Pentecostal hermeneutics : a reader /
In Pentecostal Hermeneutics: A Reader Lee Roy Martin brings together fourteen significant publications on biblical interpretation, along with a new introduction to Pentecostal hermeneutics and an extensive up-to-date bibliography on the topic. Organized chronologically, these essays trace the development of Pentecostal hermeneutics as an academic discipline. The concerns of modern historical criticism have often stood at odds with Pentecostalism's use of Scripture. Therefore, over the last three decades, Pentecostal scholars have attempted to identify the unique characteristics and interpretive practices of their tradition and to offer constructive proposals for a Pentecostal hermeneutic that would be critically valid and, at the same time, be consistent with the Pentecostal ethos and conducive for the continued development of the global Pentecostal movement. Contributors include: Rickie D. Moore, John Christopher Thomas, Jackie David Johns, Cheryl Bridges Johns, John W. McKay, Robert O. Baker, Scott A. Ellington, Kenneth J. Archer, Robby Waddell, Andrew Davies, Clark H. Pinnock, and Lee Roy Martin.
1 online resource (viii, 302 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-290) and index. :
9789004258259 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rūmī and the hermeneutics of eroticism /
This is the first systematic examination of the esoteric significance of the bawdy tales and explicit sexual passages present in Rūmī's (d. 1273) Mathnawī , a masterpiece of medieval Perso-Islamic mystical literature and theosophic teachings. Using the relevant features of postmodern theories as strategic conceptual tools, and drawing on the recent interpretations of medieval kabbalistic texts, it is a fascinating examination of the link between the dynamics of eroticism and esotericism operative in Rūmī's Mathnawī . In some of these bawdy tales, the phallus is used as an esoteric symbol. The book concludes that these tales are used primarily to communicate esoteric secrets, particularly when this communication is contemplated along gender lines, mediated through erotic imagery, or expressed in sexual terms.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-242) and index. :
9789047422730 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jewish hermeneutical theology /
Michael Fishbane is Nathan Cummings Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Trained in biblical studies and the ancient Near East at Brandeis University, he has written on rabbinic interpretation, medieval Jewish philosophy and mysticism, Hasidism, modern Jewish philosophy, and Hebrew poetry. His earlier groundbreaking historical work has provided the foundation for his more recent constructive hermeneutic theology. Among his numerous books are the award-winning Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel (1985) and Kiss of God (1994), Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking (2003), and Sacred Attunement: A Jewish Theology (2008). He is, in addition, an elected member of the American Academy of Jewish Research and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1 online resource (xv, 280 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004285484 :
2213-6010 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Interreligious hermeneutics in pluralistic Europe : between texts and people /
At the second major conference held in Salzburg in 2009 of The European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies (ESITIS), participants probed the broad theme of 'interreligious hermeneutics in a pluralistic Europe'. Due to the phenomenon of an increasingly plural Europe, questions arise about how we see each other's cultural heritage, religious traditions and sacred scriptures. Following the discussions that took place at the conference, this book focuses on the usage of texts in our global and mass media world, the possibility of 'scriptural reasoning', the theological comparison of selected topics from religious traditions by scholars belonging to multiple religions or interreligious communities of scholars, the pragmatics of using sacred texts in social contexts of family and gender, polemical attacks on the other's sacred text and the challenge to interreligious hermeneutics of the postcolonial deconstruction of religion by cultural studies. The future of interreligious hermeneutics is going to be complex. This book exhibits the multiple agendas - power, gender, postcolonialism, globalisation, dialogue, tradition, polemics - that will have a stake in these future debates.
Book inspired by discussions after the second conference of the European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies held in Salzburg, Austria, April 15-17, 2009. :
1 online resource (x, 449 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401200370 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and interreligious hermeneutics
Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Interreligious Hermeneutics: Ways of Seeing the Religious Other , edited by Emma O'Donnell Polyakov, examines the hermeneutics of interreligious encounter in contexts of conflict. It investigates the implicit judgments of Judaism and Islam that often arise in response to these conflicts, and explores the implications of these interpretations for relations between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Addressing antisemitism and Islamophobia through the tools of interreligious hermeneutics, this volume brings together three distinct discourses: the study of ancient and new tropes of antisemitism as they appear in today's world; research into contemporary expressions of fear or suspicion of Islam; and philosophical reflections on the hermeneutics of interreligious encounters.
