Showing 1 - 20 results of 99 for search '"Biblical Studies."', query time: 0.03s Refine Results
Published 2020
Casting down the host of heaven : the rhetoric of ritual failure in the polemic against the host of heaven /

: "In Casting Down the Host of Heaven Cat Quine analyses the ambiguous nature of the Host and explores the role of ritual in the polemic against their worship. Although commonly assumed to be YHWH's divine army, the book reveals their non-military and fluid nature. Quine demonstrates that it was the fluidity of the Host and their roles in the divine realm that permitted the creation of wide-ranging polemic against their worship. Her analysis shows that this polemic was expressed in ritual terms which persuaded its audiences, both ancient and modern, of its legitimacy and authority".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004424395

Published 2024
Urgency and Severity: Pauline Rationale for Expulsion in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 /

: When Paul heard that a Christ-follower in Corinth was in an incestuous relationship with his stepmother, the apostle insisted the man be removed immediately from the congregation. This dramatic response is surprising, as Paul responds to other serious situations with much less vehemence. Why did Paul react to the immoral man with such urgency and severity? Using socio-cultural tools, this study explains the importance of group identity and witness for Paul's ecclesiology. The argument lays a foundation for contemporary readers to appraise contexts where an expulsive response to sin might be appropriate.
: 1 online resource (350 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004693135

Published 1974
An Alexandrian Platonist against dualism : Alexander of Lycopolis' treatise Critique of the doctrines of Manichaeus"" /

: 9789004665484

Published 1968
Westliche Orthodoxie : Leben und Ziele Julian Joseph Overbecks /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004669635

Published 1967
Asylie und Schutzorakel am Zionheiligtum /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004677319

Published 1959
Het Evangelie naar de beschrijving van Thomas /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004666856

Published 2024
Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions in Late Antique and Mediaeval Times /

: This volume explores the ways in which representatives of different monotheistic traditions perceived and described or experienced themselves as "the other." This central category - which includes not only those of different religions, but also converts, foreigners, sectarians, and women - is studied from various perspectives in a range of texts composed by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim authors during late antique and mediaeval times. Conceptualizations of such "others" are often intrinsically related to the idea of exile, another important category that is analysed in this work.
: 1 online resource (285 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004693319

Published 1961
Biblical calendars /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004664531

Published 1960
Art of science and the theoretical way : preliminaries to universal scientific study /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004664487

Published 1958
Gids van de Santa Prisca op de Aventijn /

: 9789004666863

Published 1957
Walter Rauschenbusch : Ein Beitrag zur Begegnung des deutschen und des ameriskanischen Protestantismus /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004669550

Published 1971
Novum Testamentum in linguam belgicam meridionalem versum/De Zuidnederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament : 1. Evangelia/Evangeliën /

: 1 online resource (145 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004624085

Published 1971
Novum Testamentum in linguam belgicam meridionalem versum/De Zuidnederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament : 2. Epistulae Pauli, Epistulae canonicae, Actus Apostolorum, Apocal...

: 1 online resource (214 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004625518

Evangelical Quarterly: An International Review of Bible and Theology.

: 2022 new acquired journal transferred from Paternoster Periodicals. : 0014-3367

Biblische Zeitschrift.

: BRILLBRILLJ : 0006-2014

Published 2023
Florilegia Syriaca: Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World /

: From the 6th century onwards, Syriac patristic florilegia - collections of Greek patristic excerpts in Syriac translation - progressively became a prominent form through which Syriac and Arab Christians shaped their knowledge of theology. In these collections, early Greek Christian literature underwent a substantial process of selection and re-organization. The papers collected in this volume study Syriac florilegia in their own right, as cultural products possessing their own specific textuality, and outline a phenomenology of Syriac patristic florilegia by mapping their diffusion and relevance in time and space, from the 6th to the 17th century, from the Roman Empire to China.
: 1 online resource : 9789004527546

Published 2022
"A Prophet like Moses" (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession /

: This book provides a comprehensive study of the interpretation of Deuteronomy's concept of the prophet like Moses. It traces the origin, history, and influence of the Mosaic prophetic succession in the Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, and the New Testament.
In this book, DeJong explores Deuteronomy's redefinition of prophecy in Mosaic terms. He traces the history of Deuteronomy's concept of the prophet like Moses from the seventh century BCE to the first century CE, and demonstrates the ways in which Jewish and Christian texts were influenced by and responded to Deuteronomy's creation of a Mosaic norm for prophetic claims. This wide-ranging discussion illuminates the development of normative discourses in Judaism and Christianity, and illustrates the far-reaching impact of Deuteronomy's thought.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522022

Published 2023
Florilegia Syriaca: Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World /

: From the 6th century onwards, Syriac patristic florilegia - collections of Greek patristic excerpts in Syriac translation - progressively became a prominent form through which Syriac and Arab Christians shaped their knowledge of theology. In these collections, early Greek Christian literature underwent a substantial process of selection and re-organization. The papers collected in this volume study Syriac florilegia in their own right, as cultural products possessing their own specific textuality, and outline a phenomenology of Syriac patristic florilegia by mapping their diffusion and relevance in time and space, from the 6th to the 17th century, from the Roman Empire to China.
: 1 online resource : 9789004527546

Published 2022
L'Hexaemeron d'Anastase le Sinaïte : Son authenticité, ses sources et son exégèse allégorisante /

: The Hexaemeron of Anastasius of Sinai (late 7th-early 8th c.) expounds the creation account and the Adam and Eve story as foreshadowing the mystery of Christ and the Church, an idea that goes back to Origen and beyond. The commentary remained unpublished in Greek until 2007, received only scattered attention, and has been often considered as apocryphal. In this book, the first of its kind in any language, Dimitrios Zaganas firmly establishes its authenticity, investigates its genesis and date, offers detailed analysis of its numerous sources, and studies its distinctly allegorical approach to Genesis 1-3. Several emendations of the Greek text are suggested in the appendix. L' Hexaemeron d'Anastase le Sinaïte (fin VIIe-début VIIIe s.) traite du récit de la création et de l'histoire d'Adam et Ève comme préfigurant le mystère du Christ et de l'Église, une idée qui remonte à Origène et au-delà. Le commentaire est resté inédit en grec jusqu'en 2007, n'a reçu qu'une attention distraite et a été souvent considéré comme apocryphe. Dans cet ouvrage, le premier consacré à l'Hexaemeron, Dimitrios Zaganas établit fermement son authenticité, examine sa genèse et sa datation, propose une analyse détaillée de ses nombreuses sources et étudie son approche clairement allégorique de Genèse 1-3. Dans un appendice sont proposées plusieurs corrections au texte grec.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004472457

Published 2022
Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : Die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten /

: Die Untersuchung zeichnet die Entstehung des Levitismus nach. Dieser kommt erst in der spätvorexilischen Zeit als judäische Innovation des Stammeskonzeptes auf. Überlieferungen über den Jakobsohn Levi werden nach 722 in Juda zur Formung einer Gruppenidentität der Beamten und literalen Eliten genutzt. Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israel werden Protagonisten dieser Gruppierung, weswegen man auch das Priestertum am Zentralheiligtum als Teil der Beamtenschaft integrierte, sodass u.a. im Deuteronomium von levitischen Priestern gesprochen wird. In der nachexilischen Zeit wurden eine Reihe von Berufen und Gruppen unter der Bezeichnung "Leviten" als eine Art Tempelbeamtentum der Priesterschaft unterstellt. Dabei wurde eine Professionalisierung des Kultbetriebes und eine radikale Trennung von kultischen und nichtkultischen Bereichen und Tätigkeiten vollzogen. Darin agierten die Leviten für das Volk und repräsentierten es in den nichtkultischen Bereichen des Tempels. The study tracks the origins of the Biblical Levitism. It only emerged in the late pre-exilic period as a Judean innovation of the tribal concept. After 722, traditions about Jacob's son Levi were used in Judah to form a group identity of officials and literal elites. Moses and Aaron, as officials of the God of Israel, became protagonists of this group. Therefore, the priests at the central shrine were also integrated as part of the officials, so that Deuteronomy, for example, speaks of Levitical priests. In the post-exilic period, a number of professions and groups were subordinated to the priesthood under the designation "Levites" as a kind of temple office. In the process, a professionalisation of the cultic sector and a radical separation of cultic and non-cultic areas and activities took place. In this, the Levites acted on behalf of the people and represented them in the non-cultic areas of the temple.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499379