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
God and grace in Philo and Paul /
In God and Grace in Philo and Paul , Orrey McFarland examines how Philo of Alexandria and the Apostle Paul understood divine grace. While scholars have occasionally observed that Philo and Paul both speak about God's generosity, such work has often placed the two theologians in either strong continuity or stark discontinuity without probing into the theological logic that animates the particularities of their thought. By contrast, McFarland sets Philo and Paul in conversation and argues that both could speak of divine gifts emphatically and in formally similar ways while making materially different theological judgments in the context of their concrete historical settings and larger theological frameworks. That is, McFarland demonstrates how their theologies of grace are neither identical nor antithetical.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004308589 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Polycarp and Paul : an analysis of their literary and theological relationship in light of Polycarp's use of biblical and extra-biblical literature /
This volume addresses the question of the Apostle Paul's literary and theological influences on Polycarp of Smyrna. To this end, the most detailed analysis in print of Polycarp's dependence on earlier literature--both biblical and extra-biblical--is undertaken in the first part of the book. This general analysis forms the basis for the study of three questions: 1) Is Polyarp an imitator of Paul? 2) Whom does Polycarp think is the author of the Pastoral Epistles? 3) To what degree is Polycarp influenced by the theology of Paul? This volume will be of particular interest to anyone studying the Apostolic Fathers, the reception of Paul in the second century, the concept of imitation, and the authorship of the Pastoral Epistles.
1 online resource (vii, 230 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-217) and indexes. :
9789004313279 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mark and Paul : Comparing the oldest extant literary works and theological ideas of early Christianity /
What is the relationship between the earliest Gospel-Mark-and the first congregational letters of the apostle Paul? Heidrun E. Mader provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the Pauline epistles and the Gospel of Mark. She addresses several themes that Paul and Mark treat in similar ways and integrates them into a consistent overall picture. The following themes are addressed: the universalistic concept of the gospel; the integration of gentiles in Christ; the place of the Torah in early Christian community life; the central role of the cross. Mader shows that there are specific and exclusive similarities between Paul and Mark that go beyond commonalities with other ancient writings. However, the results do not necessarily suggest direct literary dependence. Pauline theology could also have been transmitted orally, especially if we accept the hypothesis that Mark lived in Rome, where he could have encountered Paul himself in the early 60s.
1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Cosmology and fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman antiquity : under pitiless skies /
In Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity , Nicola Denzey Lewis dismisses Hans Jonas' mischaracterization of second-century Gnosticism as a philosophically-oriented religious movement built on the perception of the cosmos as negative or enslaving. A focused study on the concept of astrological fate in "Gnostic" writings including the Apocryphon of John, the recently-discovered Gospel of Judas, Trimorphic Protennoia, and the Pistis Sophia, this book reexamines their language of "enslavement to fate (Gk: heimarmene)" from its origins in Greek Stoicism, its deployment by the apostle Paul, to its later use by a variety of second-century intellectuals (both Christian and non-Christian). Denzey Lewis thus offers an informed and revisionist conceptual map of the ancient cosmos, its influence, and all those who claimed to be free of its potentially pernicious effects.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on May 14, 2013). :
1 online resource (xiii, 206 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004245761 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New directions in biblical theology : papers of the Aarhus Conference, 16-19 September 1992 /
New Directions in Biblical Theology contains the papers of an international conference on Biblical Theology which was organized by the Faculty of Theology of Aarhus University on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. The papers delivered at the conference address a number of fundamental issues evolving from the recently revived debate on Biblical Theology. The first group of contributions deals with essential topics such as the biblical concept of revelation, and the interpretation of the Old Testament as presented by the apostle Paul, by the evangelists Matthew, Mark and John, and by the Letter to the Hebrews. Further contributions treat themes such as the 're-use' of a given biblical tradition, theology of creation, apocalyptic, the concept of mercy, the community's role in transmission and interpretation, and the primary aspects of the concept of God.
1 online resource (xiii, 290 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004267107 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul and Pseudepigraphy.
In Paul and Pseudepigraphy , an international group of scholars engage open questions in the study of the Apostle Paul and those documents often deemed pseudepigraphal. This volume addresses many traditional questions, including those of method and the authenticity of several canonical Pauline letters, but they also reflect a desire to think in new ways about persistent questions surrounding pseudepigraphy. The focus on pseudepigraphy in relationship to Paul affords a unique opportunity to address this innovative inclination, not readily available in studies of New Testament pseudepigraphy in general. Regarding these concerns, new approaches are introduced, traditional evidence is reassessed, and some new suggestions are offered. In addition to Pauline letters, treatments of related non-canonical Pauline pseudepigraphs are included in discussion.
Description based upon print version of record.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (390 pages) :
9789004258471 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul's letters and contemporary Greco-Roman literature : theorizing a new taxonomy /
In this volume, Paul Robertson re-describes the form of the apostle Paul's letters in a manner that facilitates transparent, empirical comparison with texts not typically treated by biblical scholars. Paul's letters are best described by a set of literary characteristics shared by certain Greco-Roman texts, particularly those of Epictetus and Philodemus. Paul Robertson theorizes a new taxonomy of Greco-Roman literature that groups Paul's letters together with certain Greco-Roman, ethical-philosophical texts written at a roughly contemporary time in the ancient Mediterranean. This particular grouping, termed a socio-literary sphere, is defined by the shared form, content, and social purpose of its constituent texts, as well as certain general similarities between their texts' authors.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004320260 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul's glory-christology : tradition and rhetoric /
In 1927 C.A.A. Scott, while commenting on the apostle Paul's Christology, remarked that the \'history of the word Glory in the Bible has yet to be written.\' By using methodology developed in semantics, semiotics, and, more generally, literary theory, Newman examines the origin and rhetoric of Paul's Glory-Christology. The investigation involves three distinct tasks: (1) to plot the tradition-history of Glory which formed part of Paul's linguistic world, (2) to examine Paul's letter, in light of the reconstructed tradition-history of Glory, in order to discern the rationale of Paul's identification of Christ as Glory and, (3) to map out the implications of such an identification for Paul's theological and rhetorical strategy. On the basis of this study, four conclusions are reached for understanding Paul. First, Paul inherited a symbolic universe with signs already \'full\' of signification. Second, knowing the (diachronically acquired) connotative range of a \'surface\' symbol (e.g. Glory) aids in discerning Paul's precise contingent strategy. Third, knowing the \'surface\' symbol's referential power defines and contributes to the \'deeper structure\' of Paul's theological grammar. Finally, the heuristic power within the construals of the Glory tradition coalesce in Paul's Christophany and thus provide coherence at the \'deepest\' level of Paul's Christology.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Baylor University, 1989. :
1 online resource (xvi, 305 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 248-281) and indexes. :
9789004267022 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A prolegomenon to the study of Paul /
A Prolegomenon to the Study of Paul examines foundational assumptions that ground all interpretations of the apostle Paul. This examination touches on several topics, invoking issues pertaining to truth, hermeneutics, canonicity, historiography, pseudonymity, literary genres, and authority. Underlying all of this is a guiding thesis, namely, that every encounter with Paul involves "Pauline Archimedean points," or fixed points of reference that establish the measure for constructing any interpretation of Paul whatsoever. Building on this, the author interrogates various issues that inform the formation of these Pauline Archimedean points, in pursuit of an important but modest goal: to urge Pauline readers to engage in a modicum of self-reflection over the various considerations that precondition all of our efforts to comprehend Paul.
1 online resource. :