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منشور في 2021
Pragmatic Approaches to Drama : Studies in Communication on the Ancient Stage /

: This volume collects papers on pragmatic perspectives on ancient theatre. Scholars working on literature, linguistics, theatre will find interesting insights on verbal and non-verbal uses of language in ancient Greek and Roman Drama. Comedies and Tragedies spanning from 5th B.C.E. to 1st C.E. are investigated in terms of im/politeness, theory of mind, interpersonal pragmatics, body language, to name some of the approaches which afford new interpretations of difficult textual passages or shed new light into nuances of characterisation, or possibilities of performance. Words, silence, gestures, do things, all the more so in dramatic dialogues on stage.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004440265

منشور في 2021
Women and War in Roman Epic /

: In Women and War in Roman Epic , Elina Pyy discusses the narrative and ideological functions of gender in the works of Virgil, Lucan, Statius, Silius Italicus and Valerius Flaccus. By examining the themes of violence, death, guilt, grief, and anger in their epics, she offers an account of the intertextual tradition of the genre and its socio-political background. Through a combination of classical narratology and Julia Kristeva's subjectivity theory, Pyy scrutinises how gendered marginality is constructed in the genre and how it contributes to the fashioning of Roman imperial identity. Focusing on the ambiguous elements of epic, the study looks beyond the binary oppositions between the Self and the Other, male and female, and Roman and barbarian.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443457

منشور في 1959
Nomina sacra in the Greek papyri of the first 5 centuries A.D. : The sources and some deductions /

: 1 online resource. : 9789004429987

منشور في 1964
Penthemeros-Certificates in Graeco-Roman Egypt /

: 1 online resource. : 9789004427648

منشور في 1963
Einige Wiener Papyri (P. Vindob. Sijpesteijn) /

: 1 online resource. : 9789004431829

منشور في 2006
Land of Dreams : Greek and Latin Studies in Honour of A.H.M. Kessels /

: This collection of essays by twenty-eight Dutch scholars is intended as a tribute to prof. dr. A.H.M. Kessels on the occasion of his retirement as professor of Greek Language and Literature at the Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). It reflects his broad interests in the entire field of classical scholarship, ranging from early Greek poetry to later Latin literature and the reception of classics in modern literature. At the same time, the volume singles out some areas for special interest, notably dreams in classical literature (6 essays), classical drama (7 essays), the reception of Homer (4 essays), Greek literature (5 essays) and Latin literature (6 essays). The collection as a whole may be considered a sampler attesting the breadth and depth of present-day classical scholarship in the Netherlands. With contributions by G.J.M. Bartelink; A.A.R.Bastiaensen; L.J. ter Beek; L. de Blois; J. den Boeft; B.M.C. Breij; J.M. Bremer; J.N. Bremmer; J.H. Brouwers; A.M. van Erp Taalman Kip; A. Harder; A.J.L. van Hooff; P. v.d. Horst; V.J.Chr. Hunink; I.F.J. de Jong; A.P.M.H. Lardinois; E.M. Moormann; A.P. Orbán; M.G.M. van der Poel; R.P. Salomons; D.M. Schenkeveld; W.L.G.M. Slenders; H. van Tress; G.C. Wakker; H.T. Wallinga; J.H. Waszink; M.J.H. van der Weiden.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047409281

منشور في 2022
Saint Augustin. La Correspondance avec Nebridius (Lettres 3-14). Texte latin et traduction française avec un commentaire par Emmanuel Bermon /

: Écrite entre 386 et 390 dans l'effervescence de la découverte du néoplatonisme, la correspondance avec Nebridius témoigne, bien avant les Confessions, des questions philosophiques et spirituelles qui passionnaient Augustin au moment de sa conversion à la philosophie et au christianisme.Written between 386 and 390 during the excitement of his discovery of Neoplatonism, Augustine's correspondence with Nebridius bears witness, well before the Confessions, to the philosophical and spiritual questions that fascinated Augustine at the time of his conversion to philosophy and Christianity.
Écrite entre 386 et 390 dans l'effervescence de la découverte du néoplatonisme, la correspondance entre Augustin et son ami Nebridius est un concentré de questions platoniciennes sur l'infini, la distinction entre le sensible et l'intelligible, l'imagination et la réminiscence, les rêves inspirés, l'assimilation à Dieu, le « véhicule » de l'âme, l'intériorité et l'individualité. S'y ajoutent des développements théologiques majeurs sur l'Incarnation et la Trinité. Grâce à ces lettres qui font tour à tour « entendre le Christ, Platon et Plotin », comme le dit Nebridius lui-même, nous comprenons mieux ce moment incandescent de la vie d'Augustin où il se convertit à la fois à la philosophie et au christianisme, comme en témoigneront plus tard les Confessions . Written between 386 and 390 during the excitement of his discovery of Neoplatonism, Augustine's correspondence with his friend Nebridius is a distillation of Platonic questions concerning the infinite, the distinction between sensible and intelligible phenomena, the imagination and recollection, inspired dreams, assimilation to God, the "vehicle" of the soul, interiority, and individuality. In addition, the exchange contains major theological insights concerning the Incarnation and the Trinity. Thanks to these letters, which, as Nebridius himself says, make "Christ, Plato, and Plotinus heard," we can better understand this incandescent moment in Augustine's life when he converted to both philosophy and Christianity, as the Confessions will later testify.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004512504

منشور في 2020
Framing Classical Reception Studies : Different Perspectives on a Developing Field /

: Framing Classical Reception Studies contains a representative number of analytic and synthetic contributions by scholars from diverse parts of the field of Classical Reception Studies. Together, they afford a synoptic view and typology of an extremely large and continuously diversifying discipline. Attentive to questions such as what, by whom, in what contexts and to what ends Classics have functioned and are functioning in our culture, all contributors ask themselves from what conceptual or disciplinary frame they approach the reception of the cultures of classical Greek and Roman antiquity. Within this questioning format, the book also contains suggestions for future agendas of research, and forcefully argues for the political, cultural and cognitive relevance of classical receptions in the Academy.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004427020

منشور في 2022
Plutarch's Unexpected Silences : Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia /

: The act of recording anything is at the same time an act of silencing. Choices are made at every step about what to keep and what to discard. Examining what Plutarch has left out enriches our understanding of what he has chosen to say, and both deepens our knowledge of the literary practices of this influential writer and opens new and fruitful lines of enquiry about Plutarch, his work, and his world.
: This book examines passages in Plutarch's works that foil expectations and whose silence invites closer examination. The contributors question omissions of authors, works, people, and places, and they examine Plutarch's reticence to comment where he usually would. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004514249

منشور في 2021
Libertas and Res Publica in the Roman Republic : Ideas of Freedom and Roman Politics /

: Libertas and Res Publica in the Roman Republic offers some essential ideas for an understanding of Roman politics during the Republican period by analysing two key concepts: libertas (liberty) and res publica (public matter, republic). Exploring these concepts through a variety of different aspects - legal, religious, literary, political, and cultural - this book aims to explain the profound relationship between the two. Through the examination of a rich array of sources ranging from classical authors to coins, from legal texts to works of art, Balmaceda and her co-authors propose new readings that elucidate the complex meanings and inter-related functions of libertas and res publica , in a thought-provoking, deep, but very readable study of Roman political culture and identity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004441699

منشور في 2017
Rhetorical strategies in late antique literature : images, metatexts and interpretation /

: Rhetorical Strategies in Late Antique Literature: Images, Metatexts and Interpretation is a collection of essays that survey the rhetorical tropes and the metaliterary dimension of works by important authors in a period marked by intense and thriving contact between Classical paideia and Christian culture. The contributions of this volume dissect the reuse of Classical literature and the deployment of rhetorical techniques in the creation of texts and images meant for use in cultural and religious debates by building on recent interpretations of the late antique cultural landscape as a milieu in which our understanding of religious dichotomies requires a more nuanced reassessment. The authors treated in this volume include Eusebius of Caesarea, Methodius of Olympus, Gregory of Nazianzus, Nonnus and the emperor Julian.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004340114 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2022
Roman Satire /

: How do you insert yourself into an artistic canon? How do you establish yourself as a worthy successor to your predecessors while making your own mark on a genre? How do you police a genre's boundaries to keep out the unwanted? With particular attention to authorial and national identity, artistic self-definition, and literary reception, this volume shows how four ancient Latin poets-Lucilius, Horace, Persius, and Juvenal-asked and answered these questions between the second century BCE and the second century CE as they invented and reinvented the genre of Roman verse Satire.
: This volume, from an innovative scholar of Latin Literature and Greek Old Comedy, distills the modern corpus of scholarship on Roman Satire, presenting the genre in particular through the themes of literary ambition, self-fashioning, and poetic afterlife. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004453470

منشور في 1994
Modern critical theory and classical literature /

: In recent decades the study of literature in Europe and the Americas has been profoundly influenced by modern critical theory in its various forms, whether Structuralism or Deconstructionism, Hermeneutics, Reader-Response Theory or Rezeptionsästhetik , Semiotics or Narratology, Marxist, feminist, neo-historical, psychoanalytical or other perspectives. Whilst the value and validity of such approaches to literature is still a matter of some dispute, not least among classical scholars, they have had a substantial impact on the study both of classical literatures and of the mentalité of Greece and Rome. In an attempt to clarify issues in the debate, the eleven contributors to this volume were asked to produce a representative collection of essays to illustrate the applicability of some of the new approaches to Greek and Latin authors or literary forms and problems. The scope of the volume was deliberately limited to literary investigation, broadly construed, of Greek and Roman authors. Broader areas of the history and culture of the ancient world impinge in the essays, but are not their central focus. The volume also contains a separate bibliography, offering for the first time a complete bibliography of classical studies which incorporate modern critical theory.
: 1 online resource (vi, 292 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-288) and index. : 9789004329263 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2022
Brill's Companion to Episodes of 'Heroic' Rape/Abduction in Classical Antiquity and Their Reception /

: Sexual violence is one of the oldest and most difficult problems of humankind. Many of the "love stories" in Classical Greek and Roman Myth are tales of rape, a fact that is often casually glossed over in both popular and scholarly treatments of these narratives. Through a careful selection of stories, this book provides a deep exploration of rape in Classical Myth as well as in the works of art and literature that have responded to it through the millennia. The volume offers an essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand sexual violence from different perspectives and through an interdisciplinary approach, which includes Trauma Theory and Evolutionary Psychology.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004505773

منشور في 2020
Brill's Companion to Euripides (2 vols) /

: Brill's Companion to Euripides offers 49 specially commissioned essays from leading international scholars which give critical examinations of the progress and direction of numerous wide-ranging debates about various aspects of Euripidean drama. Each chapter, as well as covering a wide diversity of thematic angles, provides readers with an authoritative and state-of-the-art survey of current thinking and research in a particular subject area. Recent advances in scholarship have raised new questions about Euripides and Attic drama, and have overturned some long-standing assumptions and canons. Besides presenting a comprehensive and authoritative guide to understanding Euripides and his masterworks, this companion provides scholars and students with compelling fresh perspectives upon a broad range of issues in the rapidly evolving field of Euripidean studies.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004435353

منشور في 2023
Cyprus in Texts from Graeco-Roman Antiquity /

: How was the unique character of the island of Cyprus perceived in antiquity? This volume aims to engage with this question by examining references to Cyprus in ancient texts and by exploring authors connected to the island. The readers can thus find literary interpretations on a wide range of Greek and Latin texts focusing on Cyprus by world-leading Classical scholars, which will cast further light on the literary and cultural tradition of the island. The book promises to motivate further exploration of these topics and of the influence of a place in ancient literature and beyond.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004529489

منشور في 2002
The classical commentary : histories, practices, theory /

: This collection explores the issues raised by the writing and reading of commentaries on classical Greek and Latin texts. Written primarily by practising commentators, the papers examine philosophical, narratological, and historiographical commentaries; ancient, Byzantine, and Renaissance commentary practice and theory, with special emphasis on Galen, Tzetzes, and La Cerda; the relationship between the author of the primary text, the commentary writer, and the reader; special problems posed by fragmentary and spurious texts; the role and scope of citation, selectivity, lemmatization, and revision; the practical future of commentary-writing and publication; and the way computers are changing the shape of the classical commentary. With a genesis in discussion panels mounted in the UK in 1996 and the US in 1997, the volume continues recent international dialogue on the genre and future of commentaries.
: 1 online resource (xxi, 427 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047400943 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1992
Papiri letterari greci e latini /

: 330 pages, [10] pages of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm. : 887786494X

منشور في 1997
Traditions of the Magi : Zoroastrianism in Greek and Latin literature /

: This is the first full treatment of the Greek and Latin references to Zoroastrianism since the pioneering works of Benveniste, Bidez andamp; Cumont, and Clemen. It focuses on the possibilities offered by the classical reports on Zoroastrianism to reconstruct the history of that faith. The book is divided into three sections. The first section deals with introductory problems concerning ancient religious ethnography and current views of the history of Zoroastrianism. The second section consists of commentaries on five selected passages. The third section offers a thematical overview of the materials and their relevance for the history of Iranian religions. Apart from offering introductions to a wide range of debates and topics in Classics and Iranian studies, the book aims to illustrate the diversity of beliefs and practices in ancient Zoroastrianism.
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--University of Utrecht). : 1 online resource (xii, 496 pages) : Includes bibliographical reference₆ (p. 461-468) and indexes. : 9789004301467 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
Voice and voices in antiquity /

: Voice and Voices in Antiquity draws together 18 studies of the changing concept of voice and voices in the oral traditions and subsequent literate genres of the ancient world. Ranging from the poet's voice to those of characters as well as historically embodied communities, and from the interface between the Greek and Near Eastern worlds to the western reaches of the Roman Empire, the scholars assembled here offer a methodologically rich and diverse series of approaches to locating the power of voice as both poetic construct and communal memory. The results not only enrich our understanding of the strategies of epic, lyric, and dramatic voices but also illuminate the rhetorical claims given voice by historians, orators, philosophers, and novelists in the ancient world.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004329737 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.