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An intercultural theology of migration : pilgrims in the wilderness /
Migration has long been associated with the social sciences. However, as a phenomenon that provides windows into possibly new forms of oppression and, at the same time, paths toward human liberation a systematic theological look at contemporary migration is long overdue. Building on the emerging interest on migration in theology this book presents an intercultural theology of migration drawn from the experience of Filipino women domestic workers in Hong Kong in dialogue with theological ethics and liberationist theologies. The result is a new look at the phenomenon of contemporary migration.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004193673 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Moltmann and China : Theological Encounters from Hong Kong to Beijing /
In this volume, Lam and Thurston present a series of important theological debates between Jürgen Moltmann, the contemporary German Reformed theologian, and humanities scholars based in Chinese metropolises from Hong Kong to Beijing between 2014 and 2018. Featured, along with original essays and newly edited contributions by Moltmann, are the voices of such renowned Chinese scholars of religion as He Guanghu, Lai Pan-chiu, Zhuo Xinping and the contemporary comparativist Yang Huilin. These debates matter because they shed light on themes rarely explored in cross-cultural theological dialogue as it unfolds, showcasing the ongoing relevance of theological critique in and with the contemporary humanities. Contributors to the volume are: Hong Liang, Kwok Wai-luen, Lai Pan-chiu, Jason Lam, Jürgen Moltmann, Naomi Thurston, Yang Huaming, Yang Huilin.
1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Global Christianity : contested claims /
In 2002 Philip Jenkins wrote The Next Christendom . Over the past half century the centre of gravity of the Christian world has moved decisively to the global South, says Jenkins. Within a few decades European and Euro-American Christians will have become a small fragment of world Christianity. By that time Christianity in Europe and North America will to a large extent consist of Southern-derived immigrant communities. Southern churches will fulfil neither the Liberation Dream nor the Conservative Dream of the North, but will seek their own solutions to their particular problems. Jenkins' book evoked strong reactions, a bit to his own surprise, as the book contained little new. In the United States of America, the prospect of a more biblical Christianity caused reactions of alarm in liberal circles. In contrast, conservatives were delighted by the same prospect. In Europe the book landed in the middle of the debate on Europe as an exceptional case. It was detested by those who stick to the theory of ongoing and irreversible secularisation and welcomed by those who see a resurgence of religion, also in Europe. In the present volume, scholars of religion and theologians assess the global trends in World Christianity as described in Philip Jenkins' book. It is the outcome of an international conference on Southern Christianity and its relation to Christianity in the North, held in the Conference Centre of Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
"It is the outcome of an international conference on southern Christianity and its relation to Christianity in the north, held in the conference centre of Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands."--Page 4 of cover. :
1 online resource (231 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401204323 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Asia Pacific Pentecostalism /
Asia Pacific Pentecostalism , edited by Denise A. Austin, Jacqueline Grey, and Paul W. Lewis, yields previously untold stories and interdisciplinary analysis of pioneer foundations, denominational growth, leadership training, contextualisation, and community development across East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. Pentecostalism in the Asia Pacific has made an enormous contribution to its global family-from the more visible influence of Yonggi Cho from Korea to the worship revolutions from Australia (particularly associated with Hillsong) and the lesser known missionary activity from Fiji-each region has contributed significantly to global Christianity. Some communities prospered despite hostile environments and wartime devastation. This volume provides a systematic study of the geographical contexts of Asia Pacific Pentecostalism, including historical development, theological influences, and sociological perspectives. Contributors are: Doreen Alcoran-Benavidez, Dik Allan, Connie Au, Denise A. Austin, Edwardneil Benavidez, John Carter, Michael Chase, Yung Hun Choi, Darin Clements, Shane Clifton, Dynnice Rosanny Engcoy, Michael J. Frost, Luisa J. Gallagher, Sarita D. Gallagher, Kellesi Gore, Adonis Abelard O. Gorospe, Jacqueline Grey, James Hosack, Ken Huff, Paul W. Lewis, Lim Yeu Chuen, Mathew Mathews, Jason Morris, Nyotxay (pseudonym), Saw Tint Sann Oo, Selena Y. Z. Su, Masakazu Suzuki, and Gani Wiyono.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004396708 :
1876-2247 ;
Religious transformation in modern Asia : a transnational movement /
This volume explores the religious transformation of each nation in modern Asia. When the Asian people, who were not only diverse in culture and history, but also active in performing local traditions and religions, experienced a socio-political change under the wave of Western colonialism, the religious climate was also altered from a transnational perspective. Part One explores the nationals of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan, focusing on the manifestations of Japanese religion, Chinese foreign policy, the British educational system in Hong Kong in relation to Tibetan Buddhism, the Korean women of Catholicism, and the Scottish impact in late nineteenth century Korea. Part Two approaches South Asia through the topics of astrology, the works of a Gujarātī saint, and Himalayan Buddhism. The third part is focused on the conflicts between 'indigenous religions and colonialism,' 'Buddhism and Christianity,' 'Islam and imperialism,' and 'Hinduism and Christianity' in Southeast Asia.
1 online resource (xxxiii, 304 pages) : color illustrations, color map. :
Includes bibliographical referenced and index. :
9789004289710 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Annual review of the sociology of religion.
Prayer is a phenomenon which seems to be characteristic not only of participants in every religion, but also men and women who do not identify with traditional religions. It can be practised even by those who do not believe either in a God or transcendent force. In this sense, therefore, we may assert that the prayer is a typically human activity that has accompanied the development of different civilizations over the course of the centuries. Both the material issues of concrete daily life as well as more symbolic elements expressed through words, gestures, body positions, and community celebration are brought together in the act of praying.
1 online resource (307 pages) :
9789004260498 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sikh diaspora : theory, agency, and experience /
Sikh Diaspora: Theory, Agency, and Experience is a collection of essays offering new insights into the diverse experiences of Sikhs beyond the Punjab. Moving beyond migration history and global in their scope, the essays in this volume draw from a range of methodological approaches to engage with diaspora theory, agency, space, social relations, and aesthetics. Rich in substantive content, these essays offer critical reflections on the concept of diaspora, and insight into key features of Sikh experience including memory, citizenship, political engagement, architecture, multiculturalism, gender, literature, oral history, kirtan, economics, and marriage.
1 online resource (xix, 417 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004257238 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Church as safe haven : Christian governance in China /
The Church as Safe Haven conceptualizes the rise of Chinese Christianity as a new civilizational paradigm that encouraged individuals and communities to construct a sacred order for empowerment in modern China. Once Christianity enrooted itself in Chinese society as an indigenous religion, local congregations acquired much autonomy which enabled new religious institutions to take charge of community governance. Our contributors draw on newly-released archival sources, as well as on fieldwork observations investigating what Christianity meant to Chinese believers, how native actors built their churches and faith-based associations within the pre-existing social networks, and how they appropriated Christian resources in response to the fast-changing world. This book reconstructs the narratives of ordinary Christians, and places everyday faith experience at the center. Contributors are: Christie Chui-Shan Chow, Lydia Gerber, Melissa Inouye, Diana Junio, David Jong Hyuk Kang, Lars Peter Laamann, Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, George Kam Wah Mak, John R. Stanley, R. G. Tiedemann, Man-Shun Yeung.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004383722 :
0924-9389 ;
Subversive strategies in contemporary Chinese art
What is art and what is its role in a China that is changing at a dizzying speed? These questions lie at the heart of Chinese contemporary art. Subversive Strategies paves the way for the rebirth of a Chinese aesthetics adequate to the art whose sheer energy and imaginative power is subverting the ideas through which western and Chinese critics think about art. The first collection of essays by American and Chinese philosophers and art historians, Subversive Strategies begins by showing how the art reflects current crises and is working them out through bodies gendered and political. The essays raise the question of Chinese identity in a global world and note a blurring of the boundary between art and everyday life.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004201477 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Eglises et santé dans le Tiers Monde :hier et aujourd'hui = Churches and health care in the Third World : past and present /
The fifteen papers presented here examine three centuries of close, if sometimes ambiguous, links between Christian mission and medicine. The authors, who include theologians, historians, sociologists, physicians and representatives of major international health-care organisations, address themselves to such questions as: How is one to assess the results of past missionary health-care effort? How are modern-day Christian organisations to cope with the burden of institutions set up in the past? What links should the Churches maintain with official medical organisations? What position should the Churches take on the 'faith volume healing' debate begun by certain religious groups? And how is one to lay the groundwork of a theology of health and healing? The complexity of the issues outlined here can - alas - provide no easy answers. Quinze auteurs, compris théologiens, historiens, sociologues, médecins et responsables d'organisations sanitaires, ont centré leurs réflections sur le rôle des Églises chrétiennes dans le domaine de la santé, hier dans les pays de mission, aujourd'hui dans ces mêmes régions où se mûrit une véritable inculturation du christianisme. Dans cet ouvrage ils abordent plusieurs questions fondamentales: comment évaluer les résultats et lacunes de l'action sanitaire des missions dans le passé? Les communautées chrétiennes actuelles doivent-elles porter le poids d'institutions mises en place hier? Quels rapports les Églises doivent-elles entretenir avec les organisations médicales officielles? Comment les Églises se situent-elles dans la dialectique 'foi-guérison' développée par certains groupes religieux? Plus profondément, comment poser les jalons d'une théologie de la santé et de la guérison? Trouver les reponses sur ces questions complexes c'est une tache très délicate.
French and English. :
1 online resource (xxi, 176 pages, [4] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004319868 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Global Chinese Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity /
This is the first scholarly volume on Chinese Christian Pentecostal and charismatic movements around the globe. The authors include the most active and renowned scholars of global Pentecostalism and Chinese Christianity, including Allan Anderson, Daniel Bays, Kim-twang Chan, Gordon Melton, Donald Miller, and Fenggang Yang. It covers historical linkages between Pentecostal missions and indigenous movements in greater China, contemporary charismatic congregations in China, Singapore, Malaysia, and the United States, and the Catholic charismatic renewal movement in China. The volume also engages discussion and disagreement on whether it is even appropriate to refer to many of the Chinese Christian movements as Pentecostal or charismatic. If not, are they primarily following cultural traditions, or upholding beliefs and practices in the Bible? Contributors are: Allan H. Anderson, Connie Au, Daniel H. Bays, Michel Chambon, Kim-kwong Chan, Weng Kit Cheong, Jiayin Hu, Ke-hsien Huang, Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, Karrie J. Koesel, Yi Liu, J. Gordon Melton, Donald E. Miller, Selena Y.Z. Su, Joy K.C. Tong, Yen-zen Tsai, Fenggang Yang, Rachel Xiaohong Zhu.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004342811 :
1876-2247 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.