A Philosophy for Education : A Study in Aesthetic Rationality /
The book supports an argument for the crucial role of the aesthetic in a humanist education. It is structured around the philosophy of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) who saw the poetic imagination as the first language through which humankind makes sense of its place within the world with myths and symbolic ritual. This is the search for the truth of identity and, ultimately, requires a self that examines its own experiences. That examination is the work of an aesthetic rationality that responds to life's contradictions through the use of metaphor: An historical perspective, ranging from the Renaissance, through the Romantic Movement, to Phenomenology, identifies the major characteristics of an aesthetic rationality, and concludes with recommendations for the school curriculum.
1 online resource (205 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Arts-Based Research and the Practice of Freedom in Education : Reflections from a Doctoral Course /
Arts-Based Research and the Practice of Freedom in Education advocates for the inclusion of arts-based research in doctoral education programs and, indeed, in educational programs at all levels. The doing of art to investigate ideas, situations, and experiences embraces bell hooks' concept of education as the practice of freedom, a practice in which everyone can learn and every voice counts. Through the use of photography, collage, painting, sculpture, textile arts and dance, 10 current and former doctoral students who had enrolled in an arts-based research course show and write about how arts-based methods enriched their educational experiences, celebrated their wholeness by dissolving the barriers between their scholar-artist-teacher-activist selves, and affirmed the inner-artist even in those who doubted they had one. Furthermore, their work establishes that arts-based research can reveal dimensions of experience that elude traditional research methods. Contributors are: Michael Alston, Kelly Bare, Shawn F. Brown, Nicholas Catino, Christopher Colón, Abby C. Emerson, Gene Fellner, Francie Johnson, Rendón Ochoa, Mariatere Tapias and Natalie Willens.
1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination : A Journey to Your True Self /
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination: A Journey to Your True Self is for all those who are on a search for inspiration in their life. If one is dwelling in fear, they may choose not to take this new path. When confronted with the unknown, fear can discourage a chance to seek and find courage, truth, and faith, hidden within. Let us take you on a journey to the islands. Step into our currach weaving through the waves. You will find comfort when one of the islands becomes visible through the mist. You will be introduced to our friends as we step off on the islands to explore a wonder of mystery awaiting our curious hearts and minds. We will be delighted with new aesthetic experiences, growing closer in wisdom of the divine imagination. Let us weave the threads from life's memories into a tapestry of ideas and possibilities. Breath in and out each memory that surfaces from the deep shadowed regions of your mind, heart, and soul. Feel the toss of your life's waves, as unexplained storms are remembered, always knowing that an island of hope will appear on your soul's horizon.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Career Academics in Educational Research : Perspectives from Sub-Saharan African Higher Education Sectors /
Neoliberal theory on higher education highlights the challenges faced by academics in the "new times" of academia. Quality-improvement programs and academic accountability mechanisms have been advocated, but the profession's precariousness and stress make early career researchers especially vulnerable. The highly competitive funding environment and increased non-research duties put academics' time and dedication at risk. Early career academics can enhance Sub-Saharan African educational research by contributing effectively to contextually relevant research, collaborating with regional colleagues, and pursuing international collaboration and financing. However, more research is needed to understand the experiences of the new generation of academics and their responses to new performativity criteria. Contributors are: Ikechi Agbugba, Wiets Botes, Darrell de Klerk, Alan Felix, Claire Gaillard, Dean Langeveldt, Bheki Mngomezulu, Thembeka Myende, Amasa Ndofirepi, Ntombikayise Nkosi, Felix Okoye, June Palmer, Doniwen Pietersen, Percy Sepeng, Kevin Teise, Victor Teise and Yusef Waghid.
1 online resource (237 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research /
This book on process-relational philosophy of education suggests that the notion of Adventure is foundational for the advancement of knowledge. Learning, teaching, and research are best conceived as rhythmic and relational processes, involving curiosity, imagination, valuation, creativity, and self-realization. Thus construed, contemporary educational practices can be revitalized from pedagogies of information retention and the current overemphasis on analytic precision.
1 online resource (viii, 227 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789042029224 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pragmatism, Education, and Children : International Philosophical Perspectives.
This book presents fourteen new essays by international scholars about the intersections between pragmatism, education, and philosophy with children. Pragmatism from its beginnings has sought a revolution in learning, and is itself a special kind of philosophy of education. What can the applications of pragmatism to pedagogy around the world teach us today?
1 online resource (265 pages) :
9789401205412 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Participatory Learning : Religious Education in a Globalizing Society /
In many respects children and youths receiving religious instruction in our culture resemble extraterrestrial beings doing an orientation course. Religion and religiosity are unknown quantities which they have hardly encountered at home. Religion seems something else, something greater. This book is a study of the foundations of religious education, centered around six concepts: religion in a globalizing society, religious tradition, religion, the religious self, learning through participation and interreligious learning.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Johann Amos Comenius und die pädagogischen Hoffnungen der Gegenwart : Grundzüge einer mentälitatsgeschichtlichen Neuinterpretation seines Werkes.
Insofern Erziehung auf die Zukunft gerichtet ist, bedarf sie der Hoffnung. Und wer nicht hofft, kann auch nicht erziehen. Doch die nicht selten euphorisch zu nennende Erwartung, dass man von einer wissenschaftlich begründeten Erziehung auch eine entscheidende Weltverbesserung erhoffen könne, dürfte wesentlich eine Erfindung der anhebenden Neuzeit gewesen sein. Die übliche pädagogische Ideengeschichte sieht in Comenius zumeist einen vormodernen Gegenpol zum technisch-zivilisatorischen Denken der Neuzeit - und übersah damit notwendig wesentliche Kontinuitäten. Denn es war Comenius, der mit seiner pansophischen Systematik zuerst die Hoffnung verband, eine solcherart durchkonstruierte Erziehungsmaschine begründet zu haben, dass eine wahrhaft pansophisch ausgerichtete Erziehung auch einen unfehlbaren Erziehungserfolg verbürgen müsse. Ein mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Zugang vermag dabei zu zeigen, wie sich die pädagogischen Hoffnungen des Comenius entwickelt und zeitgleich mit der pansophischen Systematik ausgeprägt haben. Je durchdachter die Systematik wurde, desto unfehlbarer sollte auch die Erziehung werden. Mit einer vollkommen realisierten pansophischen Erziehung würden sich also alle Hoffnungen auf eine Weltverbesserung erfüllen ; alles, was bis dahin zukunftsgerichtete Hoffnung war, würde also mit der Pampaedia zur erfüllten Gegenwart werden. Von der menschlichen resignation der Frühschriften über die gott-menschliche cooperatio der pansophischen Programmschriften führt solcherart der Weg zur intendierten omnipotentia des Menschen, an welcher schließlich auch die Erziehung teilhaben soll. Unter der Rücksicht der longue durée ist Comenius damit nicht nur ein , sondern letztlich der Begründer der pädagogischen Moderne. Seit Comenius produziert wissenschaftlich-systematisches Denken immer neue Erziehungshoffnungen, die sich sodann durch gesellschaftliche Erwartungshaltungen selbstlaufend re -produzieren und die Nachfrage nach pädagogischer Wissenschaftlichkeit wiederum steigern. Doch die Welt hat sich bis heute bekanntlich nicht verbessern lassen - trotz einer über 350 Jahre alten Tradition wissenschaftlich begründeter Pädagogik.
1 online resource (184 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789042031524 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Education for a Democratic Society.
This book is the third volume of selected papers from the Central European Pragmatist Forum (CEPF). It deals with the general question of education, and the papers are organized into sections on Education and Democracy, Education and Values, Education and Social Reconstruction, and Education and the Self. The authors are among the leading specialists in American philosophy from universities across the U.S. and in Central and Eastern Europe. The series Studies in Pragmatism and Values promotes the study of pragmatism's traditions and figures, and the explorations of pragmatic inquiries in all areas of philosophical thought.
1 online resource (227 pages) :
9789401203999 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Shape of Anglican Theology : Faith Seeking Wisdom /
There are numerous books that offer an historical account of Anglican theology or that detail the lives and work of particular Anglican theologians. Books that focus on the nature and character of Anglican theology itself, however, are hard to find. This volume fills that gap. In The Shape of Anglican Theology, Scott MacDougall examines what it is that makes Anglican theology Anglican. Beginning with a treatment of the ways in which Anglican theology is and is not distinct from other types of Christian theology, he describes the theological features that mark the general boundaries of Anglican theologizing before turning to consider a set of eight interconnected characteristics that provide Anglican theology with its distinctive profile. MacDougall argues that, by setting its boundaries as widely as possible and requiring subscription to specific theological propositions as little as possible, Anglican theology is in essence a wisdom theology that seeks to build the capacity for faithful Christian discernment in belief and practice.
This book reveals the distinctiveness of Anglican theology, describing its boundaries and naming its particular characteristics, finally concluding that Anglican theology is a wisdom theology that seeks to build the capacity for faithful Christian discernment in belief and practice. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Platons tanzende Stadt : Moralpsychologie und Chortanz in den Nomoi /
Weshalb ist der Chortanz (χορεία) in Platons Nomoi so prominent? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage bietet dieses Buch eine eingehende Analyse der Moralpsychologie des Dialogs und argumentiert, dass der Tanz nicht nur ein erzieherisches Instrument, sondern - als körperlicher Ausdruck geordneter Lust - auch ein Symbolbild für das Hauptziel der moralischen Erziehung ist: die Mäßigung (σωφροσύνη). So wird der Chortanz zu einem wirkmächtigen Konstrukt zur Veranschaulichung der philosophischen Hauptanliegen Platons. Zu den Schwerpunkten des Buches gehören darüber hinaus eine innovative Erklärung des komplexen Aufbaus des Dialogs, neue Deutungen des Marionettengleichnisses und der Ansprache an die Tragiker sowie die erste Untersuchung der moralischen Funktion der Scham in Kapitellänge. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Conrado Eggers Lan Prize der International Plato Society 2022. Why is choral dance (χορεία) so prominent in Plato's Laws ? In answer to this question, this book offers an in-depth analysis of the dialogue's moral psychology, arguing that dance is not only an educational instrument but also, in terms of the physical expression of ordered pleasure, a symbolic image of the principal goal of moral education: moderation (σωφροσύνη). Thus, choral dance becomes a powerful construct to illustrate Plato's main philosophical concerns. Other key features of the book include an innovative account of the dialogue's complex composition, new interpretations of the puppet image and the tragedy claim, and the first chapter-length investigation of the moral funtion of shame. Winner of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize of the International Plato Society 2022.
1 online resource :