Kinship, Status and Gender in South Celebes /
H.Th. Chabot's Ph.D. thesis, Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes (1950), is an important source for the anthropology of South Celebes. Chabot's study, based on fieldwork in the 1940s provides insights into social relationships in a South Celebes village, focusing on demographic and spatial data, systems of marriage and the position of women. His observations are of great value for historical-comparative work. This English translation makes Chabot's study accessible to a new generation of researchers. Added to the translation are a biography of H.Th. Chabot (1910-1970) and a biography of is scholarly work, as well as an extensive introduction by Martin Rössler and Birgit Röttger-Rössler, placing Chabot's contribution in the context of other work on Macassarese and Buginese society.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Anthropology in Indonesia : A Bibliographical Review /
This book presents a review of the development and scope of anthropology in Indonesia. The first part of the book deals i.a. with the early writings of travellers and missionaries; the ethnological theories of G.A. Wilken; the accumulation of field data; theories on customs and social institutions; the study of adat law; studies of ancient social structure; studies of acculturation; studies after 1945; and the study and teaching of anthropology in present- day Indonesia. The second part of the book contains the bibliography and name and subject indexes.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :