Alternative Evangelicals : Challenging Nationalism in Interwar Romania's Multi-ethnic Borderlands /
Evangelicals in interwar Romania were a vibrant mix of ethnicities, languages, and social statuses. Jews, Roma, Germans, Hungarians, Serbs, Ukrainians, and Russians sang, prayed, and preached in their native languages. Romanian statesmen perceived them as a danger for the construction of a strong post-WWI national identity. The lived religion of interwar Romanian evangelicals and their struggle through music for legitimacy demonstrates the close ties between national self-understanding and religion. The diverse groups of Romanian evangelicals reveal how minorities in 20th century Europe challenged established religious concepts and constructed their new identities. "Finally a book on Romanian history that unpacks the day to day experiences of ordinary people and how they built churches and communities. Ploscariu tells her stories through the voices and experiences of individuals from ethnic and religious minorities, showing us how they saw their world, not just what the authorities thought about them. This book complicates Romanian religious history in wonderful and surprising ways. It will be the definitive work on the subject for many years to come." Roland Clark, University of Liverpool Author of Sectarianism and Renewal in 1920s Romania "Drawing on a diverse range of often untapped sources, Iemima Ploscariu's exploration of the history of evangelicals in interwar Romania brings vividly to life the experiences of a multiethnic community defined by their faith. She explores how, through their everyday practices - most notably their active musical life - these groups both contested the homogenizing nationalization policies of the Romanian state and carved out a place for themselves in Romanian society. This book contributes significantly to our understanding of the social and religious history of interwar Romania and to the transnational evangelical expansion of the era." Heather Coleman, University of Alberta Author of Russian Baptists and Spiritual Revolution, 1905-1929 "Here is a masterful reconstruction of the everyday life of evangelical communities in interwar Romania and their members' intricate personal relationships. This excellent study is a must-read for any scholar of nationalism who wants to understand how diverse religious and ethnic minorities struggled and thrived in a nationalising European state." Maria Falina, Utrecht University Author of Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia See Less
1 online resource (224 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Vietnamese Evangelicals and Pentecostalism : the politics of divine intervention /
This book offers an analysis of the historical, theological, and social conditions that give rise to the growth of pentecostalism among contemporary Vietnamese evangelicals. Emerging from the analysis is an understanding of how underprivileged evangelicals have utilized the pentecostal emphasis on divine intervention in their pursuit of the betterment of life amid religious and ethnic marginalization. Within the context of the global growth of pentecostalism, Vietnamese Evangelicals and Pentecostalism shows how people at the grassroots marry the deeply local-based meaning dictated by the particularity of living context and the profoundly universal truth claims made by a religion aspiring to reach all four corners of the earth to enhance life.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004383838 :
1876-2247 ;
After-Mission, Beyond Evangelicalism : The Indigenous 'Injīliyyūn' in the Arab-Muslim Context of Syria-Lebanon /
After-Mission touches on on three questions.The first question is about self-perception and identity-formation strategies, and the various views that we have on the Protestants' relation to their Arab Muslim Middle Eastern context. This will furnish the basis for the ensuing parts, as it will provide the study with coherent and analytical readings of the cultural situation and intellectual views of the Arab Eastern Protestants in their Sitz im Leben from the perspective of the hermeneutic tripod of 'identity-othering-relationality'. The second question, about the theological dimension, asks what kind of a theological discourse do the Protestants need to develop, and how do they need to re-form their own theological heritage, in such a manner that will allow them to heal the historical enmity and suspicion towards them from the Eastern Orthodox Christian community in the region? How should they re-think their traditional view on theological subjects common to them and the Eastern Christian tradition? Traditional Protestant attitudes towards Eastern Christianity, which have been viewed through the lens of evangelicalism and mission, have failed to grant the Protestants an influential and truly indigenous presence in the region and have led to them being constantly accused of being a foreign transplant and alien entity. In the light of this, it is clear that going beyond missiology and traditional evangelicalism demands re-thinking certain mutually shared but contentious theological subjects from a new perspective with the focus on more constructive attempts to build fellowship through dialogue. Finally, the third question touches on the Protestants' future in the Arab Muslim Middle East by viewing this inquiry from a broader perspective that is related to all the Middle Eastern Christian communities' presence and role in the Muslim-majority context. It will discuss questions about the kind of presence and role that Christians, Protestants included, should hope to play in order to guarantee survival and a continuing presence in the region. The question of identity formation, and the managing of difference without trapping it in the mud of 'otherizing and self-otherizing', will also be tackled, so that the theological dimension is integrated with the broader, multifaceted contextual one.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Karl Rahner, Culture and Evangelization : New Approaches in an Australian Setting /
The situation of religious institutional diminishment in many Western countries requires new approaches to the proclamation of Christian faith. As a response to these complexities, Karl Rahner suggested a "mystagogic" approach as a future pathway for theology. A mystagogical approach seeks modes of spiritual and theological conversation which engage the religious imagination and draws upon personal experiences of transcendence and religious sensibility. In Karl Rahner, Culture and Evangelization: New Approaches in an Australian Setting , Anthony Mellor develops a reflective process of contemporary "mystagogia", describing how different fields of engagement require different patterns of mystagogical conversation. While focussing on the Australian setting, these differentiate arenas of engagement are also applicable to other cultural settings and offer fresh perspectives for evangelization today.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Latin American evangelical theology in the 1970's : the golden decade /
The story of Latin American evangelicals doing theology is mostly unknown. In the 1970s there was an important development with the formation of the Latin American Theological Fraternity (FTL). This group spearheaded the theological production in Latin America, marking the beginning of a critical stage in the history of evangelicals in the region. This book deals with the reception history in North America of the FTL and its program. Interamerican theological dialogue is documented and analysed.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047430438 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
European evangelicals in Egypt (1900-1956) : cultural entanglements and missionary spaces /
Missionary institutions were social spaces of closest encounters between Europeans and various segments of the Egyptian society, during the period of British colonialism. In European Evangelicals in Egypt (1900-1956) Samir Boulos develops a theory of cultural exchange that is based on the examination of interactions, experiences and discourses in the context of missionary institutions. Drawing upon oral history interviews as well as rich Egyptian, British and German archival sources, a multifaceted perspective is offered, revealing the complexity and dynamics of mission encounters. Focusing on the everyday life in missionary institutions, experiences of former Egyptian missionary students, local employees, as well as of European missionaries, Samir Boulos explores mutual transformation processes particularly on the individual but also on institutional and social level.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004322233 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
No North Sea : the Anglo-German evangelical network in the middle of the nineteenth century /
This volume deals with those Christians who helped construct an international and inter-denominational evangelical network in western Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Evangelical Alliance (est. 1846) institutionalised this ecumenical impulse. The Berlin Conference (1857) was the high-point of cross-border cooperation in those decades. The réveil in France and Switzerland and the Erweckung in Germany laid the groundwork for the Alliance in Europe. England, the motherland of the evangelical revival, provided a resource centre for continental evangelicalism. The chapters on the various missionary endeavours at home and abroad draw attention to the outward-looking, charitable and evangelistic character of evangelicals. Students of evangelicalism, the missionary movement and the ecumenical movement will find the book to be of particular importance.
1 online resource (xxii, 286 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-281) and index. :
9789004320048 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts /
The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789060041437). I. Vom Anfange der Reformation bis zur Begründung der Consistorialverfassung im Jahre 1542. II. Vom Jahre 1542 bis zu Ende des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts.
1 online resource (894 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Liquid ecclesiology : the gospel and the church /
In Liquid Ecclesiology Pete Ward explores the theological contours of the turn to ethnography in the study of the Christian Church. His approach rests on a theology of culture that holds in tension and paradox the expression of the Church and divine presence. This theological framework is then developed through an extended qualitative empirical case study examining the communicative practices of the contemporary evangelical Church. The case study examines how the evangelical Gospel through expression has become marginalised in the everyday life of communities being replaced by a new more individual and personalised theology seen in worship songs. The final section of the book returns to the debates around ethnographic forms of theology and the question of normativity. This book will be of interest to all those engaged in empirical and theological work, as well as those researching the contemporary Church and evangelicalism
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004347359 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Geschiedenis van de evangelisch-lutherse gemeente te Edam 1636-1992 /
In 1991 voltooide men de restauratie van de kerk der Edamse lutheranen, 250 jaar nadat deze was gebouwd. Naar aanleiding van dit gebeuren schreef de auteur op verzoek van de kerkeraad deze Geschiedenis van de evangelisch-lutherse gemeente te Edam. In zijn boek maken wij kennis met het leven van een kleine en grotendeels uit eenvoudige mensen bestaande kerkelijke gemeenschap, die in de zeventiende eeuw werd gesticht door enkele naar Edam getrokken lutherse 'gastarbeiders' uit Duitsland en Scandinavië, die weliswaar Nederlanders werden, maar hun uit den vreemde meegebrachte geloofsovertuiging wensten te bewaren. Deze gemeente, die haar bloei voornamelijk dankte aan voortgaande immigratie, kwam iedere zondag bijeen in haar eigen kerk om te luisteren naar de predikant, die het Evangelie verkondigde en hun enkele keren per jaar het sacrament van het Heilig Avondmaal uitreikte. De gebeurtenissen die zich daaromheen afspeelden vormen slechts een 'petite histoire', die wellicht kan worden getypeerd met de woorden: kleinschalig, kleinsteeds en kleinburgerlijk. Toch geeft deze bescheiden geschiedenis ons enig inzicht in de taaie volharding waarmee de predikanten, kerkeraadsleden en gewone leden ruim 350 jaar tezamen hun eigen lutherse gemeente in stand hielden, met alle moeite, zorg en strijd die dit streven met zich bracht. See Less
1 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
African theology as liberating wisdom : celebrating life and harmony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana /
In African Theology as Liberating Wisdom; Celebrating Life and Harmony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana , Mari-Anna Pöntinen analyses contextual interpretations of the Christian faith in this particular church. These interpretations are based on the special wisdom tradition which embraces monistic ontology, communal ethics in botho , and the indigenous belief in God as the Source of Life, and the Root of everything that exists. The constructing theological principle in the ELCB is the downward-orientated and descending God in Christ which interprets the 'Lutheran spirit' in a liberating and empowering sense. It deals with the cultural mythos which brings Christ down into people's existence, unlike Western connotations which are considered to hinder seeing Christ and to prevent existential self-awareness.
1 online resource (xiv, 419 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004245976 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Walking on the pages of the Word of God : self, land, and text among Evangelical volunteers in Jerusalem /
In Walking on the Pages of the Word of God Aron Engberg explores the religious language and identities of evangelical volunteer workers in contemporary Jerusalem. The volunteers are connected to Christian organizations which consider their work a natural consequence of the biblical promises to Israel and their responsibility to "bless the Jewish people". Relying on ethnographic data of the discursive practices of the volunteers, the book explores a central puzzle of Zionist Christianity: the narrative production of Israel's religious significance and its relationship to broader Christian language traditions. By focusing on the volunteers' stories about themselves, the land and the Bible, Aron Engberg offers a convincing account about how the State of Israel is finding its way into evangelical identities.
Originally published: Lund : Lund University, 2016. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :