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Showing 1 - 20 results of 299 for search '"Iran"', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
Caravansérails d'Iran et petites constructions routières /

: x, 153 pages, 12 leaves of plates : illustrations, maps (some folded) ; 36 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1970
Gramineae /

: Cover title. : 573 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Published 2017
Ästhetik, Politik und schiitische Repräsentation im zeitgenossischen Iran /

: In Ästhetik, Politik und schiitische Repräsentation im zeitgenössischen Iran zeigt Christian Funke die Verflechtungen von Politik, Protest und schiitischer Materialität in der Islamischen Republik auf. Das Buch legt anschaulich und vielschichtig dar, wie die Proteste von 2009 und die ›Grüne Bewegung‹ mit umfassenderen Diskursen über Demokratie, Identität, Geschichte und Gegenwart sowie Religion und Politik verknüpft waren. Funkes Argument fußt auf Interviews und intensiver Feldforschung und umfasst ein breites Themenfeld von Farben über Banknoten bis hin zu städtischer Raumordnung. Funke bietet einen neuen Ansatz zur Theorie und Methodologie von Religionsästhetik und wirft ein neues Licht auf die › Grüne Bewegung‹ , indem er die islamischen Ressourcen freilegt, mittels derer sich ihr Protest artikulierte. In Aesthetics, Politics, and Shiʿi Representation in Contemporary Iran Christian Funke explores the entangled relationship between politics, protest and Shiʿi materiality in the Islamic Republic. He shows how the post-election protests of 2009 and the 'Green Movement' were part of larger discourses on democracy, identity, the present and the past, and religion and politics. Funke's argument is based on extensive fieldwork and interviews. He covers a broad array of topics, ranging from the interpretation of colours to the use of banknotes to the emergence of an urban spatial order. Funke offers a novel approach to the methodology and theory of material religion and by revealing the Islamic undercurrents in the 'Green Movement', his book provides a new and more appropriate picture of protest and religion in Iran.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004347342 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1959
Calligraphers and painters : a treatise by Qādị̄ Ahṃad, son of Mīr-Munshī (circa A.H. 1015/A.D. 1606) /

: 223 p., [8] p. of plates ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-208) and indx.

Published 2005
L'archéologie de l'empire achéménide, nouvelles recherches : actes du colloque organisé au Collège de France par le "Réseau international d'études et de recherches achéménides," GD...

: 352 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm. : 2701801958

al-fan al-islami bibilad faris /

: 73 pages : Plats ; 25 cm : barakat.lib

Published 1985
The mantle of the Prophet : religion and politics in Iran /

: Digital copy is on the Internet Archive website. : 416 p. ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 391-395) and index. : 0671551973

Published 2014
Geschichtsschreibung und Sinngeschichte in Iran : historische Erzählungen von mongolischer Eroberung und Herrschaft, 1933-2011 /

: Bis heute werden die Eroberungen und die Herrschaft der Mongolen von vielen Iranerinnen und Iranern als traumatisches Ereignis oder gar als "Genozid" angesehen. Diese Einschätzung spiegeln auch die im Iran der Pahlavizeit und der Islamischen Republik publizierten Monographien und Artikel zur Mongolenzeit wider, die vor allem als Lehrbücher an Schulen und Hochschulen verwendet werden. Daher besteht der wesentliche Ansatz in Anja Pistor-Hatams Analyse dieser historischen Erzählungen im Sinn, den ihre Autorinnen und Autoren den kontingenten Ereignissen dieser Epoche geben. Dabei bedienen sie sich vielfach Kohärenzfiktionen, die der Konstruktion von (nationaler) Identität und Selbstgewißheit dienen, wie der Vorstellung vom Phönix aus der Asche: niemals wird eine fremde Macht "Iran" zerstören können, da es sich selbst nach dem "Mongolensturm" in neuem Glanz wieder erhob. The thirteenth-century Mongol invasions and their aftermath are largely seen as traumatic and even regarded as genocide by many Iranians. This is seen in the many texts on the subject published during the Pahlavi era and the Islamic Republic. In her book, Anja Pistor-Hatam takes a close look at these historical narratives and the meanings their authors give to the central events of this period. She explains how Iranian authors use fictions of coherence to construct their national identity as well as reassure themselves that there could never again be a power capable of destroying Iran.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004271876 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1975
Jawānib min al-ṣilāt al-thaqāfīyah bayna Miṣr wa-Īrān

: 326 24 CM

Street politics : poor people's movements in Iran /

: xxiii, 232 pages, [20] pages of plates : illustrations, map ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [201]-216) and index. : 9774244710

Published 2008
The genesis of the Bábí-Baháʼí faiths in Shíráz and Fárs /

: The Bábí and Baháʾí Faiths represent two of the most important religious movements of modern times. This book relates the story of the evolution of the Bábí-Baháʾí community, beginning with the birth of its founder, Siyyid ʾAlí-Muhammad, known as the Báb, in 1819 and then traced over the next century and a half in the city of his birth, Shíráz. Its author, Mírzá Habíbuʾlláh Afnán, was himself born in the house of the Báb, reared by the widow of the Báb, who shared with him many stories of the Báb's life, then spent nearly a year with Baháʾuʾlláh in the ʾAkka-Haifa area, and some ten years in close proximity to Baháʾuʾlláh's son ʾAbduʾl-Bahá. He served for the next half century as the hereditary custodian of the house of the Báb, and as such was uniquely qualified to tell the story of the Bábí-Baháʾí Faiths in the city of Shíráz in remarkable and moving detail.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [381]-384) and indexes. : 9789047442349 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Landlord and peasant in Persia : a study of land tenure and land revenue administration /

: 459 pages : map ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Tuḥaf zajj̄īyah wa-ballūrīyah min ʻasr al-usrah al-Qājārīyah : dirāsah athrīyah fannīyah li-namādhij min al-qarn 13 H./19 M. /

: 112 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm. : Bibliography : pages 20-23.

al-absiṭah al-Īrānīyah /

: An extract from the Book of : Turāth Fāris. : pages ; 24 cm.

al-fann al-Islāmī bi-bilād Fāris /

: An extract from the Book of : Turāth Fāris. : 73 pages : portraits ; 24 cm

Dirāsāt fī al-fann al-Fārisī : kitāb tadhkārī iḥtifāʼan bi-murūr 2500 ʻām ʻalá taʼsīs al-Imbarāṭūrīyah al-Fārisīyah /

: 93 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm : Includes bibliographical references.

Soieries persanes /

: xix, 251 pages : plates ; 29 cm. : Bibliograhy : pages [xi]-xix.

Published 2019
Tārīkh-i Shāh Ṣafī : Tārīkh-i taḥawwulāt-i Īrān dar sālhā-yi 1038-1052 HQ, bih inḍimām-i Mabādi-yi tārīkh-i zamān-i Nawwāb Riḍwān Makān (Shāh Ṣafī), Tārīkh-i taḥawwulāt-i Īrān dar...

: During the reign of Shāh ʿAbbās I (r. 996-1038/1587-1629), the Safavid state was at the top of its power and magnificence. When ʿAbbās died in 1038/1629, he was succeeded by his grandson Sam Mīrzā, son of former crown-prince Muḥammad Bāqir Mīrzā who had been murdered on his father's orders in Rasht in 1024/1615, taking on the name of Shāh Ṣafī. The reign of Shāh Ṣafī (r. 1038-52/1629-42) marks the beginning of a steady decline of the Safavid empire, ending with the deposition of its last ruler, Shāh ʿAbbās III, by Nādir Khān in 1148/1736. The present work by Abu ʼl-Mafākhir Tafrishī is a history of the reign of Shāh Ṣafī. Often based on the author's personal experience or on other eyewitness accounts, it is a welcome source of information on the reign of this cruel and incapable Safavid emperor. In the appendix: a short text on the reign of Shāh Ṣafī by the author's brother, Muḥammad Ḥusayn Tafrishī.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004405585

Published 1991
The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana /

: Inscriptions on buildings are a distinctive feature of Islamic architecture, and this book studies the 79 surviving monumental inscriptions in the Iranian world from the first five centuries of the Muslim era (A.D. 622-1106), the period in which all the major trends of monumental epigraphy in the area were set. These foundation, commemorative, and funerary texts come from the region between Iraq and Soviet Central Asia. Written primarily in Arabic, they embellished architectural monuments and furnishings whose nature implies the construction of major buildings. An extended introduction discusses such general topics as titulature, patronage, and stylistic development. Each text is then presented individually with photographs, drawings, transcriptions, translations and an extensive commentary, which presents the inscription in its larger palaeographic and historical contexts.
: 1 online resource (307 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004660816

Shi'ism in the twentieth century and the Islamic revolution of Iran /

: 65 pages ; 20 cm. : Bibliography : pages 61-65. : 9789759578220