Arab Traders in Their Own Words : Merchant Letters from the Eastern Mediterranean Around 1800 /
Arab Traders in their Own Words explores for the first time the largest unified corpus of merchant correspondence to have survived from the Ottoman period. The writers chosen for this first volume were mostly Christian merchants who traded within a network that connected the Syrian and Egyptian provinces and extended from Damascus in the North to Alexandria in the South with particular centers in Jerusalem and Damietta. They lived through one of the most turbulent intersections of Ottoman and European imperial history, the 1790s and early 1800s, and had to navigate their fortunes through diplomacy, culture, and commerce. Besides an edition of more than 190 letters in colloquial Arabic this volume also offers a profound introductory study.
Arab Traders in their Own Words explores for the first time the largest corpus of merchant correspondence to have survived from the Ottoman period. The mostly Christian traders of the Syrian and Egyptian provinces lived through one of the most turbulent intersections of Ottoman and European imperial history. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Qatar 1975/76-2019 /
The fourth in this series, the Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World (CAIW), this title draws on the resources of Cambridge-based World of Information, which since 1975 has followed the politics and economics of the region. Qatar's documented history begins in the mid-19th Century. Its location established it as having close, if differing links to Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Notionally under Ottoman rule, Qatar did not become a de facto protectorate of Great Britain until some time after the end of the Ottoman empire. The discovery of oil in Qatar happened later than was the case with its neighbours. However, the discovery of substantial oil deposits, and later of enormous gas reserves changed Qatar beyond recognition, allowing it to claim in the 1980s that its inhabitants were the richest people on earth. Still a semi-feudal monarchy, it gained full independence in 1971 but was initially considered to be the least developed state in the Gulf. By the 21st century many close neighbours felt that in a number of respects Qatar was becoming an unreliable partner. To the extent that in 2017 a number of its fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, as well as other states - notably Egypt - broke off diplomatic relations.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Making a Living in Ottoman Anatolia /
Centred on the socio-economic life of Ottoman Anatolia, this volume examines aspects of production, local and international trade, consumption and the role of the state, both at a local and a central level. Based on a wide array of data and adopting a variety of approaches, chapters range from the macro to the micro, from the overview of Anatolian economic resources to the in-depth examination of the petition language of provincial economic actors. Making a Living in Ottoman Anatolia thus offers the reader an entrée into the rich and varied socio-economic life of a central region of the Ottoman empire. Contributors are Marc Aymes, Ebru Boyar, Metin Coşgel, Suraiya Faroqhi, Kate Fleet, Elena Frangakis-Syrett, Yonca Köksal, Mehmet Öz, Mehmet Polatel and Sadullah Yıldırım.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Neue Perspektiven der Unternehmensgeschichte /
Der Band reflektiert systematisch das Verhältnis der Unternehmensgeschichte zu anderen Disziplinen der Geschichtswissenschaft, indem die Beiträge die methodischen wie inhaltlichen Schnittpunkte für zukünftige Forschungen aufzeigen - etwa zwischen Unternehmensgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Geschlechtergeschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Kolonialgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte oder Rechtsgeschichte. Jedes der instruktiven Kapitel gibt Anregungen dafür, wie die Unternehmensgeschichte in besonderer Weise dazu beitragen kann, wirtschaftliche Themen auch fernab quantitativer Verfahren für Historiker:innen verständlich zu machen und so maßgeblich zur ökonomischen Fundierung der Geschichtswissenschaft beizutragen.
1 online resource (370 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
(De)Automating the Future : Marxist Perspectives on Capitalism and Technology /
Much has been written about the prospects of automation in recent years. While many have raised concerns over the threat of technological mass unemployment, others have anticipated a fully automated communist utopia which will provide material a
1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Syria 1975/76-2018 /
The first of a new series, the Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World , this title draws on the resources of World of Information, a British publisher that since 1975 has published analyses of the politics and economics of all the Middle East countries. For decades Syria lay at the heart of Middle Eastern affairs. Under Assad rulers, and sharing a border with Israel, Syria's fortunes have been complex. Strategic alliances were formed and fell apart. Domestic rebellions were quelled, often violently. Since 2011, Syria has been in the world's headlines every day, riven by a civil war that has risked bringing the world's major powers into open conflict. The CAIW provides an essential background to a complex international problem.
1 online resource. :
Post-Soeharto Indonesia : Renewal or Chaos? /
Indonesia's economy has been ravaged by the Asian economic crisis. Its leader for 32 years, President Soeharto, was forced from office in May 1998 amidst rioting and student demonstrations. This book examines the political and economic trends which are shaping Indonesia's future. The contributors are leading politicians, business people, academics and international journalists with an intimate knowledge of Indonesia. Co-published with ISEAS.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :