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Published 2020
Migration and Islamic ethics : issues of residence, naturalization and citizenship /

: Migration and Islamic Ethics, Issues of Residence, Naturalization and Citizenship addresses how Islamic ethical and legal traditions can contribute to current global debates on migration and displacement; how Islamic ethics of muʾakha, ḍiyāfa, ijāra, amān, jiwār, sutra, kafāla, among others, may provide common ethical grounds for a new paradigm of social and political virtues applicable to all humanity, not only Muslims. The present volume more broadly defines the Islamic tradition to cover not only theology but also to encompass ethics, customs and social norms, as well as modern political, humanitarian and rights discourses. The first section addresses theorizations and conceptualizations using contemporary Islamic examples, mainly in the treatment of asylum-seekers and refugees; the second, contains empirical analyses of contemporary case studies; the third provides historical accounts of Muslim migratory experiences. Contributors are: Abbas Barzegar, Abdul Jaleel, Dina Taha, Khalid Abou El Fadl, Mettursun Beydulla, Radhika Kanchana, Ray Jureidini, Rebecca Gould, Said Fares Hassan, Sari Hanafi, Tahir Zaman.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographic references and index. : 9789004417342

Journal of Islamic Ethics.

: BRILLBRILLJ : 2468-5534

Reason and tradition in Islamic ethics /

: xv, 282 pages ; 24 cm. : Bibliography : pages 227-280.

Published 2021
Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm : Taha Abderrahmane's Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives /

: Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm explores the emerging ethical theory of the trusteeship paradigm as developed by the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abderrahmane (b. 1944). The volume, with contributions in English and Arabic, examines the development of this modern Islamic theory of ethics and how it permeates various disciplines: philosophy, theology, legal theory, moral theory, sociology and anthropology, communication, environment and biomedical ethics. The trusteeship paradigm aims to make ethics the compass of human thinking and action in order to overcome the predicaments humanity faces and realize a more just and balanced world. This makes of it one of the principal and profound ethical theories in Islamic scholarship that engages both classical and modern thought.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004438354

Published 2018
Islamic ethics and the genome question /

: Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question is one of the very first academic works, which examine the field of genomics from an Islamic perspective. This twelve-chapter volume presents the results from a pioneering seminar held in 2017 at the Research Center for Islamic Legislation andamp; Ethics, College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, in Qatar. The contributors to this volume, coming from different disciplines and specializations, approached the key ethical questions raised by the emerging field of genomics, viz. the Genome Question (GQ), from various angles and perspectives. Their shared thesis is that the breadth and depth of both the GQ and the Islamic tradition necessitate going beyond just producing quick answers in response to immediate questions. In order to accommodate the complexity and wide scope of the GQ, the volume included critical analyses of the ethical discourse on genomics, from outside the Islamic tradition. Within the Islamic tradition, the contributing authors explored how the QG can be better explored by involving insights from various disciplines including Quran exegesis, Islamic jurisprudence, philosophy and theology. Besides its interest for researchers and students specialized in ethics, bioethics and Islamic studies, this volume will be a source of important information for geneticists, genomicists and social scientists who are interested in the ethical discourse about genomics in the Muslim world. Contributors include Arzoo Ahmed, Abbas Amir, Saadia Bendenia, Mohammed Ghaly, Mutaz al-Khatib, Amara Naceur, Aasim I. Padela, Ayman Shabana, Trevor Stammers, Mehrunisha Suleman and Hub Zwart.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004392137

al-islam wa al-ta' awun /

: pages ; 24 cm

Traité d'éthique = تهذيب الأخلاق و تطهير الأعراق /‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪

: Translation of : تهذيب الأخلاق و تطهير الأعراق.‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ : xxxii, 359 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1969
Traité d'éthique /

: translation of : تهذيب الأخلاق و تطهير الأعراق.‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ : xxxii, 359 pages ; 24 cm.

Falsafat al-akhlāq fī al-Islām wa-ṣilātuhā bi-al-falsafah al-Ighrīqīyah /

: 249 pages ; 24 cm.

Al-Muntakhabāt /

: 2 volumes ; 24 cm.

Published 1985
Ethics in Islam /

: Published for the Gustave E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. : 127 pages : portraits ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0890031827

Tahdhib al-akhlaq /

: pages ; 24 cm.

Kitāb al-Akhlāq wa-al-siyar, aw, Risālat fī mudāwāt al-nufūs wa-tahdhīb al-akhlāq wa-al-zuhd fī al-radhāʼil /

: 90 pages ; 24 cm

Al-Ghazzālīʻs Mishkāt al-anwar = The niche for lights /

: 98 pages ; 24 cm.

kitab al-makhzun fI tasliyat almakhzun.

: 164 pages ; 24 cm

Published 2017
Ethics and spirituality in Islam : sufi adab /

: The notion of adab is at the heart of Arab-Islamic culture. Born in the crucible of the Arabic and Persian civilization, nourished by Greek and Indian influences, this polysemic notion could cover a variegated range of meanings: good behavior, knowledge of manners, etiquette, rules and belles-lettres and finally, literature. This collection of articles tries to explore how the formulations and reformulations of adab during the first centuries of Islam engage with the crucial period of the first great spiritual masters, exploring the importance of normativity, but also of transgression, in order to define the rules themselves. Assuming that adab is ethics, the articles analyse the genres of Sufi adab , including manuals and hagiographical accounts, from the formative period of Sufism until the modernity. Contributors are: Alberto F. Ambrosio, Nelly Amri, Francesco Chiabotti, Rachida Chih, Ralf Elger, Eve Feuillebois-Pierunek, Maria Chiara Giorda, Denis Gril, Paul L. Heck, Nathan Hofer, Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Annabel Keeler, Pierre Lory, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Erik S. Ohlander, Samuela Pagani, Luca Patrizi, Michele Petrone, Stefan Reichmuth, Lloyd Ridgeon, Elisha Russ-Fishbane, Florian Sobieroj, Renaud Soler, Jean-Jacques Thibon, Mikko Viitamäki.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004335134 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Kitāb al-ʻiqd al-farīd lil-malik al-saʻīd /

: 224, 3 pages ; 24 cm.

Kitab adab al-dunya wa al-din /

: iv, 330 pages ; 22 cm.

Published 2006
The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī /

: Using the most extensive collection hitherto of his published and unpublished writings, this volume provides a comprehensive, in-depth and interdisciplinary study of the ethical philosophy of al-Rāzī (1149-1210), a most outstanding and influential medieval philosopher-theologian. A complex picture emerges, across his philosophical, theological, ethical and juristic works, of a consistent and multi-layered ethical theory. Al-Rāzī departs from classical Ash'arī divine command ethics to develop both a consequentialist ethics of action, which seriously rivals Mu'tazili deontological ethics, and a perfectionist ethics of character. Within the latter framework, he sets out his later, teleological theory of prophecy. The volume includes the text, published for the first time, of one of al-Rāzī's latest and most fascinating works, Censure of the Pleasures of This World , which expresses pronounced moral and epistemological pessimism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047409007

Published 2019
Rasāʾil-i Ḥazīn-i Lāhijī /

: Born into a wealthy intellectual family in Isfahan, Muḥammad ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, better known as Ḥazīn Lāhijī (d. 1180/1766), was a particularly gifted child. Greatly stimulated by his father, he received a varied education: from literature and the traditional Islamic sciences to mysticism, logic, philosophy and more. Until the siege of Isfahan by the Afghans in 1135/1722, Ḥazīn lived mostly in that city. He then fled the capital, leading a wandering existence in Persia, Arabia and Iraq. Ten years later and seeing no future for Persia, he left the country for good to settle in India, dying in Benares, aged 74. Ḥazīn is mostly famous as a poet and intellectual who left his imprint on India's Persian-speaking, ruling élites. His attractive prose-pieces on a wide variety of subjects, from Qurʾān interpretation and knowledge of the soul to pearl-diving and the lifting of weights, are much less known. The present volume aims to fill this gap.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004401808