Speaking of Jesus : essays on biblical language, gospel narrative, and the historical Jesus /
This volume presents a selection of essays by the late Willem Vorster, one of the most prominent New Testament scholars to have emerged from South Africa. An introductory essay by the editor explains Vorster's contribution to New Testament scholarship in general and to South African New Testament scholarship in particular. Vorster's essays are grouped primarily under the topics \'Language and Linguistics\', \'Reader Response\', \'Narratology\', \'Historical Paradigms\' and \'The Historical Jesus\'. In addition to his work on method, Vorster was a well-known Markan scholar, and this is reflected in the fact that more than half of his methodological essays are concerned with that Gospel. The book includes a curriculum vitae , a full bibliography and indexes.
1 online resource (xxx, 521 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 491-515) and index. :
9789004267381 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A gospel synopsis of the Greek text of Matthew, Mark and Luke : a comparison of Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus /
The aim of this new Gospel Synopsis is to enhance the study of the Synoptic Gospels and provide insights into the synoptic problem through a clear presentation of the Greek text. Jenny Read-Heimerdinger and Josep Rius-Camps set out the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in turn, comparing each line by line with the other two. A further innovative feature is that the text is presented according to two important Gospel manuscripts, Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus, rather than the usual eclectic edition of the Greek New Testament. Thus, not only are the differences between the Gospels clearly visible but also, the complexity of their relationship is more easily identified through the comparison of two divergent manuscripts representative of distinct traditions.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004266681 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Finding the Synoptic Gospels' Construction Process : A Comparative-Linguistic Analysis of the Eucharist and Its Co-texts /
This study critically examines the current state of Synoptic Gospel studies, particularly many scholars' reliance on the Literary Dependence Hypothesis, and endeavors to advance a more balanced approach. The author attempts to deduce the Synoptic Gospels' construction process by meticulously examining the Eucharist and its co-text within these Gospels, by employing a model of Mode Register Analysis based on Systemic Functional Linguistics. This study uncovers the probability that each designated text in the Synoptic Gospels was constructed based on oral Gospel tradition(s) under the influence of each constructor's identity.
1 online resource (246 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A key to the Peshitta Gospels /
This work provides a range of information, previously unpublished, essential to the study of the Peshitta Gospel text as a translation of the Greek and as a literary work in its own right. It is designed to serve both scholar and student. The Key, in which each word is classified according to its Syriac root, provides ( a ) a complete analytical concordance, ( b ) the notation of the part of speech for each principal Syriac term, ( c ) an English translation of each word cited corresponding to its use in the Peshitta Gospels, ( d ) Syriac words of similar meaning, ( e ) the corresponding Greek term for each Syriac term, ( f ) an English index, and ( g ) a directory at the end of the work to facilitate the swift location of the Syriac word being sought. The Key can be used as a concordance, lexicon, thesaurus, or resource for the critical investigation of the Syriac text of the Peshitta Gospels.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004379848 :
La structure des évangiles synoptiques : la structure-type à l'origine des synoptiques.
: A Revision of the author's thesis, Commissio Pontificia de Re Biblica, 1962. : 1 online resource (vii, 228 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004265998 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A study of the Gospels in Codex Alexandrinus : codicology, palaeography, and scribal hands /
Codex Alexandrinus is one of the three earliest surviving entire Greek Bibles and is an important fifth-century witness to the Christian Scriptures, yet no major analysis of the codex has been performed in over a century. In A Study of the Gospels in Codex Alexandrinus W. Andrew Smith delivers a fresh and highly-detailed examination of the codex and its rich variety of features using codicology, palaeography, and statistical analysis. Among the highlights of this study, W. Andrew Smith's work overturns the view that a single scribe was responsible for copying the canonical books of the New Testament and demonstrates that the orthographic patterns in the Gospels can no longer be used to argue for Egyptian provenance of the codex.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004274853 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A Key to the Peshitta Gospels, Volume Two: Hē - Yōdh /
This second volume of A Key to the Peshitta Gospels again provides a range of information, previously unpublished, essential to the study of the Peshitta Gospel text as a translation of the Greek and as a literary work in its own right. It is designed to serve both scholar and student. The Key , in which each word is classified according to its Syriac root, provides a) a Syriac-English dictionary, b) the notation of the part of speech for each Syriac term, c) referenced contextual phrases in English that illustrate a word's meanings, d) Syriac words of similar meaning, e) the corresponding Greek term for each Syriac term, f) a complete analytical concordance, g) an alphabetical index of Syriac catchwords, h) an index of Syriac verbal and nominal forms, i) an English index, j) an index of grammatical and general information. The Key can be used as a lexicon, concordance, thesaurus, critical guide to Syriac-Greek correspondences, or resource for the critical investigation of the Syriac text of the Peshitta Gospels..
1 online resource :
Jesusüberlieferung und Christologie : neutestamentliche Aufsätze, 1970-1990 /
Der vorliegende Band faßt Aufsätze des Bochumer Neutestamentlers zusammen, die sich mit Jesus, seiner Botschaft und seinem Weg, aber auch mit der in der Überlieferung der Evangelien sich ausdrückenden Christologie befassen. Eine erste Gruppe von Beiträgen behandelt die Gottesverkündigung Jesu und das auf ihn zurückgehende \'Gebet des Herrn\'. Es folgen Abhandlungen über Jesu Ruf in die \'Nachfolge\' und seine ethischen Weisungen (Liebesgebot, Verbot der Ehescheidung). Die Leidengeschichte Jesu ist Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen. Dabei steht sowohl die historische Rückfrage als auch die Theologie der Passiongeschichte im Zentrum des Fragens. Die vier letzten Studien befassen sich mit explizit christologischen Themen: Davidsohn-Frage, Präexistenz-Christologie, und Neuschöpfung in Christus. Insgesamt liegt somit ein Werk vor, das aktuelle Aspekte der Jesus-Forschung erörtert und zugleich die Anfänge der Christologie ins Blickfeld rückt.
1 online resource (ix, 391 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-380) and indexes. :
9789004267008 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Index to periodical literature on Christ and the Gospels /
This publication updates Bruce Metzger's monumental Index to the present. In addition to all the periodicals indexed by Metzger (where these are still active), this volume updates the list with a number of newer periodicals which had not yet begun publication when Metzger compiled his work. Metzger's original citations (10.000+) are complemented by an additional 4.800+ new references, using the same basic arrangement employed by Metzger.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004379961 :