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Published 2022
Au coeur du harem : Les princesses ottomanes à l'aune du pouvoir (XVe-XVIIIe s.) /

: Les femmes ottomanes n'auraient pas leur place en politique ; recluses dans leur harem, elles passeraient leur temps en distractions superficielles ou en intrigues pernicieuses : tel est l'héritage de l'orientalisme et de l'historiographie traditionnelle. Loin de ces poncifs, cet ouvrage propose une plongée dans les cadres institutionnels et sociaux ottomans, qui commandent le spectre des interactions sociales et politiques des femmes de la cour ottomane, en prenant pour champ d'étude une figure largement ignorée de l'historiographie : les filles de sang des souverains ottomans - les sultanes. Ottoman women would have no place in politics; recluse in their harem, they would pass their time in superficial distractions or in pernicious intrigues: such is the heritage of Orientalism and traditional historiography. Far from these clichés, this work offers a dive into the Ottoman institutional and social frameworks, which govern the spectrum of social and political interactions of the women of the Ottoman court, taking as a field of study a figure largely ignored by historiography: the blood daughters of the Ottoman rulers - the sultanas.
: Ce livre propose une analyse historique des conditions politiques et sociales des princesses ottomanes à l'époque moderne, au cœur d'une société de cour dominée par les logiques de discrimination sexuelle. This book offers a historical analysis of the political and social conditions of the Ottoman princesses in modern times, at the heart of a court society dominated by the logic of sexual discrimination. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004500402

Published 2024
Failed Historical Scientific Instruments /

: Can a scientific instrument be regarded as a failure? Why and how? By shedding light on the complexity of these questions, the volume marks a step forward in the way historical scientific instruments can be analysed and displayed. The essays show how diverse failures can be, and how the assessment of scientific devices may change over time - some surprisingly becoming more successful. In addition to studies of how technical features led to failure, the authors examine the roles played by social bias and behaviour, commercial and economic circumstances, and political factors.
: 1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004689107

Published 2024
M.N. Pokrovskii and the Origins of Soviet Historiography /

: Focusing on the career of the Soviet historian M.N. Pokrovskii, the author examines the evolution of historical writing in the first decade of Soviet rule. As Deputy People's Commissar for Education, Pokrovskii was among those who established th
: 1 online resource (336 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703889

Min Tārīkh wa-Ḥaḍārāt Misr al-Firʻawnīyah.

: pages : 24 cm

Published 2022
Les périples de Kalila et Dimna: Itinéraires de fables dans les arts et la littérature du monde islamique : The Journeys of Kalila and Dimna: Itineraries of Fables in the Arts and...

: Kalīla wa-Dimna is one of the best-known texts of medieval Arabic literature and counts among the most illustrated works in the Islamic world. The extent of the corpus and its journey through the ages make it the ideal material for a reflection on the evolution of iconography in Islamic art. The studies gathered in this volume edited by Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Aïda El Khiari and Annie Vernay-Nouri, showcase a wide diversity of approaches that convincingly crosses textual investigation, codicology, iconographical study, and physico-chemical analyses. They explore new tracks, either by devoting themselves to the examination of unknown or rarely studied manuscripts, or by proposing innovative readings of this extremely rich work that is Kalīla wa-Dimna. Kalīla wa-Dimna est l'un des textes les plus célèbres de la littérature arabe médiévale et compte parmi les œuvres les plus illustrées du monde islamique. L'étendue du corpus et son parcours à travers les âges en font un extraordinaire matériau pour mener une réflexion sur l'image dans l'histoire des arts islamiques. Les études rassemblées dans ce volume dirigé par Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Aïda El Khiari et Annie Vernay-Nouri, mettent en œuvre une grande diversité d'approches croisant investigation textuelle, codicologique, iconographique et analyses physico-chimiques. Elles explorent toutes des pistes nouvelles, soit en se consacrant à l'examen de manuscrits inédits ou très rarement étudiés, soit en proposant des lectures innovantes de cette œuvre extrêmement riche qu'est Kalīla wa-Dimna. Contributors: Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Nathalie Buisson, Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya, Frantz Chaigne, Anna Contadini, Jean-Charles Coulon, Françoise Cuisance, Aïda El Khiari, Rajana Fatima Amalarajah, Béatrice Gruendler, Mika Natif, Bernard O'Kane, Hoa Perriguey, Yves Porter, Francis Richard, Valérie Saurel, Christine Van Ruymbeke, Annie Vernay-Nouri.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004498143

Published 2022
Baghdād : From Its Beginnings to the 14th Century /

: Baghdād: From its Beginnings to the 14th Century offers an exhaustive handbook that covers all possible themes connected to the history of this urban complex in Iraq, from its origins rooted in late antique Mesopotamia up to the aftermath of the Mongol invasion in 1258. Against the common perception of a city founded 762 in a vacuum, which, after experiencing a heyday in a mythical "golden age" under the early ʿAbbāsids, entered since 900 a long period of decline that ended with a complete collapse by savage people from the East in 1258, the volume emphasizes the continuity of Baghdād's urban life, and shows how it was marked by its destiny as caliphal seat and cultural hub. Contributors Mehmetcan Akpınar, Nuha Alshaar, Pavel Basharin, David Bennett, Michal Biran, Richard W. Bulliet, Kirill Dmitriev, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Hend Gilli-Elewy, Beatrice Gruendler, Sebastian Günther, Olof Heilo, Damien Janos, Christopher Melchert, Michael Morony, Bernard O'Kane, Klaus Oschema, Letizia Osti, Parvaneh Pourshariati, Vanessa van Renterghem, Jens Scheiner, Angela Schottenhammer, Y. Zvi Stampfer, Johannes Thomann, Isabel Toral.
: Baghdād: From Its Beginnings to the 14th Century offers an exhaustive handbook that covers all possible themes connected to the history of this urban complex from its beginnings up to the 14th century. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004513372

Published 1963
L'Egypte /

: 159 pages. illustrations ; 14 cm

Published 1951
De Staat bij Spinoza en Hobbes /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004622043

Published 2024
Das Deutsche Kulturwerk Europäischen Geistes (1950-1996) : Porträt eines völkischen Kulturvereins und seiner Schriften /

: Der Kulturverein "Deutsches Kulturwerk Europäischen Geistes" war zeitweise die zweitgrößte rechtsextreme Gruppierung der Bundesrepublik nach der NPD. Die 1950 vom ehemaligen NS-Kulturfunktionär Herbert Böhme gegründete Organisation diente mit dem Türmer-Verlag und ihren Zeitschriften als Plattform für frühere NS-Schriftsteller und völkische Autoren. In über 120 Ortsvereinen organisierte sie bis zur Auflösung 1996 Dichterlesungen, Vorträge und "Brauchtumsabende". Die Studie untersucht die Strukturen des Vereins, die Verbindungen zu rechten Gruppen und politischen Parteien sowie dessen Einflussversuche. Außerdem analysiert sie über 500 literarische Texte hinsichtlich des ideologischen Gehalts. Ein umfangreicher Anhang enthält u. a. biografische Informationen zu den wichtigsten Mitgliedern sowie Übersichten zu Akteuren, Publikationsorganen, Pflegstätten und Preisen. Somit bietet der Band einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erschließung rechtsextremer Netzwerke im westdeutschen bürgerlichen Milieu. See Less
: 1 online resource (848 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657793884

Published 2024
Wood, Trade, and Spanish Naval Power (c.1740-1795) /

: By focussing on timber sourcing, this book sheds light on the exploitation of forests in settings outside the Iberian Peninsula, including foreign states in the southern Baltic region and the colonial territory of New Spain between the c.1740-1795. Analysis of contracts, projects, and their implementation by the Spanish crown in the 18th century allow for a better understanding of the position of the Spanish monarchy's nearly global efforts to sustain its naval commitments in the Atlantic World.
: 1 online resource (260 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004689640

Published 2024
Neue Perspektiven der Unternehmensgeschichte /

: Der Band reflektiert systematisch das Verhältnis der Unternehmensgeschichte zu anderen Disziplinen der Geschichtswissenschaft, indem die Beiträge die methodischen wie inhaltlichen Schnittpunkte für zukünftige Forschungen aufzeigen - etwa zwischen Unternehmensgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Geschlechtergeschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Kolonialgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte oder Rechtsgeschichte. Jedes der instruktiven Kapitel gibt Anregungen dafür, wie die Unternehmensgeschichte in besonderer Weise dazu beitragen kann, wirtschaftliche Themen auch fernab quantitativer Verfahren für Historiker:innen verständlich zu machen und so maßgeblich zur ökonomischen Fundierung der Geschichtswissenschaft beizutragen.
: 1 online resource (370 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657794775

Published 2024
(De)Automating the Future : Marxist Perspectives on Capitalism and Technology /

: Much has been written about the prospects of automation in recent years. While many have raised concerns over the threat of technological mass unemployment, others have anticipated a fully automated communist utopia which will provide material a
: 1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703940

Published 2025
The Perpendiculum: Presumptions and Legal Arguments in the 12th Century /

: The Perpendiculum (or Summula de presumptionibus ), produced in Northern France c.1170, is one of the earliest collections of brocards: a literary genre intended to provide legal arguments for disputation in the medieval schools of law. Its innovative use of dialectical techniques and its theorization of canon law presumptions have attracted the attention of legal historians, raising questions on its origin and milieu. This book offers the first comprehensive study of this work, with a Latin edition and an English translation of its text, shedding new light on the significance of this collection for twelfth-century legal teaching and learning.
: 1 online resource (416 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004713239

Published 2024
Das frühe Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) und der Nationalsozialismus /

: Obwohl das »Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum« (RAC) in jeder Universitätsbibliothek, in jedem altertumswissenschaftlichen Institut und auch in manchem Privathaushalt steht, hat es 75 Jahre gedauert, bis Spuren der NS-Ideologie in den ersten beiden Bänden und die nach 1945 andauernde Beteiligung von Autoren, die schon im »Dritten Reich« antijüdische Propaganda betrieben, zur Sprache kamen. Lange jedoch galt das RAC als Werk, das im humanistischen Sinn als Frucht eines Zusammenwachsens von griechisch-römischen und christlichen Traditionen verstanden wurde. Dieses Buch untersucht systematisch den Verdacht einer ideologischen und institutionellen Nähe der frühen RAC-Bände zum Nationalsozialismus. Die Beiträge stützen sich zum großen Teil auf die bislang unveröffentlicht gebliebenen Archivalien des Franz Joseph Dölger-Instituts. Während einige Beiträge eine Gesamtinterpretation vorlegen, untersuchen andere ideologische Verquickungen einzelner Autoren und deren Artikel sowie die Redaktion des RAC und deren Verbindung mit ähnlich ausgerichteten Wissenschaftsprojekten. . See Less
: 1 online resource (390 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657790296

Published 2024
War and Journalism : The Presentation of Conflict and Provision of Actuality /

: It were journalists that made war accessible for private households since the 19th century. Detailed reports and images brought the front to the living room and people around the world could follow military action on a daily basis. The people who reported about wars therefore shaped the perceptions of the respective conflicts and could even turn into political agents. This volume presents several case studies demonstrating how war and journalism were tied together on multiple levels. The contributions reflect questions related to agency, description, perception and politics alike. The authors explore which role journalists actually played in times of war and conflict and how their work fits into the overall history of violence since the 19th century.
: 1 online resource (180 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657794744

Published 2024
Das zweite Turnier der Schatten : Turkestan und die Politik der Großmächte 1919-1933 /

: Im Zuge des "Great Game", das in Russland "Turnier der Schatten" genannt wurde, konkurrierten Briten und Russen im 19. Jahrhundert um Einfluss in Zentralasien. Mit dem Erstarken deutscher Bemühungen in der Region rückten London und St. Petersburg jedoch zusammen. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg und dem Dritten Britisch-Afghanischen Krieg von 1919 standen sich Sowjets und Briten in Zentralasien wieder feindlich gegenüber. Fortan konkurrierten Berlin, London und Moskau um Einfluss in der Region. David X. Noack analysiert die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Briten, der Deutschen und der Sowjets in diesem Konflikt, der bis 1933 andauerte. Fehldeutungen und Missverständnisse aufgrund von imperialer Paranoia, Invasionsängsten und fehlendes Verständnis für die Besonderheiten der Region kennzeichneten das Handeln aller Beteiligten. Das Agieren der drei Mächte hat die Region dennoch nachhaltig geprägt, so dass die Auswirkungen noch heute zu spüren sind. See Less
: 1 online resource (556 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657795536

Published 2022
Arab Traders in Their Own Words : Merchant Letters from the Eastern Mediterranean Around 1800 /

: Arab Traders in their Own Words explores for the first time the largest unified corpus of merchant correspondence to have survived from the Ottoman period. The writers chosen for this first volume were mostly Christian merchants who traded within a network that connected the Syrian and Egyptian provinces and extended from Damascus in the North to Alexandria in the South with particular centers in Jerusalem and Damietta. They lived through one of the most turbulent intersections of Ottoman and European imperial history, the 1790s and early 1800s, and had to navigate their fortunes through diplomacy, culture, and commerce. Besides an edition of more than 190 letters in colloquial Arabic this volume also offers a profound introductory study.
: Arab Traders in their Own Words explores for the first time the largest corpus of merchant correspondence to have survived from the Ottoman period. The mostly Christian traders of the Syrian and Egyptian provinces lived through one of the most turbulent intersections of Ottoman and European imperial history. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004505247

Published 2022
Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms /

: Through new readings and interpretation of Cypriot inscriptions - written in Cypriot-syllabic Greek, Eteocypriot, Phoenician, and alphabetic Greek - Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms is the first book which reconstructs in detail the political and administrative systems of the Classical city-kingdoms of Cyprus. The book investigates the bodies of government beyond the Cypriot kings and the roles played by magistrates and officials in local governments, it analyses accounts of the headquarters of the main administrative and economic activities - such as palace archives, and tax collection hubs -, and demonstrates that these systems were similar in all the city-kingdoms.
: What kind of society would you face if you travelled to Cyprus in the 5th-4th cent. BC? This is the first book which analyses in detail the politico-administrative system of Classical Cyprus through the study of inscriptions written in different languages. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004520431

Published 2022
Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms /

: Through new readings and interpretation of Cypriot inscriptions - written in Cypriot-syllabic Greek, Eteocypriot, Phoenician, and alphabetic Greek - Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms is the first book which reconstructs in detail the political and administrative systems of the Classical city-kingdoms of Cyprus. The book investigates the bodies of government beyond the Cypriot kings and the roles played by magistrates and officials in local governments, it analyses accounts of the headquarters of the main administrative and economic activities - such as palace archives, and tax collection hubs -, and demonstrates that these systems were similar in all the city-kingdoms.
: What kind of society would you face if you travelled to Cyprus in the 5th-4th cent. BC? This is the first book which analyses in detail the politico-administrative system of Classical Cyprus through the study of inscriptions written in different languages. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004520431

Published 2025
European Military Books and Intellectual Cultures of War in 17th-Century Russia : From Translation to Adaptation /

: This book discusses the role Western military books and their translations played in 17th-century Russia. By tracing how these translations were produced, distributed and read, the study argues that foreign military treatises significantly shaped intellectual culture of the Russian elite. It also presents Tsar Peter the Great in a new light - not only as a military and political leader but as a devoted book reader and passionate student of military science.
: 1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710535