1 online resource. :
Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint /
Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint is the title of a bilateral research project conducted from 2009 to 2011 by scholars from the universities of Munich (Germany) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). The joint research enterprise was rounded off by a conference that took place from 31st of August - 2nd of September 2011 in Stellenbosch. It was held in cooperation with the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA). Scholars from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, France, Canada and the USA, as well as South Africa, delivered papers focusing on the history of the LXX; translation technique and text history; textual criticism, and the reception of the Septuagint.
Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint is the title of a bilateral research project conducted from 2009 to 2011 by scholars from the universities of Munich (Germany) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). The joint research enterprise was rounded off by a conference that took place from 31st of August - 2nd of September 2011 in Stellenbosch. It was held in cooperation with the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA). Scholars from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, France, Canada and the USA, as well as South Africa, delivered papers focusing on the history of the LXX; translation technique and text history; textual criticism, and the reception of the Septuagint. :
1 online resource (xvi, 493 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004241732 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hermeneutics of Doctrine in a Learning Church : The Dynamics of Receptive Integrity /
In Hermeneutics of Doctrine in a Learning Church , Gregory A. Ryan offers an account of the dynamic, multi-dimensional task of interpreting Christian tradition. He integrates doctrinal hermeneutics, the 'pastorality of doctrine' exemplified by Pope Francis, and a systematic appraisal of Receptive Ecumenism to provide an original perspective on this task. The book focuses on three contemporary Catholic theologians (Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Ormond Rush, and Paul D. Murray), highlighting how each recognises the dynamic interaction of multiple perspectives involved in authentic ecclesial interpretation. Christian tradition, whether passed on in teaching, scripture, practices, or structures, needs to be continually received and interpreted. This book offers theologians, ecumenists, and church workers a fresh model for receptive ecclesial learning in which doctrinal hermeneutics and pastoral realities are dynamically integrated.
1 online resource. :
Theological hermeneutics in the classical Pentecostal tradition : a typological account /
In Theological Hermeneutics in the Classical Pentecostal Tradition: A Typological Account , L. William Oliverio Jr. accounts for the development of Classical Pentecostal theology, as theological hermeneutics, through four types: the original Classical Pentecostal hermeneutic, the Evangelical-Pentecostal hermeneutic, the contextual-Pentecostal hermeneutic, and the ecumenical-Pentecostal hermeneutic. Oliverio gives special attention to key figures in shaping Pentecostal theology and the underlying philosophical assumptions which informed their theological interpretations of reality. The text concludes with a philosophical basis for future Pentecostal theological hermeneutics within the contours of a hermeneutical realism that affirms both the hermeneutical nature of all theology and the implicit affirmation of realism within theological accounts.
1 online resource (xvii, 383 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004231924 :
1876-2247 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Contextual biblical hermeneutics as multicentric dialogue : towards a Singaporean reading of Daniel /
In this book, Stephen Lim offers a contextual way of reading biblical texts that reconceptualises context as an epistemic space caught between the modern/colonial world system and local networks of knowledge production. In this light, he proposes a multicentric dialogical approach that takes into account the privilege of specialist readers in relation to nonspecialist readers. At the same time, he rethinks what dialogue with the Other means in a particular context, which then decides the conversation partners brought in from the margins. This is applied to his context in Singapore through a reading of Daniel where perspectives from western biblical scholarship, Asian traditions and Singaporean cultural products are brought together to dialogue on issues of transformative praxis and identity formation.
Revision of author's thesis (doctoral)--King's College London, 2017, titled Asian Biblical hermeneutics as multicentric dialogue : towards a Singaporean way of reading. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004399259 :
0928-0731 ;
Interpretation and transformation : explorations in art and the self /
In this book, Michael Krausz addresses the concept of interpretation in the visual arts, the emotions, and the self. He examines competing ideals of interpretation, their ontological entanglements, reference frames, and the relation between elucidation and self-transformation. The series Interpretation and Translation explores philosophical issues of interpretation and its cultural objects. It also addresses commensuration and understanding among languages, conceptual schemes, symbol systems, reference frames, and the like. The series publishes theoretical works drawn from philosophy, rhetoric, linguistics, anthropology, religious studies, art history, and musicology.
1 online resource (xii, 154 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-136) and index. :
9789401204200 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion, In Memory of Hans Conzelmann.
Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion examines prominent texts from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic communities with a view to determining to what extent education ( Bildung ) represents the precondition, the central feature and/or the aim of the interpretation of 'Holy Scripture' in antiquity. In particular, consideration is given to the exegetical techniques, the hermeneutical convictions and the contexts of intercultural exchange which determine the process of interpretation. The volume contains a methodological reflection as well as investigations of scriptural interpretation in Jewish texts from the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.E., in New Testament writings, and in witnesses from late ancient Christianity and in the Qur'an. Finally, it contains a critical appraisal of the scholarly oeuvre of Hans Conzelmann. This work thus fosters scholarly understanding of the function of scriptural interpretation at the interface between education and religion.
1 online resource. :
Francis A. Sullivan, S.J. and ecclesiological hermeneutics : an exercise in faithful creativity /
In Francis A. Sullivan, S.J. and Ecclesiological Hermeneutics , Canaris traces the significant contributions that Francis A. Sullivan, S.J. has made to Catholic ecclesiology, paying particular attention to the method and application of his hermeneutical approach to the writings of the magisterium. Though highly esteemed by professional theologians in both Catholic and ecumenical circles, Sullivan is less well-known among general audiences than many of his peers. The author addresses this lacuna by arguing that Sullivan's work, when viewed through an interpretive lens, can aid the faithful to engage seriously with magisterial texts of various genres and levels of authority, find meaning within them, and encourage an active reception process whereby contemporary understanding of the teaching (and learning) role of the entire church becomes possible.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004326859 :
2352-5746 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Targum Chronicles and Its Place Among the Late Targums /
Targum Chronicles and Its Place Among the Late Targums heralds a paradigm shift in the understanding of many of the Jewish-Aramaic translations of individual biblical books and their origins. Leeor Gottlieb provides the most extensive study of Targum Chronicles to date, leading to conclusions that challenge long-accepted truisms with regard to the origin of Targums. This book's trail of evidence convincingly points to the composition of Targums in a time and place that was heretofore not expected to be the provenance of these Aramaic gems of biblical interpretation. This study also offers detailed comparisons to other Targums and fascinating new explanations for dozens of aggadic expansions in Targum Chronicles, tying them to their rabbinic sources.
1 online resource. :
Tyconius' Book of Rules : An Ancient Invitation to Ecclesial Hermeneutics /
"In Tyconius' Book of Rules Matthew R. Lynskey explores the church-centric interpretation of ancient biblical exegete Tyconius in his hermeneutical treatise Liber regularum. Influential within his Donatist tradition and the broader context of early North African Christianity, Tyconius wrote one of the earliest works on exegetical theory and praxis in Latin Christianity. By investigating five key concepts undergirding Tyconius's theology of church, Lynskey demonstrates how Tyconius' ecclesiology shaped his hermeneutical enterprise. Through careful readings and close analysis of Liber regularum, this study seeks to describe Tyconius' exegesis on its own terms, reflecting on notable historical, theological, formational, and missiological implications of his ecclesial exegesis as it concerns the ancient and contemporary church"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Beyond Biblical theology : sacralized culturalism in Heikki Räisänen's hermeneutics /
Reading Heikki Räisänen's hermeneutics in context, Timo Eskola explores the development of Western New Testament interpretation. Reclaiming a Wredean approach to the Scriptures, Räisänen focuses on tradition and interpretation. He builds on Weberian sociology, adopted through Peter Berger's theories, and substitutes sacralized culturalism for biblical theology. After examining fourteenth century Quran-criticism and its impact on Reimarus, Eskola discusses the genesis of the revised history-of-religion theory that Räisänen developed when investigating the Quran's relationship to the Bible. Sociology then becomes a link between standard historicism and poststructuralism as Räisänen reinterprets Berger's sociology of knowledge. Räisänen's sacralized culturalism finally becomes the theory from which his magnum opus The Rise of Christian Beliefs has been written.
1 online resource (xii, 481 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 457-472) and index. :
9789004258037 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.