Recht en rechtspraak in Nederlands-Indië /
In Recht en rechtspraak in Nederlands-Indië wordt een overzicht verschaft van het ingewikkelde rechtsstelsel van Nederlands-Indië, zoals dat van 1848 tot 1950 functioneerde, en dat voor een groot deel is overgenomen door de Republiek Indonesia. Tot nu toe bestond zo'n beknopt overzicht niet. Het is bedoeld voor hen, die voor het eerst kennis maken met het recht van Nederlands-Indië en behoefte hebben aan een overzicht van de hoofdlijnen van het stelsel en de belangrijkste rechterlijke instellingen. Het is geschreven voor (rechts) historici, antropologen en andere geïnteresseerden in het Nederlands-Indische rechtsstelsel. Recht en rechtspraak in Nederlands-Indië is een bewerking van een inleiding geschreven voor het boek Nederlands-Indische jurisprudentie: Register op de geannoteerde rechtspraak in het "Indisch Tijdschrift van het Recht" (1949-1950) en de "Mededelingen van het Documentatiebureau voor Overzees Recht" (1950-1958) . Dit boekje kwam tot stand naar aanleiding van een opdracht voor een documentatieproject dat voor de Nederlandse Raad voor Juridische Samenwerking met Indonesië te Leiden werd uitgevoerd door het Van Vollenhoven Instituut van Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Studies in Modern Islamic Law and Jurisprudence /
This book shows 19th and 20th century Islamic Law as a dynamic process casting its net into the 21th century and shaping of major constitutional and legal developments in the Arab and Muslim worlds. The introduction and nine chapters of this volume provide insight into the ongoing transformation of the Shari'a into the law of a nation-state. The book contains studies on Marriage and Divorce, Contract Law in the new Civil Codes of Egypt, Iraq and Syria; the ideological springs of Muhammed 'Abduh's visionary program for the reconstruction of Shari'a, the place of Islamic law in the judicial doctrine and policy of the Egyptian State and Legal Capacity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Legal and Political Philosophy /
Legal and Political Philosophy , edited by Enrique Villanueva, is the first volume in the series Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy , published by Rodopi also under his editorship. It contains six original essays by leading political philosophers and philosophers of law (Waldron, Coleman, Postema, Shapiro, Sayre-McCord, and Kraus), along with critical papers on those essays, and replies. This is cutting edge work that elicits sharp responses already as it is published, with the debate joined as the authors reply. Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy is a new book series, edited by Enrique Villanueva, and published by Rodopi Publishers as part of Rodopi Philosophical Studies . The series will publish collections of new essays on topics in social or political or legal philosophy. New volumes will be published approximately every year or every other year.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The methodology of Maurice Hauriou : legal, sociological, philosophical /
This book shows that Hauriou's positivist and pragmatic jurisprudence and social theory, as well as their application to the study of institutions, is satisfactorily supported by his idealistic philosophy. The nine chapters first locate Hauriou's influences, then situate his disciplinary methodologies within methodology in general. The central chapters concern each of the three methodologies in turn.
1 online resource (xvi, 242 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789042030084 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Appeal to the people's court : rethinking law, judging, and punishment /
In Appeal to the People's Court: Rethinking Law, Judging, and Punishment , Vincent Luizzi turns to the goings on in courts at the lowest level of adjudication for fresh insights for rethinking these basic features of the legal order. In the pragmatic tradition of turning from fixed and unchanging conceptions, the work rejects the view of law as a set of black and white rules, of judging as the mechanical application of law to facts, and of punishment as a necessary, punitive response to crime. The author, a municipal judge and philosophy professor, joins theory and practice to feature the citizen in rethinking these institutions. The work includes a foreword by Richard Hull, special Guest Editor for this volume in Studies in Jurisprudence.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004365711 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Property, social structure, and law in the modern Middle East /
: Papers originally presented at a conference held at the Rockefeller Foundation Center in Bellagio, Italy, Nov. 1980, and sponsored by the Subcommittee on Law and Social Structure of the Joint Committee on the Near and Middle East of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council. : xv, 274 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : aIncludes bibliographical references and index. : 0873959876
Legal documents as sources for the history of Muslim societies : studies in honour of Rudolph Peters /
This volume is a tribute to the work of legal and social historian and Arabist Rudolph Peters (University of Amsterdam). Presenting case studies from different periods and areas of the Muslim world, the book examines the use of legal documents for the study of the history of Muslim societies. From examinations of the conceptual status of legal documents to comparative studies of the development of legal formulae and the socio-economic or political historical information documents contain, the aim is to approach legal documents as specialised texts belonging to a specific social domain, while simultaneously connecting them to other historical sources. It discusses the daily functioning of legal institutions, the reflections of regime changes on legal documentation, daily life, and the materiality of legal documents. Contributors are Maaike van Berkel, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Léon Buskens, Khaled Fahmy, Aharon Layish, Sergio Carro Martín, Brinkley Messick, Toru Miura, Christian Müller, Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Mathieu Tillier, and Amalia Zomeño.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004343733 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence : Meccan Fiqh before the Classical Schools /
The current view among Western scholars of Islam concerning the early development of Islamic jurisprudence was shaped by Joseph Schacht's famous study on the subject published 50 years ago. Since then new sources became available which make a critical review of his theories possible and desirable. This volume uses one of these sources to reconstruct the development of jurisprudence at Mecca, virtually unknown until now, from the beginnings until the middle of the second Islamic century. New methods of analysis are developed and tested in order to date the material contained in the earliest compilations of legal traditions more properly. As a result the origins of Islamic jurisprudence can be dated much earlier than claimed by Schacht and his school.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :