God, beyond me : from the I's absolute ground in Hölderlin and Schelling to a contemporary model of a personal God /
German idealism has attempted to think an absolute ground to self-conscious I-hood. As a result it has been theologically disqualified as pantheistic or even atheistic since many maintain that such a ground cannot be reconciled with a personal God. In the early writings of Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854), it is clear that he and his contemporaries were aware of this difficulty. His Tübinger fellow student, Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), was convinced of the ultimate inadequacy of any philosophical system to grasp the unitary ground of all that is and turned to poetry. The metaphysical insights expressed in his poetry have been largely neglected in both philosophical and theological scholarship. Drawing on the 20th century metaphysics of Dieter Henrich and Karl Rahner, this book elaborates on Hölderlin's poetry. This results in a novel concept of God as both unitary and personal ground of I-hood.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004182172 :
1878-9986 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to German romantic philosophy
Early German Romanticism has long been acknowledged as a major literary movement, but only recently have scholars appreciated its philosophical significance as well. This collection of original essays showcases not only the philosophical achievements of early German Romantic writers such as Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis, but also the sophistication, contemporary relevance, and wide-ranging influence of their philosophical contributions. This volume will be of interest both to students looking for an introduction to romanticism as well as to scholars seeking to discover new facets of the movement - a romantic perspective on topics ranging from mathematics to mythology, from nature to literature and language. This volume bears testimony to the enduring and persistent modernity of early German Romantic philosophy.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
The locus of tragedy /
Ask for the tragic and Europe will answer. Leaving behind the philosophers' enthusiasm of the nineteenth century, 'tragedy' and 'the tragic' now seem little more than vague containers. However, it appears that we still discover a tragic essence in our personal lives. Time and again tragedy is being registered, written down and staged. This book wants to open a contemporary philosophical perspective on the tragic. What is the locus of tragedy? Does it relate to metaphysics, the gods, destiny, and chance? Or is it a matter of ethics, of the Law and its transgression? Does man himself occupy the locus of tragedy, because of his unreasonable and boundless desires, as many philosophers have suggested? Is man today still able to account for his tragic condition? Or do we locate the tragic first and foremost in the esthetic imagination? Is not the theatrical genre of tragedy the locus authenticus of all things tragic? Is there more to the tragic than drama and play?
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047443223 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sacrifice in modernity : community, ritual, identity from nationalism and nonviolence to health care and Harry Potter /
Sacrifice seems to belong to a religious context of the past. In Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity it is demonstrated how sacrificial themes remain an essential element in our post-modern society. The shaping of community, performing rituals and the search for identity, three main characteristics of traditional sacrifice, are dynamics of our modern times as well which cannot be understood without sacrificial awareness. This is demonstrated in such areas as the German poet Hölderlin, Harry Potter, martyrdom, the Twilight Saga, the Japanese writer Endo, Tarkovsky, movies and more.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004335530 :
1566-208X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Das Nichts und das Sein, Buddhistische Wissenstheorien und Transzendentalphilosophie.
Dreißig Jahre kollegialer Beziehung zwischen der Japanischen und der Internationalen Fichte Gesellschaft haben im Band 46 der Fichte Studien ihren Ausdruck gefunden, einer Sammlung von Aufsätzen auf der Grundlage transzendentaler Philosophie (Kants, Fichtes und Husserls) und klassischer Texte des Mahayana Buddhismus (und der japanischen Kyoto Schule). Ohne unvereinbare Unterschiede zwischen westlichem und östlichem Denken zu leugnen, finden sie ihre Grundlage in prä-reflexiver Erkenntnis. Beitragende sind Kogaku Arifuko, Martin Bunte, Luis Fellipe Garcia, Lutz Geldsetzer, Helmut Girndt, Katsuki Hayashi, Saša Josifović, Michael Lewin, Hitoshi Minobe, Kunihiko Nagasawa, Akira Omine, Valentin Pluder, Raji C. Steineck, Johannes Stoffers und Fabian Völker. Thirty years of friendly connections between the Japanese Fichte Association and the International Fichte Society have found expression in volume 46 of Fichte Studien . It contains a collection of comparative studies between European and Japanese philosophy centered on transcendental philosophy (of Kant, Fichte and Husserl) and classical Mahayana Buddhism (plus Japan´s Kyoto school). Without denying irreconcilable differences between western and eastern thinking these essays demonstrate that western as well as eastern thinking is based on the universal ground of pre-reflexive cognition.
1 online resource. :
Fichte, German idealism, and early romanticism /
This volume of 23 previously unpublished essays explores the relationship between the philosophy of J.G. Fichte and that of other leading thinkers associated with German Idealism and the early Romantic movement. Several papers explore the broader question of Fichte's relationship and contribution to "German idealism" and "German romanticism" in general, while others offer comparative studies of the relationship between Fichte's writings and those of Leibniz, Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, Schleiermacher, and Wilhelm von Humboldt. Taken collectively, this set of essays provides anglophone readers with a new and historically accurate understanding of the origin, development, and reception of Fichte's philosophy in the context of its own era and in relationship to the most important intellectual movements of the time. The authors include both well established and internationally recognized experts in their fields as well as younger scholars with fresh and challenging perspectives to offer. This volume proposes a new interpretation of the history of German idealism in general and of the place therein of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre . It emphasizes the intimate connection between "transcendental idealism" and "German romanticism" and shows how developments within each of these intellectual movements reflected and in turn influenced developments within the other. Finally, it sheds new light on Fichte's own philosophical development and does so by relating the various stages of his writings to other contemporary movements and authors.
1 online resource (vii, 386 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789042030121 :
0927-3816 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Heidegger and Nietzsche /
This volume contains new and original papers on Martin Heidegger's complex relation to Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy. The authors not only critically discuss the many aspects of Heidegger's reading of Nietzsche, they also interpret Heidegger's thought from a Nietzschean perspective. Here is presented for the first time an overview of not only Heidegger's and Nietzsche's philosophy but also an overview of what is alive - and dead - in their thinking. Many authors through a reading of Heidegger and Nietzsche deal with current issues such as technology, ecology, and politics. This volume is of interest for everyone interested in Heidegger's and Nietzsche's thought. Contributors include: Babette Babich, Charles Bambach, Robert Bernasconi, Virgilio Cesarone, Stuart Elden, Michael Eldred, Markus Enders, Charles Feitosa, Véronique Fóti, Luanne T. Frank, Jeffery Kinlaw, Theodore Kisiel, William D. Melaney, Eric Sean Nelson, Abraham Olivier, Friederike Rese, Karlheinz Ruhstorfer, Harald Seubert, Robert Sinnerbrink, Robert Switzer, Jorge Uscatescu Barrón, Nancy A. Weston, Dale Wilkerson, Angel Xolocotzi, Jens Zimmermann
1 online resource (455 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401208741 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Skeptizismus und Philosophie : Kant, Fichte, Hegel /
Die Fichte-Studien wollen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Werkes von Johann Gottlieb Fichte f rdern. Sie er ffnen Forschern, welche den transzendentalen Gedanken und Systementwurf philosophisch er rtern, unangesehen der Schulposition und Lehrmeinung eine Publikationsm glichkeit. Dabei sollen die historischen Voraussetzungen und zeitgeschichtlichen Kontroversen ebenso zu tieferer Klarheit gebracht werden wie die systematischen Konsequenzen heute. Die einzelnen B nde bringen teils thematisch verbundene, teils vermischte Beitr ge. Au erdem enthalten sie einen Dokumentations- und Rezensionst.
1 online resource (237 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401207911 :
0925-0166 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Fichte und seine Zeit : Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen /
Mit dem Ausdruck "Fichte und seine Zeit" können die letzten Jahre des 18. und das erste Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Völkerschlacht von 1813 überschrieben werden: die ertragreichsten Jahre im Schaffen und Wirken Fichtes. Fichte erarbeitete das System der Wissenschaftslehre keineswegs in Selbstisolierung und ohne Rücksicht auf die spekulativen Anregungen, die er von dem ihn prägenden geistigen und kulturellen Milieu erhielt. Die Jahre des Übergangs vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert sind auch diejenigen, in welche man die Geburt der ,romantischen Bewegung' ansetzt, deren Vaterschaft man wohl Fichte zusprechen muss, obzwar er bald von vielen seiner Schülern verleugnet wurde. Diese Jahre machen zugleich einen entscheidenden Zeitabschnitt in der deutschen Geschichte aus, welcher große Veränderungen - sowohl in staatlich-institutioneller als auch in gesellschaftlicher Hinsicht - mit sich gebracht hat und der mit den Eroberungskriegen Napoleons zu Ende geht, welche eine Zäsur in der deutschen Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewirkt haben. Die Absicht vorliegenden Buches ist es, das Geflecht der unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, die mit dem Stichwort "Fichte und seine Zeit" verbunden sind, in Betracht zu nehmen und ihre internen Zusammenhänge und ihre Geschlossenheit deutlich zu machen. Das Ziel ist daher, nicht nur die einzelnen Themen in ihrem Entstehen, Aufblühen, Sich-Entfalten zu verfolgen, sondern näher zu verstehen, wie Fichtes Gedanke gerade dank dem intellektuellen und wissenschaftlichen Austausch und der Auseinandersetzung mit ,seiner Zeit' bzw. seinen Zeitgenossen gereift und selbstbewusst geworden ist. Die Beiträge stammen von Elena Alessiato (Greifswald/Turin), Marco Bazzan (Toulouse), Carla De Pascale (Bologna), , Faustino Fabbianelli (Parma), Luca Fonnesu (Pavia), Erich Fuchs (Eichenau/München), Jonas Gralle (Freiburg), Laurent Guyot (Toulouse), Tamás Hankovszky (Budapest), Silvan Imhof (Bern), Marco Ivaldo (Neapel), Jindřich Karàsek (Prag), Hans Georg von Manz (München), Monica Marchetto (Palermo), Hitoshi Minobe (Tokyo), Alessandro Novembre (Lecce), Ernst-Otto Onnasch (Utrecht), Francisco Prata Gaspar (São Paulo/München), Manuel Roy (Montréal), Irene Sacchi (Berlin), Stefan Schick (Pentling/Regensburg), Jürgen Stahl (Leipzig), Nobukuni Suzuki (Tokyo), Hartmut Traub (Mühlheim/Ruhr), Martin Vrabec (Hradec Kralove)
1 online resource (i, 412 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004319820 :
0925-0166 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mystik und Idealismus: Eine Lichtung <em>des</em> deutschen Waldes /
The book contains the proceedings of the conference 'A Clearing of the German Forest: Mysticism, Idealism and Romanticism' ( "Eine Lichtung des deutschen Waldes: Mystik, Idealismus und Romantik" ) (May, 19-21, 2016, Dominican Convent, Erfurt), including contributions by some of the most important representatives in this field (Jens Halfwassen, Theo Kobusch, Johann Kreuzer, José, Sánchez de Murillo, Glenn A. Magee, Markus Vinzent, Rudolf K. Weigand, Christian Danz, Markus Enders, et al.). The volume presents articles concerning the relationship of Fichte, Hegel, Hölderlin and Schelling with the most characteristic German mystics. The conference was organized in the context of the research project "A Historical, Philological and Systematic Study on Mystical Reason and its Reception in Schelling's Works", funded by the German Research Foundation. Der Band enthält die Akten der vom 19. bis 21. Mai im Kapitelsaal des Predigerklosters in Erfurt organisierten internationalen interdisziplinären Tagung "Eine Lichtung des deutschen Waldes: Mystik, Idealismus und Romantik", mit Beiträgen von einigen der wichtigsten Forscher in diesem Gebiet (Jens Halfwassen, Theo Kobusch, Johann Kreuzer, José Sánchez de Murillo, Glenn A. Magee, Markus Vinzent, Rudolf K. Weigand, Christian Danz, Markus Enders, usw.). Gesammelt werden in diesem Band die das Verhältnis von Fichte, Hegel, Hölderlin und Schelling zu den zentralen Autoren der deutschen Mystik betreffenden Aufsätze. Die Tagung fand im Kontext des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft finanzierten Projekts "'Der ewige Begriff des Individuums': Eine historisch-philologische-systematische Untersuchung der mystischen Vernunft und deren Rezeption im Werk Schellings" statt.
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