al-Rūm fī siyāsatihim wa-ḥaḍāratihim wa-dīnihim wa-thaqāfatihim wa-ṣalātihim bi-al-ʻArab /
Added tile page : History of the Byzantine Empire, with special reference to its relations with contemporaneous Moslem states, by Asad J. Rustum.
In Arabic. :
2 volumes : genealogical tables ; 26 cm. :
Bibliography : volme 1, pages 3-8.
Studien zur Geschichte und Archäologie des byzantinischen Cherson /
The book is the first in a Western European language to present the results of the excavation of Byzantine Cherson (7th-14th centuries) in the Crimea. It offers a comprehensive study of the topography of the city, its material culture, everyday life, architecture, craft production, and religious beliefs. Taking all archaeological, written and other evidence into account, it places Cherson within the overall history of the Byzantine Empire, its periphery and Black Sea-Mediterranean trade.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :