Houses in Herculaneum : A new View on the Town Planning and the Building of Insulae III and IV /
In this study a new view is given on the city-plan of ancient Herculaneum, by combining the evidence from the ancient writers, the 19th century explorations and the analysis of the measurements of the excavated house-blocks ('insulae'). Furthermore, it contains a detailed examination of the southernmost insulae III and IV, with surprising results. First of all the allotment of these two insulae is made visible, which gives way to a discussion about the division of land in pre-Roman Campania. Furthermore, the author distinguishes some new types of houses, which differ from the already known atrium buildings.
1 online resource (365 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Römisches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae : Metallizäume, Trensen und Kandaren /
Few regions possess so many and mainly complete Roman bridles as do the Vesuvian sites. Singular find conditions permit both comprehensive antiquarian-historian analyses of their production, functionality, and everyday use and new approaches to their typology and chronology. The 103 catalogued specimens belong to four types of bronze headstalls, namely metallic noseband, bitless metal bridle ('hackamore'), multipartite metallic bridle ('metallic halter'), and muzzle as well as two types of bits, namely snaffle bit with circular cheekpieces and curb bit. All of them occurred in more or less numerous variants of local or provincial origin. Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of application methods and combinations of types as well as the replica of a snaffle bit with circular cheekpieces.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
9781784910358 (PDF ebook) :
Römisches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae : Metallizäume, Trensen und Kandaren /
Few regions possess so many and mainly complete Roman bridles as do the Vesuvian sites. Singular find conditions permit both comprehensive antiquarian-historian analyses of their production, functionality, and everyday use and new approaches to their typology and chronology. The 103 catalogued specimens belong to four types of bronze headstalls, namely metallic noseband, bitless metal bridle ('hackamore'), multipartite metallic bridle ('metallic halter'), and muzzle as well as two types of bits, namely snaffle bit with circular cheekpieces and curb bit. All of them occurred in more or less numerous variants of local or provincial origin. Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of application methods and combinations of types as well as the replica of a snaffle bit with circular cheekpieces.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
9781784910358 (PDF ebook) :
Theodor Gomperz : eine Auswahl herkulanischer kleiner Schriften (1864-1909) /
This volume deals with the important Herculanean and philosophical studies of the great Viennese Hellenist Theodor Gomperz. The introduction presents both a concise biography of Gomperz and a careful discussion of his work on the Herculanean Papyri of Epicurus and Philodemus. Gomperz's essays, reprinted for the first time, are collected here in a photomechanical reprint and furnished with a new pagination. To respect the historical character of the collection no updating of the articles has been attempted. An Index of the Herculanean Papyri and a Concordance complete the book. Der Gedanke, eine Auswahl der Herculanensia minora von Theodor Gomperz, wenn auch als fotomechanischen Nachdruck, wieder vorzulegen, enstand sowohl aus dem Wunsch, diese Publikationen wieder zugänglich zu machen, als auch besonders aus dem Willen, bei dieser Gelegenheit dem Gelehrten, der sich ununterbrochen Zeit seines Lebens mit schöpferischem und unermündlichem Eifer den herkulanensichen Papyri gewidmet hat, die gebührende Anerkennung zukommen zu lassen. Unter den vielen herkulanischen Schriften von Gomperz wurde eine notwendige Auswahl vorgenommen. Um den historischen Charakter der Beiträge zu wahren, wurden Aktualisierungen vermieden, allerdings ein Index der herkulanischen Papyri hinzugefügt. Die kurze Einleitung erhebt nicht den Anspruch, ein systematisches und vollständiges Bild der herkulanischen Studien von Gomperz zu zeichnen; sie soll lediglich zur Orientierung und Einführung in die Lektüre dienen.
German and Greek. :
1 online resource (xxii, 275 pages) : portrait. :
"Theodor Gomperz: Herkulanische Schriften": pages 265-268. :
9789004320819 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Philodemus and the New Testament world /
The fifteen essays in this volume, rooted in the work of the Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and Early Christianity Section of the SBL, examine the works of Philodemus and how they illuminate the cultural context of early Christianity. Born in Gadara in Syria, Philodemus (ca. 110-40 BCE) was active in Italy as an Epicurean philosopher and poet. This volume comprises three parts; the first deals with Philodemus' works in their own terms, the second situates his thought within its larger Greco-Roman context, and the third explores the implications of his work for understanding the earliest Christians, especially Paul. It will be useful to all readers interested in Hellenistic philosophy and rhetoric as well as Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity.
1 online resource (xiv, 432 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047400240 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From document to history : epigraphic insights into the Greco-Roman world /
In From Document to History: Epigraphic Insights into the Greco-Roman World , editors Carlos Noreña and Nikolaos Papazarkadas gather together an exciting set of original studies on Greek and Roman epigraphy, first presented at the Second North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Berkeley 2016). Chapters range chronologically from the sixth century BCE to the fifth century CE, and geographically from Egypt and Asia Minor to the west European continent and British isles. Key themes include Greek and Roman epigraphies of time, space, and public display, with texts featuring individuals and social groups ranging from Roman emperors, imperial elites, and artists to gladiators, immigrants, laborers, and slaves. Several papers highlight the new technologies that are transforming our understanding of ancient inscriptions, and a number of major new texts are published here for the first time.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :