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Eastern Christendom : a study of the origin and development of the Eastern Orthodox Church /

: 326 pages : illustrations, portraits, maps ; 25 cm. : Bibliography : pages 305-318.

The spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) /

: xxv, 329 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 299-315) and indexes. : 0226653722

Published 1877
Het christendom en de vrouw : historisch-apologetische studie /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004607521

The Second Crusade : extending the frontiers of Christendom /

: xxix, 364 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [330]-348) and index. : 9780300112740 (alk. paper) : Sara.lib

Published 2020
Ephraim Radner, Hosean Wilderness, and the Church in the Post-Christendom West : A Dialogue on the Shape of Waiting /

: Ephraim Radner, Hosean Wilderness, and the Church in the Post-Christendom West offers the first monograph-length treatment of the compelling and perplexing contemporary Anglican theologian Ephraim Radner. While unravelling his distinctive approach to biblical hermeneutics and ecclesiology, it queries the state of today's secularized church through a theological interpretation of an equally enigmatic writer: the prophet Hosea. It concludes that an eschatological posture of waiting and a heuristic of poesis should dictate the church's shape for an era in which God is stripping the church of its foregoing institutional forms.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004420212

Published 2015
Islamic law and the crisis of the Reconquista : the debate on the status of Muslim communities in Christendom /

: The Reconquista left unprecedentedly large numbers of Muslims living under Christian rule. Since Islamic religious and legal institutions had been developed by scholars who lived under Muslim rule and who assumed this condition as a given, how Muslims should proceed in the absence of such rule became the subject of extensive intellectual investigation. In Islamic Law and the Crisis of the Reconquista , Alan Verskin examines the way in which the Iberian school of Mālikī law developed in response to the political, theological, and practical difficulties posed by the Reconquista. He shows how religious concepts, even those very central to the Islamic religious experience, could be rethought and reinterpreted in order to respond to the changing needs of Muslims.
: 1 online resource (x, 202 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 175-199) and index. : 9789004284531 : 1384-1130 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1884
De profetie onder Israël in hare grondbeteekenis voor christendom en theologie /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004603851

The first Europe : a study of the establishment of medieval Christendom, A. D. 400-800 /

: 684 pages : plates, folded maps ; 24 cm.

Published 2007
Global Christianity : contested claims /

: In 2002 Philip Jenkins wrote The Next Christendom . Over the past half century the centre of gravity of the Christian world has moved decisively to the global South, says Jenkins. Within a few decades European and Euro-American Christians will have become a small fragment of world Christianity. By that time Christianity in Europe and North America will to a large extent consist of Southern-derived immigrant communities. Southern churches will fulfil neither the Liberation Dream nor the Conservative Dream of the North, but will seek their own solutions to their particular problems. Jenkins' book evoked strong reactions, a bit to his own surprise, as the book contained little new. In the United States of America, the prospect of a more biblical Christianity caused reactions of alarm in liberal circles. In contrast, conservatives were delighted by the same prospect. In Europe the book landed in the middle of the debate on Europe as an exceptional case. It was detested by those who stick to the theory of ongoing and irreversible secularisation and welcomed by those who see a resurgence of religion, also in Europe. In the present volume, scholars of religion and theologians assess the global trends in World Christianity as described in Philip Jenkins' book. It is the outcome of an international conference on Southern Christianity and its relation to Christianity in the North, held in the Conference Centre of Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
: "It is the outcome of an international conference on southern Christianity and its relation to Christianity in the north, held in the conference centre of Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands."--Page 4 of cover. : 1 online resource (231 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789401204323 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Jewish and Christian liturgy and worship : new insights into its history and interaction /

: Presenting new insights into the history and interaction between Jewish and Christian liturgy and worship, the various contributions offer a deeper understanding of the identity of Judaism and Christianity. It addresses issues such as: - Is the Eucharistic Prayer a 'Berakha' and what information is available for the reconstruction of the history of the Jewish 'Grace after Meals'? - How does Jewish liturgy rework the Bible, and are Christians and Jews using similar methods when they create liturgical poetry on the basis of a biblical text? - Which texts of the Cairo Genizah are of direct importance for the history of Christian liturgies, and are Christian creeds in fact Prayers or Hymns? - What does it mean that both Jews and Christians recite Isaiah's \'Holy, Holy, Holy\' at important points in their respective liturgies? Questions like these brought together scholars and specialists from different disciplines to share their recent insights at a conference in Aachen, Germany, and to offer the reader a fascinating discourse on a broad range of aspects of Jewish and Christian liturgies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047422419 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Iconoclasm and iconoclash : struggle for religious identity /

: This book focuses on iconoclastic controversies and, in particular, their impact on the creation of religious identities. In the history of Jewish, Christian and Muslim culture, religious identity was not only formed through historical claims, but also through the use of certain images: 'images of God', 'images of the others', and 'images of the self.' Moreover, in the struggle for religious identity these 'images' were time and again employed for the purpose of establishing distinct groups, both ortho- dox and deviant. At the same time, they supplied weapons in the theological debate and found explicit expression in certain rituals or liturgical traditions. These conference proceedings include a discussion of the role of images in society, politics, theology and liturgy, in particular addressing the 'iconoclash' of physical, mental and verbal images on the construction of religious identity.
: "Second conference of church historians Utrecht; University of Tilburg, faculty of Catholic Theology, Theology Department of Utrecht University." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047422495 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Frontiers of faith : the Christian encounter with Manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus /

: Taking as their common subject the key early Christian anti-Manichaean work, the Acts of Archelaus ( Acta Archelai ), the contributors to this volume offer a systematic exploration of what the text has to tell us about inter-religious contact, conflict, and comprehension at a crucial moment in religious history: the encounter between Christianity and Manichaeism along the political and cultural frontier zone of West Asia in the early fourth century CE. The contributions examine the text's structure, apologetic and polemical strategies, and possible sources, and through these analyses challenge received notions of 'orthodoxy' and 'heresy' in the mutual construction of identity that took place between these two claimants to the Christian heritage.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [167]-171) and indexes. : 9789047421535 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
The legend of Sergius Baḥīrā : eastern Christian apologetics and apocalyptic in response to Islam /

: From the eighth century onwards, Christians living under Islam have produced numerous apologetic and polemical works, aimed at proving the continuing validity of Christianity. Among these is the Legend of Sergius Baḥīrā, which survives in two Syriac and two Arabic versions, and appears here in edition and translation. Being a counterhistory of Islam, it reshapes early Muslim traditions about a monk recognizing Muḥammad as the final Prophet by turning this monk into Muhammad's tutor and co-author of the Qur'an. In response to Muslim triumphalist propaganda, it portrays Islam's political power as predestined but finite and unrelated to its religious message. This feature sets the legend apart from similar Christian accounts of the origin of Islam, East and West, which are reviewed in this study as well.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [529]-560) and index. : 9789047441953 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Explaining Christian origins and early Judaism : contributions from cognitive and social science /

: Cognitive science of religion is a radically new paradigm in the study of religion. Apart from psychology and anthropology of religion, also historians of religion have shown increasing interest in this approach. This volume is groundbreaking in combining cognitive analysis with historical and social-scientific approaches to biblical materials, Christian origins, and early Judaism. The book is in four parts: an introduction to cognitive and social-scientific approaches, applications of cognitive science, applications of conceptual blending theory, and applications of socio-cognitive analyses. The book will be of interest for historians of religion, biblical scholars, and those working in the cognitive science of religion.
: Proceedings of a symposium held Aug.-Sept. 2005 at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047431961 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Martin Luther and Islam : a study in sixteenth-century polemics and apologetics /

: Martin Luther (1483-1546) lived at an important juncture during the long and tortuous history of the conflict between Islam and Europe. Scholars have long focused on his apocalyptic interpretation of the rise of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, but only a few have probed deeper into his thought on Islam. As a result, one of the most influential thinkers in the western intellectual tradition has received very little attention in the history of Christian perceptions of and responses to Islam. Drawing upon a vast array of the Reformer's writings while also examining several key texts, this book reveals an often-overlooked aspect of Luther's thought, and thereby provides fresh insight into his place in the history of Christian-Muslim relations.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-255) and index. : 9789047420842 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2006
Human Sacrifice in Jewish and Christian Tradition.

