Brandenburg-Preussen und die Niederlande : Zur Dynamik einer Nachbarschaft /
Während der Regierungszeit des Großen Kurfürsten Friedrich Wilhelm (Lebensdaten 1620-1688) zogen zahlreiche Künstler, Baumeister und Ingenieure aus den Niederlanden nach Brandenburg. Friedrich Wilhelm studierte in den Niederlanden, heiratete die oranische Prinzessin Luise Henriette und verlieh der Kultur, der Kunst und der Wissenschaft seines Landes ein ausgesprochen niederländisches Gepräge. Der fruchtbare Kontakt mit dem angesehenen Nachbarn im Westen - im Jahre 1614 wurde das Land Kleve Kurbrandenburg zugesprochen - setzte sich während des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts fort. Einige der in unserem Band gesammelten Aufsätze verschaffen ein Bild der auch heute noch sichtbaren Spuren dieses freundschaftlichen Verhältnisses. Die Architektur der Stadt Potsdam ist der lebendige Zeuge. Während des neunzehnten und des zwanzigsten Jahrhundert sind die Niederlande in Europa nicht mehr tonangebend und tritt an die Stelle der einseitigen Abhängigkeit eine produktive Wechselwirkung zwischen ihnen und Brandenburg-Preußen. In den vorliegenden Beiträgen wird aber vor allem der niederländische Einfluß dargestellt. Da kein Dichtername so stark mit Preußen und seiner umstrittenen Geschichte identifiziert wird wie derjenige Theodor Fontanes, bekommt Fontane mit seiner kritischen Bewertung Preußens in diesem Buch neben Potsdam den Ehrenplatz.
1 online resource (224 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Punt : die Suche nach dem 'Gottesland' /
Francis Breyer's Punt. Die Suche nach dem ›Gottesland‹ covers every aspect concerning Punt, this land known only from ancient Egyptian sources. Several disciplines have contributed to the discussion on its localization: Egyptology, Nubien Studies, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, and African Studies, among others. The various disciplines' arguments are carefully studied, especially with the history of research and the Zeitgeist in mind. For the very first time, the question is asked, which archaeological culture from the horn of Africa can be correlated to the data from the textual and iconographic sources, all of which are collected, translated and commented on. Breyer not only comprehensively reconstructs the entire organization of the Egyptian expeditions, id est participants, routes, trade goods, but also addresses the people of Punt, their cultural background and way of life.
1 online resource (xi, 800 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004322615 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Global studies directory : people, organizations, publications /
Publication of the Global Studies Directory represents an unprecedented project in world practice. Based on the professional assessment by a large international team of experts, the Directory offers information on the most well-known scholars, political and public figures who have made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of global studies or made a fundamental impact on the formation of global world. The Directory also contains comprehensive information about organizations, periodicals and special literature of direct relevance to the theory and practice of globalization and fully demonstrates the state of affairs in the field of study on a global level. This project is a continuation of many years of research which first resulted in the publication of the Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary , the companion publication to the Directory.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004353855 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism, Volume 2 : Collected Essays, 2006-2017 /
Eldon Jay Epp's second volume of collected essays consists of articles previously published during 2006-2017. All treat aspects of the New Testament textual criticism, but focus on historical and methodological issues relevant to constructing the earliest attainable text of New Testament writings. More specific emphasis falls upon the nature of textual transmission and the text-critical process, and heavily on the criteria employed in establishing that earliest available text. Moreover, textual grouping is examined at length, and prominent is the current approach to textual variants not approved for the constructed text, for they have stories to tell regarding theological, ethical, and real-life issues as the early Christian churches sought to work out their own status, practices, and destiny.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Ottomans and the Balkans : A Discussion of Historiography /
This discussion of historiography concerning the Ottoman Empire should be viewed in the context of our discipline's self-examination, which certainly has been encouraged by recent conflicts in southeastern Europe and the Middle East. Our contributors analyse the fashion in which the historiographies established in various national states have viewed the Ottoman Empire and its legacy. At the same time they discuss the links of twentieth-century historiography with the rich historical tradition of the Ottoman Empire itself, both in its metropolitan and its provincial forms. The struggle against anachronisms born from the nationalist paradigm in history doubtless constitutes the most important common feature of these otherwise very diverse studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :