Showing 1 - 20 results of 95 for search '"Classical Studies."', query time: 0.05s Refine Results
Published 1962
Geistesgeschichte der Frühzeit : II, 1. Die Flusstalkulturen des Orients von der Erfindung der Keilschrift bis zum Auftreten der Indogermanen /

: 1 online resource (258 pages) : illustrations. : 9789004663381

Published 1963
Bellum Iugurthinum /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675056

Published 1967
De excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentium /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675261

Published 1973
Euripides' Andromache /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675209

Published 1910
Blijspelen van Plautus : 1. Captivi /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675018

Published 1956
Cornelii Taciti Annales ab excessu Divi Augusti : Deel I. Boek I-VI /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675964

Published 2025
Constantinople through the Ages : The Visible City from Its Foundation to Contemporary Istanbul /

: Constantinople Through the Ages aims to map the long and rich history of Constantinople, from its foundations to the present. Starting point is the 'visible city'; the ways in which continuity and change in history are still observable in present-day Istanbul. The contributors, each of them foremost experts in their fields, address the interaction between the different layers of time from various sources and perspectives. They explore how later inhabitants received and appropriated the legacy of their predecessors, and how the city's tangible and intangible heritage has been perceived and (ab)used in both the past and the present. See Less
: 1 online resource (424 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710986

Published 2020
The hagiographical experiment : developing discourses of sainthood /

: "The Hagiographical Experiment: Developing Discourses of Sainthood throws fresh light on narratives about Christian holy men and women from Late Antiquity to Byzantium. Rather than focusing on the relationship between story and reality, it asks what literary choices authors made in depicting their heroes and heroines: how they positioned the narrator, how they responded to existing texts, how they utilised or transcended genre conventions for their own purposes, and how they sought to relate to their audiences. The literary focus of the chapters assembled here showcases the diversity of hagiographical texts written in Greek, Latin, Coptic, and Syriac, as well as pointing out the ongoing conversations that connect them. By asking these questions of this diverse group of texts, it illuminates the literary development of hagiography in the late antique, Byzantine, and medieval periods".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004421332

Published 2020
Herakles inside and outside the church : from the first apologists to the end of the Quattrocento /

: "Herakles Inside and Outside the Church: from the first Apologists to the Quattrocento explores the reception of the ancient Greek hero Herakles (the Roman Hercules) in the predominantly Christian cultures which succeeded classical antiquity in Europe. Each chapter takes a particular literary or visual incarnation, grappling with the question of the hero's significance within the early Church, in less formal contexts, and beyond Christendom in his unexpected role as Buddha's companion in Gandharan art. The volume is one of four to be published in the Metaforms series examining the extraordinarily persistent role of Herakles-Hercules in western culture up to the present day, drawing together scholars from a range of disciplines to offer a unique insight into the hero's perennial appeal".
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004421530

Published 1953
Aeschylus' Perzen /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004674165

Published 2025
Bridges in the Ancient Mediterranean /

: For thousands of years, bridges have been built to overcome natural obstacles, facilitating communication, transport and military campaigns. In addition to these central infrastructural functions, bridges can be charged with other meanings, e.g. in religious contexts or as reflecting the relationship between humans and their environment. The present volume sheds light on the diversity of ancient bridges in the Mediterranean and their cultural significance, thus complementing research on ancient roads. The individual contributions offer in-depth insights into the functions and perceptions of ancient bridges in several regions and periods and combine archaeological, historical, philological, and philosophical research. With its wide range of topics and approaches, this collection brings together different perspectives on ancient bridges and inspires new transdisciplinary approaches to future research.
: 1 online resource (372 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657797134

Published 2022
Das Maß des Menschen : Platons Antwort an Protagoras im 'Theaitetos' und im 'Protagoras' /

: Protagoras beansprucht, die Jugend erziehen zu können. Warum nicht? Wenn «Mensch Maß aller Dinge» ist, kann jeder jeden 'besser' machen... Für Plato geht das nicht auf. Insofern Pädagogik Menschen dazu bringen will, 'bessere' Wesen zu werden, verlangt sie nach Plato ein gesundes Verständnis von 'Sein' überhaupt. Diese Studie untersucht die ontologischen Implikationen des Homo mensura -Satzes, Protagoras' Prämisse, im 'Theaitetos' - einem Dialog, der selten ontologisch gelesen wird. Wenn der protagoräische Prämisse den pädagogischen Anspruch nicht trägt, dürfte der 'Protagoras' gar nicht eigentlich von den erzieherischen Fragen handeln, die diskutiert werden. Es könnte sich herausstellen, dass er einen 'verborgenen' Diskurs enthält... Protagoras claims to be able to educate the young. If «Man is Measure of Everything», anybody can make everybody 'better'... To Plato, this doesn't add up. Insofar as pedagogy aims at making humans become better beings, to Plato it supposes a sound conception of 'being' per se. This study explores the ontological implications of homo mensura , Protagoras' premiss, in the 'Theaetetus' - a dialogue which is rarely read ontologically. If the Protagorean premiss doesn't support the pedagogical claim, the 'Protagoras' might not even be about the educational questions under discussion, but turn out to contain a 'hidden' discourse....
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004471092

Published 2023
Lucretius /

: Lucretius' De rerum natura , written around 55 BCE, ranks among the most influential texts in Roman literature. The poet's vision of a world made of atoms, his mockery of the fear of death and the gods, and fervent advocacy of the mortality of the soul over many centuries incensed his critics on one hand, and on the other earned him a devoted following. This volume provides an introduction to the oldest completely preserved Latin didactic poem and to the most important research questions concerned with the text.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004539037

Published 2021
Honorific Culture at Delphi in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods /

: The goal of this inscription-based study is to shed new light on Hellenistic and Roman Delphi by placing inscribed honours at the front and centre of the investigation. This book provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and coherent discussion of the Delphic gift-giving system, its regional interactions, and its honorific network. It employs both conventional and new scientific methods, including an analysis of quantitative trends in the epigraphic records and a Social Network Analysis (SNA) approach. The volume also addresses a broad spectrum of epigraphic topics and discusses current research questions as well as future perspectives.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004502499

Published 1965
The Advent of the era of township in northern Mesopotamia /

: 9789004626676

Published 2024
Richard Hooker and the Christian Virtues /

: The contributors to the volume explore the relationship of the virtues to Richard Hooker's ontology, to questions of justification by faith, how righteousness is appropriated by the Christian, how the virtues relate to his polemical context, what he takes from both Scripture and his theological forbearers, and how he demonstrates the virtues in his own literary persona. Contributors include: Benjamin Crosby, Paul Dominiak, Daniel Eppley, André A. Gazal, Daniel F. Graves, Dan Kemp, Scott N. Kindred-Barnes, W.J. Torrance Kirby, W. Bradford Littlejohn, Arthur Stephen McGrade, W. David Neelands, and John K. Stafford.
: 1 online resource (374 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004700888

Published 2025
Brill's Companion to Crantor of Soli /

: This book represents the first monograph (miscellany) entirely devoted to Crantor of Soli (app. 335-275 BCE), an outstanding figure of the Old Academy. He was in particular famous for his On Grief , an exemplary work of consolation literature, and for his being the first commentator of Plato's Timaeus . Unlike his darling Arcesilaus of Pitane, who initiated the Sceptical turn, Crantor seems to have stuck firm to the Academic teachings of Polemon and Plato. The contributions collected in this book aim to convey a complete picture of Crantor by discussing various aspects of his philosophy and biography.
: 1 online resource (282 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004708785

Antike Kunst

: Vol. 1(1958)-62 (2019) : مارس-88

Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France

: Vol. 1(1867)-1 (1867) : 1153-8538

The Journal of Roman Studies

: Vol. 1(1911)-107 (2017) : 0075-4358