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Ancient mosaic pavements : themes, issues, and trends : selected studies /
This publication is engaged in issues, trends, and themes depicted on mosaic pavements discovered in Israel, the Gaza Strip and Petra (the provinces of ancient Palaestina Prima, Secunda and Tertia) with comparable floors in Jordan (Arabia). The majority of the mosaic pavements discussed in this study are dated to the 4th-8th centuries CE. Mosaic pavements were the normal medium for decorating the floors of synagogues, churches, monasteries, and chapels, as well as public and private buildings. Inscriptions found on many of the pavements commemorate the donors, refer to the artists, and sometimes date the mosaics. The ornamentation of the mosaics in this region is remarkable, rich, and varied in its themes and provides many insights into the contemporary artistic and social cultures.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [297]-308) and index. :
9789047442066 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The impact of unit delimitation on exegesis /
This volume contains papers dealing with the impact of unit delimitation on exegesis. Pargraph markers play an important role in literature, this is illustrated by means of the examples of Mark 12:13-27 and Romans 1:21-25. The setumah after Isaiah 8:16 is significant for understanding the making of the Hebrew Bible. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the text divisions in the Book of Daniel guide the reading of the text. The demarcation of hymns and prayers in the prophets is illustrated by the examples of Hosea 6:1-3 and Isaiah 42:10-12. Unit delimitation is taken up for the theory of an acrostichon in Nahum 1. Also discussed is the delimitation of units in Genesis, Isaiah 56:1-9, and Jeremiah and Habakkuk.
"This volume contains selected papers from the meetings in Edinburgh (2006) and Vienna (2007) plus two extra articles dealing with the same theme, namely the impact of unit delimitation on exegesis"--Pref. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047424949 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Neo-Babylonian court procedure /
Even though scholars have known of Neo-Babylonian legal texts almost since Assyriology's very beginnings, no comprehensive study of court procedure has been undertaken. This lack is particularly glaring in light of studies of court procedure in earlier periods of Mesopotamian history. With these studies as a model, this book begins by presenting a comprehensive classification of the text-types that made up the \'tablet trail\' of records of the adjudication of legal disputes in the Neo-Babylonian period. In presenting this text-typology, it considers the texts' legal function within the adjudicatory process. Based on this, the book describes the adjudicatory process as it is attested in private records as well as in records from the Eanna at Uruk. \'This study of textual typologies and adjudication processes will be of immense value to Assyriologists, biblical scholars and historians of law alike. This is without mentioning the wealth of social and economic insights evident in each case, let alone the valuable identification of Neo-Babylonian formulaic legal expressions.\' S. Jacobs "Overall, Holtz's work is replete with important data, insightful in its analysis and judicious in its interpretive decisions. It should serve not only as an important resource but also as a significant statement on the function of law and judicial procedure at an important time in Mesopotamian history." Bruce Wells, Saint Joseph's University
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-328) and indexes. :
9789047428428 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul: Jew, Greek, and Roman /
What does it mean to study Paul the Apostle as Jew, Greek, and Roman? The framing of the question exposes the fact that the distinctions themselves involve a complex of ethnic, social, and cultural designations. Paul is both a complicated individual of the ancient world, because he combines in his one personage features of life in each of these cultural-ethnic (and even religious) areas of the ancient world, and one of many people of that world who evidenced such complexity. This volume, Paul: Jew, Greek, and Roman, explores a number of the important and diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious dimensions of the multi-faceted background of Paul the Apostle. Some of the treatments are focused and specific, while others range over the broad issues that go to making up the world of the Apostle.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047424918 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ezekiel : a commentary based on Iezekiēl in Codex Vaticanus /
This work is the first major commentary to focus on the text of LXX Ezekiel in any modern language. Rather than seeing LXX mainly as a text-critical resource with variants to be explained, this commentary, as part of the Septuagint Commentary Series, examines a specific manuscript in its own right as a document used by Greek readers unfamiliar with Hebrew. Included are transcription and English translation of Codex Vaticanus, the oldest extant manuscript of the whole book, and a detailed commentary that also compares the earlier P967 and the Masoretic Text where they differ. Another major new contribution is the utilisation of the sense-delimitation (paragraphs) of Codex Vaticanus itself, exploring how this influences reading of the text.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [543]-559) and indexes. :
9789047430575 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The boundaries of monotheism : interdisciplinary explorations into the foundations of western monotheism /
What is the significance of monotheism in modern western culture, taking into account both its problematic and promising aspects? Biblical texts and the biblical faith traditions bear a continuous, polemical tension between exclusive and inclusive perceptions and interpretations of monotheism. Western monotheism proves itself to be multi-significant and heterogeneous, producing boundary-setting as well as boundary-crossing tendencies, is the common thesis of the authors of this book, who have been collectively debating this theme for two years in an interdisciplinary scholarly setting. Their contributions range from the fields of biblical and religious studies, history and philosophy of religion, systematic theology, to gender studies in theology and religion.The authors also explain the particular contribution of their own theological discipline to these debates.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [223]-240) and index. :
9789047426639 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sacred tropes : Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as literature and culture /
Contemporary sacred text scholarship has been stimulated by a number of intersecting trends: a surging interest in religion, sacred texts, and inspirational issues; burgeoning developments in and applications of literary theories; intensifying academic focus on diverse cultures whether for education or scholarship. Although much has been written individually about Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an, no collection combines an examination of all three. Sacred Tropes interweaves Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an essays. Contributors collectively and also often individually use mixed literary approaches instead of the older single theory strategy. Appropriate for classroom or research, the essays utilize a variety of literary theoretical lenses including environmental, cultural studies, gender, psychoanalytic, ideological, economic, historicism, law, and rhetorical criticisms through which to examine these sacred works.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047430964 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Faith and freedom in Galatia and Senegal : the Apostle Paul, colonists and sending gods /
Faith and Freedom in Galatia and Senegal reads Galatians 2:11-15 and 3:26-29 through the lens of the 19th-20th century experiences of French colonialism by the Diola people in Senegal, West Africa, and portrays the Apostle Paul as a \''sociopostcolonial hermeneut who acted on his self-understanding as God's messenger to create, through faith in the cross of Christ, free communities' -- a self-definition that is critical of ancient Graeco-Roman and modern colonial lore that justify colonization as a divine mandate.\' Aliou C. Niang ingeniously compares the colonial objectification of his own people by French colonists to the Graeco-Roman colonial objectifications of the ancient Celts/Gauls/Galatians, and Paul's role in bringing about a different portrayal.
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Brite Divinity School, 2007. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [139]-164) and indexes. :
9789047428671 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between two worlds : the frontier region between ancient Nubia and Egypt, 3700 BC-AD 500 /
The Egyptological literature usually belittles or ignores the political and intellectual initiative and success of the Nubian Twenty-Fifth Dynasty in the reunification of Egypt, while students of Nubian history frequently ignore or misunderstand the impact of Egyptian ideas on the cultural developments in pre- and post-Twenty-Fifth-Dynasty Nubia. This book re-assesses the textual and archaeological evidence concerning the interaction between Egypt and the polities emerging in Upper Nubia between the Late Neolithic period and 500 AD. The investigation is carried out, however, from the special viewpoint of the political, social, economic, religious and cultural history of the frontier region between Egypt and Nubia and not from the traditional viewpoint of the direct interaction between Egypt and the successive Nubian kingdoms of Kerma, Napata and Meroe. The result is a new picture of the bipolar acculturation processes occurring in the frontier region of Lower Nubia in particular and in the Upper Nubian centres, in general. The much-debated issue of social and cultural \'Egyptianization\' is also re-assessed. \'...this is a valuable and up-to-date presentation of a huge body of the author's work, interweaving more general synthesis and compilation of scholarship.\' David N. Edwards, University of Leicester \'This book is a masterpiece! A well of wisdom and information! It is fluently written, analyzing every aspect of Nubia's relations with Egypt and much more. This book should be in every library focused on Ancient Nubia.\' Dan'el Kahn, University of Haifa, Israel
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047425298 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Biblical translation in Chinese and Greek : verbal aspect in theory and practice /
This study integrates three independent subjects-translation theory, Mandarin aspect, and Greek aspect-for the purpose of formulating a working theory applicable to translating the Bible. The primary objectives are defined in terms of grammatical translation of Greek aspect into Mandarin aspect at the discourse level. A historical overview of the Chinese Bible is provided as a way of introducing major translation issues related to linguistic, conceptual, and logistical challenges. The proposed theory provides the translator with a powerful tool, which is tested in two sample passages from John 18-19 and 1 Corinthians 15. Provided, also, are critical reviews of over sixty Chinese Bible versions, Nestorian, Manichaean, Catholic documents, and a translation written according to the proposed theory.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047441007 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pentadic redaction in the Manichaean Kephalaia /
Discovered in 1929, the Manichaean Kephalaia have opened up an important window on the early development of Manichaean doctrine. This study identifies a significant redactional tendency whereby the compilers of the text sought to clarify ambiguities in "canonical" Manichaean tradition by means of five-part numerical series. This discovery challenges the conventional wisdom of Manichaean scholarship, which has long maintained that, since Mani recorded his own teachings in a series of what later became canonical writings, Manichaean doctrines were transmitted relatively unchanged from the master to successive generations of disciples. Since this assumption is now called into question, it now becomes necessary to re-evaluate received notions about the shape of both the Manichaean "canon" and "tradition."
Revision of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Université Laval, 2006 under title: Counting the cosmos : five-part numeric patterning in the Manichaean Kephalaia. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-236) and indexes. :
9789047427827 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Le Temps et les Temps : dans les littératures juives et chrétiennes au tournant de notre ère /
This volume deals with calendar and liturgical times on the one hand. It discusses questions related to the establishment of the calendar and the observance of traditional and new feasts in Palestine and in the diaspora. On the other hand this book deals with the predetermined organization of the times. It considers the periodization of times and the idea of a revelation being carried out from one period to another; the irruption of the fixed Time and the concomitant representation of a recovery of the times; and the expectation of the last times. In particular, the texts from Qumran, the New Testament, and hellenistic Jewish literature are investigated, but older and more recent texts are taken into account as well.
Papers presented at a colloquium. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 256-257) and indexes. :
9789047409267 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sustain me with raisin-cakes : Pesikta deRav Kahana and the popularization of rabbinic Judaism /
History and literature come together in a new way in this study of the midrashic collection Pesikta deRav Kahana. The book combines the findings of rabbinic historians and early Christianity scholars with a close reading of this midrashic text on its own and in relation to the tannaitic midrashim which preceded it. The rich picture that emerges suggests that PRK, in its new homiletical and aggadic stance, develops a religious language more appealing and accessible to the masses, an outreach language meant to win rabbinic popularity. Exploring issues of power and rhetoric, the book also places PRK's outreach language into the cultural context of the imperialism of Roman Christian homily.
Revision of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 2004 under title: Rabbinic preachers and their audiences in the Amoraic midrashim Pesikta derav Kahana and Leviticus rabbah. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [209]-214) and indexes. :
9789047442288 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Valentinian ethics and paraenetic discourse : determining the social function of moral exhortation in Valentinian Christianity /
Offering a fresh assessment of the presence and function of paraenesis within Valentinianism, this book places Valentinian moral exhortation within the context of early Christian moral discourse. Like other early Christians, Valentinians were not only interested in ethics, but used moral exhortation to discursively shape social identity. Building on the increasing recognition of ethical and communal concerns reflected in the Nag Hammadi sources, this book advances the discussion by elucidating the social rhetoric within, especially, the Gospel of Truth and the Interpretation of Knowledge . The social function of paraenesis is to persuade an audience through social re-presentation. The authors of these texts discursively position their readers, and themselves, within engaging moments of narrativity. It is hoped that this study will encourage greater integration of research between those working on the Nag Hammadi material and those studying early Christian paraenetic discourse.
Revision of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--McGill University, 2005. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047428527 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The verbal system of the Aramaic of Daniel : an explanation in the context of grammaticalization /
This book explains the verbal system of the Aramaic of Daniel in the context of current research on grammaticalization, which, though first mentioned by Meillet in 1912, did not flourish until the beginning of the 1980's, and has only more recently been applied to the study of Ancient Near Eastern languages. Although various aspects of the Aramaic of Daniel have been subject of numerous studies, including a few exhaustive studies on the verbal system in the last century, it remains among the most difficult to explain. The explanation offered here is coherent with the historical development of Aramaic as well as the observable tendencies in the development of human languages in general.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [176]-185) and indexes. :
9789047440086 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Alexandrian riots of 38 C.E. and the persecution of the Jews : a historical reconstruction /
Scholars have read the Alexandrian riots of 38 CE according to intertwined dichotomies. The Alexandrian Jews fought to keep their citizenship - or to acquire it; they evaded the payment of the poll-tax - or prevented any attempts to impose it on them; they safeguarded their identity against the Greeks - or against the Egyptians. Avoiding that pattern and building on the historical reconstruction of the experience of the Alexandrian Jewish community under the Ptolemies, this work submits that the riots were the legal and political consequence of an imperial adjudication against the Jews. Most of the Jews lost their residence never to recover it again. The Roman emperor, the Roman prefect of Egypt and the Alexandrian citizenry - all shared responsibilities according to their respective and expected roles.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [293]-314) and indexes. :
9789047441915 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Manières de penser dans l'antiquité mediterranéenne et orientale : mélanges offerts à Francis Schmidt par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis /
Francis Schmidt's works in various fields of religious studies (mainly ancient Judaism), can be characterized by three words: historiography, anthropological history, and comparatism. In that respect he placed himself in the continuation of previous French scholars, such as Maurice Halbwachs or Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Francis Schmidt also played an essential role in transmitting to a new generation of scholars the complex issues and debates concerning the Dead Sea scrolls and Qumranic research. The papers offered in this volume share all the same interest in ancient religions and the methodological devices previously mentioned. They offer a rare example of a large comparatism between Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Christian approaches of some essential social or intellectual issues, by some of the most competent specialists in each field.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047428633 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis.
Epiphanius, monastic founder and bishop of Salamis on Cyprus for almost 40 years of the fourth century, threw heart and soul into the controversies of the time and produced the \'Panarion\' or \'Medicine Chest\', an historical encyclopedia of sects and heresies and their refutations. Book I, concerned chiefly with Gnostic and Jewish Christian groups, deals with material which is also found in Nag Hammadi and other Gnostic writings and in such patristic authors as Irenaeus, Hippolytus et al, and reproduces documents not available elsewhere. Its translation has been found useful by students of Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism, patrologists, historians of religion, church historians, students of Judaism, and the theologically minded public.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047441984 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nag Hammadi bibliography, 1995-2006 /
This is the third volume of the immensely useful Nag Hammadi Bibliography , the first volume of which covered 1948-1969 and was the first publication in the Nag Hammadi Studies series. The second volume covered 1970-1994. This third volume provides a complete integration of Supplements II/1-II/8 to the Bibliography as published in Novum Testamentum 1998-2008, with additions and corrections. This latest update contains 3,063 entries, with the set of three volumes containing 11,580 entries. Nag Hammadi and Gnostic studies continue to be of critical importance for the study of ancient religions in the Graeco-Roman world and for the study of the world of early Christianity, and the present bibliography provides an indispensable reference tool for work in these fields.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789047425878 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The targum of Zephaniah : manuscripts and commentary /
This seminal and comprehensive study of Targum Jonathan to Zephaniah focuses on two major facets of exegesis: The twenty-one manuscripts from five different provenances, reflecting a variety of textual traditions and scribal erudition, thus revealing distinct stemmas; and the history of transmission of Targum Jonathan. Divergences from the literality of the MT unveil the emotions - fear, dismay, and hope - and the prayers of the meturgeman, as he reacts to historical events in the near past and in his own time.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [431]-441) and indexes. :
9789047425120 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.