The Spirit in the Book of Revelation /
The investigation centres on the role of the Spirit in Revelation, which the author considers is best defined as the Spirit of Prophecy. A survey of scholarship on the pneumatology of the Apocalypse is followed by a study of intertextual connections. The author's own religious context within Pentecostalism then informs a possible hermeneutic that is faithful to the ethos of the movement. Biblical and literary studies are situated within the context of a Pentecostal community as attention is paid to the prophecy concerning the temple and the witnesses in Rev 11. This key passage is shown to form the theological as well as the literary centre of the Spirit's role in Revelation.
1 online resource. :
Morphological and syntactical irregularities in the Book of Revelation : a Greek hypothesis /
Morphological and Syntactical Irregularities in the Book of Revelation by Laurențiu Florentin Moț is an approach to the solecisms of Johannine Apocalypse from a Greek perspective. The work aims at demonstrating that, in accord with Second Language Acquisition studies, Semitic transfer in Revelation is extremely rare. Most of its linguistic peculiarities can be explained within the context of the Greek language. Morphological and Syntactical Irregularities in the Book of Revelation is unique in several ways. First, it deals with the most comprehensive list of solecisms. Second, it treats grammatical irregularities in their own right, looking at their cause, explanation, and contribution to the interpretation of the text. Third, it is interdisciplinary, bringing together textual criticism, Greek linguistics, and NT exegesis.
1 online resource (xii, 289 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-279) and indexes. :
9789004290822 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The alter-imperial paradigm : empire studies and the book of Revelation /
Many assume the book of Revelation is merely an "anti-imperial" attack on the Roman Empire. Yet, Shane J. Wood argues this conclusion over-exaggerates Rome's significance and, thus, misses Revelation's true target-the construction of the alter-empire through the destruction of the preeminent adversary: Satan. Applying insights from Postcolonial criticism and 'Examinations of Dominance,' this monograph challenges trajectories of New Testament Empire Studies by developing an Alter-Imperial paradigm that appreciates the complexities between the sovereign(s) and subject(s) of a society-beyond simply rebellion or acquiescence. Shane J. Wood analyses Roman propaganda, Jewish interaction with the Flavians, and Domitianic persecution to interpret Satan's release (Rev 20:1-10) as the climax of God's triumphal procession. Thus, Rome provides the imagery; Eden provides the target.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004308398 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Angelomorphic pneumatology : Clement of Alexandria and other early Christian witnesses /
This book discusses the occurrence of angelic imagery in early Christian discourse about the Holy Spirit. Taking as its entry-point Clement of Alexandria's less explored writings, Excerpta ex Theodoto, Eclogae propheticae, and Adumbrationes, it shows that Clement's angelomorphic pneumatology occurs in tandem with spirit christology, within a theological framework still characterized by a binitarian orientation. This complex theological articulation, supported by the exegesis of specific biblical passages (Zech 4: 10; Isa 11 : 2-3; Matt 18:10), reworks Jewish and Christian traditions about the seven first-created angels, and constitutes a relatively widespread phenomenon in early Christianity. Evidence to support this claim is presented in the course of separate studies of Revelation, the Shepherd of Hermas, Justin Martyr, and Aphrahat.
1 online resource (xxix, 232 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 195-215) and indexes. :
9789047444480 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revealed wisdom : studies in Apocalyptic in honour of Christopher Rowland /
A collection of twenty-one essays clustered around the theme of apocalyptic-revelations of hitherto undisclosed divine mysteries to human seers, either directly or through the mediation of an interpreting angel. Preliminary essays on the Book of Job, Messianism, and apocalyptic ethics are followed by five studies centred upon Jewish apocalypses composed around the turn of the era, two anonymous, three pseudonymous, and four essays on New Testament writers, two on Paul, one on Mark, and one on John. A reflection upon an early Islamic convert from Judaism, emphasizing the 'Abrahamic-lexicon' common to all three religions of the book, is succeeded by essays on two medieval Christian visionaries, Joachim of Fiore and Francis of Assisi. After a further essay on a little known Syriac apocalyptic text the volume concludes with studies of four different aspects of the Book of Revelation itself.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (pages) :
9789004272040 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Coping with violence in the New Testament /
Violence is present in the very heart of religion and its sacred traditions - also of Christianity and the Bible. The problem, however, is not only that violence is ingrained in the mere existence of religions with their sacred traditions. It is equally problematic to realise that the icy grip of violence on the sacred has gone unnoticed and unchallenged for a very long time. The present publication aims to contribute to the recent scholarly debate about the interconnections between violence and monotheistic religions by analysing the role of violence in the New Testament as well as by offering some hermeneutical perspectives on violence as it is articulated in the earliest Christian writings. Contributors include: Andries G. van Aarde, Paul Decock, Pieter G.R. de Villiers, Ernest van Eck, Jan Willem van Henten, Rob van Houwelingen, Kobus Kok, Tobias Nicklas, Jeremy Punt, Jan G. van der Watt, and Wim Weren.
Proceedings of a conference held Jan. 21-23, 2008 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. :
1 online resource (x, 305 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004221055 :
1566-208X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Northern lights on the Dead Sea scrolls : proceedings of the Nordic Qumran Network 2003-2006 /
Structured by four important themes, the book discusses various aspects pertaining to the interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first theme is comprised by a number of essays that deal with different aspects of textual interpretation of particular Qumran writings. The second theme centers on the question of historical referentiality. How can the purported referentiality of particular Qumran writings be used in order to reconstruct an underlying historical reality? The third theme includes essays that pertain to different dimensions concerning the methodology of interpretation. The fourth theme focuses on problems relating to the textual reconstruction of specific Qumran texts. In the final section of the book, the perspective is widened to other writings outside the more specific Qumran context.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [267]-288) and indexes. :
9789047424956 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Echoes from the caves : Qumran and the New Testament /
In spite of the amount of literature on the relationship between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament, no consensus among the scholars has emerged as yet on how to explain both the similarities and the differences among the two corpora of religious writings. This volume contains a revised form of the contributions to an "experts meeting" held at the Catholic University of Leuven on December 2007 dedicated to explore the relationship among the two corpora and to understand both the commonalities and the differences between the two corpora from the perspective of the common ground from which both corpora have developed: the Hebrew Bible.
This volume contains a revised form of the contributions to an experts meeting held at the Catholic University of Leuven on December 2007--ECIP data view. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047430407 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Testament textual criticis m the application of thoroughgoing principles : essays on manuscripts and textual variation /
J.K. Elliott has been identified as one of the Main exponents of so-called thoroughgoing textual criticism. In this collection of fifty seven of his essays from the past forty years are articles on methodology as well as on praxis (with a selection of important textual variants, including some of especial interest for exegesis). Also included are several essays on textual criticism which emphasise its relevance for the discussion of the synoptic problem and there are also a number of assessments of printed editions of the Greek New Testament. A bibliography of Elliott's writings is appended. Those interested in the New Testament text and in Greek manuscripts as well as scholars working on the history of exegesis or the Greek language which thoroughgoing criticism encourages will find this collection of value. The selection will enable readers to have an overview of Elliott's contribution to the discipline.
A collection of previously published essays. :
1 online resource. :
"Publications by J.K. Elliott": pages [633]-657.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004194366 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between orality and literacy : communication and adaptation in antiquity /
The essays in Between Orality and Literacy address how oral and literature practices intersect as messages, texts, practices, and traditions move and change, because issues of orality and literacy are especially complex and significant when information is transmitted over wide expanses of time and space or adapted in new contexts. Their topics range from Homer and Hesiod to the New Testament and Gaius' Institutes , from epic poetry and drama to vase painting, historiography, mythography, and the philosophical letter. Repeatedly they return to certain issues. Writing and orality are not mutually exclusive, and their interaction is not always in a single direction. Authors, whether they use writing or not, try to control the responses of a listening audience. A variable tradition can be fixed, not just by writing as a technology, but by such different processes as the establishment of a Panhellenic version of an Attic myth and a Hellenistic city's creation of a single celebratory history.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004270978 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Authoritative scriptures in ancient Judaism /
Many scholars of the Second Temple period have replaced the concept of canonization by that of canonical process. Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been crucial for this new direction. Based on this new evidence taxonomic terms like biblical, nonbiblical or parabiblical seem anachronistic for the period before 70 C.E. The notion of authoritative Scriptures plays an important part in the new paradigm of canonical process, but it has not yet been sufficiently reflected upon and is in need of clarification. Why were some texts more authoritative than others? For whom and in what contexts were texts authoritative? And what are our criteria to determine to what extent a text was authoritative? In short, what do we mean by "authoritative"? This volume focuses on specific texts or corpora of texts, and approaches the notion of authoritative Scriptures from sociological, cultural and literary perspectives.
"This volume is a collection of contributions that reflect on the issue of the authoritativeness of Scriptures in Second Temple period Judaism. They result from a conference that the Qumran Institute organized on 28-29 April 2008"--Preface. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004190740 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The New Testament and early Christian literature in Greco-Roman context : studies in honor of David E. Aune /
This volume is a collection of scholarly studies honoring Prof.Dr. David. E. Aune on his 65th birthday. Its title, The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune , reflects Prof. Aune's academic training, interests, and extensive publications. The volume's studies investigate a range of topics within the Pauline correspondence, Gospels, Apocalypse of John, and other early Christian writings with insights drawn from Greco-Roman culture and Hellenistic Judaism. Thus, the studies make use of Greco-Roman literature, rhetoric, magic, medicine, moral philosophy, iconography, archaeology, religious cults, and social conventions while also utilizing social-historical, social-scientific, literary-critical, and rhetorical-critical methodologies, thereby adding an interdisciplinary dimension to the volume. These groundbreaking studies have been written by prominent international scholars and are published here for the first time.
1 online resource. :
"David E. Aune's major publications": pages [445]-456.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047407140 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Armenian apocalyptic tradition : a comparative perspective : essays presented in honor of Professor Robert W. Thomson on the occasion of his eightieth birthday /
The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition: A Comparative Perspective comprises a collection of essays on apocalyptic literature in the Armenian tradition. This collection is unprecedented in its subject and scope and employs a comparative approach that situates the Armenian apocalyptic tradition within a broader context. The topics in this volume include the role of apocalyptic literature and apocalypticism in the conversion of the Armenians to Christianity, apocalyptic ideology and holy war, the significance of the Book of Daniel in Armenian thought, the reception of the Apocalypse of Ps.-Methodius in Armenian, the role of apocalyptic literature in political ideologies, and the expression of apocalypticism in the visual arts.
Papers presented at two international conferences. The first was held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in June, 2007; the second was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in October, 2008. :
1 online resource (xx, 797 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004270268 :
0169-8125 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Johannine writings and apocalyptic : an annotated bibliography /
Johannine Writings and Apocalyptic provides a wide-ranging and thorough annotated bibliography for John's Gospel, the Johannine letters, Revelation, and apocalyptic writings pertinent to these books. More inclusive than many other bibliographies, this volume provides reference to over 1300 individual entries, often including references to multiple works with a given description. Annotations are designed to provide guidance to a wide range of readers, from students wishing to gain entry to the subject to graduate students engaging in research to professors needing ready access to useful materials. The volume is topically organized and indexed for easy access.