: This volume asks to which extent ancient practices and traditions of human sacrifice are reflected in medieval and modern Judeo-Christian times. The first part of the volume, on antiquity, focuses on rituals of human sacrifice and polemics against it, as well as on transformations of human sacrifice in the Israelite-Jewish and Christian cultures, while the Ancient Near East and ancient Greece are not excluded. The second part of the volume, on medieval and modern times, discusses human sacrifice in Jewish and Christian traditions as well as the debates about euthanasia and death penalty in the Western world.
: 1 online resource. : 9789047409403

Published 2006
Le Temps et les Temps : dans les littératures juives et chrétiennes au tournant de notre ère /

: This volume deals with calendar and liturgical times on the one hand. It discusses questions related to the establishment of the calendar and the observance of traditional and new feasts in Palestine and in the diaspora. On the other hand this book deals with the predetermined organization of the times. It considers the periodization of times and the idea of a revelation being carried out from one period to another; the irruption of the fixed Time and the concomitant representation of a recovery of the times; and the expectation of the last times. In particular, the texts from Qumran, the New Testament, and hellenistic Jewish literature are investigated, but older and more recent texts are taken into account as well.
: Papers presented at a colloquium. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 256-257) and indexes. : 9789047409267 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
Modernism, Christianity and apocalypse /

: Modernism, Christianity and Apocalypse stages an encounter between the fields of 'Modernism and Christianity' and 'Apocalypse Studies'. The modernist impulse to 'make it new', to transform and reform culture, is an incipiently apocalyptic one, poised between imaginative representations of an Old Era or civilization and the experimental promise of the New. Christianity figures in formative tension with the 'new', but its apocalyptic paradigms continued to impact modernist visions of cultural revitalization. In three sections tracing a rough chronology from the late nineteenth century fin de siècle, via interwar conflicts and the rise of 'political religions', to post-1945 anxieties such as the Bomb, this thematic is explored in nineteen far-ranging scholarly contributions, outlining a distinctive and fresh interdisciplinary field of study.
: 1 online resource (407 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index. : 9789004282285 : 1877-3192 ;
1877-3192 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Religion, globalization and culture /

: This volume brings together over 25 articles by many of the most important authors who have worked on issues directly related to the theme of religion and globalization. An additional emphasis on culture flags the inclusion of the relation of religion to its wider social context and also permits questioning the boundaries of religion so as to avoid a strong bias in favour of the analysis of institutionalized religion. The key emphasis of the book, however, is the focus specifically on religion, a topic that is still largely ignored in the burgeoning literature on globalization. The articles are divided into five subthemes: theoretical issues; historical approaches to religion and globalization; forms and boundaries of religion; key issues (such as ecology and gender); and regional perspectives. Contributors: Afe Adogame, Elisabeth Arweck, Lori Beaman, Peter Beyer, John Boli, Gary Bouma, Dave Brewington, George Van Campbell, José Casanova, Paul Freston, Nobutaka Inoue, Laurel Kearns, Otto Maduro, Vasilios Makrides, Meredith McGuire, Vincenzo Pace, Rubina Ramji, James T. Richardson, Ole Riis, Roland Robertson, Marie-Andrée Roy, Shandip Saha, John H. Simpson, James V. Spickard, William Stahl, George Thomas, Bryan Turner, Margit Warburg, Michael Wilkinson.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047422716 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Trajectories of religion in Africa : essays in honour of John S. Pobee /

: The book, in the main, discusses issues relating to mission, ecumenism, and theological education and is presented in four sections. The first segment discusses works on ecumenical and theological education and assesses the relevance of the World Council of Churches. Other issues discussed in this segment relate to the interrelationships that exist between academic theology, ecumenism, and Christianity. The World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910, which set the agenda for world-wide mission in a promising manner in the 1920s, is also assessed in this section of the work. The second segment, which covers Religion and Public Space, discusses works that examine the relationships between religion and power, religion and development, religion and traditional religious beliefs, and religion and practices in Africa. The third segment of the book treats Religion and Cultural Practices in African and how all these work out in couching out an African theology and African Christianity. Some of the issues discussed in this section related to African traditional philosophy, spiritism, and the interrelationships that exist between African Christianity and African Traditional Religion. The last segment of the book discusses the issue of African biblical hermeneutics and specifically looks at contemporary hermeneutical approaches to biblical interpretations in Africa.
: 1 online resource (414 pages) : 9789401210577 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.