1 online resource (xviii, 343 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 11-19) and indexes. :
9789004254879 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /
Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /
Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
P. Beatty III (P47) : the Codex, its scribe, and its text.
Since ancient works were preserved by means of handwritten copies, critical enquiry into their texts necessitates the study of such copies. In P.Beatty III (P47): The Codex, Its Scribe, and Its Text , Peter Malik focuses on the earliest extensive copy of the Book of Revelation. Integrating matters of palaeography, codicology, and scribal practice with textual analysis, Malik sheds new light on this largely neglected, yet crucially important, early Christian papyrus. Notable contributions include a new proposed date for P47, identification of several previously unreported scribal corrections, as well as the discovery of the manuscript's close affinity with the Sahidic version. Significantly, Malik's detailed, data-rich analyses are accompanied by a fresh transcription and, for the first time, high-resolution colour photographs of the manuscript.
1 online resource. :
9789004340459 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Verbal aspect in the Book of Revelatio n the function of Greek verb tenses in John's Apocalypse /
The book of Revelation is well-known for its grammatical infelicities. More specifically, Revelation exhibits apparently \'odd\' use of Greek verb tenses. Most attemtps to describe this \'odd\' use of verb tenses start with the assumption that Greek verb tenses are primarily temporal in meaning. In order to explain Revelation's apparent violation of these temporal values, scholars have proposed some level of semitic influence from the Hebrew tense system as making sense of this \'odd\' use of tenses. However, recent research into verbal aspect, which calls into question this temporal orientation, and suggests that Greek verb tenses grammaticalize aspect and not time, has opened up new avenues for explaining the Greek verb tense usage in Revelation. This book applies verbal aspect theory to tense usage in Revelation and focuses on how the tenses, as communicating verbal aspect, function within sections of Revelation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004188068 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revelation : A Pentecostal Commentary /
Where do we go after death? What happens to us? What factors influence our destiny? What will happen to the world in years to come? Is there a controlling divine force in human experience? Is there a plan, or is life a product of random occurrences, of chance? Why is it the righteous who are persecuted and suffer while the wicked seem to prosper? Is there justice in the universe? The book of Revelation offers answers to many of these questions. Since, however, it is one of the more difficult of the New Testament books to read and interpret, it is often overlooked, neglected or even avoided by today's Christians. Yet it addresses many prophetic issues of importance to those seeking to understand God's plan for the future. Speaking through its heavy symbolism and sometimes strange visions of heaven, angels, beasts, earthly turmoil and destruction, the Apocalypse offers hope that God will overcome evil and that he does indeed control human destiny.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The real Cassian revisited : monastic life, Greek Paideia, and Origenism in the sixth century /
This is a critical analysis of texts included in Codex 573 (ninth century, Monastery of Metamorphosis, Meteora, Greece), which are published along with the present volume, in the same series. The Codex, entitled 'The Book of Monk Cassian the Roman', reveals a sixth-century heretofore unknown intellectual, namely, Cassian the Sabaite, native of Scythopolis, being its real author. By means of Medieval forgery, he has been eclipsed by a figment currently known as 'John Cassian of Marseilles', native of Scythia. Exploration reveals critical aspects of the interplay between Hellenism and Christianity, the Origenism and pseudo-Origenism of the sixth century, and Christian influence upon Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity. Cassian the Sabaite is probably the last great representative of a prolonged fruitful autumn of Late Antique Christian scholarship, who saw Hellenism as a treasured patrimony to draw on, rather than as a demon to be exorcised -which resulted in his 'second death'(Rev. 2,11). Two edition volumes are now being published along with the present monograph. One, A Newly Discovered Greek Father, Cassian the Sabaite Eclipsed by John Cassian of Marseilles (folia 1r-118v). Two, An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin . These Scholia were falsely attributed to Origen a century ago, but their real author is Cassian the Sabaite mainly drawing on a lost commentary on the Apocalypse by Didymus the Blind, as well as on Origen, Theodoret, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, and others (folia 210v-290r).
1 online resource (xvii, 548 pages) : color illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 443-488) and indexes. :
9789004225305 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.